27 research outputs found


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    STEM-education is one of the important areas of the educational reform of XXI century. Modern initiatives in the field of STEM require the development of a model for transforming education that would correspond to contemporary demands of society. Such a general scenario and preliminary statement confirm the thesis underlying this research: there is a need to transform the existing model of training, first of all, pedagogical staff from classical education to innovative STEM-education. It was found that institutions and scholars are searching for new approaches to prepare people for solving real problems of the surrounding world through different STEM-approaches in education. In the article, the authors describe the transformation model of education for the introduction of the STEM-approach in a pedagogical university in order to prepare educators of a new formation and the main indicators of its effectiveness

    Design of Approaches to the Development of Teacher’s Digital Competencies in the Process of Their Lifelong Learning

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    At present, various strategies and initiatives focused on innovation of educational technologies in higher pedagogical education are offered in Ukraine. The study of the state of the formation of teachers’ digital competences in the process of their professional development has been carried out on the basis of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. The article analyzes foreign and national approaches and strategies to the development of teachers’ digital competences. The results of the study, aimed to determine the features of mastering digital competencies in the process of teachers’ professional development and their lifelong learning, are presented. In total, 258 teachers from Ternopil and Ternopil region (Ukraine) took part in this research. The study combines a variety of statistical tools and techniques in the real contexts of higher education. The research has been carried out to determine the characteristics of elements that measure the digital competency of the professional development. The results were processed based on the Item Response Theory (IRT). This article demonstrates the utility of the standardized LD χ 2 statistic and the M2 statistic as provided in the software IRTPRO, but not available readily in most IRT programs and not discussed commonly in pedagogical papers for IRT. On the basis of the research carried out at the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, the strategy for the professional development of digital competencies of teachers in the process of their lifelong learning has been developed, which takes into account the results of the analysis of the criteria and indicators inherent for the qualitative improvement of qualifications, that have been determined by international standards and studies of professional institutions

    Design of the educational environment for the preparation of teachers

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    The notion of the educational environment, as well as its elements and structural characteristics, are examined in the article. The idea of designing an educational environment was presented. The technological, didactic, and social elements of the educational environment design for the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) teachers' professional training are outlined. The characteristics of this environment are taken into consideration, including information saturation and openness, digital change, social practices, and cooperation. On the basis of TNPU, a study on the efficiency of the educational environment for teachers' professional development was conducted. 432 master's degree holders from across the University's disciplines took part in the study overall. The study processed the results statistically using the approach of expert evaluations. The goal of the study was to evaluate the relative significance of each indicator for each element of the educational environment design. The study's findings show how the technological and social aspects of the university's learning environment have undergone major changes that have a big impact on teachers' professional development.The notion of the educational environment, as well as its elements and structural characteristics, are examined in the article. The idea of designing an educational environment was presented. The technological, didactic, and social elements of the educational environment design for the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) teachers' professional training are outlined. The characteristics of this environment are taken into consideration, including information saturation and openness, digital change, social practices, and cooperation. On the basis of TNPU, a study on the efficiency of the educational environment for teachers' professional development was conducted. 432 master's degree holders from across the University's disciplines took part in the study overall. The study processed the results statistically using the approach of expert evaluations. The goal of the study was to evaluate the relative significance of each indicator for each element of the educational environment design. The study's findings show how the technological and social aspects of the university's learning environment have undergone major changes that have a big impact on teachers' professional development

