15 research outputs found

    Invasive cells in animals and plants: searching for LECA machineries in later eukaryotic life

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    Structural Insights into the Inhibition of Actin-Capping Protein by Interactions with Phosphatidic Acid and Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-Bisphosphate.

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    The actin cytoskeleton is a dynamic structure that coordinates numerous fundamental processes in eukaryotic cells. Dozens of actin-binding proteins are known to be involved in the regulation of actin filament organization or turnover and many of these are stimulus-response regulators of phospholipid signaling. One of these proteins is the heterodimeric actin-capping protein (CP) which binds the barbed end of actin filaments with high affinity and inhibits both addition and loss of actin monomers at this end. The ability of CP to bind filaments is regulated by signaling phospholipids, which inhibit the activity of CP; however, the exact mechanism of this regulation and the residues on CP responsible for lipid interactions is not fully resolved. Here, we focus on the interaction of CP with two signaling phospholipids, phosphatidic acid (PA) and phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2). Using different methods of computational biology such as homology modeling, molecular docking and coarse-grained molecular dynamics, we uncovered specific modes of high affinity interaction between membranes containing PA/phosphatidylcholine (PC) and plant CP, as well as between PIP2/PC and animal CP. In particular, we identified differences in the binding of membrane lipids by animal and plant CP, explaining previously published experimental results. Furthermore, we pinpoint the critical importance of the C-terminal part of plant CPα subunit for CP–membrane interactions. We prepared a GST-fusion protein for the C-terminal domain of plant α subunit and verified this hypothesis with lipid-binding assays in vitro

    SEC8, a Subunit of the Putative Arabidopsis Exocyst Complex, Facilitates Pollen Germination and Competitive Pollen Tube Growth

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    The exocyst, a complex of eight proteins, contributes to the morphogenesis of polarized cells in a broad range of eukaryotes. In these organisms, the exocyst appears to facilitate vesicle docking at the plasma membrane during exocytosis. Although we had identified orthologs for each of the eight exocyst components in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), no function has been demonstrated for any of them in plants. The gene encoding one exocyst component ortholog, AtSEC8, is expressed in pollen and vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis. Genetic studies utilizing an allelic series of six independent T-DNA mutations reveal a role for SEC8 in male gametophyte function. Three T-DNA insertions in SEC8 cause an absolute, male-specific transmission defect that can be complemented by expression of SEC8 from the LAT52 pollen promoter. Microscopic analysis shows no obvious abnormalities in the microgametogenesis of the SEC8 mutants, and the mutant pollen grains appear to respond to the signals that initiate germination. However, in vivo assays indicate that these mutant pollen grains are unable to germinate a pollen tube. The other three T-DNA insertions are associated with a partial transmission defect, such that the mutant allele is transmitted through the pollen at a reduced frequency. The partial transmission defect is only evident when mutant gametophytes must compete with wild-type gametophytes, and arises in part from a reduced pollen tube growth rate. These data support the hypothesis that one function of the putative plant exocyst is to facilitate the initiation and maintenance of the polarized growth of pollen tubes

    A homolog of the mammalian GTPase Rab2 is present in Arabidopsis and is expressed predominantly in pollen grains and seedlings

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    Vesicle traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus in mammals requires the small GTP-binding protein Rab2, but Saccharomyces cerevisiae appears not to have a Rab2 homolog. Here it is shown that the higher plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, contains a gene, At-RAB2, whose predicted product shares 79% identity with human Rab2 protein. Transgenic plants containing fusions between β-glucuronidase and sequences upstream of At-RAB2 demonstrated histochemical staining predominantly in maturing pollen and rapidly growing organs of germinating seedlings. β-glucuronidase activity in pollen is first detectable at microspore mitosis and increases thereafter. In this respect, the promoter of At-RAB2 behaves like those of class II pollen-specific genes, whose products are often required after germination for pollen tube growth. Seedling germination and pollen tube growth are notable for their unusually high rates of cell wall and membrane biosynthesis. These results are consistent with a role for At-RAB2 in secretory activity

    Arabidopsis group Ie formins localize to specific cell membrane domains, interact with actin-binding proteins and cause defects in cell expansion upon aberrant expression

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    ¿ The closely related proteins AtFH4 and AtFH8 represent the group Ie clade of Arabidopsis formin homologues. The subcellular localization of these proteins and their ability to affect the actin cytoskeleton were examined. ¿ AtFH4 protein activity was identified using fluorimetric techniques. Interactions between Arabidopsis profilin isoforms and AtFH4 were assayed in vitro and in vivo using pull-down assays and yeast-2-hybrid. The subcellular localization of group Ie formins was observed with indirect immunofluorescence (AtFH4) and an ethanol-inducible green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion construct (AtFH8). ¿ AtFH4 protein affected actin dynamics in vitro, and yeast-2-hybrid assays suggested isoform-specific interactions with the actin-binding protein profilin in vivo. Indirect immunofluorescence showed that AtFH4 localized specifically to the cell membrane at borders between adjoining cells. Expression of an AtFH8 fusion protein resulted in GFP localization to cell membrane zones, similar to AtFH4. Furthermore, aberrant expression of AtFH8 resulted in the inhibition of root hair elongation. ¿ Taken together, these data suggest that the group Ie formins act with profilin to regulate actin polymerization at specific sites associated with the cell membran

    Endosidin2 targets conserved exocyst complex subunit EXO70 to inhibit exocytosis

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    The exocyst complex regulates the last steps of exocytosis, which is essential to organisms across kingdoms. In humans, its dysfunction is correlated with several significant diseases, such as diabetes and cancer progression. Investigation of the dynamic regulation of the evolutionarily conserved exocyst-related processes using mutants in genetically tractable organisms such as Arabidopsis thaliana is limited by the lethality or the severity of phenotypes. We discovered that the small molecule Endosidin2 (ES2) binds to the EXO70 (exocyst component of 70 kDa) subunit of the exocyst complex, resulting in inhibition of exocytosis and endosomal recycling in both plant and human cells and enhancement of plant vacuolar trafficking. An EXO70 protein with a C-terminal truncation results in dominant ES2 resistance, uncovering possible distinct regulatory roles for the N terminus of the protein. This study not only provides a valuable tool in studying exocytosis regulation but also offers a potentially new target for drugs aimed at addressing human disease

    A RhoGDP dissociation inhibitor spatially regulates growth in root hair cells.

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    Root hairs are cellular protuberances extending from the root surface into the soil; there they provide access to immobile inorganic ions such as phosphate, which are essential for growth. Their cylindrical shape results from a polarized mechanism of cell expansion called tip growth in which elongation is restricted to a small area at the surface of the hair-forming cell (trichoblast) tip. Here we identify proteins that spatially control the sites at which cell growth occurs by isolating Arabidopsis mutants (scn1) that develop ectopic sites of growth on trichoblasts. We cloned SCN1 and showed that SCN1 is a RhoGTPase GDP dissociation inhibitor (RhoGDI) that spatially restricts the sites of growth to a single point on the trichoblast. We showed previously that localized production of reactive oxygen species by RHD2/AtrbohC NADPH oxidase is required for hair growth; here we show that SCN1/AtrhoGDI1 is a component of the mechanism that focuses RHD2/AtrbohC-catalysed production of reactive oxygen species to hair tips during wild-type development. We propose that the spatial organization of growth in plant cells requires the local RhoGDI-regulated activation of the RHD2/AtrbohC NADPH oxidase