26 research outputs found

    Models of efficiency of functioning in trading enterprises under conditions of economic growth

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    The article examines the models of efficient functioning of trading enterprises in the conditions of economic development during 2016-2019. It is proved that the criterion for measuring efficiency is the evaluation of static and dynamic efficiency of trade activities, which allows changes in the used assets (resources) to be taken into account, an enterprise’s safety margin to be increased and it testifies to the merger (integration) of diminishing returns and economic fluctuations in modern economic macro and microsystems. The results of measuring the efficiency of trading enterprises’ activity show that in order to evaluate the efficiency of the functioning of trading enterprises qualitatively and completely, it is necessary to consider all possible factors. Given the existence of Clark’s law, the authors substantiate an approach to evaluating the performance based on simple one-factor multiple models, which proves that future studies of finding ways to improve the efficiency, which are mainly aimed at extensive resource changes, will be erroneous, unjustified, and most likely, they will reduce the effectiveness of the resource under study. By specifying and parameterising the function of an enterprise’s trade activity in the conditions of economic development, it is possible to evaluate not only the static efficiency of trade activity, but also the impact of the law of diminishing marginal product on the results of the enterprise’s operation. This approach allows us to determine the optimal boundaries of doing business and the most effective marginal size of resource changes to achieve high cost indicators and economic synergy. The article defines clear boundaries between the minimum marginal product ratio (increase in net income relative to the growth in the number of employees) and the maximum average product (productivity) of trading enterprises

    Modelling of the Dependencies of Industrial Development on Marketing Efficiency, Innovation and Technological Activity Indicators

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    This study is relevant due to the multidimensionality and interdependence of industrial development and the indicators of innovation and technological activities and marketing efficiency. The use of economic and mathematical modelling of dependencies between key macroeconomic parameters of the national economy development made it possible to qualitatively analyse the impact of the indicators of marketing efficiency, innovation and technological activities on the parameters of industrial development. The influence of the volume of financing for innovation activity, the introduction of new technological processes and the volume of production of innovative types of products on the change in the volume of sold industrial products is econometrically taken into account. The multidimensionality of the dependencies of choosing an effective model of the dependence of the volume of sold industrial products on the factors in innovation and technological activities was the reason for building a power model. The uniqueness of using an integrated model of the dependencies of innovation and technological activities and industrial development lies in taking into consideration latent factors that influence changes in industrial production, including funding for innovation in the country’s industrial sector, the number of new technological processes and the level of mastering the production of new innovative types of products. The effectiveness of the study is explained by the fact that the selected system of indicators and dependencies helped to identify a number of risks to Ukraines’ industrial development, for example, a critical decline in innovation and technological activities of industry

    Modelling the impact of emigration upon social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine

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    Population migration activity in the Carpathian region of Ukraine is currently high in intensity and scale compared to the national average. This situation is caused by subjective factors (lower living standards and quality of life, employment problems, escalation of armed conflict in the east) and objective factors (globalization and increasing population mobility, development of transnational corporations, digitalization of the economy, simplification of border-crossing procedures). The aim of the research is to model and visualize the impact of population migration on the social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and to determine an optimal value and critical range of external migration for the region. Based on the modelling, assuming that socio-economic development of the Carpathian region corresponds to the level of integral coefficient for Poland in 2018 (calculated using a multiplicative approach), the acceptable level of external migration was determined. It is 0.850 for Lviv region (actual migration level was 1.479 in 2018); 0.653 for Chernivtsi region (0.695); and 1.488 for Zakarpattya region (2.149). The critical range of the intensity of external population migration is 0.723–1.264 for Lviv region, 0.499–0.578 for Chernivtsi region, 0.006–0.008 for IvanoFrankivsk region, and 0.479–0.769 for Zakarpattya region

    Competitiveness of regional labor markets as a determinant of international migration: A nexus empirical study

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    A large-scale migration from Ukraine caused by russian military aggression has triggered new security challenges to the national and regional economies. The paper aims to assess the competitiveness of regional labor markets and examine its nexus with international out-migration (on the example of the Carpathian region of Ukraine). The research methods include a composite approach (assessment of labor market competitiveness), the theory of sensitivity (identification of degree of sensitivity of composite and partial indices to changes in indicators), nonlinear regression (determination of dependence of the international out-migration on labor market competitiveness), and econometric nonlinear optimization (calculation of critical values of migration). The information and analytical basis comprises indicators reflecting the development of labor markets and international migrations in the oblasts of the Carpathian region in 2008–2021. The study reveals that the level of labor market competitiveness in the region mainly remained below the national average. Two groups of indicators dominated the structure of composite indices of labor market competitiveness in the region’s oblasts: institutional capacity (indicators measuring the ability of regulatory institutions and labor market entities to provide adequate support to the unemployed and promote employment) and labor motivation (wage and income indicators). Only Lviv oblast demonstrated resilience and growth of competitiveness, which was reflected in moderate out-migration. Meanwhile, the intensity of international out-migration in Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi oblasts (with worse labor market parameters) exceeded the estimated critical values. The paper confirms that low competitiveness of the labor market is a factor increasing migration losses. AcknowledgmentThis study has been conducted with the support of the Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study (VUIAS) Fellowship Programme, 2023/2024

