393 research outputs found

    FoxO3 Modulates Circadian Rhythms in Neural Stem Cells

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    Both FoxO transcription factors and the circadian clock act on the interface of metabolism and cell cycle regulation and are important regulators of cellular stress and stem cell homeostasis. Importantly, FoxO3 preserves the adult neural stem cell population by regulating cell cycle and cellular metabolism and has been shown to regulate circadian rhythms in the liver. However, whether FoxO3 is a regulator of circadian rhythms in neural stem cells remains unknown. Here, we show that loss of FoxO3 disrupts circadian rhythmicity in cultures of neural stem cells, an effect that is mediated via regulation of Clock transcriptional levels. Using Rev-Erbα-VNP as a reporter, we then demonstrate that loss of FoxO3 does not disrupt circadian rhythmicity at the single cell level. A meta-analysis of published data revealed dynamic co-occupancy of multiple circadian clock components within FoxO3 regulatory regions, indicating that FoxO3 is a Clock-controlled gene. Finally, we examined proliferation in the hippocampus of FoxO3-deficient mice and found that loss of FoxO3 delayed the circadian phase of hippocampal proliferation, indicating that FoxO3 regulates correct timing of NSC proliferation. Taken together, our data suggest that FoxO3 is an integral part of circadian regulation of neural stem cell homeostasis

    Effects of the neonatal intensive care environment on circadian health and development of preterm infants

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    The circadian system in mammals ensures adaptation to the light-dark cycle on Earth and imposes 24-h rhythmicity on metabolic, physiological and behavioral processes. The central circadian pacemaker is located in the brain and is entrained by environmental signals called Zeitgebers. From here, neural, humoral and systemic signals drive rhythms in peripheral clocks in nearly every mammalian tissue. During pregnancy, disruption of the complex interplay between the mother’s rhythmic signals and the fetal developing circadian system can lead to long-term health consequences in the offspring. When an infant is born very preterm, it loses the temporal signals received from the mother prematurely and becomes totally dependent on 24/7 care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where day/night rhythmicity is usually blurred. In this literature review, we provide an overview of the fetal and neonatal development of the circadian system, and short-term consequences of disruption of this process as occurs in the NICU environment. Moreover, we provide a theoretical and molecular framework of how this disruption could lead to later-life disease. Finally, we discuss studies that aim to improve health outcomes after preterm birth by studying the effects of enhancing rhythmicity in light and noise exposure.</p

    Assessment of Mixed-Layer Height Estimation from Single-Wavelength Ceilometer Profiles

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    An assessment of differing boundary/mixed-layer height measurement methods was performed with a focus on the Vaisala CL51 instrument and BLView and STRAT softwares. Of primary interest was determining how these differ- ng methodologies will intercompare when deployed as part of a larger instrument network. The intercomparisons were performed as part of ongoing measurements at the Chemistry And Physics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment (CAPABLE) site in Hampton, VA and during the 2014 Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ) field campaign that took place in the Denver, CO area. It was observed that data collection methodology is not as important as the processing algorithm, and that, generally speaking, sonde-derived boundary layer heights are higher than LIDAR-derived mixed-layer heights

    Effects of the neonatal intensive care environment on circadian health and development of preterm infants

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    The circadian system in mammals ensures adaptation to the light-dark cycle on Earth and imposes 24-h rhythmicity on metabolic, physiological and behavioral processes. The central circadian pacemaker is located in the brain and is entrained by environmental signals called Zeitgebers. From here, neural, humoral and systemic signals drive rhythms in peripheral clocks in nearly every mammalian tissue. During pregnancy, disruption of the complex interplay between the mother’s rhythmic signals and the fetal developing circadian system can lead to long-term health consequences in the offspring. When an infant is born very preterm, it loses the temporal signals received from the mother prematurely and becomes totally dependent on 24/7 care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where day/night rhythmicity is usually blurred. In this literature review, we provide an overview of the fetal and neonatal development of the circadian system, and short-term consequences of disruption of this process as occurs in the NICU environment. Moreover, we provide a theoretical and molecular framework of how this disruption could lead to later-life disease. Finally, we discuss studies that aim to improve health outcomes after preterm birth by studying the effects of enhancing rhythmicity in light and noise exposure

    Rationale and design of the PRAETORIAN-COVID trial:A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial with valsartan for PRevention of Acute rEspiraTORy dIstress syndrome in hospitAlized patieNts with SARS-COV-2 Infection Disease

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    There is much debate on the use of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) in severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)–infected patients. Although it has been suggested that ARBs might lead to a higher susceptibility and severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection, experimental data suggest that ARBs may reduce acute lung injury via blocking angiotensin-II–mediated pulmonary permeability, inflammation, and fibrosis. However, despite these hypotheses, specific studies on ARBs in SARS-CoV-2 patients are lacking. Methods: The PRAETORIAN-COVID trial is a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled 1:1 randomized clinical trial in adult hospitalized SARS-CoV-2–infected patients (n = 651). The primary aim is to investigate the effect of the ARB valsartan compared to placebo on the composite end point of admission to an intensive care unit, mechanical ventilation, or death within 14 days of randomization. The active-treatment arm will receive valsartan in a dosage titrated to blood pressure up to a maximum of 160 mg bid, and the placebo arm will receive matching placebo. Treatment duration will be 14 days, or until the occurrence of the primary end point or until hospital discharge, if either of these occurs within 14 days. The trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04335786, 2020). The PRAETORIAN-COVID trial is a double-blind, placebo-controlled 1:1 randomized trial to assess the effect of valsartan compared to placebo on the occurrence of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and death in hospitalized SARS-CoV-2–infected patients. The results of this study might impact the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 patients globally

