227 research outputs found

    Foucault and the Kamasutra, de Sanjay K. Gautam

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    GAUTAM, S. K. Foucault and the Kamasutra: The Courtesan, the Dandy, and theBirth os Ars Erotica as Theater in India. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016

    Dynamics of Snoring Sounds and Its Connection with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Snoring is extremely common in the general population and when irregular may indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea. We analyze the overnight sequence of wave packets --- the snore sound --- recorded during full polysomnography in patients referred to the sleep laboratory due to suspected obstructive sleep apnea. We hypothesize that irregular snore, with duration in the range between 10 and 100 seconds, correlates with respiratory obstructive events. We find that the number of irregular snores --- easily accessible, and quantified by what we call the snore time interval index (STII) --- is in good agreement with the well-known apnea-hypopnea index, which expresses the severity of obstructive sleep apnea and is extracted only from polysomnography. In addition, the Hurst analysis of the snore sound itself, which calculates the fluctuations in the signal as a function of time interval, is used to build a classifier that is able to distinguish between patients with no or mild apnea and patients with moderate or severe apnea

    Compressive fatigue in titanium dental implants submitted to fluoride ions action

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    The aim of this study was to assess the influence of a fluoridated medium on the mechanical properties of an internal hexagon implant-abutment set, by means of compression, mechanical cycling and metallographic characterization by scanning electronic microscopy. Five years of regular use of oral hygiene with a sodium fluoride solution content of 1500 ppm were simulated, immersing the samples in this medium for 184 hours, with the solutions being changed every 12 hours. Data were analyzed at a 95% confidence level with Fisher's exact test. After the action of fluoride ions, a negative influence occurred in the mechanical cycling test performed in a servohydraulic machine (Material Test System-810) set to a frequency of 15 Hz with 100,000 cycles and programmed to 60% of the maximum resistance of static compression test. The sets tended to fracture by compression on the screw, characterized by mixed ruptures with predominance of fragile fracture, as observed by microscopy. An evidence of corrosion by pitting on sample surfaces was found after the fluoride ions action. It may be concluded that prolonged contact with fluoride ions is harmful to the mechanical properties of commercially pure titanium structures

