31 research outputs found

    Self-regulation in family foster children

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    This poster presents research on foster children’s capacities for self-regulation and its relation to adversity history. Children in family foster care are a vulnerable population due to their experiences of maltreatment and separation from primary caregivers. Research has shown high rates of behavioral problems and impulsivity in these children, as well as other difficulties such as poor academic adjustment. Recent theory and research advances suggest some of these problems are due to deficits in self-regulatory capacities, such as executive functions or emotion regulation. Early adversity in key developmental stages, like that suffered by many foster children, can undermine the normative development of these capacities and, consequently, their psychosocial adjustment. This study explores this topic in a sample of foster children between 4 and 8 years old who were living in non-relative foster families for at least six months in Southern Spain. We used the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000), a widely used parent-reported questionnaire, to assess self-regulation in the foster children. The BRIEF was answered by the primary foster caregiver during a home visit. The information regarding adverse events and trajectory in the child protection services was obtained through case records in collaboration with caseworkers. The results of this study show us information about the capacities of self-regulation of children in family foster care. Due to the centrality of self-regulation in development and the fact that it remains responsive to well-designed interventions beyond early childhood, interventions for foster children and families should consider targeting this dimension to improve their outcomes

    Modelo de intervención y retos en el acogimiento familiar: la experiencia de la Fundación Márgenes y Vínculos

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    En este trabajo se realiza una aproximación a la intervención profesional en acogimiento familiar en Andalucía, exponiendo información relevante acerca de las Instituciones Colaboradoras de Integración Familiar (ICIF) habilitadas en nuestra comunidad autónoma y deteniéndonos particularmente en la práctica profesional de la Fundación Márgenes y Vínculos de Sevilla. Dicha práctica profesional está regulada en un marco jurídico al cual se hace referencia. Se define la diversa tipología del recurso de acogimiento familiar y se lleva a cabo un acercamiento a la población con quienes se desarrolla el quehacer profesional en el día a día. En el presente artículo también se presenta un recorrido a través de las diferentes fases del trabajo profesional en acogimiento familiar y las funciones que desempeña el equipo multidisciplinar. Finalmente, se recogen los retos actuales en el acogimiento familiar, tratando mirar hacia el futuro en una medida que cada vez adquiere una mayor relevancia en el sistema de protección de menores.In this paper, we provide insight into professional intervention in foster care in Andalusia. We expose further information about the Family Integration Collaborating Institutions (ICIF in Spanish) enabled in Andalucía and we particularly focus on the professional practice of Fundación Márgenes y Vínculos in Seville. This professional practice is regulated by a legal framework which we also reference in the paper. At the same time, we define the typology of fostering and we approach the foster population on which our daily professional practice is based. In the paper, we present several phases of professional work in foster care and tasks relevant to multidisciplinary team. Finally, the current challenges of fostering are explained in order to look to the future of foster care, a measure that is becoming increasingly relevant in child protection system

    La investigación en acogimiento familiar: de la descripción a los procesos de adaptación y desarrollo

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión de algunas líneas de investigación centradas en el acogimiento familiar sobre las que sería conveniente ampliar nuestro conocimiento, particularmente en España. Para que la medida de acogimiento familiar se ajuste mejor a las necesidades de los menores es fundamental dar el salto de los estudios descriptivos al análisis de los procesos relacionados con una mejor adaptación. Con motivo de una investigación actualmente en marcha por los autores, en este artículo se repasan algunas de las áreas más relevantes para el desarrollo de los menores en acogimiento familiar que aún están escasamente estudiadas. Concretamente, las áreas revisadas son la auto-regulación, las representaciones mentales de apego, la salud mental y la familia acogedora como contexto de recuperación. En cada una de ellas se subraya su importancia en el acogimiento familiar y se repasan los estudios más relevantes. El artículo finaliza con algunas conclusiones derivadas de la revisión.The current paper is a review of some research lines on foster care in which we need a greater knowledge, particularly in Spain. If we want foster care to be better adjusted to children needs, it is essential to move beyond descriptive studies to tackle processes and mechanisms that lead to a better adjustment. This article reviews some of these relevant areas for children development that are still scarcely studied in foster care, in line with a current research project by the authors. The areas reviewed are self-regulation, mental representations of attachment, mental health and the foster family as a context for recovery. In each area, it’s emphasized its relevance for foster care, and the major studies are reviewed. The article ends with some conclusions derived from the literature review

