
Oxidation Embrittlement Observed in SiC/SiC Composites


As part of a comprehensive materials characterization program at the NASA Lewis Research Center, tensile creep-rupture tests were performed on a SiC-fiber-reinforced SiC-matrix composite. The results of these tests and subsequent analysis revealed an oxidation embrittlement phenomena that occurs readily at a discreet temperature range below the maximum use temperature. The graph shows rupture lives for a creep stress of 83 MPa as a function of temperature. Note that the rupture time is constant at an intermediate temperature range of 700 to 982 C. This graph also shows the failure location, as measured from the center of the specimen. Whereas for temperatures of 500 to 700 C, failure occurred in the specimen gage section; at higher temperatures, the failure location migrated toward the cooled grip ends. Although the results initially suggested that the test procedure was influencing the measured creep rupture lives and driving the failure location out of the gage section, subsequent experiments and thermal stress analyses verified the robustness of the test method employed

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