1,729 research outputs found

    Sensor Selection and Chemo-Sensory Optimization: Toward an Adaptable Chemo-Sensory System

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    Over the past two decades, despite the tremendous research on chemical sensors and machine olfaction to develop micro-sensory systems that will accomplish the growing existent needs in personal health (implantable sensors), environment monitoring (widely distributed sensor networks), and security/threat detection (chemo/bio warfare agents), simple, low-cost molecular sensing platforms capable of long-term autonomous operation remain beyond the current state-of-the-art of chemical sensing. A fundamental issue within this context is that most of the chemical sensors depend on interactions between the targeted species and the surfaces functionalized with receptors that bind the target species selectively, and that these binding events are coupled with transduction processes that begin to change when they are exposed to the messy world of real samples. With the advent of fundamental breakthroughs at the intersection of materials science, micro- and nano-technology, and signal processing, hybrid chemo-sensory systems have incorporated tunable, optimizable operating parameters, through which changes in the response characteristics can be modeled and compensated as the environmental conditions or application needs change. The objective of this article, in this context, is to bring together the key advances at the device, data processing, and system levels that enable chemo-sensory systems to “adapt” in response to their environments. Accordingly, in this review we will feature the research effort made by selected experts on chemical sensing and information theory, whose work has been devoted to develop strategies that provide tunability and adaptability to single sensor devices or sensory array systems. Particularly, we consider sensor-array selection, modulation of internal sensing parameters, and active sensing. The article ends with some conclusions drawn from the results presented and a visionary look toward the future in terms of how the field may evolve

    Un análisis bibliométrico sobre los Programas de Salud y Bienestar Laboral: principales perspectivas de investigación

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    The implementation of Workplace Health and Wellness Programs aims to improve the health and wellness conditions of employees, reduce absenteeism and in turn positively impact productivity in organizations; however, there has been no evidence of a bibliometric analysis that has allowed identifying research trends by the academic community applying the Tree of Science (ToS) methodology. To cover this aspect, articles published from 2001 to 2020 in the Web of Science database were reviewed, building the ToS of Workplace Health and Wellness Programs, identifying and analyzing the three main research perspectives: health promotion and prevention, mental stress intervention and burnout prevention, and prevention of the effects of obesity through physical activity. Taking into account that the literature identified in this review has been generated mostly in the United States and the United Kingdom, it is recommended that future research be conducted in our country to serve as an academic reference for Colombian organizations to strengthen the management of the health and well-being of  their human talent.La implementación de Programas de Salud y Bienestar Laboral tiene como propósito mejorar las condiciones de salud y bienestar de los empleados, reducir el absentismo y a su vez impactar positivamente la productividad en las organizaciones; sin embargo, no se ha evidenciado un análisis bibliométrico que haya permitido identificar y analizar las perspectivas de investigación de los Programas de Salud y Bienestar Laboral por parte de la comunidad académica aplicando la metodología del árbol de la ciencia (en adelante ToS). Para cubrir este aspecto se revisaron los artículos publicados desde el año 2001 hasta el 2020 en la base de datos Web of Science, construyendo el árbol de la ciencia de los Programas de Salud y Bienestar Laboral, identificando y analizando las tres principales perspectivas de investigación: la promoción y prevención en salud, la intervención del estrés mental y la prevención del burnout, y la prevención de los efectos de la obesidad a través de la actividad física. Teniendo en cuenta que la literatura identificada en la presente revisión se ha generado en mayor proporción en Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, se recomienda la realización de futuras investigaciones en nuestro país que sirvan de referencia académica para que las organizaciones colombianas fortalezcan la gestión de la salud y el bienestar laboral de su talento humano.

    Generación de CRUD's con AndroMDA usando Spring MVC como capa de presentación

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    Eleventh graders’ learning experiences through a whatsapp group in EFL.

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    In this twenty first century, it is known that technological advances have been having a notable influence in teenagers’ lifestyle. Actually, researchers have identified a situation in Moderno Engativá School, a private school in Bogota where eleventh graders use their cell phones interacting with social networks and applications throughout their classes. Consequently, instead of avoiding the use of these devices and apps, researchers decided to take advantage of these technological resources and use them as a support for the English class in order to promote different learning experiences and in this way analyzing them. Therefore, the objective of this research project was to analyze students’ learning experiences during the participation in a WhatsApp group in EFL. This qualitative study was an Action Research which generates a cycle on the situation identified. The pedagogical implementation was divided in six activities which involved the four language skills –speaking, writing, listening and reading- using that application in order to provide participants with a learning experience in which they could share and interact with their classmates. Lastly, the instruments chosen to collect data were a focus group implemented at the beginning, journals after each session during the implementation, and finally a questionnaire in which participants expressed the most significant experiences for them in a general way about all the activities developed in the WhatsApp group

