135 research outputs found

    Mycotoxins as one of the foodborne risks most susceptible to climatic change

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    The impact of climate change on agriculture and food safety is certain. This may affect mycotoxin concentrations as fungi with higher temperature optima for growth and mycotoxin production will dominate in regions with currently cooler climates, or become less prevalent as the temperatures become too high in areas where the temperature is already hot. In Serbia, recent drought and then flooding confirmed that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change. This paper ams to discuss the weather influence on the mycotoxicology situation and to point out the possibility of prediction and prevention of such future problems

    Ispitivanje efikasnosti različitih dodataka hrani za životinje na proizvodne rezultate brojlera tretiranih T-2 toksinom

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    Experiment was conducted on 160 one-day-old broiler chicks 'Ross' proveniention during 21 day. This research was done with the aim to investigate performances of broilers exposed to the relatively small amount of T-2 toxin (2 mg/kg) and the possibility of prevention and/or alleviating its adverse effects by using various feed additives. Results showed negative consequences of T-2 toxin on body weight, weight gain, feed: gain ratio. All used feed additives in the concentration of 0.2% in feed: inorganic (Minazel-plus, Mz) and organic (Mycosorb, Ms) adsorbents, as well as mixed adsorbent (Mycofix-plus, Mf) mostly alleviated negative effects of T-2 toxin.Rezultati istraživanja, koje je urađeno sa ciljem da se ispitaju proizvodni rezultati brojlera izloženih relativno malim količinama T-2 toksina (2 mg/kg), kao i i mogućnost sprečavanja i/ili ublažavanje njegovih Å”tetnih posledica posledice upotrebom različitih dodataka hrani za životinje, pokazali su negativne posledice T-2 toksina na telesnu masu, prirast i konverziju hrane. Svi primenjeni dodaci u koncentraciji od 0,2% u hrani: neorganski (Minazel plus, MZ), organski (Mycosorb, MS), kao i meÅ”oviti adsorbens (Mycofix plus, MF) najvećim delom su ublažili negativne efekte T-2 toksina. Pa ipak, kao najefikasniji pokazao se meÅ”oviti adsorbent. Naime, očigledno je da tokom svog metabolizma BBSH 797, kao sastavni deo Mycofix-a, proizvodi enzime de-epoksidaze koji degradiraju trihotecene selektivnim uniÅ”tavanjem njihove toksične 12,13-epoksi grupe. Kako je poznato da je 12,13-epoksi prsten trihotecena odgovoran za njegovu toksičnost, dodavanje specifičnih enzima (de-epoksidaza) posledično dovodi i do značajnog smanjenja toksičnosti. Na ovaj način je meÅ”oviti adsorbent najviÅ”e ublažio Å”tetno dejstvo T-2 toksina na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

    Efikasnost detoksikujućeg agensa kod T-2 toksikoze brojlera

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    This investigation was conducted in order to investigate the efficacy of the detoxifying agent MycofixĀ® Plus (MP) in the prevention and/or alleviation in vivo adverse effects of T-2 toxin in broilers. In addition, the adsorbing potential of MP was estimated in vitro. Mean degradation levels of T-2 toxin with MP in vitro, as measured by HPTLC, varied from 26.06 to 31.02 % and the adsorption ability was elevated in acidic environment (pH 3). In vivo trial was performed on 160 one day old 'Ross' broiler chicks and lasted for 21 days. Birds were divided into 4 equal groups as follows: Group 1 - negative control; Group 2 - positive control - 2 ppm T-2 toxin; Group 3 - 2 ppm T-2 toxin+2 kg/t MP; Group 4 - 2 kg/t MP. Broilers fed the diet containing 2 mg/kg of T-2 toxin without MP developed typical T-2 toxicosis. Birds that were fed the diet containing both T-2 and MP had better performances and no oral ulcerations as the dominant sign of T-2 toxicosis were observed. Histopathological examination of tissues originating from birds fed the diet containing T-2 toxin revealed degenerative changes in the oral and small intestine mucosa, necroses of enterocytes and hepatocytes, as well as depletion of lymphocytes in the bursa Fabricii. Immunohistochemical examination also revealed negative effects of T-2 toxin on cells proliferation in intestineal and bile duct mucosa, as well as on lymphocytes from bursa Fabricii. The macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver, intestine and bursa Fabricii of broilers fed a diet containing T-2 toxin and MP was mostly preserved. Cutaneous basophile hypersensitivity reaction was weaker in broilers fed mixtures containing 2 mg/kg T-2 toxin.U cilju ispitivanja efikasnosti detoksikujućeg agensa MycofixĀ® Plus (MP) na preveniranje ili ublažavanje Å”tetnih efekata T-2 toksikoze kod brojlera izvedena su ispitivanja u in vitro uslovima, kao i in vivo ogled. Prosečne vrednosti degradacije T-2 toksina od strane MP u in vitro uslovima, ustanovljene HPTLC metodom, su iznosile 26,06 do 31,02 %, pri čemu je konstatovana veća sposobnost adsorpcije ovog toksina u kiseloj sredini (pH 3). In vivo ogled je bio postavljen na 160 jednodnevnih brojlera provenijencije 'Ross', podeljenih u 4 eksperimentalne grupe sa po 40 jedinki u svakoj i trajao je 21 dan. Praćenjem zdravstvenog stanja, kliničke slike i proizvodnih rezultata, kod brojlera koji su u hrani dobijali umeÅ”an T-2 toksin u količini od 2 mg/kg, konstatovani su karakteristični simptomi za T-2 toksikozu. Kod brojlera koji su uz toksin, hranom dobijali iMP, konstatovani su zaÅ”titni efekti u vidu izostanka ulceracija u usnoj duplji i boljih proizvodnih rezultata u odnosu na brojlere koji su dobijali samo T-2 toksin. PatohistoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima uočeni su negativni efekti T-2 toksina u svim ispitivanim organima u vidu degenerativnih promena na sluzokoži usne duplje i tankog creva, nekroza enterocita i hepatocita kao i deplecija limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjima uočeni su negativni efekti T-2 toksina na proliferativnu aktivnost ćelija mukoze creva, žučnih kanala i limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Kod brojlera koji su putem hrane dobijali T-2 toksin i adsorbens MP, zapaža se uglavnom očuvana makroskopska i mikroskopska struktura jetre, creva i Fabricijeve burze. Reakcija kožne preosetljivosti na PHA je bila slabija kod brojlera koji su hranom dobijali samo T-2 toksin

