38 research outputs found

    On the water transport of animals with special reference to Denmark

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    Transport of animals by water is a very old way of transport because it is relatively cheap and safe, with a minimum loss of animals. Waterways have been used for the transport of living animals and various goods from ancient times, for example in Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. Later, Vikings were so successful in their conquests because they always had trained horses aboard. It is believed that the colonization of America was possible because Spaniards were also bringing many horses with them. Danish possessions in the Caribbean owe much of their economic success in the period between 1820 and 1920 to permanent supply of cheap mules and other equides from South America. Mules were used for agricultural purposes and for work in sugar-cane mills. In the 20th century, a significant number of animals was transported to German and British colonies in South Africa. During the First and the Second World War, animals were also transported by water; measures were taken to meet the fundamental physiological requireĀ¬ments, and a veterinarian accompanied animals on long voyages. These precautions resulted in minimum transport losses

    Različitost pristupa u radu na projektima

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    Zbog vrlo česte zastupljenosti u praksi dječjih vrtića, rad djece i odgajatelja na projektima predstavlja temu velikog interesa stručne javnosti. U radu se govori o različitim glediÅ”tima raznih koncepcija na provedbu i oblike rada na projektu u odnosu na ulogu odgajatelja i djece

    Europski pogled na stručnjake u ranom i predŔkolskom odgoju i obrazovanju

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    Suvremene znanstvene spoznaje o dječjem razvoju i mogućnostima njihova odgoja i obrazovanja potaknule su na cijelom europskom prostoru brojne rasprave i o stručnjacima u ranom i predÅ”kolskom odgoju i obrazovanju. Rezultati provedenih istraživanja pokazali su da u europskom prostoru ne postoji jasan i jedinstven profil stručnjaka kao ni ustanova za rad s djecom od rođenja do polaska u Å”kolu

    From the Pitchfork to the Cafe (where young people gather and social changes in the villages of Vojvodina)

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    U ovom radu biće reći o mestu i ulozi mladih u kulturnim promenama koje se deÅ”avaju u seoskim sredinama. Kultura se ovde shvata kao sintetički izraz druÅ”tvenog razvoja i promena koje su zahvatile život u selima. Transformisano selo koje možemo nazvati "povaroÅ”eno" (antipod mu je "poseljačeni" grad) jeste novi kulturni milje za svakodnevni život mladih, njihove zabave i način koriŔćenja slobodnog vremena. Upravo kroz taj segment njihovog druÅ”tvenog života i različite vidove okupljanja posmatraće se značaj i uloga mladih u tradicionalnim i modernim selima. S jedne strane, autentična, relativno izolovana i celovita tradicionalna kultura ima izrazitu integrativnu funkciju koja povezuje pripadnike seoskog druÅ”tva u homogene, lokalne skupine. S druge strane, obnavljanje i utvrđivanje nasleđenih normi ponaÅ”anja i vrednosti predstavlja, takođe, važnu funkciju tradicionalne kulture. Mladi su u tome imali svoju aktivnu ulogu učestvujući u reprodukovanju i nastavljanju tradicionalnog nasleđa. Mladi na selu čine danas grupu koja je najotvorenija prema promenama u načinu života i najlakÅ”e preuzima nove obrasce ponaÅ”anja i modne trendove. Deagrarizacija, viÅ”i nivo obrazovanja i izražena socioprofesionalna pokretljivost karakteriÅ”u omladinu u naÅ”im selima. Umesto tradicionalnih vidova okupljanja danas se mladi, poput svojih vrÅ”njaka u gradu, skupljaju u kafićima, disko-klubovima, picerijama i salonima zabave (sa raznim automatima, fliperima i video igrama). Slobodno vreme mladih, po svom načinu koriŔćenja, izražava opÅ”ti smer kulturnih promena u naÅ”im selima koji se zbiva uporedo sa urbanizacijom, imitiranjem gradskih standarda života i prihvatanjem vrednosti masovnog potroÅ”ačkog druÅ”tva.The article describes the place and role of young people in the cultural changes that are taking place in rural communities. We consider culture to be a synthetic expression of social development and the changes that have taken place in rural life The transformed village, which we can call "urbanizedā€ (its antipode is the "ruralized" city), is a new cultural environment for the everyday life of young people, their amusement and the way in which they spend their leisure. It is through that part of their social life and the various ways and places in which they gather and meet that the role and importance of youth in the traditional and modern villages will be observed. An authentic, relatively isolated and complete traditional culture has a very strong integration function and it links the member of a rural society into a homogeneous, local group. Another very important function of the traditional culture is to renew and establish inherited values and modes of behaviour. In this process young people had an active role participating in the reproduction and continuation of the traditional heritage. Today the rural youth are the group that is the most open to changes in the way of life and adopt new patterns of behaviour and modem trends the most easily. Deagrarization, a higher level of education and marked socio-professional mobility characterize the youth in the villages of Vojvodina. Instead of traditional manners of gathering, today, like their peers in the city, they frequent cafÅ”s, discos, pizzerias and amusement arcades. The way in which young people use their leisure shows the general direction in which cultural change in Yugoslav villages are taking place, parallel with urbanization, imitating city standards of living and accepting the values of the mass consumer society

