2,699 research outputs found


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    Anxiety and the disabled

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    Large scale modeling of the transport, chemical transformation and mass budget of the sulfur emitted during the April 2007 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise

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    In April 2007, the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion island) entered into its biggest eruption recorded in the last century. Due to the absence of a sensors network in the vicinity of the volcano, an estimation of degassing during the paroxysmal phase of the event has not been performed. Nevertheless, the SO<sub>2</sub> plume and aerosols have been observed by the OMI and CALIOP space sensors, respectively. The mesoscale chemical model MesoNH-C simulates the observed bulk mass of SO<sub>2</sub> and the general shape of the SO<sub>2</sub> plume spreading over the Indian Ocean. Moreover, an analysis of the SO<sub>2</sub> plume budget estimates a total SO<sub>2</sub> release of 230 kt, among of which 60 kt have been transformed into H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>. 27 kt of SO<sub>2</sub> and 21 kt of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> have been deposited at the surface by dry deposition. With this top down approach, the temporal evolution of the SO<sub>2</sub> emission has been estimated during the most active period of the eruption. The peak of degassing was estimated at 1800 kg s<sup>−1</sup> in the morning of 6~April. The temporal evolution of SO<sub>2</sub> emission presented here can also be used for local studies

    Access to information in Switzerland : From secrecy to transparency

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    Access to information legislations are now present in over 50 countries world-wide. Lagging behind some of its own Cantons, the Swiss Federal government was until recently one of the few hold outs in Europe. But, in December 2004, the Confederation voted the 'Loi sur la Transparence de l'administration' or Law on Transparency (LTrans) a Law that came into effect in July 2006. This paper presents an overview of the new Law and underlines the main institutional challenges to its introduction in Switzerland

    Les stratégies des organisations publiques pour éviter l'accès à l'information

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    Les lois sur l'accès à l'information contraignent les gouvernements et les administrations publiques à la transparence et ainsi à divulguer l'information dont ils disposent. Pourtant, si ces lois ont permis d'accroître l'information des citoyens, on constate que de nombreuses organisations publiques cherchent toujours à dissimuler de l'information alors qu'aucun intérêt public ou privé prépondérant ne justifie ce comportement. Cet article établit une typologie de ces comportements, les décrit et les illustre au travers de nombreux exemples

    Transparence et accès à l'information : typologie des comportements organisationnels des administrations publiques visant à limiter l'accès à l'information

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    La transparence de l'action gouvernementale et des administrations publiques est devenue une exigence démocratique inscrite dans de nombreux pays dans des lois sur l'accès à l'information. Or, si ces lois ont permis d'accroître l'information des citoyens, on constate toujours que de nombreuses organisations publiques cherchent à dissimuler de l'information alors qu'aucun intérêt public ou privé prépondérant ne justifie ce comportement. Ce working paper établit une typologie de ces comportements et les décrit avec notamment de nombreux exemples tirés des expériences faites aux USA, au Canada et en Suisse

    Le Tactilo : au coeur du débat sur la régulation des jeux de hasard et d'argent

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    Dans plusieurs pays (Suisse, France, États-Unis, Royaume-Uni), le cadre de régulation des jeux de hasard et d'argent est différencié selon la nature et la forme des jeux. Ainsi, le système suisse est régulé différemment suivant qu'il s'agit de loteries et de paris ou de casinos. Dans chacun de ces deux cas, un cadre juridique et de régulation diffèrent s'applique. Le système devient complexe lorsque certains jeux ou opérations ne peuvent pas être clairement attribués à un système de régulation ou à un autre ou lorsque des conflits de compétence interviennent entre les autorités de régulation. C'est le cas du Tactilo. Ce working paper présente de manière synthétique les différents aspects de la régulation de ce nouveau mode de distribution des jeux que sont les automates de type Tactilo et discute les développements légaux et les implications financières entourant ce débat. Ces éléments permettent de comprendre le débat actuel et de mieux comprendre les enjeux de la décision attendue du Tribunal fédéral dans ce dossier. Le Tactilo, un jeu de loterie ou un jeu de casino...

    Délimitation des périmètres de protection des puits de pompage en zone agricole à l'aide de la simulation mathématique

