3,435 research outputs found

    Resonant optical second harmonic generation in graphene-based heterostructures

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    An optical Second-Harmonic Generation (SHG) allows to probe various structural and symmetry-related properties of materials, since it is sensitive to the inversion symmetry breaking in the system. Here, we investigate the SHG response from a single layer of graphene disposed on an insulating hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) and Silicon Carbide (SiC) substrates. The considered systems are described by a non-interacting tight-binding model with a mass term, which describes a non-equivalence of two sublattices of graphene when the latter is placed on a substrate. The resulting SHG signal linearly depends on the degree of the inversion symmetry breaking (value of the mass term) and reveals several resonances associated with the band gap, van Hove singularity, and band width. The difficulty in distinguishing between SHG signals coming from the considered heterostrusture and environment (insulating substrate) can be avoided applying a homogeneous magnetic field. The latter creates Landau levels in the energy spectrum and leads to multiple resonances in the SHG spectrum. Position of these resonances explicitly depends on the value of the mass term. We show that at energies below the band-gap of the substrate the SHG signal from the massive graphene becomes resonant at physically relevant values of the applied magnetic field, while the SHG response from the environment stays off-resonant

    Impact of partially bosonized collective fluctuations on electronic degrees of freedom

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    In this work we present a comprehensive analysis of collective electronic fluctuations and their effect on single-particle properties of the Hubbard model. Our approach is based on a standard dual fermion/boson scheme with the interaction truncated at the two-particle level. Within this framework we compare various approximations that differ in the set of diagrams (ladder vs exact diagrammatic Monte Carlo), and/or in the form of the four-point interaction vertex (exact vs partially bosonized). This allows to evaluate the effect of all components of the four-point vertex function on the electronic self-energy. In particular, we observe that contributions that are not accounted for by the partially bosonized approximation for the vertex have only a minor effect on electronic degrees of freedom in a broad range of model parameters. In addition, we find that in the regime, where the ladder dual fermion approximation provides an accurate solution of the problem, the leading contribution to the self-energy is given by the longitudional bosonic modes. This can be explained by the fact that contributions of transverse particle-hole and particle-particle modes partially cancel each other. Our results justify the applicability of the recently introduced dual triply irreducible local expansion (D-TRILEX) method that represents one of the simplest consistent diagrammatic extensions of the dynamical mean-field theory. We find that the self-consistent D-TRILEX approach is reasonably accurate also in challenging regimes of the Hubbard model, even where the dynamical mean-field theory does not provide the optimal local reference point (impurity problem) for the diagrammatic expansion

    Multi-band D-TRILEX approach to materials with strong electronic correlations

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    We present the multi-band dual triply irreducible local expansion (D-TRILEX) approach to interacting electronic systems and discuss its numerical implementation. This method is designed for a self-consistent description of multi-orbital systems that can also have several atoms in the unit cell. The current implementation of the D-TRILEX approach is able to account for the frequency- and channel-dependent long-ranged electronic interactions. We show that our method is accurate when applied to small multi-band systems such as the Hubbard-Kanamori dimer. Calculations for the extended Hubbard, the two-orbital Hubbard-Kanamori, and the bilayer Hubbard models are also discussed

    Geomorphology of the north-eastern coast of Gozo (Malta, Mediterranean Sea)

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    The paper presents a geomorphological map of the north-eastern coast of the Island of Gozo (Malta) integrating inland and offshore areas at the scale 1:15,000. The map derives from the integration of different methods, such as aerial photo interpretation, field surveys and analysis of seafloor bathymetry. The landforms identified on land were shaped by coastal, fluvial, karst and gravity-induced processes, and some of them prolong on the seafloor. Most of the submerged landforms appear to have been modelled in subaerial conditions during sea-level lowstands, having been sealed by the rising sea in post-glacial times. Two sketches accompany the Main Map showing the type and distribution of coastal geomorphotypes and the land cover of the area

    Direct Observation of Incommensurate–Commensurate Transition in Graphene-hBN Heterostructures via Optical Second Harmonic Generation

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    Commensurability effects play a crucial role in the formation of electronic properties of novel layered heterostructures. The interest in these moiré superstructures has increased tremendously since the recent observation of a superconducting state (Nature 2018, 556, 43–50) and metal–insulator transition (Nature 2018, 556, 80–84) in twisted bilayer graphene. In this regard, a straightforward and efficient experimental technique for detection of the alignment of layered materials is desired. In this work, we use optical second harmonic generation, which is sensitive to the inversion symmetry breaking, to investigate the alignment of graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures. To achieve that, we activate a commensurate–incommensurate phase transition by a thermal annealing of the sample. We find that this structural change in the system can be directly observed via a strong modification of a nonlinear optical signal. Unambiguous interpretation of obtained results reveals the potential of a second harmonic generation technique for probing of structural changes in layered systems

    Extended regime of coexisting metallic and insulating phases in a two-orbital electronic system