    Dissociative symptoms in family foster children: [póster]

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    Adjustment problems and mental health of children in the child welfare system have been a concern for a long time. However, it hasn’t been until recently that researchers and practitioners have claimed a more in-depth and nuanced knowledge of mental health in this population. Different research studies have shown a relevant presence of disturbances (such as trauma-related anxiety, disinhibited social engagement or dissociative symptoms) in foster care children specifically derived from the adverse experiences they have suffered. Some children develop significant dissociative symptoms because of traumatizing, emotionally overwhelming experiences that cannot be processed (such as physical or sexual abuse) and therefore disrupt the normal integration and coherence of memory, consciousness and perception. Severe dissociation places children in a maladaptive developmental pathway and entails significant risk for later psychopathology. In this study, the presence of dissociative symptoms in a sample of foster children between 4 and 8 years old who were living in non-relative foster families for at least six months in Southern Spain was analyzed. The Child Dissociative Checklist (CDC; Putnam, Helmers, & Trickett, 1993) was used to assess dissociative symptoms, the most widely used parent-reported questionnaire for this symptomatology. The CDC was answered by the primary foster caregiver during a home visit. We obtained the information related to adverse events and trajectory in the child protection services through the case records in collaboration with caseworkers. The results of this study contribute to the knowledge of the development of dissociative symptoms in children in family foster care, particularly in those who have suffered the most severe adversity. An informed and comprehensive knowledge of the possible mental health issues in foster and maltreated children in general is essential if we want to provide tailored and effective interventions to this vulnerable population

    New approaches for the identification of KChIP2 ligands to study the KV4.3 channelosome in atrial fibrillati

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso Red Española de Canales iónico, celebrado en Alicante (España) del 24 al 27 de mayo de 2022.Ion channels are macromolecular complexes present in the plasma membrane and in intracellular organelles of the cells, where they play important functions. The dysfunction of these channels results in several disorders named channelopathies, which represent a challenge for study and treatment.[1] We are focused on voltage-gated potassium channels, specifically on KV4.3. Kv4.3 is expressed in smooth muscle, heart and brain. Within the heart, Kv4.3 channels generate the transient outward potassium current (ITO). However, ITO characteristics are only observed when Kv4.3 assemble with accessory subunits as KChIP2 and DPP6. KV4.3 channelosome play a key role in atrial fibrillation (AF),the most common cardiac arrhythmia, with an estimated prevalence in the general population of 1.5–2%. However, current antiarrhythmic drugs for AF prevention have limited efficacy and considerable potential for adverse effects.[2] KChIP2 (Potassium Channel Interacting Protein 2) belongs to the calcium binding protein superfamily. It is the KChIP member predominantly expressed in heart and a key regulator of cardiac action potential duration. The identification of novel KChIP2 ligands could be useful to understand the role of KV4.3 channelosome in AF and it could help to discover new treatments for AF. [3] In this regard, structure-based virtual screening could be an important tool to accelerate the identification of novel KChIP2 ligands. In this communication, we will describe a multidisciplinary approach that, starting with a structurebased virtual screening, followed by an iterative process of synthesis/biological evaluation/docking studies, has led to the identification of new KChIP2 ligands.PID2019-104366RB-C21, PID2019-104366RB-C22, PID2020-114256RB-I00 and PID2020-119805RB-I00 grants funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and PIE202180E073 and 2019AEP148 funded by CSIC. C.V.B. holds PRE2020-093542 FPI grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. PGS was recipient of an FPU grant (FPU17/02731). AB-B holds BES-2017-080184 FPI grant and A.P-L.holds RYC2018-023837-I grant both funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future

    New approaches for the identification of KChIP2 ligands to study the KV4.3 channelosome in atrial fibrillati