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    Un périmètre de protection de puits de pompage est la surface entourant le puits, dans laquelle des mesures sont prises pour empêcher des contaminants de migrer et de contaminer l'eau de ce puits. Dans l'établissement des périmètres de protection, de nombreux facteurs doivent être considérés, et une approche analytique systématique doit être adoptée. Les modèles mathématiques de simulation peuvent être employés en ce sens et sont souvent les seules méthodes capables de déterminer les périmètres de protection quand des critères quantitatifs sont utilisés. Une telle approche a été appliquée, en couplant un modèle de transport de contaminant en zone non saturée avec un modèle de transport en zone saturée. Le modèle en zone non saturée VULPEST évalue les concentrations de pesticide atteignant la nappe. Ces concentrations sont ensuite utilisées comme données d'entrée du modèle en zone saturée. Ce dernier considère les vitesses d'écoulement et l'influence de chaque puits. Les résultats quantitatifs permettent alors la détermination de périmètres de protection spécifiques à chaque contaminant potentiel. Cette application, réalisée sur un important site de culture de la pomme de terre du Québec, e permis de comparer favorablement les concentrations prédites à celles mesurées dans l'eau d'un puits, et de déterminer le périmètre de protection spécifique au pesticide utilisé. Le cas présenté est un exemple des applications possibles et futures d'une telle méthode pour la détermination des périmètres de protection des puits de pompage.A wellhead protection area is the surface and subsurface area surrounding a waterwell through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach. In the past, various approaches have been taken to delineate wellhead protection areas : fixed circles or rings around the well; simplified variable shapes based on geo-hydrologic mapping and classification ; zones with prescribed minimum travel times. However, in establishing wellhead protection areas, many factors need to be considered : zone of influence around the well; well recharge area; flow paths; transport velocities; travel times; sources and types of contamination. To determine a site-specific wellhead protection area, a systematic analytic approach must be taken. Mathematical simulation models may be employed and are often the only method capable to determine the wellhead protection area when quantitative criteria are used.Such an approach can be used in agricultural zones, where pesticides are applied, by coupling a solute transport modal for the unsaturated zone with a saturated zone transport model. The (unsaturated zone) VULPEST model is an evaluation tool for the groundwater contamination by pesticides based on the transport modeling. Developed as a management tool, it permits the evaluation of the groundwater vulnerability to pesticides in terme of risk of contamination. It evaluates the concentrations of pesticide that reach the water table, taking into account the spatial variability of hydrodynamic, physical and physicochemical parameters of the soil. The variability of parameters is taken into account in the Monte Carlo approach. This approach consists of carrying out a sufficient number of simulations so that the distribution of values assigned to each parameter, these values being randomly selected from a chosen probability distribution, approximates the given distribution.The concentrations obtained from the VULPEST model are used as input data in the model which simulates the transport and the fate of the contaminant in the saturated zone. This model uses the finite difference technique to simulate flow and solute transport. It considers the flow velocities and the influence of each well. In steady state conditions, the linked transport models in unsaturated and saturated zones may be considered independent. The quantitative results obtained by these means determine the vulnerability level of the well. Finally, they permit the delineation of the wellhead protection area for a specific contaminant, that is a given pesticide.An application was performed to an important potato crop area in Quebec. Few years ago, this site has shown a contamination of the well water by the pesticide aldicarb. The cultivated soil consists of marine and fluvial sand with medium to coarse grain sizes, deposited on a sea clay with a thickness of about 20 m in some places. Potatoes are intensively grown in this region. In the eighties, a contamination by the pesticide aldicarb was noticed in some wells of this region. The granular form of aldicarb is applied during the sowing period (mid-May) at the recommended rate of 2.24 kg/ha. It has a high solubility (6 000 mg/l) and is leached by soil humidity. The aldicarb is transformed by oxidation to sulfoxide then to sulfone during its transit in the unsaturated zone. After a characterization of the soil physical parameters, calculations were run for both the unsaturated and the saturated zones. The depths of the well and the aquifer are 5 m and 3 m respectively. The thickness of the aquifer affected by pumping is about 2 m. The application of the pesticide aldicarb was done during 1982 and 1983.The predictive results obtained by modelling for the pesticide concentrations in the well water were favorably comparerd to the concentrations measured at the site. The concentrations of pesticide in the water reach their peaks 7 weeks after every application. The maximum concentrations reaching the water table were found to be about 0,5 mg/l. This level exceeds largely the water quality criterion of 9 µg/l set by Health and Welfare Canada, and the one of 10 µg/l of the US-EPA. The well concentrations are calculated by taking into account transport in the saturated zone and decay processes. The maximum concentrations obtained are near 24 µg/l for a decay rate of the pesticide in the aquifer of 0,003 d-1. This decay rate is the one corresponding of the hall-lite of 8 months found by other researchers for Florida soils. The analysis of the water well during this period shows concentrations of about 10 µg/l. Moreover, the leaching of the contaminant into the well, and its persistence in the soil and groundwater is still present over 3 years after the last application. Using the water quality criterion of 9 µg/l set by Health and Welfare Canada, calculations have provided the delineation of the wellhead protection area specific to the pesticide aldicarb. The boundary delineation of water well protection area is determined by the numerical technique of reverse path line. The maximum extension of the well protection area obtained by this mean is 110 meters. It corresponds to a peak arrival with a decay of 1.5 years after the application.The case study shows an example of the possible and future applications for such a method for the delineation of the wellhead protection areas. Such an approach permits to council the best use of pesticides with an appropriate groundwater protection scheme, indeed, agricultural managers can safely decide on the pesticide application rate and date, as on the choice between various pesticides, with regard to the groundwater quality protection. Through this way, regulators and scientists can base their decisions for the registration of new pesticides by testing, before their use, their possible impacts on groundwater. Comparisons can be easily doge between water quality criteria and predicted quantifies, and regulatory decisions can be taken in light of these results