17 research outputs found

    Improved RA classification among early arthritis patients with the concordant presence of three RA autoantibodies: Analysis in two early arthritis clinics

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    Background: The patients with RA benefit from early identification soon after the first clinical symptoms appear. The 2010 ACR/EULAR classification criteria were developed to fulfill this need and their application has been demonstrated to be effective. However, there is still room for improvement. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the potential of the concordant presence of RF, anti-CCP and anti-carbamylated protein antibodies to improve current RA classification among early arthritis (EA) patients. Methods: Data from the first visit of 1057 patients in two EA prospective cohorts were used. The serological scores from the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria and the concordant presence of the three RA autoantibodies were assessed relative to a gold standard consisting of the RA classification with the 1987 ACR criteria at the 2 years of follow-up. Results: The concordant presence of three antibodies showed predictive characteristics allowing for direct classification as RA (positive predictive value = 96.1% and OR = 80.9). They were significantly better than the corresponding to the high antibody titers defined as in the 2010 classification criteria (PPV = 88.8%, OR = 26.1). In addition, the concordant presence of two antibodies was also very informative (PPV = 82.3%, OR = 15.1). These results allowed devising a scoring system based only on antibody concordance that displayed similar overall performance as the serological scoring system of the 2010 criteria. However, the best classification was obtained combining the concordance and 2010 serological systems, a combination with a significant contribution from each of the two systems. Discussion: The concordant presence of RA autoantibodies showed an independent contribution to the classification of EA patients that permitted increased discrimination and precision.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) through grants [PI17/01606 and RD16/0012/0014 to AG; RD16/0012/0011 to IG-A and RD16/0012/0012 to AB]. These grants are partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the EU (FEDER). CR was supported by Ministerio de Educacion Cultura y Deporte (Spain) through a FPU pre-doctoral fellowship [FPU15/03434]. LR-M was supported by a Xunta de Galicia predoctoral contract

    Selected acute phase CSF factors in ischemic stroke: findings and prognostic value

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Study aimed at investigation of pathogenic role and prognostic value of several selected cerebrospinal fluid acute phase factors that can reflect the severity of ischemic brain damage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ninety five acute ischemic stroke patients were investigated. Ischemic region visualized at the twenty fourth hour by conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Stroke severity evaluated by National Institute Health Stroke Scale. One month outcome of disease was assessed by Barthel Index. Cerebrospinal fluid was taken at the sixth hour of stroke onset. CSF pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were studied by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Nitric Oxide and Lipoperoxide radical were measured by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. CSF Nitrate levels were detected using the Griess reagent. Statistics performed by SPSS-11.0.</p> <p><b>Results</b></p> <p>At the sixth hour of stroke onset, cerebrospinal fluid cytokine levels were elevated in patients against controls. Severe stroke patients had increased interleukin-6 content compared to less severe strokes (P < 0.05). Cerebrospinal fluid Electron Paramagnetic Resonance signal of nitric oxide was increased in patients against controls. Severe stroke group had an elevated Electron Paramagnetic Resonance signal of lipoperoxiradical compared to less severe stroke. Cerebrospinal fluid nitrate levels in less severe stroke patients were higher than those for severe stroke and control. Positive correlation was established between the initial interleukin-6 content and ischemic lesion size as well as with National Institute Health Stroke Scale score on the seventh day. Initial interleukin-6 and nitrate levels in cerebrospinal fluid found to be significant for functional outcome of stroke at one month.</p> <p><b>Conclusion</b></p> <p>According to present study the cerebrospinal fluid contents of interleukin-6 and nitrates seem to be the most reliable prognostic factors in acute phase of ischemic stroke.</p

    Deterioro y Conservación de Materiales Geológicos del Patrimonio

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    La actividad investigadora desarrollada por el Instituto de Geociencias en el campo del deterioro y conservación de materiales geológicos parten siempre de la caracterización petrológica y mineralógica de los materiales utilizados en el patrimonio. Se utilizan técnicas petrográficas, geoquímicas y petrofísicas, con apoyo de técnicas mineralógicas y cristalográficas para establecer su estado de conservación y definir las causas de alteración. Los avances del conocimiento se dirigen a establecer la interrelación entre las propiedades de los materiales pétreos, tanto de superficie como internas, con el medio ambiente. Desde la petrología y la mineralogía experimental se abordan problemas referentes a la mejora de productos de conservación, en base a sus características petrofísicas y a su comportamiento en ambientes agresivos. Con estas investigaciones se pueden determinar las técnicas de conservación más eficaces e idóneas para cada tipo de material y ambientes a los que se encuentran sometidos los materiales. Por lo tanto, la investigación se inicia con la caracterización, continúa estableciendo las causas de deterioro y, por último, ofrece soluciones para mejorar la calidad de los materiales e incrementar su durabilidad, desarrollando técnicas de conservación que han generado patentes

    Taller de matemáticas básicas, aprendizaje semipresencial

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    El Taller de Matemáticas Básicas, aprendizaje semipresencial sirve para ayudar a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a repasar, reforzar y/o aprender conceptos matemáticos para afrontar con éxito el estudio de un grado universitario

    Enfoques y métodos movilizados para la enseñanza de ética y valores. Estudio de caso.

