500 research outputs found

    Radiation protection lessons

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    Neutrino radiation hazard at the planned CERN neutrino factory

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    This note briefly discusses the radiation hazard which may be posed by the neutrino radiation generated in the decay of an intense 50GeV muon beam circulating in the storage ring of a future Neutrino Factory. Of the various options which are being considered for the decay ring, for the present estimate the triangle-shaped one, with three arms of equal length, was taken into account. The neutrinos emerging from the ground along a direction which is the prolongation of the arm pointing towards the surface may represent a local radiation hazard. Assuming 10 21 muons per year, the annual dose equivalent will exceed 15m mSv

    A preliminary design of a dump for 2.2 GeV, 4MW proton beam

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    This note provides a first conceptual design of a dump to absorb the 4 MW proton beam emerging from the pion production target of a future CERN Neutrino Factory. This device has to be specially designed to cope with the enormous heating power density of the beam. The note deals with the design of the device from a thermal point of view only, without taking into account radiation issues

    Response of a BGO detector to photon and neutron sources: simulations and measurements

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    In this paper Monte Carlo simulations (FLUKA) and measurements of the response of a BGO detector are reported. %For the measurements different radioactive sources were used to irradiate the BGO crystal. For the measurements three low-energy photon emitters (60Co,\left({}^{60}\rm{Co},\right. 54Mn,{}^{54}\rm{Mn}, 137Cs)\left. {}^{137}\rm{Cs}\right) were used to irradiate the BGO from various distances and angles. The neutron response was measured with an Am--Be neutron source. Simulations of the experimental irradiations were carried out. Our study can also be considered as a benchmark for FLUKA in terms of its reliability to predict the detector response of a BGO scintillator

    High Intensity Commissioning of the SPS LSS4 extraction for CNGS

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    The SPS LSS4 fast extraction system will serve both the anti-clockwise ring of the LHC and the CERN Gran Sasso Neutrino project (CNGS). CNGS requires 2 fast extractions of 10.5 microsecond long batches, 50 milliseconds apart. Each batch will consist of 2.4 × 1013 protons at 400 GeV. These intensities are factor of 10 above the equipment damage limit in case of beam loss. Active (interlock system) and passive protection systems have to be in place to guarantee safe operation and to respect the radiation limits in zones close to the extraction region. In summer 2006 CNGS was commissioned including extraction with high intensity. A thorough setting-up of the CNGS extraction was carried out as part of the CNGS commissioning, including aperture and beam loss measurements, and defining and checking of interlock thresholds for extraction trajectory, beam loss monitors and radiation monitors. The relevant systems and risks are introduced in this paper, the commissioning results are summarised and comparisons with simulation predictions are presented

    Commissioning of the CNGS Extraction in SPS LSS4

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    The CNGS project (CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso) aims at directly detecting νμ - Î½Ï oscillations. For this purpose an intense νμ beam is generated at CERN and directed towards LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) in Italy, about 730 km from CERN. The neutrinos are generated from the decay of pions and kaons which are produced by 400 GeV protons hitting a graphite target. The protons are extracted from the SPS straight section 4 (LSS4) in two 10.5 ï­s batches, nominally 2.4 Ñ 1013 protons each, at an interval of 50 ms. The high intensity extracted beam can cause damage to equipment if lost in an uncontrolled way, with the extraction elements particularly at risk. In addition, the beam losses at extraction must be very well controlled to avoid unacceptably high levels of radiation. To guarantee safe operation and limit radiation, the LSS4 extraction system was thoroughly commissioned with beam during the CNGS commissioning in summer 2006. The obtained results in terms of aperture in the extraction channel, longitudinal loss patterns, extraction losses and radiation during nominal operation are summarised in this note

    Design Considerations for the PS2 Beam Dumps

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    The different beam dump functionalities required for the proposed PS2 machine and its transfer lines are briefly described, followed by first estimates about the expected beam loads. This data has been taken as input for comparing the different technical options for the dump systems, in particular to simulate the radiological impact for internal or external beam dump options. The numbers derived have been used to help decide which of the feasible technical alternatives are preferred

    Radiation protection issues after 20 years of LHC operation

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    Since November 2009, the LHC commissioning progresses very well, both with proton and lead beams. It will continue in 2011 and nominal LHC operation is expected to be attained in 2013. In parallel, plans for various LHC upgrades are under discussion, suggesting a High-Luminosity (HL) upgrade first and a High-Energy (HE) upgrade in a later state. Whereas the upgrade in luminosity would require the modification of only some few key accelerator components like the inner triplets, the upgrade in beam energy from 7 TeV to 16.5 TeV would require the exchange of all dipoles and of numerous other accelerator components. The paper gives an overview of the radiation protection issues related to the dismantling of LHC components prior to the installation of the HE-LHC components, i.e. after about 20 years of LHC operation. Two main topics will be discussed: (i) the exposure of workers to ionizing radiation during the dismantling of dipoles, inner triplets or collimators and experiments and (ii) the production, conditioning, interim storage and final disposal of radioactive waste.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the EuCARD-AccNet-EuroLumi Workshop: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider, Malta, 14 -- 16 Oct 2010; CERN Yellow Report CERN-2011-003, pp. 134-13

    Indirect Self-Modulation Instability Measurement Concept for the AWAKE Proton Beam

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    AWAKE, the Advanced Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment, is a proof-of-principle R&D experiment at CERN using a 400 GeV/c proton beam from the CERN SPS (longitudinal beam size sigma_z = 12 cm) which will be sent into a 10 m long plasma section with a nominal density of approx. 7x10^14 atoms/cm3 (plasma wavelength lambda_p = 1.2mm). In this paper we show that by measuring the time integrated transverse profile of the proton bunch at two locations downstream of the AWAKE plasma, information about the occurrence of the self-modulation instability (SMI) can be inferred. In particular we show that measuring defocused protons with an angle of 1 mrad corresponds to having electric fields in the order of GV/m and fully developed self-modulation of the proton bunch. Additionally, by measuring the defocused beam edge of the self-modulated bunch, information about the growth rate of the instability can be extracted. If hosing instability occurs, it could be detected by measuring a non-uniform defocused beam shape with changing radius. Using a 1 mm thick Chromox scintillation screen for imaging of the self-modulated proton bunch, an edge resolution of 0.6 mm and hence a SMI saturation point resolution of 1.2 m can be achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, EAAC conference proceeding