    The importance of comorbidity on the survival of patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Uvod: Komorbiditeti su bolesti ili stanja koja postoje pored glavnog oboljenja. Komorbidne bolesti mogu da utiču na izbor lečenja, kao i na stopu preživljavanja. Instrumenti za procenu komorbiditeta mogu biti: opÅ”ti - mere stepen komorbiditeta kod različitih oboljenja npr. Čarlsonov indeks komorbiditeta (Charlson Comorbidity Index ili CCI) i specifični - mere stepen komorbiditeta kod određenog oboljenja npr. Procena komorbiditeta kod odraslih-27 indeks (Adult Comorbidity Evaluation-27 index ili ACE-27 index). Ciljevi rada su: Ispitati značaj komorbiditeta za preživljavanje bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom larinksa pomoću CCI i ACE-27 indeksa; Odrediti da li postoji razlika u učestalosti javljanja komorbiditeta i u dužini preživljavanja između bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom supraglotisa u odnosu na bolesnike s karcinomom glotisa; Ispitati značaj opÅ”teg (CCI) i specifičnog (ACE-27) indeksa u proceni preživljavanja bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom larinksa. Materijal i metode: U studiju je uključeno 177 novoobolelih od planocelularnog karcinoma larinksa (T1-T4) koji su lečeni hirurÅ”ki ili hirurÅ”ki u kombinaciji s postoperacionom radioterapijom u Klinici za otorinolaringologiju i maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije u periodu od 1.1.2000. do 31.12.2003. godine. Podaci o bolesnicima su prikupljeni iz istorija bolesti, patohistoloÅ”kih izveÅ”taja i registra za maligna oboljenja. U statističkoj analizi podataka koriŔćena je krivulja preživljavanja prema Kaplanu i Mejeru (Meier), log-rank test, Koksov (Cox) proporcionalni hazardni model, Man-Vitnijev (Mann-Whitney) test i Kruskal-Volisov (Kruskal-Wallis) test. Rezultati: Prema CCI, 40,1% (71) bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom larinksa je imalo komorbidne bolesti od kojih su najčeŔće bile kardiovaskularne (40,3%), respiratorne (27,8%) i gastrointestinalne (14,4%). Međutim, prema ACE-27 indeksu, 66,7% (118) bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom je imalo komorbidne bolesti a najčeŔće su bile kardiovaskularne (53,1%), respiratorne (15,6%) i gastrointestinalne (8,8%). Skoro svaki četvrti oboleli je imao dve ili viÅ”e komorbidnih bolesti prema CCI, kao i prema ACE-27 indeksu...Introduction: Comorbidities are diseases or conditions that coexist with the disease of interest. Comorbid diseases can influence the treatment of choice as well as the rate of survival. Comorbidity assessment instruments can be: general - measure the burden of comorbidity across a wide range of index conditions (the Charlson Comorbidity Index or CCI) and specific - measure the overall severity of comorbidity for a particular index disease (the Adult Comorbidity Evaluation-27 or ACE-27 index). Objectives: To examine the importance of comorbidity in the survival of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx using CCI and ACE-27 index, to determine whether there is a difference in the frequency of comorbidity and survival in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottis than patients with glottic cancer, and to examine the importance of general (CCI) and specific (ACE-27) index to estimate survival of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. Material and Methods: The study included 177 new cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T1-T4) that were treated by surgery only or in combination with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2003. The study data were obtained from medical records, pathology reports, and tumour registry abstracts. For the statistical analysis of data the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, the log-rank test, the Cox proportional hazards regression model, the Mann-Whitney and the Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. Results: According to the CCI, 40.1% (71) patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma had comorbid diseases. The most frequent comorbid ailments were related to the cardiovascular (40.3%), respiratory (27.8%) and gastrointestinal systems (14.4%). However when using the ACE-27 index it was found that 66.7% (118) had these same diseases..