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso Red Española de Canales iónico, celebrado en Alicante (España) del 24 al 27 de mayo de 2022.Ion channels are macromolecular complexes present in the plasma membrane and in intracellular organelles of the cells, where they play important functions. The dysfunction of these channels results in several disorders named channelopathies, which represent a challenge for study and treatment.[1] We are focused on voltage-gated potassium channels, specifically on KV4.3. Kv4.3 is expressed in smooth muscle, heart and brain. Within the heart, Kv4.3 channels generate the transient outward potassium current (ITO). However, ITO characteristics are only observed when Kv4.3 assemble with accessory subunits as KChIP2 and DPP6. KV4.3 channelosome play a key role in atrial fibrillation (AF),the most common cardiac arrhythmia, with an estimated prevalence in the general population of 1.5–2%. However, current antiarrhythmic drugs for AF prevention have limited efficacy and considerable potential for adverse effects.[2] KChIP2 (Potassium Channel Interacting Protein 2) belongs to the calcium binding protein superfamily. It is the KChIP member predominantly expressed in heart and a key regulator of cardiac action potential duration. The identification of novel KChIP2 ligands could be useful to understand the role of KV4.3 channelosome in AF and it could help to discover new treatments for AF. [3] In this regard, structure-based virtual screening could be an important tool to accelerate the identification of novel KChIP2 ligands. In this communication, we will describe a multidisciplinary approach that, starting with a structurebased virtual screening, followed by an iterative process of synthesis/biological evaluation/docking studies, has led to the identification of new KChIP2 ligands.PID2019-104366RB-C21, PID2019-104366RB-C22, PID2020-114256RB-I00 and PID2020-119805RB-I00 grants funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and PIE202180E073 and 2019AEP148 funded by CSIC. C.V.B. holds PRE2020-093542 FPI grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. PGS was recipient of an FPU grant (FPU17/02731). AB-B holds BES-2017-080184 FPI grant and A.P-L.holds RYC2018-023837-I grant both funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future

    Molecular Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: Association of Molecular Factors With the Source of Infection

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    Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) is associated with high morbidity and mortality, which varies depending on the source of infection. Nevertheless, the global molecular epidemiology of SAB and its possible association with specific virulence factors remains unclear. Using DNA microarrays, a total of 833 S. aureus strains (785 SAB and 48 colonizing strains) collected in Spain over a period of 15 years (2002–2017) were characterized to determine clonal complex (CC), agr type and repertoire of resistance and virulence genes in order to provide an epidemiological overview of CCs causing bloodstream infection, and to analyze possible associations between virulence genes and the most common sources of bacteremia. The results were also analyzed by acquisition (healthcare-associated [HA] and community-acquired [CA]), methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) strains, and patient age (adults vs. children). Our results revealed high clonal diversity among SAB strains with up to 28 different CCs. The most prevalent CCs were CC5 (30.8%), CC30 (20.3%), CC45 (8.3%), CC8 (8.4%), CC15 (7.5%), and CC22 (5.9%), which together accounted for 80% of all cases. A higher proportion of CC5 was found among HA strains than CA strains (35.6 vs. 20.2%, p < 0.001). CC5 was associated with methicillin resistance (14.7 vs. 79.4%, p < 0.001), whereas CC30, CC45, and CC15 were correlated with MSSA strains (p < 0.001). Pathogen-related molecular markers significantly associated with a specific source of bacteremia included the presence of sea, undisrupted hlb and isaB genes with catheter-related bacteremia; sed, splE, and fib genes with endocarditis; undisrupted hlb with skin and soft tissue infections; and finally, CC5, msrA resistance gene and hla gene with osteoarticular source. Our study suggests an association between S. aureus genotype and place of acquisition, methicillin resistance and sources of bloodstream infection, and provides a valuable starting point for further research insights into intrinsic pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of SAB

    The first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Spain was associated with early introductions and fast spread of a dominating genetic variant

