44 research outputs found

    Bithermal fatigue of a nickel-base superalloy single crystal

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    The thermomechanical fatigue behavior of a nickel-base superalloy single crystal was investigated using a bithermal test technique. The bithermal fatigue test was used as a simple alternative to the more complex thermomechanical fatigue test. Both in-phase and out-of-phase bithermal tests were performed on (100)-oriented coated and bare Rene N4 single crystals. In out-of-plane bithermal tests, the tensile and compressive halves of the cycle were applied isothermally at 760 and 982 C, respectively, while for the in-phase bithermal tests the temperature-loading sequence was reversed. The bithermal fatigue lives of bare specimens were shorter than the isothermal fatigue lives at either temperature extreme when compared on an inelastic strain basis. Both in-phase and out-of-phase bithermal fatigue life curves converged in the large strain regime and diverged in the small strain regime, out-of-phase resulting in the shortest lives. The coating had no effect on life for specimens cycled in-phase; however, the coating was detrimental for isothermal fatigue at 760 C and for out-of-phase fatigue under large strains

    A viscoplastic theory applied to copper

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    A phenomenologically based viscoplastic model is derived for copper. The model is thermodynamically constrained by the condition of material dissipativity. Two internal state variables are considered. The back stress accounts for strain-induced anisotropy, or kinematic hardening. The drag stress accounts for isotropic hardening. Static and dynamic recovery terms are not coupled in either evolutionary equation. The evolution of drag stress depends on static recovery, while the evolution of back stress depends on dynamic recovery. The material constants are determined from isothermal data. Model predictions are compared with experimental data for thermomechanical test conditions. They are in good agreement at the hot end of the loading cycle, but the model overpredicts the stress response at the cold end of the cycle

    High temperature tension-compression fatigue behavior of a tungsten copper composite

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    The high temperature fatigue of a (O)12 tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composite was investigated. Specimens having fiber volume percentages of 10 and 36 were fatigued under fully-reversed, strain-controlled conditions at both 260 and 560 C. The fatigue life was found to be independent of fiber volume fraction because fatigue damage preferentially occurred in the matrix. Also, the composite fatigue lives were shorter at 560 C as compared to 260 C due to changes in mode of matrix failure. On a total strain basis, the fatigue life of the composite at 560 C was the same as the life of unreinforced copper, indicating that the presence of the fibers did not degrade the fatigue resistance of the copper matrix in this composite system. Comparison of strain-controlled fatigue data to previously-generated load-controlled data revealed that the strain-controlled fatigue lives were longer because of mean strain and mean stress effects

    Thermomechanical fatigue behavior of SiC/Ti-24Al-11Nb in air and argon environments

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    A series of tension-tension, load-controlled thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) tests were conducted on a titanium aluminide composite in both laboratory air and a flowing argon environment. Results from these tests show that the environment plays an increasingly important role as applied stress levels are decreased. Differences in damage mechanisms between the two environments were observed which corresponds to observed variations in TMF lives

    Oxidation Embrittlement Observed in SiC/SiC Composites

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    As part of a comprehensive materials characterization program at the NASA Lewis Research Center, tensile creep-rupture tests were performed on a SiC-fiber-reinforced SiC-matrix composite. The results of these tests and subsequent analysis revealed an oxidation embrittlement phenomena that occurs readily at a discreet temperature range below the maximum use temperature. The graph shows rupture lives for a creep stress of 83 MPa as a function of temperature. Note that the rupture time is constant at an intermediate temperature range of 700 to 982 C. This graph also shows the failure location, as measured from the center of the specimen. Whereas for temperatures of 500 to 700 C, failure occurred in the specimen gage section; at higher temperatures, the failure location migrated toward the cooled grip ends. Although the results initially suggested that the test procedure was influencing the measured creep rupture lives and driving the failure location out of the gage section, subsequent experiments and thermal stress analyses verified the robustness of the test method employed

