23 research outputs found

    Value co-creation in third-party managed virtual communities and brand equity

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    Value co-creation continues to be a key issue in the era of marketing 4.0. Despite an increasing amount of research on value co-creation, there is still a lot of ambiguity in the use of certain terms. For example, different names are used to refer to the same concept. Even though the concept of co-innovation or co-production has nearly the same meaning as co-creation, there are certain differences between them that must be clarified. In addition, another difficulty found in the literature is that the co-creation concept is frequently applied to different objects of study, such that it might be dealing with brand value co-creation, co-creation of experience, co-creation attitude, etc. In order to clarify these issues, this paper presents a brief review of the relevant literature on value co-creation

    Aproximación al modelo de valor del cliente en el sector minorista de gran consumo

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Financiación e Investigación Comercial. Fecha de lectura : 15-11-201

    Analysis of Antecedents that Contribute to Try New Products in Retail Commerce

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    Offering innovative goods and/or brands to attract and retain customers is one of the challenges in the retail sector, which is characterized by high competitiveness and economic recession. This chapter analyzes the different variables that contribute to increasing customers’ willingness to try retailers’ innovations relative to the products and/or brands they offer. Specifically, we discuss the role that consumer satisfaction with price level, perceived quality of the assortment, and trust in the retailer plays in the dependent variable. The model is tested empirically on a sample of 498 individuals responsible for purchasing consumer products; causality is contrasted using a structural equation model (SEM). The results show that customers’ trust in the retailer is the most important factor in explaining the decision to try new products and brands, followed by perceived quality of the assortment and satisfaction with price level. Furthermore, our finding that trust in the retailer is the most influential antecedent of customer willingness to try the retailer’s innovations shows the importance of relationship marketing in the proposed model. Since this influence is significantly higher in the group of regular customers of the commercial chain, regular customers represent a sensitive segment for retailers in terms of product acceptance and testing

    Modelo de experiencia en la comunidad virtual desde la perspectiva de la cocreación

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    La proliferación de las comunidades virtuales ha favorecido la experiencia de cocreación del consumidor. El trabajo plantea un modelo teórico en el que la comunidad virtual funciona como un ecosistema del servicio donde los participantes (consumidores, empresas de servicio alojadas en la plataforma y la propia plataforma) cocrean valor a través de diferentes comportamientos que comprenden (1) la búsqueda de información publicada por otros participantes (2) la elaboración de conocimiento compartido y transmitido a otros participantes y 3) el codiseño con las empresas de servicio alojadas en la plataforma y con la comunidad virtual, para innovar y mejorar sus diferentes servicios. Asimismo, se plantea la relación entre la cocreación de valor y el valor percibido de la comunidad virtual en términos de valor funcional, hedónico, social y de aprendizaje. La investigación se contrastará empíricamente para la comunidad virtual de Tripadvisor. En esta investigación se aúnan dos líneas de investigación (la definición y medición de la cocreación y los consecuentes de la cocreación para la comunidad virtual) y se examina por primera vez el efecto de los diferentes comportamientos de cocreación sobre las diversas dimensiones del valor percibido en el contexto de las comunidades virtuales gestionadas por terceros.The proliferation of virtual communities has favored the consumer cocreation experience. The present study presents a theoretical model in which the virtual community functions as an ecosystem of service in which participants (consumers, service companies hosted on the platform and the platform itself) cocreate value through the following behaviors: 1) the information search, 2) the shared and transmitted knowledge and 3) the codesign that improve the services of the companies hosted in the virtual community, as well as of the community itself. Likewise, the relationship between value cocreation behaviors and perceived value in terms of functional, hedonic, social and learning value is discussed. The research will be tested empirically for Tripadvisor virtual community. This research combines two separated lines of research until the moment (the definition and measurement of cocreation behaviors and the consequences of cocreation) and examines the relative influence of cocreation behaviors on the different dimensions of perceived value in the context of third-party managed virtual communities.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2015-69103-

    The role of private label tiers and private label naming strategies in the relationship between private label brand equity and store loyalty

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    The evolution of private labels is a recent trend in the retail industry: many retailers now manage a private label (PL) portfolio that includes multiple value propositions, as well as various brand name strategies. Little research has been done, however, on how this combination of PL strategies conditions the results of the retailer that manages them. This study examines the formation of PL brand equity and its effect on store loyalty for retailers with differently-tiered PL programs (a “better” program with standard PL vs. a full PL quality spectrum with economy, standard and premium PLs) and different PL naming strategies (storebanner name or stand-alone brand name

    The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis.