    Improved DNA-based identification of cervidae species in forensic investigations

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    The main reasons for wildlife forensic research are animal poaching, illegal trade, and falsified game meat products. Small trace amounts, old and degraded materials present the most common samples in revealing criminal activities in this field. This is the reason why it is crucial to use adequate and reliable methods and samples to identify animal species killed outside the hunting season or species protected by law. In this study, different endpoint PCR and real-time PCR protocols were compared in the identification of three Cervidae species (Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, Dama dama) from old and damaged material found in an enclosed area where the animals were kept. From a total of 129 samples, end point PCR provided results for 119 samples, while real-time PCR was successful in all cases. Also, we created and tested a protocol for simultaneous analyses of different types of samples, which is of great importance as when the amplification is carried out simultaneously it is more cost efficient and speeds up the process

    Kongenitalna kifoza u torakalnom delu kičme usled prisustva hemivertebre kod Ŕteneta mopsa

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    Congenital spine deformation caused by vertebral malformation is reported in different brachycephalic dog breeds, but also in other large dog breeds. The most severe clinical signs are due to spinal cord compression. Depending on localisation of the lesion, clinical signs can manifest differently. A five-month-old pug was brought for autopsy to the Department of Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade. The first clinical signs, including general weakness and difficulty to jump appeared when he was three and a half months old. They became more severe until the dog was four months old. Radiography and myelography showed severe kyphosis and spinal cord compression in the T8-T9 region. After euthanasia, an autopsy was performed. Pathomorphological examination showed severe deformation of the spine, kyphosis and a wedge-shaped T8 vertebra. Although, literature data indicates that clinical signs can be latent until five or six months of age, this case shows that even in young puppies, three to four months old, serious clinical signs can be present. This is of great clinical importance, not just for veterinarians, but also for brachycephalic dog owners and breeders.Kongenitalne deformacije kičme uzrokovane malformacijama na vertebrama javljaju se kod različitih brahicefaličnih rasa, ali se mogu javiti i kod velikih rasa pasa. Najteži klinički simptomi se javljaju usled kompresije kičmene moždine. U zavisnosti od lokalizacije lezije, simptomi se mogu različito manifestovati. LeÅ” mopsa starosti pet meseci doneÅ”en je zbog obdukcije na Katedru za sudsku veterinarsku medicinu, Fakulteta veterinarske medicine Univerziteta u Beogradu. Prvi klinički simptomi, u vidu opÅ”te slabosti i poteÅ”koća pri skakanju, javili su se kada je Å”tene bilo staro tri i po meseca. Simptomi su u četvrtom mesecu postali mnogo ozbiljniji. Nativno rendgensko i mijelografsko snimanje pokazalo je uznapredovali stepen kifoze i kompresije kičmene moždine u T8-T9 regionu kičme. Nakon eutanazije, pas je obdukovan. PatomorfoloÅ”ki nalaz ukazao je na ozbiljnu deformaciju kičme, izraženu kifozu i klinast oblik T8 prÅ”ljena. Iako literaturni podaci ukazuju da klinički simptomi mogu biti nezapaženi sve do pet ili Å”est meseci starosti, ovaj slučaj pokazuje da čak kod mlade Å”tenadi, starosti tri do četiri meseca, mogu biti prisutni ozbiljni simptomi. Ova činjenica je od velikog značaja, ne samo za veterinare, već i za odgajivače i vlasnike brahicefaličnih rasa pasa