    Diplomado de profundización cisco prueba de habilidades practicas ccnp

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    En este trabajo se da solución a un escenario propuesto donde se aplica el aprendizaje adquirido en el Diplomado de Profundización CCNP, la prueba de habilidades consiste en la presentación de un informe con el desarrollo completo del escenario propuesto. La topología del escenario se compone de dispositivos cisco como son Router 7200, switch 2960 y Pc de escritorio, el cableado estructurado que conecta los dispositivos de la red, el direccionamiento de la red con protocolos de enrutamiento IPV4 e IPV6, con una puerta de enlace que conecta la red con la IPS de internet. El software de simulación seleccionado para desarrollar la actividad es GNS3 en donde se puede simular una red, crear una topología, conectarla y configurar los protocolos de enrutamiento, VRF, implementación de VLANS, segmentación de la red y seguridad. El diseño de la red se desarrolla en 4 pasos, construcción y configuración básica, configuración VRF rutas estáticas, configuración de capa 2 y por último paso configuración de seguridad.In this work, a solution is given to a proposed scenario where the learning acquired in the CCNP Deepening Diploma is applied, the skills test consists of presenting a report with the complete development of the proposed scenario. The topology of the scenario is made up of Cisco devices such as Router 7200, switch 2960 and desktop PC, the structured cabling that connects the network devices, the addressing of the network with IPV4 and IPV6 routing protocols, with a gateway that connects the network with the internet IPS. The simulation software selected to develop the activity is GNS3 where a network can be simulated, create a topology, connect it and configure routing protocols, VRF, VLAN implementation, network segmentation and security. The design of the network is developed in 4 steps, construction and basic configuration, VRF static routes configuration, layer 2 configuration and last step security configuration

    Métodos De Identificación Y Cadena De Custodia En La Radiología Forense

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    Para identificación forense se pueden realizan a través de dos procedimientos, uno es la identificación indiciaria, la cual esta basa en la concordancia de la características, como talla, peso, edad, color de ojos y de piel, el sistema esquelético, entre otras; otro es la identificación fehaciente que es la que se realiza por medio de técnicas empleadas como lo son dactiloscopia, carta dental y cortejo de ADN; comprendiendo que los fenómenos cadavéricos nos da además las principales características o alteraciones que acontecen en un cadáver, es importante tener en cuenta que un cadáver debe estar rotulado y custodiado.For forensic identification, they can be carried out through two procedures, one is circumstantial identification, which is based on the concordance of characteristics, such as height, weight, age, eye and skin color, the skeletal system, among others; Another is the reliable identification that is carried out by means of techniques used such as fingerprints, dental charts and DNA courtship. understanding that cadaveric phenomena also give us the main characteristics or alterations that occur in a corpse, it is important to bear in mind that a corpse must be labeled and guarded


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    Bacterial blast of the rice panicle, caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Burkholderia glumae, causes grain rot, generating losses of 15 to 80% of production. Although integrated management methodologies and the use of agrochemicals have been implemented to mitigate this situation, satisfactory results have not been achieved, and the excessive use of oxolinic acid has generated resistance on the part of the bacterial strains and, on the other hand, the safety of the final product for food safety worldwide. The present study aimed to implement new environmentally friendly biocontrol strategies such as the use of essential oils of Lippia alba and Lippia origanoides to reduce losses in rice crops caused by B. glumae, finding significant results of the essential oils, observing antibacterial activity of 100%, Lippia origanoides at a concentration of 90 ppm.   Lippia alba had inhibitory activity at 1550 ppm with 80% effectiveness. The chemical profiles of the essential oils showed thymol as the major secondary metabolite with an area percentage of 68% for the essential oil of L. origanoides, while L. alba contains geranial and neral in 35% and 29% respectively and are possibly associated with antibacterial activity against B. glumae and its future use for the biological management of bacterial blast in rice plants

    Use Of Cymbopogon Citratus Leaf Essential Oil For Management Of Anthracnosis In Yam-Grops

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    The essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. (Lemongrass) has been positioned as a phytosanitary alternative to counteract the effects caused by phytopathogenic fungi. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in vitro the inhibitory activity of essential oils from Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) leaves against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Leaves of the silver species Cymbopogon citratus were collected in the sub-region of the savannahs of the department of Sucre; for the extraction of essential oils (EO), fresh leaves were weighed and EO was obtained using the microwave-assisted hydrodistillation method. The antifungal activity of the EOs was evaluated using the surface seeding technique on solid medium, the activity was expressed as percentage inhibition index. Chemical characterisation of the essential oils was performed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The highest antifungal index efficiency of lemongrass was observed at concentrations of 5,000, 8,000 and 10,000 ppm. The main constituent identified in lemongrass EOs was citral, which is possibly related to the inhibitory activity of the fungus causing anthracnose disease in yam crop