    Bithermal fatigue: A simplified alternative to thermomechanical fatigue

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    A bithermal fatigue test technique was proposed as a simplified alternative to the thermomechanical fatigue test. Both the thermomechanical cycle and the bithermal technique can be used to study nonisothermal fatigue behavior. The difference between the two cycles is that in a conventional thermomechanical fatigue cycle the temperature is continuously varied concurrently with the applied mechanical strains, but in the bithermal fatigue cycle the specimen is held at zero load during the temperature excursions and all the loads are applied at the two extreme temperatures of the cycle. Experimentally, the bithermal fatigue test technique offers advantages such as ease in synchronizing the temperature and mechanical strain waveforms, in minimizing temperature gradients in the specimen gauge length, and in reducing and interpreting thermal fatigue such as the influence of alternate high and low temperatures on the cyclic stress-strain response characteristics, the effects of thermal state, and the possibility of introducing high- and low-temperature deformation mechanisms within the same cycle. The bithermal technique was used to study nonisothermal fatigue behavior of alloys such as single-crystal PWA 1480, single-crystal Rene N4, cast B1900+Hf, and wrought Haynes 188

    A creep cavity growth model for creep-fatigue life prediction of a unidirectional W/Cu composite

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    A microstructural model was developed to predict creep-fatigue life in a (0)(sub 4), 9 volume percent tungsten fiber-reinforced copper matrix composite at the temperature of 833 K. The mechanism of failure of the composite is assumed to be governed by the growth of quasi-equilibrium cavities in the copper matrix of the composite, based on the microscopically observed failure mechanisms. The methodology uses a cavity growth model developed for prediction of creep fracture. Instantaneous values of strain rate and stress in the copper matrix during fatigue cycles were calculated and incorporated in the model to predict cyclic life. The stress in the copper matrix was determined by use of a simple two-bar model for the fiber and matrix during cyclic loading. The model successfully predicted the composite creep-fatigue life under tension-tension cyclic loading through the use of this instantaneous matrix stress level. Inclusion of additional mechanisms such as cavity nucleation, grain boundary sliding, and the effect of fibers on matrix-stress level would result in more generalized predictions of creep-fatigue life

    Tensile and fatigue behavior of tungsten/copper composites

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    Work on W/Cu unidirectional composites was initiated to study the behavior of this ductile-ductile composite system under thermomechanical fatigue and to examine the applicability of fatigue-life prediction methods for thermomechanical fatigue of this metal matrix composite. The first step was to characterize the tensile behavior of four ply, 10 vol. percent W/Cu plates at room and elevated temperatures. Fatigue tests were conducted in load control on 0 degree specimens at 260 C. The maximum cyclic stress was varied but the minimum cyclic stress was kept constant. All tests were performed in vacuum. The strain at failure increased with increasing maximum cyclic stress

    Current activities in standardization of high-temperature, low-cycle-fatigue testing techniques in the United States

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    The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E606-80 is the most often used recommended testing practice for low-cycle-fatigue (LCF) testing in the United States. The standard was first adopted in 1977 for LCF testing at room temperature and was modified in 1980 to include high-temperature testing practices. Current activity within ASTM is aimed at extending the E606-80 recommended practices to LCF under thermomechanical conditions, LCF in high-pressure hydrogen, and LCF in metal-matrix composite materials. Interlaboratory testing programs conducted to generate a technical base for modifying E606-80 for the aforementioned LCF test types are discussed

    High temperature fatigue behavior of tungsten copper composites

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    The high temperature fatigue behavior of a 9 vol percent, tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composite was investigated. Load-controlled isothermal fatigue experiments at 260 and 560 C and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) experiments, both in phase and out of phase between 260 and 560 C, were performed. The stress-strain response displayed considerable inelasticity under all conditions. Also, strain ratcheting was observed during all the fatigue experiments. For the isothermal fatigue and in-phase TMF tests, the ratcheting was always in a tensile direction, continuing until failure. The ratcheting during the out-of-phase TMF test shifted from a tensile direction to a compressive direction. This behavior was thought to be associated with the observed bulging and the extensive cracking of the out-of-phase specimen. For all cases, the fatigue lives were found to be controlled by damage to the copper matrix. Grain boundary cavitation was the dominant damage mechanism of the matrix. On a stress basis, TMF loading reduced lives substantially, relative to isothermal cycling. In-phase cycling resulted in the shortest lives, and isothermal fatigue at 260 C, the longest