184 research outputs found

    El Rigor de la informació esportiva. El tractament de vuit esportistes musulmanes als Jocs Olímpics de Londres 2012 des de la perspectiva de l'ètica periodística

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    Londres 2012 va representar una fita per a la inclusió de les atletes de països musulmans que mai havien enviat dones als Jocs Olímpics, l'esdeveniment esportiu més prestigiós a escala internacional. La seva participació obre noves possibilitats per avaluar la qualitat, el rigor i l'exhaustivitat del seu tractament a la premsa internacional. Mitjançant l'anàlisi qualitativa del contingut sobre una mostra de tres diaris de referència, The Guardian / The Observer (Regne Unit), The New York Times (Estats Units d'Amèrica) i El País (Espanya), l'article examina la cobertura de vuit esportistes musulmanes. L'estudi revela el compliment dels principis deontològics fonamentals, concretats als codis ètics professionals. En especial, s'observa el rigor i l'aprofundiment en aspectes contextuals de la seva participació, com la situació política, social i econòmica dels seus països d'origen. Malgrat tot, també es remarca la pervivència de mecanismes com el sensacionalisme, els estereotips i la trivialització de les seves qualitats esportives.London 2012 marked a milestone in the inclusion of sportswomen from Muslim countries which had never before sent female athletes to the Olympic Games, the most prestigious international mega sports event. The participation of these women opens up new possibilities for evaluating the quality, accuracy and completeness of their coverage in the international press. By applying qualitative content analysis to a sample of three quality newspapers — The Guardian/The Observer (UK), The New York Times (USA) and El País (Spain) — this paper examines the treatment of eight Muslim sportswomen, finding that compliance was made with the basic principles set out in the professional ethical codes. In particular, rigour and depth of coverage were observed in contextual aspects of their participation, including the political, social and economic situations of their respective countries. It was also found, however, that mechanisms such as sensationalism, stereotypes and trivialisation of sporting qualities still persist

    Ètica i periodisme esportiu: una proposta d'ítems d'anàlisi per avaluar la qualitat de la cobertura de l'esport als mitjans de comunicació

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    Tenint en compte el seu paper crucial com a transmissors d'informació i valors en les societats democràtiques, els mitjans de comunicació haurien de dur a terme un tractament complet i responsable de totes les àrees informatives. Malgrat això, els acadèmics han detectat una sèrie de problemes ètics fonamentals en el camp del periodisme esportiu, com la dissolució de les fronteres entre la informació, l'opinió i la publicitat; el sensacionalisme; la incitació a la violència; l'ús d'estereotips, o la baixa qualitat i varietat de les fonts utilitzades. L'article identifica aquestes mancances i presenta una proposta d'ítems d'anàlisi per avaluar sistemàticament la qualitat de la cobertura periodística de l'esport, organitzada a partir dels quatre principis essencials de la deontologia periodística (veritat, justícia, llibertat i responsabilitat social). Finalment, s'assenyalen les aplicacions de la proposta en els àmbits de la investigació, la docència i la pràctica professional.Taking into account their crucial role as disseminators of information and values in the democratic societies, the media should deal comprehensively and responsibly with all areas of the news arena. Despite this, scholars have detected a series of fundamental ethical drawbacks in sports journalism, such as the disappearance of the boundaries between information, opinion and advertising; sensationalism; the incitement to violence; the use of stereotypes, and the low quality and scant variety of sources. This paper identifies these shortcomings and proposes a set of analysis items for systematically evaluating the quality of sports coverage, based on the four fundamental principles of journalistic deontology: truth, justice, freedom and social responsibility. It concludes with a discussion of this proposal’s investigative, educational and professional applications

    El Rigor de la informació esportiva. El tractament de vuit esportistes musulmanes als Jocs Olímpics de Londres 2012 des de la perspectiva de l'ètica periodística

