32 research outputs found

    Local development factors from the organizational management perspective

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    La evolución del desarrollo local, como eje estratégico para el desarrollo de un país, es el primer componente que esta inmerso en el discurso político y en las normativas de carácter regulador en el territorio ecuatoriano el cual tiene convenios firmados con organismos multilaterales internacionales. El siguiente articulo analiza los factores sociales de la formación de la comunidad local como un sistema social y la gestión de las autoridades de dicha comunidad. Se concluye que se necesita una mejora del sistema de gobiernos locales, del desarrollo de los recursos mencionados y de las oportunidades para apoyar la actividad social.The evolution of local development, as a strategic axis for the development of a country, is the first component involved in the political speech and in regulatory protocols in the Ecuadorian territory, which has signed agreements with international multilateral organizations. The following article analyzes the social factors of local community formation as a social system and the management of the authorities of such community. As conclusion, it is indispensable the improvement of the local government system, the development of the studied resources and the opportunities to support social activity

    Digital competence of the university student. A systematic and bibliographic update

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    Society has experienced an essential technological revolution in recent decades, generating significant repercussions in the educational field, especially in higher education. This technological evolution demands the development of digital skills that allow us to face problems and situations in this environment. In this sense, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have attached great importance to the training in digital skills of university students in their academic policies. Digital competence implies the knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary to access, analyze, evaluate, reflect critically, create, and communicate in four key areas: technological, informational, multimedia, and communicative. The objective of this article is to analyze documents related to the digital competencies of university students. To achieve this, a descriptive bibliometric study was carried out. Among the conclusions, the need to strengthen the training in digital skills of university students is highlighted so that they can take advantage of the communication tools available in the knowledge society

    Dynamic capacities and the influence on the innovative potential of urban hotels

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    The irruption in the theory of intangible assets, as one of the essential resources of the contemporary organization, places innovation management at the center of organizational strategies. Several approaches are used to study innovation from a business perspective; however, the Theory of Resources and Capacities gains strength to understand the organization. It specializes in knowledge management, the dynamics approach, and the capacity for innovation. That is why this article analyzes the state of development of dynamic capabilities in hotels in the city of the destination Havana and its effect on their innovative performance. For this, the emotional capacities are defined, and the indicators to be measured are established, taking into account the particularities of the accommodation activity. As a result, it is possible to determine the state of the dynamic capacities, and the influence of these on the innovative performance of the hotels studied is analyzed. As well as the viability of the Theory of Resources and Capacities to promote innovation in hotels

    The challenges of taxation in the digital economy: analysis of the Ecuadorian tax system

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    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the current state of taxation of the digital economy and project its contribution to the tax system in Ecuador. A methodology of qualitative approach and exploratory scope was used, through a comparative matrix of Latin American countries, their BEPS regulations and an analysis of the effectiveness of the actions taken on taxes on the digital economy. Statistical data was taken from Tax Administrations, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations and the KPMG Tax News Digital Economy Report. For the projection of fiscal income, the Financial Statements of multinational companies that do not have headquarters in Ecuador were considered and through simple regression the future collection was estimated. The results showed that the projection of digital taxes in Ecuador would be 200.27 million dollars for the period 2022-2025, with 80% corresponding to VAT. In addition, it was revealed that there is a derivative collection not considered as a product of the information provided by digital companies, causing additional potential collection. In the diagnosis of advances in international tax matters in the Region, it is concluded that tax regulations in Latin America respond to the tax challenges of the digital economy on a global scale

    Does Money Help Elections? Analysis of the Impact of Campaign Spending and Incumbency in Ecuador

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    Restricting policies on electoral spending are intended to equalize the conditions of participation of candidates for a seat in a popular election. However, does the application of these restrictions generate equity in the electoral contest, or the opposite? There is much evidence about the advantage of the candidate who is reelected (incumbent) against his contender (challenger), which questions whether the budget restriction on electoral spending is effective in itself. For this research, we used a multiple linear regression method that measures the effects of the effectiveness of campaign spending in attracting votes from candidates for mayor of Ecuador, resulting in incumbency providing a degree of advantage over challengers. much more than the efficiency of spending, all in a highly restrictive scenario in electoral budgets and political campaign time