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    SeqCOVID-Spain consortium: Álvaro Chiner-Oms, Irving Cancino-Muñoz, Mariana G. López, Manuela Torres-Puente, Inmaculada Gómez-Navarro, Santiago Jiménez-Serrano, Jordi Pérez-Tur, Darío García de Viedma, Laura Pérez-Lago, Marta Herranz, Jon Sicilia, Pilar Catalán-Alonso, Julia Suárez González, Patricia Muñoz, Mireia Coscolla, Paula Ruiz-Rodríguez, Fernando González-Candelas, Iñaki Comas, Lidia Ruiz-Roldán, María Alma Bracho, Neris García-González, Llúcia Martínez Priego, Inmaculada Galán-Vendrell, Paula Ruiz-Hueso, Griselda De Marco, María Loreto Ferrús-Abad, Sandra Carbó-Ramírez, Giuseppe D’Auria, Galo Adrian Goig, Juan Alberola, Jose Miguel Nogueira, Juan José Camarena, David Navarro, Eliseo Albert, Ignacio Torres, Maitane Aranzamendi Zaldumbide, Óscar Martínez Expósito, Nerea Antona Urieta, María de Toro, María Pilar Bea-Escudero, Jose Antonio Boga, Cristian Castelló-Abietar, Susana Rojo-Alba, Marta Elena Álvarez-Argüelles, Santiago Melón, Elisa Martró, Antoni E. Bordoy, Anna Not, Adrián Antuori, Anabel Fernández-Navarro, Andrés Canut-Blasco, Silvia Hernáez Crespo, Maria Luz Cordón Rodríguez, Maria Concepción Lecaroz Agara, Carmen Gómez-González, Amaia Aguirre-Quiñonero, José Israel López-Mirones, Marina Fernández-Torres, Maria Rosario Almela-Ferrer, Ana Carvajal, Juan Miguel Fregeneda-Grandes, Héctor Argüello, Gustavo Cilla Eguiluz, Milagrosa Montes Ros, Luis Piñeiro Vázquez, Ane Sorarrain, José María Marimón, José J. Costa-Alcalde, Rocío Trastoy, Gema Barbeito Castiñeiras, Amparo Coira, María Luisa Pérez del Molino, Antonio Aguilera, Begoña Palop-Borrás, Inmaculada de Toro Peinado, Maria Concepción Mediavilla Gradolph, Mercedes Pérez-Ruiz, Mirian Fernández-Alonso, Jose Luis del Pozo, Oscar González-Recio, Mónica Gutiérrez-Rivas, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero, Begoña Fuster Escrivá, Concepción Gimeno Cardona, María Dolores Ocete Mochón, Rafael Medina-Gonzalez, José Antonio Lepe, Verónica González Galán, Ángel Rodríguez-Villodres, Nieves Gonzalo Jiménez, Jordi Reina, Carla López-Causapé, Maria Dolores Gómez-Ruiz, Eva M. Gonzalez-Barbera, José Luis López-Hontangas, Vicente Martín, Antonio J. Molina, Tania Fernandez-Villa, Ana Milagro Beamonte, Nieves Felisa Martínez-Cameo, Yolanda Gracia-Grataloup, Rosario Moreno-Muñoz, Maria Dolores Tirado Balaguer, José María Navarro-Marí, Irene Pedrosa-Corral, Sara Sanbonmatsu-Gámez, Antonio Oliver, Mónica Parra Grande, Bárbara Gómez Alonso, Francisco José Arjona Zaragozí, Maria Carmen Pérez González, Francisco Javier Chamizo López, Ana Bordes-Benítez, Núria Rabella, Ferran Navarro, Elisenda Miró, Antonio Rezusta, Alexander Tristancho, Encarnación Simarro Córdoba, Julia Lozano-Serra, Lorena Robles Fonseca, Álex Soriano, Francisco Javier Roig Sena, Hermelinda Vanaclocha Luna, Isabel Sanmartín, Daniel García-Souto, Ana Pequeño-Valtierra, Jose M. C. Tubio, Javier Temes, Jorge Rodríguez-Castro, Martín Santamarina García, Manuel Rodríguez-Iglesias, Fátima Galán-Sanchez, Salud Rodríguez-Pallares, José Manuel Azcona-Gutiérrez, Miriam Blasco-Alberdi, Alfredo Mayor, Alberto L. García-Basteiro, Gemma Moncunill, Carlota Dobaño, Pau Cisteró, Oriol Mitjà, Camila González-Beiras, Martí Vall-Mayans, Marc Corbacho-Monné, Andrea Alemany, Cristina Muñoz-Cuevas, Guadalupe Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rafael Benito, Sonia Algarate, Jessica Bueno, Andrea Vergara-Gómez, Miguel J. Martínez, Jordi Vila, Elisa Rubio, Aida Peiró-Mestres, Jessica Navero-Castillejos, David Posada, Diana Valverde, Nuria Estévez, Iria Fernández-Silva, Loretta de Chiara, Pilar Gallego-García, Nair Varela, Ulises Gómez-Pinedo, Mónica Gozalo-Margüello, Maria Eliecer Cano García, José Manuel Méndez-Legaza, Jesus Rodríguez-Lozano, María Siller, Daniel Pablo-Marcos, Maria Montserrat Ruiz-García, Antonio Galiana, Judith Sánchez-Almendro, Maria Isabel Gascón Ros, Cristina Juana Torregrosa-Hetland, Eva María Pastor Boix, Paloma Cascales Ramos, Pedro Luis Garcinuño Enríquez, Salvador Raga Borja, Julia González Cantó, Olalla Martínez Macias, Adolfo de Salazar, Laura Viñuela González, Natalia