19 research outputs found

    Parental Style, Dating Violence and Gender

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    The relationship between parenting styles and teen dating violence has become a relevant research topic in recent years, especially related to violence inflicted online. To more fully understand this relationship, the objective of the present study was to examine which parenting style (authoritarian, indulgent, authoritative, or neglectful) best protects against dating violence in adolescent relationships. A total of 1132 adolescents of both sexes participated in this study (46.4% boys and 53.6% girls), with ages between 14 and 18 years old (M = 15.6, SD = 1.3). A multivariate factorial design was applied (MANOVA, 4 2), using the parenting style, the parents’ gender, and the adolescents’ gender as independent variables, and the dating violence dimensions (online and o ine) as dependent variables. As the results show, the lowest scores on all the dating violence dimensions examined were obtained by adolescents from indulgent families. In addition, three interaction e ects were observed between the mother’s parenting style and the adolescent’s gender on online violence (e-violence and control), and the father’s parenting style on o ine violence (verbal-emotional). Thus, adolescents with authoritarian mothers obtained the highest scores on violence and control inflicted online, respectively, and adolescent girls with authoritarian fathers obtained the highest scores on verbal-emotional violence. These findings suggest that the indulgent style is the parenting style that protects against violence in teen dating relationships, and they also highlight the risks of the authoritarian style as a family child-rearing mode

    The secret of organisation success: A revision on organisational and team resilience

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    Purpose – The concept of the “resilient organisation” has gained popularity as a concept that might aid organizations survive and thrive in difficult or volatile economic times. Knowing which factors may contribute to building organizational and team resilience is one of the questions that still remain unsolved. The purpose of this paper is to examine and review different conceptualisations of this emergent topic in the management literature, taking into account the common features of resilience capacity in organizations and teams. Design/methodology/approach – To examine the literature on resilience, the authors will focus on team resilience. The authors depart from the psychological-behavioral approach to study resilience and instead take a multilevel perspective (i.e. taking into account organizational and team factors). Findings – From a psychological-behavioral point of view the authors posit that there is a lack of research on which factors build team resilience. This review clarifies and relates independent and isolated studies on resilience taking into account the resources both at team and organizational level (i.e. collective efficacy, transformational leadership, teamwork, organizational practices) that build team resilience capacity. Research limitations/implications – Taking into account this review, future studies should analyze empirically the relationship between these factors that build up team resilience. Practical implications – With this review the authors try to provide guidance as to which aspects of the organization both research and practitioners should focus on. Originality/value – In sum, this literature review examines organizational and team factors that may build team resilience from a psychological-behavioral perspective, taking into account the multilevel view

    El papel predictivo de la auto-eficacia en el Modelo de Demandas-Recursos Laborales: un estudio longitudinal

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    Taking Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory as our starting point, we analysed the predicting role of self-efficacy in the Job Demands-Resources Model. We tested longitudinally the two underlying psychological processes, namely: 1) the motivational process, in which job resources (i.e., job autonomy and social support climate) foster engagement, and 2) the erosion process, in which high job demands (i.e., quantitative overload and role conflict) lead to burnout. Structural equation modelling in a sample of 274 secondary-school teachers confirmed both processes, as well as the powerful predicting role of self-efficacy. Finally, we discuss the theoretical findings and the practical implications.Con la Teoría Social Cognitiva de Albert Bandura como punto de partida, hemos analizado el rol predictivo de la autoeficacia en el Modelo Demandas-Recursos Laborales. Hemos comprobado longitudinalmente los dos procesos psicológicos subyacentes, a saber: 1) el proceso motivacional, en el que los recursos de trabajo (ej., autonomía en el trabajo y el clima de apoyo social) fomentan el engagement, y 2) el proceso de erosión, en el que las altas demandas laborales (ej., sobrecarga cuantitativa y conflicto de rol) conllevan al desgaste. Mediante ecuaciones estructurales, el modelo fue probado en una muestra de 274 profesores de enseñanza secundaria y se confirmaron ambos procesos, así como el poderoso rol de predicción de la autoeficacia. Finalmente, se discuten los hallazgos teóricos y las implicaciones prácticas

    Cuando creer es poder: el papel de la autoeficacia en la mejora de la salud ocupacional

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    En este artículo se revisa la Teoría Social Cognitiva, de Albert Bandura, en la que se enmarcan las creencias de eficacia, con el objetivo de revisar sus múltiples aplicaciones en la mejora de la salud ocupacional y el Desarrollo de los Recursos Humanos (DRH); se trata de una estrategia para "progresar" en la salud del trabajador y en la salud organizacional. Tras una breve introducción teórica, en la que se revisan los conceptos claves de la autoeficacia, se muestran diversas recomendaciones que, siguiendo la Teoría Social Cognitiva, tienen el objetivo de reducir los riesgos laborales y promover el bienestar de los trabajadores. Dichas recomendaciones pueden ser útiles para el DRH, en múltiples dominios de actividad en las empresas de hoy día

    Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Workers’ Flow

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    El objetivo de este estudio es poner a prueba la relación entre la inteligencia emocional del líder y el flow de su equipo de trabajo. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio transversal con 47 líderes y 141 colaboradores y colaboradoras. Los resultados de una prueba t para muestras independientes con los líderes de mayor y menor inteligencia emocional muestran que existen diferencias significativas en la dimensión absorción del flow de las personas a su cargo. Estos resultados implican que se ha de tener en cuenta la inteligencia emocional del líder para analizar el bienestar de los integrantes de su equipo de trabajo.The aim of this study is to test the relationship between leaders’ emotional intelligence and followers’ flow. To do this, we have carried out a cross sectional study with 47 leaders and 141 followers. Results of t test for independent samples shows that there are significant differences in the absorption dimension of flow between the groups with the leaders of the highest and the lowest emotional intelligence. These results imply that the leader’s emotional intelligence must be taken into account to analyze the wellbeing of the members of his team