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    The objective of this research was to understand the approaches and methods mobilized for the teaching of ethics and values in the San Vicente de Paúl Educational Institution, Sincelejo, Sucre-Colombia, it was approached under the qualitative paradigm, it corresponds to the comprehensive type, that is, where the researcher makes clear the objective of his work in highlighting the qualities and behaviors which does not object from the theoretical-epistemic character, a greater rigor (Briones, 2000, p. 103). It was carried out through the following phases: choice of the research topic, formulation of the question, theoretical conceptualization, choice of participant actor, research objectives, choice of the defined intentional sample, information gathering, analysis and interpretation of the information using the Atlas Ti software and writing the final research report. The research was carried out under a case study, it was assumed as a permanent guiding process of the look and reflection of the researcher, who collected the necessary information from the point of view of the participating actor, the objective was clearly established, highlighting qualities and actions of the participating subjects as knowledge-generating actors. The study population consisted of ten elementary school students and three teachers whose academic assignment was ethics and values. Through field work and social interaction, direct contact was established with teachers and students, an aspect that allowed the activation of channels of trust and the intercommunication of oral testimonies. The teachers, from their expertise and pedagogical support, narrated a descriptive silhouette around the approaches mobilized for the teaching of ethics and values, they were sensitive when expressing opinions about their social, personal and professional experiences.O objetivo desta investigação foi compreender os enfoques e métodos mobilizados para o ensino de ética e valores na instituição Educativa São Vicente do Paúl, Sincelejo, Sucre-a Colômbia, abordou-se sob o paradigma qualitativo, corresponde ao tipo pormenorizado, quer dizer, onde o investigador põe claro o objetivo de seu trabalho em destacar as qualidades e comportamentos o qual não objeta do caráter teórico-epistémico, um maior rigor (Briones, 2000, P. 103). Levou-se a cabo através das seguintes fases: eleição do tema de investigação, formulação da pergunta, conceptualización teórica, eleição de ator participante, objetivos da investigação, eleição da amostra intencional definida, recopilação de informação, análise e interpretação da informação fazendo uso do software Atlas Ti e redação do relatório final de investigação. A investigação se realizou sob um estudo de caso, assumiu-se como processo orientador permanente do olhar e da reflexão do investigador, quem recolheu a informação necessária do ponto de vista do ator participante, estabeleceu-se em forma clara o objetivo, destacando qualidades e ações dos sujeitos participantes como atores geradores de saberes. A população de estudo, esteve conformada por dez estudantes de básica secundária, e três docentes que têm como atribuição acadêmica ética e valores. Através do trabalho de campo e interação social se estabeleceu um contato direto com os docentes e estudantes, aspecto que permitiu a ativação de canais de confiança e a intercomunicação de testemunhos orais. Os docentes desde seu experticia e acompanhamento pedagógico, narraram uma silhueta descritiva em torno dos enfoques mobilizados para o ensino de ética e valores, mostraram-se sensíveis ao expressar opiniões em torno de seus vivencias sociais, pessoais e profissionais.El objetivo de esta investigación fue comprender los enfoques y métodos movilizados para la enseñanza de ética y valores en la institución Educativa San Vicente de Paúl, Sincelejo, Sucre-Colombia, se abordó bajo el paradigma cualitativo, corresponde al tipo comprensivo, es decir, donde el investigador pone claro el objetivo de su trabajo en destacar las cualidades y comportamientos lo cual no objeta desde el carácter teórico-epistémico, un mayor rigor (Briones, 2000, p. 103). Se llevó a cabo a través de las siguientes fases: elección del tema de investigación, formulación de la pregunta, conceptualización teórica, elección de actor participante, objetivos de la investigación, elección de la muestra intencional definida, recopilación de información, análisis e interpretación de la información haciendo uso del software Atlas Ti y redacción del informe final de investigación. La investigación se realizó bajo un estudio de caso, se asumió como proceso orientador permanente de la mirada y de la reflexión del investigador, quien recogió la información necesaria desde el punto de vista del actor participante, se estableció en forma clara el objetivo, destacando cualidades y acciones de los sujetos participantes como actores generadores de saberes. La población de estudio, estuvo conformada por diez estudiantes de básica secundaria, y tres docentes que tienen como asignación académica ética y valores. A través del trabajo de campo e interacción social se estableció un contacto directo con los docentes y estudiantes, aspecto que permitió la activación de canales de confianza y la intercomunicación de testimonios orales. Los docentes desde su experticia y acompañamiento pedagógico, narraron una silueta descriptiva en torno a los enfoques movilizados para la enseñanza de ética y valores, se mostraron sensibles al expresar opiniones en torno a sus vivencias sociales, personales y profesionales