    Prevention of allergic rhinitis in school-age children

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    Prevention of allergic rhinitis (AR) involves primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures. Causes for the early onset of AR may bepoor maternal habits during pregnancy (smoking, drinking, intoxicants, etc.) and poor nutrition. At birth, early termination of the natural diet through breastfeeding, early exposure of the infant to tobacco smoke or allergens may also be causes of the disease. Early detection of at-risk families, with the aforementioned reasons, implies primary preventive measures. Secondary preventive measures relate to the elimination or reduction of allergens and the fight against infection. The target population is AR, with the aim of stopping the allergic march. The definitive goal is to change the dominance of Th2 to the Th1 immune response. Tertiary preventive measures are related to early medication and early immunotherapy. AR treatment principles can also be applied to local allergic rhinitis (LAR). The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of preventive measures for the prevention of allergic rhinitis and its comorbidities in school-age children.Prevencija alergijskog rinitisa (AR) obuhvata mere primarne, sekundarne i tercijarne prevencije. Razlog ranoj pojavi AR mogu biti loÅ”e navike majke to- kom trudnoće (puÅ”enje, konzumiranje alkohola, opojnih supstanci, itd.) i ne- adekvatna ishrana. Po rođenju rani prekid prirodne ishrane putem dojenja, rana izloženost odojčeta duvanskom dimu ili alergenima takođe mogu biti razlozi pojavi bolesti. Rana detekcija rizičnih porodica uz ranije spomenute razloge podrazumevaju mere primarne prevencije. Mere sekundarne prevencije odnose se na eliminaciju odnosno redukciju alergena i borbu protiv infekcije. Ciljna populacija su oboleli od AR, sa ciljem da se prekine alergijski marÅ”. Definitivni cilj je promena dominacije Th2 prema Th1 imunoloÅ”kom odgovo- ru. Mere tercijarne prevencije odnose se na rano medikamentno lečenje i ranu imunoterapiju. Principi lečenja koji važe za AR mogu se isto tako primeniti kod lokalnog alergijskog rinitisa (LAR). Cilj rada je da ukaže na značaj mera prevencije za sprečavanje nastanka alergijskog rinitisa i njegovih komorbiditeta kod dece Å”kolskog uzrasta

    Iznenadno uginuće mačke kao posledica infekcije uzrokovane sa Dirofilaria immitis

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    The paper presents a case of sudden death in a cat as a result of infection with Dirofilaria immitis. Dirofilariosis in cats is rarely encountered in our country, and its incidence in the world ranges from 0.8% to 23%. As a consequence of the parasitism of adult forms, due to damage to the endothelium of the lung artery and its branches, endoarteritis occurs and thromboembolia develops, or lung fibrosis, with the frequent appearance of the phenomenon of "sudden death". Pathoanatomical examinations of the right heart ventricle and lung arteria showed 5 adult forms of cylindrical parasites, which, according to their place of parasitism and morphological appearance correspond to the finding of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis). Pathohistological examinations of lung tissue sections revealed intensive edema in the lungs, that occurred as a consequence of the parasitism of adult forms of Dirofilaria immitis in the right heart ventricle and the lung artery and its branches. It was confirmed in this way that sudden death occurred as a result of the parasitism of heartworm Dirofilaria immitis. .U radu je prikazan slučaj iznenadnog uginuća mačke kao posledica infekcije uzrokovane parazitom Dirofilaria immitis. Dirofilarioza mačaka se kod nas retko nalazi, a frekvencija pojavljivanja u svetu je od 0,8 posto do 23 posto. Kao posledica parazitiranja odraslih oblika, usled oÅ”tećenja endotela plućne arterije i njenih grana nastaje razvoj endoarteritisa sa posledičnom tromboembolijom ili fibrozom pluća i čestim iznenadnim uginućem. Patoanatomskim pregledom u desnoj srčanoj komori i plućnoj arteriji uočeno je pet odraslih oblika valjkastih parazita koji prema svom mestu parazitiranja i morfoloÅ”kom izgledu odgovaraju nalazu Dirofilaria immitis. PatohistoloÅ”kim pregledom isečaka tkiva pluća ustanovljen je intenzivni edem pluća koji se javio kao posledica parazitiranja odraslih oblika Dirofilaria immitis u desnoj srčanoj komori, plućnoj arteriji i njenim ograncima. Na ovaj način potvrđeno je da je iznenadno uginuće nastupilo kao posledica oÅ”tećenja izazvanih parazitom Dirofilaria immitis.


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    A study was conducted to determine the hot water extractable organic carbon (HWOC) in 9 arable and 3 non arable soil samples on Haplic Chernozem. The hot water extractable carbon represents assimilative component of the total organic matter (OM) that could contain readily available nutrients for plant growth. The obtained fraction of organic carbon (C) makes up only a small percentage of the soil OM and directly reflects the changes in the rhizosphere. This labile fraction of the organic matter was separated by hot water extraction at 80Ā°C. In our study the HWOC content in different samples ranged from 125 mg g-1 to 226 mg g-1. On the plots that are under native vegetation, higher values were determined (316 mg g-1 to 388 mg g-1). Whereas samples from arable soils were lower in HWOC. It was found that this extraction method can be successfully used to explain the dynamics of the soil OM. Soil samples with lower content of the total OM had lower HWOC content, indicating that the preservation of the OM depends on the renewal of its labile fractions
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