    Проектування навчального середовища професійної підготовки вчителів

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    The article analyzes the concept of the educational environment, its components and features of the structure. The concept of educational environment design was introduced. The components of educational environment design for the teachers’ professional training of the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) are described: technological, didactic and social. The features of this environment such as: information saturation and openness, digital transformation, social practices and cooperation are considered. The study of the effectiveness of educational environment for teachers’ professional development was carried out on the basis of TNPU. In total, 432 masters of all specialties of the University participated in this study. The study used the method of expert assessments for statistical processing of results. The study was conducted to determine the level of importance of all indicators of each component of the educational environment design. The results of the study illustrate the significant changes in the technological and social components of the university’s educational environment design, which have a significant impact on the teachers’ professional training.У статті проаналізовано поняття освітнього середовища, його компоненти та особливості структури. Введено концепцію дизайну освітнього середовища. Описано складові проектування освітнього середовища для професійної підготовки вчителів Тернопільского національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка (ТНПУ): технологічний, дидактичний та соціальний. Розглянуто особливості цього середовища, такі як: насиченість та відкритість інформації, цифрова трансформація, соціальна практика та співпраця. Дослідження ефективності освітнього середовища для професійного розвитку вчителів проводилось на базі ТНПУ. Загалом у цьому дослідженні взяли участь 432 магістри всіх спеціальностей університету. Дослідження використовувало метод експертних оцінок для статистичної обробки результатів. Дослідження проводилось з метою визначення рівня важливості всіх показників кожного компонента дизайну освітнього середовища. Результати дослідження ілюструють значні зміни в технологічній та соціальній складових дизайну освітнього середовища університету, які суттєво впливають на професійну підготовку викладачів

    Проектування хмарних віртуальних лабораторій для навчання курсу Cisco CyberSecurity Operations

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the cybersecurity basics teaching. The training of the ICT-specialties students using the course “CCNA Cyber Operations” of the network academy Cisco is considered. At present, many universities have similar academies, while others can open them. On the basis of free software platforms Apache CloudStack and EVE-NG Community authors designed and implemented a virtual cloud laboratory. It operates according to the “IaaS” model. Thanks to the technology of embedded virtualization, the work of many virtual machines, storing of their status, traffic analysis and visualization of network topologies are maintained. The article describes the experience of teaching students of the specialty “Pedagogical education. ICT” in the course “CCNA Cyber Operations” with the use of virtual cloud laboratories. The authors have been conducted a survey of students who studied at the course. Its purpose was to determine how much they satisfied were with the course. Statistical processing of the results was performed on the basis of the Rasch model using the software MiniSteps.Стаття присвячена вивченню проблеми викладання основ кібербезпеки. Розглянуто навчання студентів ІКТ-спеціальностей за допомогою курсу “CCNA Cyber ​​Operations” мережевої академії Cisco. Сьогодні багато університетів мають подібні академії, інші - відкрити їх. На основі вільних програмних платформ Apache CloudStack і EVE-NG спільноти автори розробили і впровадили віртуальну лабораторію хмари. Вона функціонує відповідно до моделі «IaaS». Завдяки технології вбудованої віртуалізації підтримується робота багатьох віртуальних машин, зберігання їх статусу, аналіз трафіку та візуалізація топологій мережі. У статті розглянуто досвід навчання студентів спеціальності «Педагогічна освіта. ІКТ »в курсі« Кібер-операції CCNA »з використанням віртуальних облачних лабораторій. Авторами проведено опитування студентів, які навчалися на курсі. Його метою було визначити, наскільки вони задоволені курсом. Статистичну обробку результатів проводили на основі моделі Раша з використанням програмного забезпечення MiniSteps