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    Londres 2012 va representar una fita per a la inclusió de les atletes de països musulmans que mai havien enviat dones als Jocs Olímpics, l'esdeveniment esportiu més prestigiós a escala internacional. La seva participació obre noves possibilitats per avaluar la qualitat, el rigor i l'exhaustivitat del seu tractament a la premsa internacional. Mitjançant l'anàlisi qualitativa del contingut sobre una mostra de tres diaris de referència, The Guardian / The Observer (Regne Unit), The New York Times (Estats Units d'Amèrica) i El País (Espanya), l'article examina la cobertura de vuit esportistes musulmanes. L'estudi revela el compliment dels principis deontològics fonamentals, concretats als codis ètics professionals. En especial, s'observa el rigor i l'aprofundiment en aspectes contextuals de la seva participació, com la situació política, social i econòmica dels seus països d'origen. Malgrat tot, també es remarca la pervivència de mecanismes com el sensacionalisme, els estereotips i la trivialització de les seves qualitats esportives.London 2012 marked a milestone in the inclusion of sportswomen from Muslim countries which had never before sent female athletes to the Olympic Games, the most prestigious international mega sports event. The participation of these women opens up new possibilities for evaluating the quality, accuracy and completeness of their coverage in the international press. By applying qualitative content analysis to a sample of three quality newspapers The Guardian/The Observer (UK), The New York Times (USA) and El País (Spain) this paper examines the treatment of eight Muslim sportswomen, finding that compliance was made with the basic principles set out in the professional ethical codes. In particular, rigour and depth of coverage were observed in contextual aspects of their participation, including the political, social and economic situations of their respective countries. It was also found, however, that mechanisms such as sensationalism, stereotypes and trivialisation of sporting qualities still persist

    Mapeo de los instrumentos de rendición de cuentas en el periodismo deportivo

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    Sports journalism has been characterized by a series of ethical deficiencies that have challenged the normative standards of the profession. Media accountability instruments can play an invaluable role in addressing these shortcomings. With this in mind, this article identifies and examines the most relevant accountability instruments in the field of sports journalism, including those produced within media organizations and those created outside of them. The researchers have scrutinized the specialized codes in this area and the stylebooks promoted by major sports media, as well as the recommendations proposed by news agencies, general information outlets and key stakeholders worldwide. Innovative practices such as chats, social media, online ombudsmen, observatories and blogs have also been identified as positive examples of the cultivation of a two-way conversation about the standards for and quality of sports content.El periodismo deportivo se ha caracterizado por una serie de deficiencias éticas que han soslayado los estándares normativos de la profesión. Los instrumentos de rendición de cuentas pueden jugar un papel valioso para superar estas disfunciones. Teniendo esto en mente, el artículo identifica y examina los mecanismos de rendición de cuentas más relevantes en el ámbito del periodismo deportivo, incluidos aquellos producidos de forma interna y externa a los medios. Los investigadores han inspeccionado los códigos éticos en esta área, los libros de estilo promovidos por los principales medios deportivos y las prescripciones formuladas por las agencias informativas, medios de información generalistas y organismos clave a nivel internacional. Prácticas innovadoras como los chats, redes sociales, defensores del lector en línea, observatorios y blogs también se han identificado como ejemplos positivos del cultivo de una conversación bidireccional sobre los estándares y la calidad de los contenidos deportivos

    Accountability in social networks. Ever-evolving stylebooks and feedback through Twitter

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    Introducción. Se estudian las cuentas de cuatro medios periodísticos internacionales que han adaptado sus libros de estilo a Twitter. Metodología. Se analiza y compara el volumen y frecuencia de publicación, la interacción con usuarios, empleo de hashtags e hipervínculos, engagement y naturaleza de los contenidos publicados durante dos años. Resultados. Estos instrumentos de rendición de cuentas se actualizan permanentemente en Twitter. Hay dos modelos: el participativo y multimedia, y el insular y unidireccional. Discusión. Se examina el valor de nuevos instrumentos de accountability impulsados por empresas periodísticas en las plataformas digitales. Conclusiones. Los libros de estilo en Twitter se centran más en cuestiones lingüísticas que éticas, lo que limita las posibilidades de estas cuentas para los propósitos de rendición de cuentasIntroduction. This article analyses the Twitter accounts created by four international news media organisations to adapt their stylebooks to this social network. Methods. The analysis is based on the comparison of the volume and frequency of tweets, user interactions, use of hashtags and links, engagement and types of content published in Twitter over a two-year period by the selected media organisations. Results. These accountability instruments are continuously updated on Twitter. Two models have been identified: a participatory, multimedia model and an insular, one-way model. Discussion. The article examines the value of new accountability instruments promoted by news organisations on digital platforms. Conclusions. Stylebooks on Twitter are more focused on addressing stylistic rather than ethical issues. This fact limits the possibilities of these accounts for accountability purposes

