266 research outputs found

    The 20-year longitudinal trajectories of social functioning in individuals with psychotic disorders

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    Objective: Social impairment is a long-recognized core feature of schizophrenia and is common in other psychotic disorders. Still, to date the long-term trajectories of social impairment in psychotic disorders have rarely been studied systematically. Methods: Data came from the Suffolk County Mental Health Project, a 20-year prospective study of first-admission patients with psychotic disorders. A never-psychotic comparison group was also assessed. Latent class growth analysis was applied to longitudinal data on social functioning from 485 respondents with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and psychotic mood disorders, and associations of the empirically derived trajectories with premorbid social adjustment, diagnosis, and 20-year outcomes were examined. Results: Four mostly stable trajectories of preserved (N=82; 59th percentile of comparison group sample distribution), moderately impaired (N=148; 17th percentile), severely impaired (N=181; 3rd percentile), and profoundly impaired (N=74; 1st percentile) functioning best described the 20-year course of social functioning across diagnoses. The outcome in the group with preserved functioning did not differ from that of never-psychotic individuals at 20 years, but the other groups functioned significantly worse. Differences among trajectories were already evident in childhood. The two most impaired trajectories started to diverge in early adolescence. Poorer social functioning trajectories were strongly associated with other real-world outcomes at 20 years. Multiple trajectories were represented within each disorder. However, more participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders had impaired trajectories, and more with mood disorders had better functioning trajectories. Conclusions: The results highlight substantial variability of social outcomes within diagnoses—albeit overall worse social outcomes in schizophrenia spectrum disorders—and show remarkably stable long-term impairments in social functioning after illness onset across all diagnoses

    Pathways from speech illusions to psychotic symptoms in subjects at Ultra-High Risk for psychosis: combining an experimental measure of aberrant experiences with network analysis

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    Background One of the oldest and most influential theories of psychosis formation states that delusions arise in an attempt to explain unusual experiences, including perceptual aberrations. The White Noise Task by Galdos et al (2011) was developed as an experimental task to assess the tendency to attribute meaning to random perceptual stimuli: speech illusions in white noise. Studies to date have demonstrated that speech illusions as assessed with the White Noise Task are associated with a composite measure of positive symptoms in patients with psychotic disorders (Galdos et al, 2011; Catalan et al, 2014). However, findings in non-clinical samples have been inconsistent: one study found an association with a composite measure of subclinical positive symptoms, including support for a relation with familial psychosis liability (Galdos et al, 2011), whereas other studies did not find any association in non-clinical samples or only partly (Catalan et al, 2014; Rimvall et al, 2016; Pries et al, 2017). The current study aims to further examine whether speech illusions as assessed with the White Noise Task are indicative of psychosis liability and to explore specific symptomatic pathways. Methods We conducted symptom-based network analyses in Ultra-High Risk (UHR) subjects participating in the European network of national networks studying gene-environment interactions in schizophrenia project (EU-GEI, 2014; www.eu-gei.eu). Psychotic symptoms were assessed with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Transition to clinical psychosis was assessed with the Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental State (CAARMS). We used a conservative measure of speech illusions, as described in Catalan et al (2014). Results The current sample consisted of 339 UHR subjects, of which 9.1% (N=31) experienced speech illusions. Preliminary network analyses in cross-sectional baseline data showed potential pathways from speech illusions to delusional ideation, through hallucinatory experiences. We also found evidence of prospective relations between speech illusions at baseline and transition to clinical psychosis. Pathways ran via baseline psychotic symptoms and affective symptoms, as well as a ‘direct’ pathway. Discussion As far as we are aware, this is the first study combining an experimental measure of aberrant experiences with symptom-based network analysis. Although the current reported findings are preliminary and exploratory, they tentatively support a relation between speech illusions as assessed with the White Noise Task and psychosis liability. This relation may be dependent on sample composition, and not generalizable to the general population as a whole. Future studies may benefit from focusing on more detailed trajectories of both susceptibility to speech illusions and course of (sub)clinical psychotic symptom severity in subjects with increased risk for psychosis, with use of more frequent, short assessment periods and inclusion of environmental risk factors for transition to clinical disorder

    Soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration over an age sequence of Pinus patula plantations in Zimbabwean Eastern Highlands

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    Forests play a major role in regulating the rate of increase of global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations creating a need to investigate the ability of exotic plantations to sequester atmospheric CO2. This study examined pine plantations located in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe relative to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) storage along an age series. Samples of stand characteristics, forest floor (L, F and H) and 0–10, 10–30 and 30–60 cm soil depth were randomly taken from replicated stands in Pinus patula Schiede & Deppe of 1, 10, 20, 25, and 30 years plus two natural forests. Sodium polytungstate (density 1.6 g cm−3) was used to isolate organic matter into free light fraction (fLF), occluded light fraction (oLF) and mineral associated heavy fraction (MaHF). In both natural and planted forests, above ground tree biomass was the major ecosystem C pool followed by forest floor’s humus (H) layer in addition to the 45%, 31% and 24% of SOC contributed by the 0–10, 10–30 and 30–60 cm soil depths respectively. Stand age caused significant differences in total organic C and N stocks. Carbon and N declined initially soon after establishment but recovered rapidly at 10 years, after which it declined following silvicultural operations (thinning and pruning) and recovered again by 25 years. Soil C and N stocks were highest in moist forest (18.3 kg C m−2 and 0.66 kg of N m−2) and lowest in the miombo (8.5 kg m−2 of C and 0.22 kg of N m−2). Average soil C among Pinus stands was 11.4 kg of C m−2, being highest at 10 years (13.7 of C kg m−2) and lowest at 1 year (9.9 kg of C m−2). Some inputs of charcoal through bioturbation over the 25 year period contributed to stabilisation of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its depth distribution compared to the one year old stands. Nitrogen was highest at 10 years (0.85 kg of N m−2) and least at 30 years (0.22 kg of N m−2). Carbon and N in density fractions showed the 20 year old stand having similar proportions of fLF and oLF while the rest had significantly higher fLF than oLF. The contribution of fLF C, oLF C and MaHF C to SOC was 8–13%, 1–7% and 90–91% respectively. Carbon and N in all fractions decreased with depth. The mineral associated C was significantly affected by stand age whilst the fLF and oLF were not. Conversion of depleted miombo woodlands to pine plantations yield better C gains in the short and long run whilst moist forest provide both carbon and biodiversity. Our results highlight the importance of considering forestry age based C pools in estimating C sink potential over a rotation and the possibility of considering conservation of existing natural forests as part of future REDD + projects
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