    A Ars Erotica no mundo clĂĄssico – a visĂŁo somaestĂ©tica de Richard Shusterman

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    The need to research how the modern concept of democracy was built and how the liberal version - representative, formal, electoral and limited - became hegemonic generated a collective research project which will be developed by the Research Group Democracy and Development, bound the course of Social Sciences Unioeste campus of Toledo, in the coming years. Following the initial reflection that justified the project: after presenting the theme, we underline our theoretical framework and what the justification for a search. Our research problem unfolds in some theoretical questions: what is the difference between the classical and the modern conception of democracy? What are the essential differences between the classical Athenian democracy and modern democracy that arises in the United States and Europe with the establishment of liberal capitalism? Why, from the beginning of establishment of Western modernity, the historical forces involved in the construction of modern constitutional principles shifted the original meaning of democracy "government by the demo" to "government by the owners"? How important the development of the European labor movement had on the expansion of the modern concept of democracy beyond its liberal sense? What would be the operational concept of socialist democracy? What is your connection with the classical concept of democracy (Athenian democracy)? The overall objective is to investigate how the modern concept of democracy was formed from the beginning of Western modernity and identify the elements that distinguish the Athenian classic. In addition, we intend to investigate the historical process that led to the crystallization of the contents of the modern concept of democracy; identify and characterize the specific content of the concept of "liberal democracy"; investigate the role of the lower classes, especially the European labor movement, the democratization of liberalism and the expansion of the modern concept of democracy; identify and characterize the specific content of the concept of "socialist democracy"; identify the distinctions between the concepts of "liberal democracy" and "socialist democracy"; and, finally, to produce an operational concept of Socialist democratic, able to define the essential properties and characteristics of the various historical forms. To this end, we have adopted as a research procedure the methodology of the social history of political theory or social contextualism, which allows a reinterpretation of the classics of politics who wrote about democracy, an important step for the further development of an operational concept of socialist democracy that combines freedom with substantive equality. It is an intellectual and practical exercise that not only seeks to produce a concept of socialist democracy as well as think as people's participation in politics could be made without leaving the scope of citizenship is emptied.A necessidade de pesquisar como o moderno conceito de democracia foi construído e de que modo a versão liberal – representativa, formal, eleitoral e limitada – tornou-se hegemônica gerou um projeto de pesquisa coletivo que será desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Democracia e Desenvolvimento, vinculado ao curso de Ciências Sociais da Unioeste, campus de Toledo, nos próximos anos. Segue a reflexão inicial que fundamentou o projeto: após apresentar o tema, explicitamos nosso referencial teórico e qual a justificativa para realizar a pesquisa. Nosso problema de pesquisa desdobra-se em alguns questionamentos teóricos: qual a diferença entre a concepção clássica e a moderna de democracia? Quais as distinções essenciais entre a democracia ateniense clássica e a democracia moderna que surge nos Estados Unidos e na Europa com a fundação do capitalismo liberal? Por que, a partir do início de constituição da modernidade ocidental, as forças históricas empenhadas na construção dos princípios constitucionais modernos deslocaram o sentido original de democracia de “governo pelo demo” para “governo pelos proprietários”? Que importância o desenvolvimento do movimento operário europeu teve sobre a ampliação do conceito moderno de democracia para além de seu sentido liberal? Qual seria o conceito operacional de democracia socialista? Qual sua vinculação com o conceito clássico de democracia (democracia ateniense)? O objetivo geral é investigar como o conceito moderno de democracia se constituiu a partir do início da modernidade ocidental e identificar os elementos que o distinguem do ateniense, clássico. Além disso, pretendemos investigar o processo histórico que levou à cristalização do conteúdo do conceito moderno de democracia; identificar e caracterizar o conteúdo concreto do conceito de “democracia liberal”; investigar o papel das classes subalternas, principalmente do movimento operário europeu, na democratização do liberalismo e na ampliação do conceito moderno de democracia; identificar e caracterizar o conteúdo concreto do conceito de “democracia socialista”; identificar as distinções entre os conceitos de “democracia liberal” e de “democracia socialista”; e, por fim, produzir um conceito operacional de democracia socialista, capaz de definir as propriedades e características essenciais das diversas formas históricas. Para tanto, adotamos como procedimento de pesquisa a metodologia da história social da teoria política ou contextualismo social, que permite uma releitura dos clássicos da política que escreveram sobre a democracia, etapa importante para a posterior formulação de um conceito operacional de democracia socialista que combine liberdade com igualdade substantiva. Trata-se de um exercício intelectual e prático que pretende não apenas produzir um conceito de democracia socialista como também pensar como a participação do povo na política poderia ser efetivada sem deixar que o alcance da cidadania seja esvaziado

    Indirect Effects of Oral Tolerance Inhibit Pulmonary Granulomas to Schistosoma mansoni Eggs

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    Parenteral injection of tolerated proteins into orally tolerant mice inhibits the initiation of immunological responses to unrelated proteins and blocks severe chronic inflammatory reactions of immunological origin, such as autoimmune reactions. This inhibitory effect which we have called “indirect effects of oral tolerance” is also known as “bystander suppression.” Herein, we show that i.p. injection of OVA + Al(OH)3 minutes before i.v. injection of Schistosoma mansoni eggs into OVA tolerant mice blocked the increase of pulmonary granulomas. In addition, the expression of ICAM-1 in lung parenchyma in areas outside the granulomas of OVA-orally tolerant mice was significantly reduced. However, at day 18 after granuloma induction there was no difference in immunofluorescency intensity to CD3, CD4, F4/80, andα-SMA per granuloma area of tolerant and control groups. Reduction of granulomas by reexposure to orally tolerated proteins was not correlated with a shift in Th-1/Th-2 cytokines in serum or lung tissue extract