Chueca, Federico García, Cristina Gómez-Camarasa, Amparo Farga Martí, Rocío Falcón, Victoria Domínguez-Márquez, Anna M. Planas, Israel Fernández-Cádenas, Maria Ángeles Marcos, Carmen Ezpeleta, Ana Navascués, Ana Miqueleiz Zapatero, Manuel Segovia, Antonio Moreno-Docón, Esther Viedma, Raúl Recio Martínez, Irene Muñoz-Gallego, Sara Gonzalez-Bodi, Maria Dolores Folgueira, Jesús Mingorance, Elias Dahdouh, Fernando Lázaro-Perona, María Rodríguez-Tejedor, María Pilar Romero-Gómez, Julio García-Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Galán, Mario Rodríguez-Dominguez, Laura Martínez-García, Melanie Abreu Di Berardino, Manuel Ponce-Alonso, Jose Maria González-Alba, Ivan Sanz-Muñoz, Diana Pérez San José, Maria Gil Fortuño, Juan B. Bellido-Blasco, Alberto Yagüe Muñoz, Noelia Hernández Pérez, Helena Buj Jordá, Óscar Pérez Olaso, Alejandro González Praetorius, Nora Mariela Martínez Ramírez, Aida Ramírez Marinero, Eduardo Padilla León, Alba Vilas Basil, Mireia Canal Aranda, Albert Bernet Sánchez, Alba Bellés Bellés, Eric López González, Iván Prats Sánchez, Mercè García-González, Miguel José Martínez-Lirola, Manuel Ángel Rodríguez Maresca, Maria Teresa Cabezas Fernández, María Eugenia Carrillo Gil, Maria Paz Ventero Martín, Carmen Molina Pardines, Nieves Orta Mira, María Navarro Cots, Inmaculada Vidal Catalá, Isabel García Nava, Soledad Illescas Fernández-Bermejo, José Martínez-Alarcón, Marta Torres-Narbona, Cristina Colmenarejo, Lidia García-Agudo, Jorge A. Pérez García, Martín Yago López, María Ángeles Goberna Bravo, Victoria Simón García, Gonzalo Llop Furquet, Agustín Iranzo Tatay, Sandra Moreno-Marro, Noelia Lozano Rodríguez, Amparo Broseta Tamarit, Juan José Badiola Díez, Amparo Martínez-Ramírez, Ana Dopazo, Sergio Callejas, Alberto Benguría, Begoña Aguado, Antonio Alcamí, Marta Bermejo Bermejo, Ricardo Ramos-Ruíz, Víctor Manuel Fernández Soria, Fernando Simón Soria & Mercedes Roig CardellsThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the world radically since 2020. Spain was one of the European countries with the highest incidence during the first wave. As a part of a consortium to monitor and study the evolution of the epidemic, we sequenced 2,170 samples, diagnosed mostly before lockdown measures. Here, we identified at least 500 introductions from multiple international sources and documented the early rise of two dominant Spanish epidemic clades (SECs), probably amplified by superspreading events. Both SECs were related closely to the initial Asian variants of SARS-CoV-2 and spread widely across Spain. We inferred a substantial reduction in the effective reproductive number of both SECs due to public-health interventions (Re < 1), also reflected in the replacement of SECs by a new variant over the summer of 2020. In summary, we reveal a notable difference in the initial genetic makeup of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain compared with other European countries and show evidence to support the effectiveness of lockdown measures in controlling virus spread, even for the most successful genetic variants.This work was mainly funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III project COV20/00140, with additional funding by Spanish National Research Council project CSIC-COV19-021, Ministerio de Ciencia project PID2019-104477RB-100, ERC StG 638553 and ERC CoG 101001038 to I.C., and BFU2017-89594R to F.G.C. M.C. is supported by Ramón y Cajal program from Ministerio de Ciencia and grants RTI2018-094399-A-I00 and Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government) project SEJI/2019/011. We gratefully acknowledge Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Lab and all the international researchers and institutions that submitted sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes to the GISAID’s EpiCov Database (Supplementary Table 1), as an important part of our analyses has been made possible by the sharing of their work. We also thank Unidad de Bioinformática y Estadística, Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, for allowing us to use the Computer Cluster to perform some of the bioinformatic analysis.Peer reviewe