    Mapping media accountability instruments in sports journalism

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    El periodismo deportivo se ha caracterizado por una serie de deficiencias éticas que han soslayado los estándares normativos de la profesión. Los instrumentos de rendición de cuentas pueden jugar un papel valioso para superar estas disfunciones. Teniendo esto en mente, el artículo identifica y examina los mecanismos de rendición de cuentas más relevantes en el ámbito del periodismo deportivo, incluidos aquellos producidos de forma interna y externa a los medios. Los investigadores han inspeccionado los códigos éticos en esta área, los libros de estilo promovidos por los principales medios deportivos y las prescripciones formuladas por las agencias informativas, medios de información generalistas y organismos clave a nivel internacional. Prácticas innovadoras como los chats, redes sociales, defensores del lector en línea, observatorios y blogs también se han identificado como ejemplos positivos del cultivo de una conversación bidireccional sobre los estándares y la calidad de los contenidos deportivos. AbstractSports journalism has been characterized by a series of ethical deficiencies that have challenged the normative standards of the profession. Media accountability instruments can play an invaluable role in addressing these shortcomings. With this in mind, this article identifies and examines the most relevant accountability instruments in the field of sports journalism, including those produced within media organizations and those created outside of them. The researchers have scrutinized the specialized codes in this area and the stylebooks promoted by major sports media, as well as the recommendations proposed by news agencies, general information outlets and key stakeholders worldwide. Innovative practices such as chats, social media, online ombudsmen, observatories and blogs have also been identified as positive examples of the cultivation of a two-way conversation about the standards for and quality of sports content

    Bringing journalism back to its roots: examining fact-checking practices, methods, and challenges in the Mediterranean context

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    The rise of fact-checking as an innovative tool aimed at improving democratic well-being has become a transnational movement in journalism. In June 2021, the Duke Reporters’ Lab database features 341 such initiatives around the world, including 33 active fact-checking projects in countries pertaining to the Mediterranean or Polarized Pluralist Model (Hallin; Mancini, 2004). Following previous research on fact-checking in other territories, this qualitative study expands the understanding of how this practice is performed by four platforms of countries belonging to this journalistic culture: Maldita.es (Spain), Les Surligneurs (France), Observador (Portugal), and Pagella Politica (Italy). Through in-depth interviews with their decision-makers, this work offers a deep understanding of the structure, agenda, practices, and values, the role of the public, and the challenges that these organizations face. Normally run by small but multidisciplinary teams, the studied initiatives show high levels of transparency and a tendency for continuous improvement and professionalization despite their limitations. Following the example of leading initiatives in the USA, the UK, Latin America and Europe, the analyzed organizations cover a wide range of thematic areas and make use of the latest digital tools. They employ robust methodologies when selecting the content they verify, consult an extensive range of sources, and set various control filters before publication, which proves their commitment to transparency and accountability. Furthermore, they guarantee the right of reply and are widely open to public participation and broader dissemination of their work through mainstream media. From difficulties in accessing public information to scarcity of resources and increased competition, fact-checking platforms in the Mediterranean context face major challenges that have forced them to rethink their role and find new revenue streams. These organizations highlight the need to enhance the impact of fact-checking among citizens, journalists, and politicians and, ultimately, to go back to the roots of journalism

    Long-form sports journalism in the digital era. A comparative analysis of L’équipe explore and Sports illustrated longform

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    In a media landscape characterized by fierce competition, accelerated production cycles, and the impact of social media, the expansion of a counter-genre such as digital long-form journalism, is of growing interest. Both legacy outlets and native online platforms have invested resources in products that embrace technological innovation and storytelling techniques dissociated from the fast consumption of information. The field of sports is one of the areas where this phenomenon, intertwined with slow journalism, has had a stronger impact. Bearing this context in mind, this article examines the entire collection of long-form stories developed by two prestigious websites: L’équipe explore (France) and Sports illustrated longform (United States). This analysis allows for the classification of the salient features that these websites present in terms of agenda, news sources, multimedia architecture, and brand-building strategies

    Strategies for disseminating a scientific journal. An experiment with El profesional de la información

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    Starting from the theoretical foundations of the role of press offices in the transmission of the content of scientific journals, the article analyses an experiment carried out between November 2011 and November 2012 with El profesional de la información. The methodological approach, the sources, the dissemination targets and the selection and edition of the information are discussed. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the achieved impacts is presented. Finally, future research is suggested to enhance the transmission and monitoring of scientific content through press releases and social networking sites