    How personal resources predict work engagement and self-rated performance among construction workers: A social cognitive perspective

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    Traditionally, research focussing on psychosocial factors in the construction industry has focused mainly on the negative aspects of health and on results such as occupational accidents. This study, however, focuses on the specific relationships among the different positive psychosocial factors shared by construction workers that could be responsible for occupational well-being and outcomes such as performance. The main objective of this study was to test whether personal resources predict self-rated job performance through job resources and work engagement. Following the predictions of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory and the motivational process of the Job Demands-Resources Model, we expect that the relationship between personal resources and performance will be fully mediated by job resources and work engagement. The sample consists of 228 construction workers. Structural equation modelling supports the research model. Personal resources (i.e. self-efficacy, mental and emotional competences) play a predicting role in the perception of job resources (i.e. job control and supervisor social support), which in turn leads to work engagement and self-rated performance. This study emphasises the crucial role that personal resources play in determining how people perceive job resources by determining the levels of work engagement and, hence, their self-rated job performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Phubbing y género en un sector académico en Quito: Uso, abuso e interferencia de la tecnología

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo explicar la interferencia de la tecnología en la vida cotidiana, con un estudio diferencial por género. Los objetivos específicos son conocer si existen diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en: periodos; razones que les impulsan a usar la tecnología; dispositivos tecnológicos utilizados; problemas sociales que se derivan de la interferencia de los dispositivos tecnológicos en diferentes aspectos de la vida; tiempo que pueden soportar sin utilizar tecnología; sentimiento de culpabilidad; y percepción de adicción. Se encuestaron 3,793 personas, entre estudiantes, personal académico, administrativo y de servicios de una institución académica situada en Quito, Ecuador. Mediante análisis descriptivos, pruebas t de Student y chi cuadrado, se ha logrado establecer un hito referencial, al demostrar que existen comportamientos adictivos a las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), así como la presencia de phubbing en la población encuestada, habiendo diferencias significativas por género

    El trabajo de enfermería en la provincia de Madrid durante el confinamiento por la Covid-19: contexto y experiencias

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    Covid-19 has triggered a health crisis with multiple social and economic consequences. The health system has been overflowed and has subjected health professionals to high demands. This study aims to analyze the stress experiences of nurses from the province of Madrid during the lock-down period in Spain. The stress appraisal, personal and social resources, the coping strategies, as well as the performance and mental health are analyzed. This is a transversal survey study using validated measures, with data from a sample of 124 nurses from Madrid and 314 from other parts of Spain. The strongest appraised stressors have been fear of contagion and emotional burden due to patient suffering and death. Moreover, the nurses report important levels of emotional support and show good levels of resilience. Concerning coping strategies, ‘problem focused’ predominates, although there are also high levels of emotional support and acceptance. Regarding mental health indicators, the surveyed nurses show higher levels of tension and anxiety than those of depressive state. Moreover, they report high levels of performance and citizenship behavior with their workmates. The correlation indexes show a positive relation between the levels of stress and mental health problems. Moreover, performance and citizenship behavior with workmates show a negative relation with the mental health indicators. Lastly, coping strategies present a positive relation with personal resources (self-efficacy and resilience) but just in the case of acceptance presents a significant relation with performance and mental health. Lastly, the comparison of these results from the nurses of Madrid with the sample from other parts of Spain shows few significant differences.La Covid-19 ha desencadenado una crisis de salud con múltiples repercusiones para la economía y la sociedad. El sistema sanitario se ha visto desbordado y ha presentado fuertes demandas para sus profesionales. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las experiencias de estrés del personal de enfermería de la provincia de Madrid durante el periodo de confinamiento en España. Para ello se analizan las fuentes de estrés percibidas, los recursos personales y sociales, las estrategias de afrontamiento, así como su desempeño y salud mental. Se trata de un estudio transversal de encuesta en el que se han utilizado medidas validadas, obteniendo datos de una muestra de 124 enfermeros/as de Madrid y 314 del resto de España. Las fuentes de estrés más fuertes han sido el miedo al contagio y la carga emocional por sufrimiento y muerte de los pacientes. Además, los/as enfermeros/as constatan niveles importantes de apoyo emocional y presentan buenos niveles de resiliencia. Entre las estrategias de afrontamiento, predomina el ‘centrado en el problema’, aunque también se dan niveles altos de apoyo emocional y aceptación. En los indicadores de salud mental, el personal encuestado muestra niveles más altos de tensión y ansiedad que de estados depresivos. Además, el desempeño y compañerismo presentan niveles positivos elevados. Las correlaciones indican una relación positiva entre los niveles de estrés y los problemas de salud mental. Por otra parte, el rendimiento y compañerismo presenta una relación negativa con esos indicadores de salud mental. Por último, el afrontamiento presenta una relación positiva con los recursos (autoeficacia y resiliencia) y en el caso de la aceptación tiene relación significativa con el rendimiento y con la salud mental. Finalmente se han comparado estos resultados del personal de enfermería de Madrid con los obtenidos por la muestra general española sin encontrarse apenas diferencias significativas