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    Allergic diseases are allergen-induced immunological disorders characterized by the development of type 2 immunity and IgE responses. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been on the rise alike cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries of different organs such as the heart, the kidney and the brain. The underlying cause of CVD is often atherosclerosis, a disease distinguished by endothelial dysfunction, fibrofatty material accumulation in the intima of the artery wall, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and Th1 inflammation. The opposed T-cell identity of allergy and atherosclerosis implies an atheroprotective role for Th2 cells by counteracting Th1 responses. Yet, the clinical association between allergic disease and CVD argues against it. Within, we review different phases of allergic pathology, basic immunological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the clinical association between allergic diseases (particularly asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and food allergy) and CVD. Then, we discuss putative atherogenic mechanisms of type 2 immunity and allergic inflammation including acute allergic reactions (IgE, IgG1, mast cells, macrophages and allergic mediators such as vasoactive components, growth factors and those derived from the complement, contact and coagulation systems) and late phase inflammation (Th2 cells, eosinophils, type 2 innate-like lymphoid cells, alarmins, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-17).N

    The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis.

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    Allergic diseases are allergen-induced immunological disorders characterized by the development of type 2 immunity and IgE responses. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been on the rise alike cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries of different organs such as the heart, the kidney and the brain. The underlying cause of CVD is often atherosclerosis, a disease distinguished by endothelial dysfunction, fibrofatty material accumulation in the intima of the artery wall, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and Th1 inflammation. The opposed T-cell identity of allergy and atherosclerosis implies an atheroprotective role for Th2 cells by counteracting Th1 responses. Yet, the clinical association between allergic disease and CVD argues against it. Within, we review different phases of allergic pathology, basic immunological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the clinical association between allergic diseases (particularly asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and food allergy) and CVD. Then, we discuss putative atherogenic mechanisms of type 2 immunity and allergic inflammation including acute allergic reactions (IgE, IgG1, mast cells, macrophages and allergic mediators such as vasoactive components, growth factors and those derived from the complement, contact and coagulation systems) and late phase inflammation (Th2 cells, eosinophils, type 2 innate-like lymphoid cells, alarmins, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-17).Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, Grant/Award Number: CEX2020-001041- S; Pro CNIC Foundation; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/ Award Number: PID2019-110369RB- I00; European Commission, Grant/Award Number: ERC-CoG 819775 and H2020-HEALTH 945118; Spanish Ministry of Universities; Ayudas Margarita Salas para la Formación de Jóvenes Doctores—Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Grant/ Award Number: CA1/RSUE/2021–00577; Formación de Profesorado Universitario, Grant/Award Number: FPU16/03953; Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC), Grant/ Award Number: BECA20A9; New Frontiers in Research Fund, Grant/ Award Number: NFRFE-2019- 00083; The Nutricia Research Foundation, Grant/Award Number: NRF-2021- 13; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PI21/00158, PI21/01126, CP20/00043, PI18/01467, PI19/00044, RD16/0006/0015 and RD21/0002/0008; Severo Ochoa Program, Grant/Award Number: AEI/SEV-2017- 0712S

    Influence of value co-creation on virtual community brand equity for unichannel vs. Multichannel users

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    Value co-creation by users in a virtual community is a key element to encouraging the community’s brand equity. This study analyzes the effect of the functional value provided by the virtual community on the two value-co-creation behaviors that occur within it: (1) self-value co-creation and (2) communal value co-creation. Through self-value co-creation, participants co-create value to their own benefit by becoming involved in co-designing their experience. By communal value co-creation, participants co-create value through evaluations, recommendations, and ideas that benefit others. This study also asks whether multichannelity—using various channels to access the virtual community (website and mobile app), as opposed to using a single channel (website or mobile app)—has a moderating effect on the relationships proposed between value co-creation and brand equity of the virtual community. The analysis is contrasted empirically for the virtual community Tripadvisor with data collected by a research institute via telephone interview. Confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group structural equation modeling techniques were used to assess the proposed model. The study enriches two significant lines of scholarly research, value co-creation and brand equity. It does so in multi-brand virtual contexts in which variety of service brands coexists with the brand of the virtual community, and with users who access the virtual community through one or various channels. The study also contributes to the formulation of business strategies oriented to increasing the brand equity of virtual communitiesSpanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number PID2020-113561RB-I00 and benefited from the Professorship Excellence Program in accordance with the multi-year agreement signed by the Government of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madri