    Development of Biomotor Characteristics and Sprint and Throw Athletic Abilities in Six- to Eight-Year-Old Girls

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of programmed physical education on biomotor changes in girls, and the impact of these changes on relations between the set of morphological and motor variables, and athletic variables evaluating the sprint and throw abilities. Study sample included 310 six- to eight-year-old girls, elementary school first-graders from the Split area, divided into control group (n=138) attending regular physical education classes and experimental group (n=172) attending programmed physical education classes based on the elements of athletics, apparatus gymnastics, games and general preparatory exercises. Relations between the predictor set of variables consisting of 4 morphological measures and 6 motor tests, and the sprint and ball throw criteria were determined by regression correlation analysis at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. Both groups achieved favorable quantitative result improvement between the two measurement points, however, the improvement was considerably more pronounced in experimental group, especially in the motor abilities of coordination, flexibility, movement frequency, and explosive, repetitive and static strength. On final measurement, the number of significant predictors for the criterion variables of sprint and ball throw increased from the initial measurement in both experimental and control group of subjects. In control group, trunk strength, explosive strength and movement frequency as motor abilities and body height as a morphological characteristic were found to be the best result predictors in sprint. In experimental group, coordination, flexibility, static arm strength and trunk strength as motor abilities were the best result predictors in sprint. In the study sample as a whole, explosive strength and trunk strength were identified as the best predictors of ball throw as a criterion variable. In experimental group, it was accompanied by muscle mass development and adipose tissue reduction. Based on comparison of these results and those obtained in previous studies, a new model of work in the athletics events of sprint and throw in elementary school physical education is proposed

    Risk behaviors in kindergarten: From the perspective of preschool teachers and expert associates

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    Opći cilj ovog rada je istražiti, opisati i usporediti razumijevanje pojma rizičnih ponaÅ”anja djece predÅ”kolske dobi iz dvije perspektive (odgajatelja i stručnih suradnika). U radu su predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne analize fokus grupa s odgajateljima i stručnim suradnicima iz Dječjeg vrtića Rijeka koji donose opis i interpretaciju njihovog razumijevanja pojma rizičnih ponaÅ”anja djece s kojom su radili ili trenutno rade. Tematskom analizom izolirane su dvije teme: Ā»fenomenologija i kriteriji procjene rizičnih ponaÅ”anjaĀ« i Ā»etioloÅ”ki čimbeniciĀ«. Među opisanim fenomenima i kriterijima procjene su i odgajatelji i stručni suradnici navodili vrlo slično: oblike/vrste rizičnih ponaÅ”anja te opće kao i specifične kriterije za procjenu rizičnih ponaÅ”anja. Među etioloÅ”kim čimbenicima uočavaju čimbenike na individualnoj razini djeteta i u svim ekoloÅ”kim područjima. Rezultati su pokazali relativnu usklađenost dviju perspektiva dok se određene specifičnosti u obje teme mogu prepoznati između odgajatelja i stručnjaka Å”to vjerojatno proizlazi iz razlika u temeljnoj edukaciji. Doprinos rada je u promiÅ”ljanju rizičnih ponaÅ”anja djece vrtićke dobi i viđenju istih od strane profesionalaca koji s njima rade te, u praktičnom pogledu, u implikaciji zajedničkog timskog i usklađenog djelovanja i individualnog pristupa svakom pojedinom djetetu i djetetovoj obitelji u prevenciji i intervenciji problema u ponaÅ”anju.The overall aim of this paper is to investigate, describe, and compare the understanding of the concept of risk behaviors in preschool-aged children from two perspectives (preschool teachers\u27 and expert associates\u27 perspectives). The paper presents the results of a qualitative analysis of focus groups with preschool teachers and expert associates from 31 kindergartens in Rijeka who provided a description and interpretation of their understanding of the concept of risk behaviors in children with whom they worked or are currently working. For the analysis of the focus group transcript, we applied a thematic analysis according to Clarke and Braun (2013), which isolated two topics: ā€œphenomenology and criteria for assessing risk behaviorsā€ and ā€œetiological factors.ā€ Among the described phenomena and assessment criteria, preschool teachers and expert associates provided similar responses: forms/types of risk behaviors as well as general and specific criteria for assessing risk behaviors. Among the etiologic factors, they notice factors in all ecological areas and the child himself. The results showed a relative alignment of the two perspectives, while certain specifics in both topics can be recognized between preschool teachers and professionals, which is likely due to the differences in their initial education. The contribution of the work is in considering risky behaviors of kindergarten children and their perception by the professionals who work with them and, in practical terms, in the implication of joint team and coordinated action and individual approach to each child and family in the prevention and intervention of behavioral problems