    Food Autonomy within Food Sovereignty: Evidence from a Structural Model

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    Food sovereignty as a model to solve food problems is being used in political, economic, and agricultural thought, but academic literature does not offer insight into its impact and the dimension of food autonomy. We have chosen to study Ecuador, given that, in 2008, the country reformed its constitution and adopted the concept of food sovereignty as a right of the Ecuadorian people, being the first country to do so. In this article, we apply the multiple indicators and multiple causes model to uncover scientific findings with the observable data available, and estimate the phenomenon of food sovereignty, which will be called the latent variable. The article aims to determine the main indicators associated with a synthetic index of food sovereignty and one that integrates a measurement model. In order to meet the goal of this research, eight hypotheses are raised, of which four are confirmatory and four are exploratory. The exploratory hypotheses are given because the theoretical foundations contradict themselves in favor of and against the latent variable. The findings of the statistical model relate to inflation, cereal yield, agricultural-value added, prevalence of malnutrition, food export, and food import as causes and indicators that are part of food sovereignty

    Analysis of Citizen Satisfaction in Municipal Services

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    Citizen demand for quality public services is increasing, and improvements in the provision of public services affect citizen satisfaction and loyalty. This research is to evaluate citizens’ loyalty to municipal officials on the quality of public services provided by the municipality. The measurement is made through a household-level survey, with a sample of 428 valid questionnaires, in a rural parish of Tengel in Guayaquil, following the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). This study used the Warp-PLS 7.0 software with a structural equation model to evaluate the seven hypotheses raised. A new component is included in this research: the effect of perceived quality in the provision of municipal services in rural areas on the value ratio perceived by the citizen and overall satisfaction. The results obtained allowed us to observe that the loyalty of the citizen to the elected municipal officials depends on citizen satisfaction with the public services provided by the municipal administration in rural areas. In addition, the quality perceived by the citizen modulates at different levels the relationships between the perceived value and the citizen satisfaction. Areas of improvement in the provision of public services such as municipal police, firefighters, veterinary services, parking services and address information were identified. The findings would allow local public administrators to take action to improve the services provided in rural areas in order to maintain the loyalty of citizens

    The cultural and heritage tourist, SEM analysis: the case of The Citadel of the Catholic King

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    This study researches the loyalty of travelers to destinations which include material cultural heritage. It analyzes the loyalty of visitors to a destination with cultural heritage sites in order to provide results which can be used to improve the management of the destination. This research used Warp-PLS 7.0 software with a structural equations model to evaluate the 8 proposed and validated hypotheses. A questionnaire was given to a sample of 499 tourists who visited The Citadel of the Catholic King in Córdoba and the statistical study of the replies gave results about the loyalty of visitors to a destination which includes cultural heritage. This study adds an innovative component by analyzing the moderating effect of perceived heritage quality and perceived cultural quality on the relationship of perceived value and visitor satisfaction. This study shows that visitor loyalty to The Citadel of the Catholic King depends on the visitor satisfaction with the cultural heritage, it also analyses how the quality perceived by the tourist modulates to varying degrees the relationship between perceived value and tourist satisfaction. Areas which can be improved at cultural heritage sites have been identified and these include the professionalization of tour guides specialized in cultural heritage sites, improving and showing the cultural importance of the heritage, the information available about the heritage and the access to the heritage. These findings are important for city managers when preparing projects to increase the loyalty and competitiveness of the city compared to other similar destinations with cultural heritage

    Workplace harassment in psychosocial risks and teleworking in times of health crisis

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    This study seeks to reflect on the relationship between teleworking, workplace harassment, and psychosocial risks in the context of labor resolutions adopted in Ecuador in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose is to identify the relationship between mobbing in the telework modality and its effect on psychosocial risks. The following questions arise: how does mobbing manifest itself in telework? How not to confuse the results of teleworking with mobbing? Can mobbing be considered a psychosocial risk factor? For this, a systematic review of the literature and previous studies of the proposed variables and the analysis of the information from the Ministerio de Trabajo in Ecuador on a survey was conducted to evaluate the consequences of teleworking on workers. Despite the limitation of knowledge and relevant data, it has been established that workplace harassment or mobbing is also present in teleworking, with negative consequences; when the characteristics and conditions of work are not clearly defined, it is accessible to transition to mobbing, and, therefore, the increase in psychosocial risks in workers