7 research outputs found

    L'emmagatzematge intraovĂ ric d'esperma en Helicolenus dactylopterus (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes)

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    El penegal, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes), Ă©s una espĂšcie que habita profunditats d'entre els 200 i 1000 m i presenta una clara distribuciĂł batimĂštrica en funciĂł de la seva talla. Presenta fecundaciĂł interna i a l'interior de l'ovari contĂ© estructures d'emmagatzematge que permeten emmagatzemar l'esperma durant perĂ­odes de temps considerablement llargs. Les cĂšl·lules sexuals masculines es mantenen viables grĂ cies a diverses substĂ ncies nutritives que obtenen de la bossa citoplasmĂ tica i de l'epiteli criptal que delimita les estructures d'emmagatzematge. Aquest epiteli Ă©s tambĂ© responsable de la seva protecciĂł. Un cop els ous han assolit la maduresa, els espermatozoides sĂłn alliberats al lumen ovĂ ric i es dĂłna la fertilitzaciĂł. És una espĂšcie zigĂČpara: allibera ĂČvuls fecundats que han estat retinguts al tracte reproductiu femenĂ­ durant un curt perĂ­ode de temps i, per tant, els embrions sĂłn alliberats en estadis molt primerencs de desenvolupament. AixĂ­, el penegal presenta una estratĂšgia reproductiva evidentment eficaç.The bluemouth, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes), is a species that inhabits the seabed at depths between 200 and 1000 m and shows a clear size-dependent bathymetric distribution.It has internal fertilization and, inside the ovary, there are storage structures that allow it to store sperm for considerably long periods of time. These male sexual cells remain viable thanks to several nutritious substances they obtain from the cytoplasmic bag and from the cryptal epithelium that delimits the storage structures. This epithelium is also responsible for their protection. Once the eggs have reached maturity, the spermatozoa are freed in the ovarian lumen and fertilization occurs. This species is zygoparous: liberation of fertilized ova, which have been retained in the female reproductive tract during a short period of time and, therefore, the embryos are freed in very early stages of development. Thus, the bluemouth exhibits an obviously effective reproductive strategy

    Effects of artisanal fisheries on the scorpaenids (Scorpaena spp.) reproduction in the marine protected area of Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean)

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    Rockfish species are considered important to the ecology of rocky-reef communities which constitute a key habitat in many coastal marine protected areas (MPAs). These species, which are commercially valuable for artisanal fisheries in the Mediterranean, display particular biological traits that could render them vulnerable to fishing. In this study we monitored the artisanal fisheries of scorpaenids (Scorpaena spp.) in the MPA of Cap de Creus (northwestern Mediterranean) in order to estimate the status of their populations, to link captures with the reproduction of these species, and to evaluate the potential impact that artisanal fishing may have on them. Data from onboard sampling with artisanal fishermen and from fisheries statistics (total landings) were used. Total landings and catch per unit of effort (CPUE) follow a clearly seasonal cycle, with a prominent peak during the summer months coinciding with their spawning season, which may be due to mating behavior prior to fertilization. Although maximum sizes are bigger inside the MPA than in non-protected areas situated close by, a significant percentage of individuals caught inside the MPA are below their size at sexual maturity. Although rockfish seem to be favored by the partial protection of the MPA, the allowed artisanal fisheries are probably impacting the reproduction of these specie

    Annual reproductive cycle and fecundity of Scorpaena notata (Teleostei, Scorpaenidae)

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    Scorpaena notata (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) is an oviparous species with external fertilisation that shows some unusual features in its gonadal morphology and gametogenesis. In this work we analyse the annual reproductive cycle and the fecundity of this species by studying the monthly histological changes in the gonads and of various indices related to reproduction. Sexual dimorphism does not occur in the population we studied, which is clearly dominated by males. Multiple spawning takes place between July and October, consisting of between 6,000 and 33,000 eggs per female, each of about 500 ”m in diameter. The fecundity of the species is determined by the size and weight of the individual

