10 research outputs found

    Efectos post-incendio en bosques de pino del trópico seco de Nicaragua

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    La investigación se realizó en la Reserva Natural Serranías de Dipilto y Jalapa. Con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos post-incendio en la riqueza y cobertura de herbáceas y leñosas, en bosque de pino. Se determinaron tres intensidades de incendio: alta, media, baja y un control (área no incendiada); mediante la cicatriz dejada por el fuego en los fustes de los árboles de pino. Se establecieron parcelas circulares de 314.16 m2, donde se cuantificó la riqueza y cobertura de especies en tres estratos de la vegetación: arbóreo, arbustivo y herbáceo.En la alta intensidad se encontraron 22 especies en total. Mientras que en la media y baja intensidad se registraron de 18 especies. En el área no incendiada, se encontraron 12 especies. Es evidente que la mayor riqueza de especies se observó en la alta intensidad, lo cual se debe a la activación de los mecanismos de rebrote y bancos de semilla.El aumento de la cobertura de especies herbáceas y leñosas es directamente proporcional a las intensidades del incendio, la cual está vinculada a la riqueza de especies.Palabras claves: Intensidades de incendio, riqueza de especies, cobertura, estratos de la vegetación

    Efectos post – incendio en bosques de pino del trópico seco de Nicaragua

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    The research was conducted in the foothills of the Dipilto Nature Reserve and in Jalapa; in order to assess the post-fire effects on the richness and cover of herbaceous and woody pine forest. Three fire intensities were identified: high, medium, low and a control one (no burned area); by means of the scar left by the fire in the shafts of the pine trees. Circular plots of 314.16 m2 were established whereby richness and cover in three vegetation strata were quantified: Tree, shrub and herbaceous. In the high intensity a total of 22 species were found. While in the medium and low intensity 18 species were recorded. In the unburned area, 12 species were found. Clearly, the highest species richness was observed in the high intensity, which is due to the activation mechanisms of regrowth and seed banks. The increased coverage of herbaceous and woody species is directly proportional to the intensity of the fire, which is linked to species richness. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/farem.v0i11.1608 Revista Científica de FAREM-Estelí No.11 2014: 91-101La investigación se realizó en la Reserva Natural Serranías de Dipilto y Jalapa. Con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos post-incendio en la riqueza y cobertura de herbáceas y leñosas, en bosque de pino. Se determinaron tres intensidades de incendio: alta, media, baja y un control (área no incendiada); mediante la cicatriz dejada por el fuego en los fustes de los árboles de pino. Se establecieron parcelas circulares de 314.16 m2, donde se cuantificó la riqueza y cobertura de especies en tres estratos de la vegetación: arbóreo, arbustivo y herbáceo. En la alta intensidad se encontraron 22 especies en total. Mientras que en la media y baja intensidad se registraron de 18 especies. En el área no incendiada, se encontraron 12 especies. Es evidente que la mayor riqueza de especies se observó en la alta intensidad, lo cual se debe a la activación de los mecanismos de rebrote y bancos de semilla. El aumento de la cobertura de especies herbáceas y leñosas es directamente proporcional a las intensidades del incendio, la cual está vinculada a la riqueza de especies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/farem.v0i11.1608 Revista Científica de FAREM-Estelí No.11 2014: 91-10

    Experiencias de aprendizaje

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    Libro de experiencias de aprendizaje del grupo de investigación Giteca y de los semilleros de investigación en la que se visualizan las diferentes experiencias lideradas por instructores y aprendices en las diferentes áreas y líneas de formación.Book of learning experiences of the Giteca research group and the research hotbeds in which the different experiences led by instructors and apprentices in the different areas and lines of training are visualized.Propagación in vitro como un camino de aprendizaje para la formación profesional integral -- Experiencias significativas de aprendizaje, laboratorio de hematología y parasitología animal del Complejo Tecnológico para la Gestión Agroempresarial CTPGA-SENA -- Experiencias significativas adquiridas por aprendices en el área de SENNOVA, Complejo Tecnológico para la Gestión Agroempresarial. Regional – Antioquia -- El papel de la prensa escrita en el desarrollo de la competencia textual -- Aprendiendo a Emprender con un emprendedor -- Ven y te cuento sobre ADSI -- Observaciones fenológicas del cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao) en los municipios de Tarazá, El Bagre y Caucasia dentro de la formación del programa SENA emprende rural -- Tejiendo sueños desde la formación -- Forraje verde hidropónico como alternativa para disminuir la expansión de la frontera agrícola en el Putumayo -- La importancia del saber hacer para ser competente en el sector agrícola -- Experiencia significativa de aprendizaje semilleros de investigación -- La investigación como ente transformador de pensamientos -- Piscícola Paraguay; Mi Sueño, Mi Proyecto de Vida! -- Estrategia de aprendizaje a través de la investigación y la empresa aplicando un programa de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial –RSE -- Matemática aplicada para procesos agroindustriales de panificaciónna85 página

    Glioblastoma: does the pre-treatment geometry matter? A postcontrast T1 MRI-based study.

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    BACKGROUND The potential of a tumour's volumetric measures obtained from pretreatment MRI sequences of glioblastoma (GBM) patients as predictors of clinical outcome has been controversial. Mathematical models of GBM growth have suggested a relation between a tumour's geometry and its aggressiveness. METHODS A multicenter retrospective clinical study was designed to study volumetric and geometrical measures on pretreatment postcontrast T1 MRIs of 117 GBM patients. Clinical variables were collected, tumours segmented, and measures computed including: contrast enhancing (CE), necrotic, and total volumes; maximal tumour diameter; equivalent spherical CE width and several geometric measures of the CE "rim". The significance of the measures was studied using proportional hazards analysis and Kaplan-Meier curves. RESULTS Kaplan-Meier and univariate Cox survival analysis showed that total volume [p = 0.034, Hazard ratio (HR) = 1.574], CE volume (p = 0.017, HR = 1.659), spherical rim width (p = 0.007, HR = 1.749), and geometric heterogeneity (p = 0.015, HR = 1.646) were significant parameters in terms of overall survival (OS). Multivariable Cox analysis for OS provided the later two parameters as age-adjusted predictors of OS (p = 0.043, HR = 1.536 and p = 0.032, HR = 1.570, respectively). CONCLUSION Patients with tumours having small geometric heterogeneity and/or spherical rim widths had significantly better prognosis. These novel imaging biomarkers have a strong individual and combined prognostic value for GBM patients. KEY POINTS • Three-dimensional segmentation on magnetic resonance images allows the study of geometric measures. • Patients with small width of contrast enhancing areas have better prognosis. • The irregularity of contrast enhancing areas predicts survival in glioblastoma patients

    Memorias IX Congreso Geológico Venezolano (3)

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    Memorias IX Congreso Geológico Venezolano (3

    XVII International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "Advanced Science, Technology and Innovation to move towards a new socio-technical system: Sustainable Social Transformation"

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    Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of batsContent: Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of bat