10 research outputs found

    Homotopical Smallness and Closeness

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the concepts of homotopical smallness and closeness. These are the properties of homotopical classes of maps that are related to recent developments in homotopy theory and to the construction of universal covering spaces for non-semilocally simply connected spaces, in particular to the properties of being homotopically Hausdorff and homotopically path Hausdorff. The definitions of notions in question and their role in homotopy theory are complemented by examples, extensional classifications, universal constructions and known applicationsComment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Countable Groups as Fundamental Groups of Compacta in Four-Dimensional Euclidean Space

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    This dissertation addresses the question of realization of countable groups as funda- mental groups of continuum. In first chapter we discuss classical realizations in the category of CW complexes. We introduce Eilenberg-Maclane spaces and their topological properties. The second chapter provides recent developments on realization question such as those of Shelah, Keesling, ... The third chapter proves the realization theorem for countable groups. The re- sulting space is compact path connected, connected subspace of four dimensional Euclidean space

    Leibniz International Proceedings in Information, LIPIcs

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    Smallest enclosing spheres of finite point sets are central to methods in topological data analysis. Focusing on Bregman divergences to measure dissimilarity, we prove bounds on the location of the center of a smallest enclosing sphere. These bounds depend on the range of radii for which Bregman balls are convex

    Topological data analysis in information space

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    Various kinds of data are routinely represented as discrete probability distributions. Examples include text documents summarized by histograms of word occurrences and images represented as histograms of oriented gradients. Viewing a discrete probability distribution as a point in the standard simplex of the appropriate dimension, we can understand collections of such objects in geometric and topological terms. Importantly, instead of using the standard Euclidean distance, we look into dissimilarity measures with information-theoretic justification, and we develop the theory needed for applying topological data analysis in this setting. In doing so, we emphasize constructions that enable the usage of existing computational topology software in this context

    A new topology on the universal path space

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    We generalize Brazas’ topology on the fundamental group to the whole universal path space X˜ i.e., to the set of homotopy classes of all based paths. We develop basic properties of the new notion and provide a complete comparison of the obtained topology with the established topologies, in particular with the Lasso topology and the CO topology, i.e., the topology that is induced by the compact-open topology. It turns out that the new topology is the finest topology contained in the CO topology, for which the action of the fundamental group on the universal path space is a continuous group action

    Higson compactification and dimension raising

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    Let X and Y be proper metric spaces. We show that a coarsely n-to-1 map f:X→Y induces an n-to-1 map of Higson coronas. This viewpoint turns out to be successful in showing that the classical dimension raising theorems hold in large scale; that is, if f:X→Y is a coarsely n-to-1 map between proper metric spaces X and Y then asdim(Y)≤asdim(X)+n−1. Furthermore we introduce coarsely open coarsely n-to-1 maps, which include the natural quotient maps via a finite group action, and prove that they preserve the asymptotic dimension