    State Regulation of the Development of the Tourist Complex as a Branch Element of the National Economic Security System

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    The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual provisions for state regulation of the development of the tourist complex as a branch element of the national economic security system. The necessity of state participation in regulation of the development of the tourist complex, which is determined by current trends in the market environment, is substantiated. The theoretical principles of the formation of the system for state industrial regulation are identified, and its impact on the economic security of the state is considered. The characteristics of the components of the development potential of the tourist complex in the system of state industrial regulation are presented. There made a review of the essential characteristics of the concept “state regulation of the development of the tourist complex,” which confirms the lack of a unified scientific approach to determining the basic criteria for measuring effectiveness of state regulation of tourism activities. The elements and sequence of state regulation of the development of the tourist complex, which takes into account the prerequisites, measures, tools and objectives of the regulatory policy of the state in the tourism industry, are determined. The elements of the state policy for realizing the potential and ensuring the economic security of the tourist complex of the state are formed

    Assessing the Status and the Structural Characteristics of the Economic Security of Information Technology Sector

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    The article is aimed at assessing the status and the structural characteristics of the economic security of information technology sector. For this purpose the corresponding methodical sequence has been developed and used. Indicators for the key economic security groups (components) have been selected. The average weights of the mentioned indicators, as well as weights and normalized values of the economic security components for the regions of Ukraine have been obtained. A regression analysis was carried out in order to assess the degree of influence of quantitative factors on the economic security of the IT sector of Ukraine

    Consequences of the War for the Labour Market of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine: Priorities of Stabilisation Policy

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    The article addresses the structural–temporal changes in the characteristics of the labour market in the oblasts of the Carpathian region of Ukraine (Lvivska, Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska and Chernivetska) due to the large-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Regional, sectoral and market condition–related changes in the labour market and employment in the region during the war are identified. The article defines the threats to the functioning of the regional labour market, which are related to growing unemployment, increasing pressure on social infrastructure and the domestic labour market, reduction in human resources and the growing trend of relocation of business and skilled workers from the western oblasts of Ukraine to other countries. The policy for social-labour stabilisation of the oblasts in the Carpathian region of Ukraine in conditions of war and post-war recovery is substantiated

    Social and economic development of Ukraine: Modelling the migration factor impact

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    The paper aims to analyse the dependence of the economic and social development of Ukraine on migration factors (human resources and remittances) in the years 2002–2020. It proves the strength of the impact of human resources outflow and remittances on the labour market (employment) and other variables capturing the level of economic and social development. Based on the calculated social and economic development composite indicators the paper detects the migration gaps in the development of the economic system and social domain depending on the human resources outflow and remittances inflow. The results of the empirical research show a positive causal relationship between social development environments and migration and a mixed impact of the migration factor on economic system

    Models of efficiency of functioning in trading enterprises under conditions of economic growth

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    The socio-economic situation in Ukraine suggests that there is insufficient research into the applicability of the model of economic development in forecasting the economic environment in which trade enterprises function. Researchers into issues relating to the efficiency of enterprises’ functioning focus their interest on comprehensively describing efficiency indicators and determining the factors influencing it. There continues to be insufficient work on measuring efficiency and the extent to which it is limited by types of economic growth (development), based on the theory of marginal product of George Clark and the results of multiple models of production and trade functions (P. Douglas, R. Solow, E. Denison, Harrod, Samuelson-Hicks, Domar and others). Therefore, this study focuses on the process of assessing the effectiveness of trading enterprises in the trade sector in 2010–18 in conditions of economic growth and an economic downturn. This article aims to examine the models of efficient functioning of trading enterprises in conditions of economic growth. It is evidenced that the criterion for measuring efficiency is the evaluation of static and dynamic efficiency of trade activities, which allows changes in the used assets to be taken into account and testifies to the integration of diminishing returns and economic fluctuations in macro and microsystems. The article shows that in order to qualitatively and completely evaluate the efficiency of the functioning of trading enterprises, it is necessary to consider all possible factors. According to Clark's law, the authors substantiate an approach to evaluating performance based on simple one-factor models; the approach evidences that future studies seeking ways to improve efficiency, but that focus on changes in resources, will be erroneous, unjustified, and will most likely reduce the effectiveness of the resource under study. This model will help: determine and forecast the efficiency of enterprises at any point in the economic cycle; provide the necessary information on the required amount of investment, on depreciation rates, and on the optimal amount of labour potential of an enterprise; and define the volume of expected income during economic crisis or recovery. Some applied recommendations in terms of managing the efficiency of trading enterprises are aimed at solving the methodological problem of constructing isoquant maps for a particular product line group and at selecting the optimal predictor for forecasting trade processes. The practical value of the proposed model also lies in improving the parameters of positioning of the enterprise's goods in target market segments, reducing operating costs, accelerating the turnover of inventories and withdrawing illiquid current assets, and increasing the efficiency of retail areas