    Intraovarian sperm storage in Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus fertilitzation, crypt formation and maintenance of stored sperm

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    The females of the bluemouth rockfish, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (DelaRoche, 1809), store sperm within their ovaries for periods of up to 10 months. Twenty six females with standard lengths between 152 and 257 mm and six males with standard lengths between 253 and 209 mm were caught storage crypts with stored spermatozoa and to describe their evolution over the year. After internal fertilization and once sperm reaches the ovary, a crypt forms probably by an epithelial inclusion at the base of the lamellae of one or several spermatozoa groups that are floating freely in the interlamellar space of the ovarian lumen. Stored spermatozoa have a large cytoplasm bag surrounding their heads. This bag could serve as a nutritive reservoir during the long storage period. Many desmosonal and tight junctions between the crypt cells ensure tha male sex cells are protected against the female immune systemL'emmagatzematge d'esperma en la fertilitzaciĂł de l'Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopteru

    Links between parasitism, energy reserves and fecundity of European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

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    The European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus L. 1758, is one of the most sought-after target species in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. However, this stock currently consists of small individuals, and landings are reported to have decreased considerably. The main purpose of this study was to assess, for the first time, the interrelationships between size, fecundity, energy reserves and parasitism in female anchovies, in order to analyse the potential implications for the health of northwestern Mediterranean anchovy stocks arising from the current shortage of large individuals. Results revealed that smaller individuals show lower fecundity, lower lipid content and a higher intensity of certain parasites. As it is known that smaller individuals now predominate in the population, the relationships found in this study indicate that the health of anchovies from the northwestern Mediterranean is currently impairedThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (research project ref. CTM2009-08602). D.F.-M. benefited from a Formación de Personal Investigador predoctoral fellowship (ref. BES-2010-032618) and J.L. benefited from a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ research contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Health and reproduction of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, in the western Mediterranean Sea

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    The reproductive and general health of exploited fish stocks is an essential element of sustainable and profitable fisheries. The main purpose of this study was to assess the relationships between reproduction and two important parameters of fish health (parasitism and energy reserves) in female specimens of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, from the western Mediterranean Sea. We present new data for this species on (i) the prevalence and intensity of infection by metazoan parasites; (ii) the total lipid content in muscle and gonads as a measure of condition and (iii) fecundity and egg quality as a measure of their reproductive capacity. The results show that M. barbatus is a batch spawner with an income breeding strategy, an asynchronous development of oocytes and indeterminate fecundity. The results also indicate that the three most abundant and prevalent parasites significantly affect the condition and reproduction of M. barbatus. Specifically, the digenean, Opecoeloides furcatus, causes a reduction in the female"s energy reserves, while the nematodes, Hysterothylacium fabri and H. aduncum, produce a rise in egg production but impair egg quality. These implications of the relationships between parasitism, fish health and fish reproduction should be taken into consideration in the assessment and management of exploited specie

    Parasitism, condition and reproduction of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

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    It is well known that parameters relating to physical condition and reproduction of fish provide essential data for estimating the productivity of exploited populations, as is the case with the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Although parasitism might affect these parameters, research in this area is very scarce (and in the case of the Mediterranean almost non-existent). This study evaluates for the first time the potential link between parasitism, condition and reproduction of the European hake. Indicators of fish energy reserves (total lipid content in liver and gonads) and reproductive capacity (fecundity, egg quality and atresia) were evaluated, as were the prevalence and intensity of infection by metazoan parasites. The results indicate that the impact of anisakid nematodes is mostly negative and occurs mainly when hake are allocating their energy reserves to gonadal development. Although the results reveal a link between parasitism, condition and reproduction, we concluded that the northwestern Mediterranean hake population is in equilibrium with its metazoan parasites, which are not causing severe impairment to their physical condition or reproductive capacit