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    We investigate the metal-to-insulator phase transition driven by electronic interactions in the quarter-filled Hubbard-Kanamori model on a cubic lattice with two orbitals split by a crystal field. We show that a systematic consideration of the non-local collective electronic fluctuations strongly affects the state-of-the-art picture of the phase transition provided by the dynamical mean field theory. Our calculations reveal a region of phase coexistence between the metallic and the Mott insulating states, which is missing in the local approximation to electronic correlations. This coexistence region is remarkably broad in terms of the interaction strength. It starts at a critical value of the interaction slightly larger than the bandwidth and extends to more than twice the bandwidth, where the two solutions merge into a Mott insulating phase. Our results illustrate that non-local correlations can have crucial consequences on the electronic properties in the strongly correlated regime, even in the simplest multi-orbital systems

    New development: Directly elected mayors in Italy: creating a strong leader doesn’t mean creating strong leadership

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    More than 20 years after their introduction, directly elected mayors are key players in Italian urban governance. This article explains the main effects of this reform on local government systems and provides lessons for other countries considering directly elected mayors

    Proteome-wide observation of the phenomenon of life on the edge of solubility

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    To function effectively proteins must avoid aberrant aggregation, and hence they are expected to be expressed at concentrations safely below their solubility limits. By analyzing proteome-wide mass spectrometry data of Caenorhabditis elegans, however, we show that the levels of about three-quarters of the nearly 4, 000 proteins analyzed in adult animals are close to their intrinsic solubility limits, indeed exceeding them by about 10% on average. We next asked how aging and functional self-assembly influence these solubility limits. We found that despite the fact that the total quantity of proteins within the cellular environment remains approximately constant during aging, protein aggregation sharply increases between days 6 and 12 of adulthood, after the worms have reproduced, as individual proteins lose their stoichiometric balances and the cellular machinery that maintains solubility undergoes functional decline. These findings reveal that these proteins are highly prone to undergoing concentration-dependent phase separation, which on aging is rationalized in a decrease of their effective solubilities, in particular for proteins associated with translation, growth, reproduction, and the chaperone system

    Strategies for Improved pDNA Loading and Protection Using Cationic and Neutral LNPs with Industrial Scalability Potential Using Microfluidic Technology

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    Purpose: In recent years, microfluidic technologies have become mainstream in producing gene therapy nanomedicines (NMeds) following the Covid-19 vaccine; however, extensive optimizations are needed for each NMed type and genetic material. This article strives to improve LNPs for pDNA loading, protection, and delivery, while minimizing toxicity. Methods: The microfluidic technique was optimized to form cationic or neutral LNPs to load pDNA. Classical “post-formulation” DNA addition vs “pre” addition in the aqueous phase were compared. All formulations were characterized (size, homogeneity, zeta potential, morphology, weight yield, and stability), then tested for loading efficiency, nuclease protection, toxicity, and cell uptake. Results: Optimized LNPs formulated with DPPC: Chol:DOTAP 1:1:0.1 molar ratio and 10 μg of DOPE-Rhod, had a size of 160 nm and good homogeneity. The chemico-physical characteristics of cationic LNPs worsened when adding 15 μg/mL of pDNA with the “post” method, while maintaining their characteristics up to 100 μg/mL of pDNA with the “pre” addition remaining stable for 30 days. Interestingly, neutral LNPs formulated with the same method loaded up to 50% of the DNA. Both particles could protect the DNA from nucleases even after one month of storage, and low cell toxicity was found up to 40 μg/mL LNPs. Cell uptake occurred within 2 hours for both formulations with the DNA intact in the cytoplasm, outside of the lysosomes. Conclusion: In this study, the upcoming microfluidic technique was applied to two strategies to generate pDNA-LNPs. Cationic LNPs could load 10x the amount of DNA as the classical approach, while neutral LNPs, which also loaded and protected DNA, showed lower toxicity and good DNA protection. This is a big step forward at minimizing doses and toxicity of LNP-based gene therapy

    Attività Fisica Adattata: Taiji-Quan. Una proposta di metodo di lavoro per le persone con Malattia di Parkinson

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    Riassunto La Malattia di Parkinson è la seconda malattia neurodegenerativa più diffusa al mondo dopo l’Alzheimer. Le persone affette sono ad alto rischio di caduta, con conseguenti disabilità fisiche e psicologiche, con aumento della paura di cadere e di uscire di casa, e riduzione dell’autonomia individuale. I disturbi dell’equilibrio rispondono in maniera incompleta al trattamento farmacologico, mentre si fanno sempre più numerose le evidenze scientifiche che dimostrano come la pratica del Taiji-Quan quale “attività fisica adattata” sia efficace nel migliorare l’equilibrio e dunque la qualità di vita delle persone con Malattia di Parkinson. Il presente lavoro vuole proporre un Programma di Allenamento Adattato di Taiji-Quan, ben definito, ripetibile, completo di significato rieducativo specifico per ogni singolo esercizio, da associare al Programma Farmacologico nel Progetto Riabilitativo Individuale delle persone con Malattia di Parkinson. Tale protocollo è attuabile anche in modalità telematica come tele-riabilitazione