    Деякі аспекти досвіду у підтримці академічної хмари

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    The article is devoted to the systematization of experience in the deployment, maintenance and servicing of the private academic cloud. The article contains model of the authors’ cloud infrastructure. It was developed at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) on the basis of the Apache CloudStack platform. The authors identify the main tasks for maintaining a private academic cloud. Here they are making changes to the cloud infrastructure; maintenance of virtual machines (VM) to determine the performance and migration of VM instances; work with VMs; backup of all cloud infrastructure. The analysis of productivity and providing students with computing resources is carried out. The main types of VM used in training are given. The number and characteristics of VM that can be served by a private academic cloud are calculated. Approaches and schemes for performing backup are analysed. Some theoretical and practical experience of using cloud services to perform backup has been studied. Several scripts have been developed for archiving the platform database and its repositories. They allow you to upload backups to the Google Drive cloud service. The performance of these scripts for the author’s deployment of private cloud infrastructure was evaluated.Стаття присвячена систематизації досвіду розгортання, обслуговування та підтримки приватної академічної хмари. Стаття містить модель хмарної інфраструктури авторів. Вона розроблена у Тернопільському національному педагогічному університеті імені Володимира Гнатюка (Україна) на базі платформи Apache CloudStack. Автори визначають основні завдання для підтримки приватної академічної хмари. Тут вони вносять зміни в хмарну інфраструктуру; обслуговування віртуальних машин (ВМ) для визначення продуктивності та міграції екземплярів ВМ; робота з віртуальними машинами; резервне копіювання всієї хмарної інфраструктури. Проведено аналіз продуктивності праці та забезпечення студентів обчислювальними ресурсами. Наведено основні типи ВМ, що використовуються в навчанні. Розраховується кількість та характеристики ВМ, які можуть обслуговуватися приватною академічною хмарою. Проаналізовано підходи та схеми виконання резервного копіювання. Вивчено теоретичний та практичний досвід використання хмарних сервісів для резервного копіювання. Для архівування бази даних платформи та її сховищ було розроблено кілька сценаріїв. Вони дозволяють завантажувати резервні копії до хмарної служби Google Drive. Оцінено ефективність цих сценаріїв для авторського розгортання приватної хмарної інфраструктури

    The Digital Capabilities Model of University Teachers in the Educational Activities Context

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    The article analyses the views of researchers on digital literacy. It describes the meaning of the concept of digital capability. The authors summarize the common European standards and frameworks for teaching and evaluating digital capability. A model of the digital faculty of a university teacher based on the Jisc framework is described. It is adapted by the authors to the conditions of study at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine). The article describes and analyses the author's` research on measuring digital capabilities of the teachers. The criteria and indicators for measuring the digital faculty of a university teacher are revealed. Methods of research using methods of mathematical statistics are described. The authors identified and explained the correlations between individual distractors for each element of the framework. Some survey results were paradoxical, so a new study is needed. Based on this research, the authors have developed a program to improve the skills of teachers and their lifelong learning

    Досвід супроводу академічної хмари

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    The article is devoted to the systematization of experience in the deployment, maintenance and servicing of the private academic cloud. The article contains a model of the authors’ cloud infrastructure. It was developed at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) on the basis of the Apache CloudStack platform. The authors identify the main tasks for maintaining a private academic cloud. Here they are making changes to the cloud infrastructure; maintenance of virtual machines (VM) to determine the performance and migration of VM instances; work with VMs; backup of all cloud infrastructure. The analysis of productivity and providing students with computing resources is carried out. The main types of VM used in training are given. The number and characteristics of VM that can be served by a private academic cloud are calculated. Approaches and schemes for performing backup are analysed. Some theoretical and practical experience of using cloud services to perform the backup has been studied. Several scripts have been developed for archiving the platform database and its repositories. They allow you to upload backups to the Google Drive cloud service. The performance of these scripts for the author’s deployment of private cloud infrastructure was evaluated.The article is devoted to the systematization of experience in the deployment, maintenance and servicing of the private academic cloud. The article contains a model of the authors’ cloud infrastructure. It was developed at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) on the basis of the Apache CloudStack platform. The authors identify the main tasks for maintaining a private academic cloud. Here they are making changes to the cloud infrastructure; maintenance of virtual machines (VM) to determine the performance and migration of VM instances; work with VMs; backup of all cloud infrastructure. The analysis of productivity and providing students with computing resources is carried out. The main types of VM used in training are given. The number and characteristics of VM that can be served by a private academic cloud are calculated. Approaches and schemes for performing backup are analysed. Some theoretical and practical experience of using cloud services to perform the backup has been studied. Several scripts have been developed for archiving the platform database and its repositories. They allow you to upload backups to the Google Drive cloud service. The performance of these scripts for the author’s deployment of private cloud infrastructure was evaluated