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    Rizična ponaÅ”anja koja se pojavljuju u predÅ”kolskoj dobi jedan su od najsnažnijih prediktora ozbiljnih problema u ponaÅ”anju u kasnijoj dobi. Stoga je upravo taj period ključan za prevenciju i rane intervencije. Pri tome su vrtići od posebnog značaja, a kompetentni odgajatelji važan element zaÅ”tite kao nositelji brojnih aktivnosti s djecom u predÅ”kolskoj ustanovi pa tako i s djecom rizičnih ponaÅ”anja. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne analize fokusnih grupa s odgajateljima iz Dječjeg vrtića Rijeka koji donose interpretaciju njihovog doživljaja kompetentnosti i strategija noÅ”enja u radu s takvom djecom, kao i teÅ”koća s kojima se u svakodnevnom radu s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima djece susreću. U tu svrhu primijenjena je tematska analiza prema Clarke i Braun (2013.) kojom su izolirane tri teme: Ā»ÄŒimbenici koji doprinose adekvatnom noÅ”enju s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima djeceĀ«, Ā»ÄŒimbenici koji doprinose neučinkovitom noÅ”enju odgajatelja s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima djeceĀ« i Ā»Preporuke za unaprjeđenje rada s djecom s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjimaĀ«. Istaknuta je potreba za implementacijom prevencijskih i ranointerventnih programa u vrtiće te nužnom sustavnom i stručnom podrÅ”kom odgajateljima u radu s djecom rizičnih ponaÅ”anja.Risk behaviours at preschool age are among the strongest predictors for later behavioural problems. Preschool age is therefore crucial for prevention and early intervention. In this context, kindergartens are particularly important, and competent preschool teachers implementing numerous activities with children, including those exhibiting risky behaviours, are an important element of protection. The paper reports on the results of a qualitative analysis of focus groups consisting of preschool teachers from the kindergarten Rijeka, who shared their views of competences and strategies for working with such children, as well as of the difficulties arising on a daily basis in the work with children engaging in risk behaviours. Thematic analysis according to Clarke and Braun (2013) has been applied for this purpose, highlighting three topics: Ā»Factors contributing to appropriately addressing risk behaviours in childrenĀ«, Ā»Factors contributing to ineffectively addressing risk behaviours in childrenĀ«, and Ā»Recommendations for improving work with children engaging in risky behaviourĀ«. There is a need for the implementation of prevention and early intervention programmes in kindergartens as well as for providing systematic and expert support to preschool teachers in their work with children engaging in risky behaviour

    Ruralni razvoj u Srbiji i lokalne zajednice

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    Ruralna područja zahvataju najveći deo Srbije i veoma su heterogena po prirodnim uslovima, proizvodnim kapacitetima, stepenu zaposlenosti, infrastrukturi, nivou dohotka i životnom standardu. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup odozdo na gore (bottom-up), koji u prvi plan postavlja lokalne aktere, odnosno lokalne subjekte čiji su interesi vezani za razvoj određene teritorije, posebno je pogodan za definisanje strateÅ”kih prioriteta u razvojno specifičnim ruralnim oblastima. Iz tog razloga politika ruralnog razvoja podržava izgradnju kapaciteta lokalnih zajednica za utvrđivanje i implementaciju lokalnih razvojnih planova. Mreža za podrÅ”ku ruralnom razvoju putem regionalnih i područnih centara treba da formira osnovu za uspostavljanje i efikasno funkcionisanje lokalnih akcionih grupa, koje će se starati o utvrđivanju i sprovođenju razvojnih strategija lokalne zajednice