
On the water transport of animals with special reference to Denmark


Transport of animals by water is a very old way of transport because it is relatively cheap and safe, with a minimum loss of animals. Waterways have been used for the transport of living animals and various goods from ancient times, for example in Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. Later, Vikings were so successful in their conquests because they always had trained horses aboard. It is believed that the colonization of America was possible because Spaniards were also bringing many horses with them. Danish possessions in the Caribbean owe much of their economic success in the period between 1820 and 1920 to permanent supply of cheap mules and other equides from South America. Mules were used for agricultural purposes and for work in sugar-cane mills. In the 20th century, a significant number of animals was transported to German and British colonies in South Africa. During the First and the Second World War, animals were also transported by water; measures were taken to meet the fundamental physiological require¬ments, and a veterinarian accompanied animals on long voyages. These precautions resulted in minimum transport losses

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