    Gamma-Linolenic and Stearidonic Acids Are Required for Basal Immunity in Caenorhabditis elegans through Their Effects on p38 MAP Kinase Activity

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    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) form a class of essential micronutrients that play a vital role in development, cardiovascular health, and immunity. The influence of lipids on the immune response is both complex and diverse, with multiple studies pointing to the beneficial effects of long-chain fatty acids in immunity. However, the mechanisms through which PUFAs modulate innate immunity and the effects of PUFA deficiencies on innate immune functions remain to be clarified. Using the Caenorhabditis elegans–Pseudomonas aeruginosa host–pathogen system, we present genetic evidence that a Δ6-desaturase FAT-3, through its two 18-carbon products—gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, 18:3n6) and stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n3), but not the 20-carbon PUFAs arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n3)—is required for basal innate immunity in vivo. Deficiencies in GLA and SDA result in increased susceptibility to bacterial infection, which is associated with reduced basal expression of a number of immune-specific genes—including spp-1, lys-7, and lys-2—that encode antimicrobial peptides. GLA and SDA are required to maintain basal activity of the p38 MAP kinase pathway, which plays important roles in protecting metazoan animals from infections and oxidative stress. Transcriptional and functional analyses of fat-3–regulated genes revealed that fat-3 is required in the intestine to regulate the expression of infection- and stress-response genes, and that distinct sets of genes are specifically required for immune function and oxidative stress response. Our study thus uncovers a mechanism by which these 18-carbon PUFAs affect basal innate immune function and, consequently, the ability of an organism to defend itself against bacterial infections. The conservation of p38 MAP kinase signaling in both stress and immune responses further encourages exploring the function of GLA and SDA in humans

    Mechanical properties measured by Atomic Force Microscopy define health biomarkers in ageing C. elegans

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    Genetic and environmental factors are key drivers regulating organismal lifespan but how these impact healthspan is less well understood. Techniques capturing biomechanical properties of tissues on a nano-scale level are providing new insights into disease mechanisms. Here, we apply Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to quantitatively measure the change in biomechanical properties associated with ageing Caenorhabditis elegans in addition to capturing high-resolution topographical images of cuticle senescence. We show that distinct dietary restriction regimes and genetic pathways that increase lifespan lead to radically different healthspan outcomes. Hence, our data support the view that prolonged lifespan does not always coincide with extended healthspan. Importantly, we identify the insulin signalling pathway in C. elegans and interventions altering bacterial physiology as increasing both lifespan and healthspan. Overall, AFM provides a highly sensitive technique to measure organismal biomechanical fitness and delivers an approach to screen for health-improving conditions, an essential step towards healthy ageing

    A role for CETP TaqIB polymorphism in determining susceptibility to atrial fibrillation: a nested case control study

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    BACKGROUND: Studies investigating the genetic and environmental characteristics of atrial fibrillation (AF) may provide new insights in the complex development of AF. We aimed to investigate the association between several environmental factors and loci of candidate genes, which might be related to the presence of AF. METHODS: A nested case-control study within the PREVEND cohort was conducted. Standard 12 lead electrocardiograms were recorded and AF was defined according to Minnesota codes. For every case, an age and gender matched control was selected from the same population (n = 194). In addition to logistic regression analyses, the multifactor-dimensionality reduction (MDR) method and interaction entropy graphs were used for the evaluation of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. Polymorphisms in genes from the Renin-angiotensin, Bradykinin and CETP systems were included. RESULTS: Subjects with AF had a higher prevalence of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, renal dysfunction, elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and increased urinary albumin excretion as compared to controls. The polymorphisms of the Renin-angiotensin system and Bradykinin gene did not show a significant association with AF (p > 0.05). The TaqIB polymorphism of the CETP gene was significantly associated with the presence of AF (p < 0.05). Using the MDR method, the best genotype-phenotype models included the combination of micro- or macroalbuminuria and CETP TaqIB polymorphism, CRP >3 mg/L and CETP TaqIB polymorphism, renal dysfunction and the CETP TaqIB polymorphism, and ischemic heart disease and CETP TaqIB polymorphism (1000 fold permutation testing, P < 0.05). Interaction entropy graph showed that the combination of albuminuria and CETP TaqIB polymorphism removed the most entropy. CONCLUSION: CETP TaqIB polymorphism is significantly associated with the presence of AF in the context of micro- or macroalbuminuria, elevated C-reactive protein, renal dysfunction, and ischemic heart disease

    Beneficial use of immunoglobulins in the treatment of Sydenham chorea

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    This double case report indicates that treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) is effective in patients with Sydenham chorea (SC). SC is a rare but impressive clinical manifestation following streptococcal infection. This movement disorder characterised by chorea, emotional lability and muscle weakness, is one of the major criteria of acute rheumatic fever. Treatment of SC is typically limited to supportive care and palliative medications. Curative treatment is still in the experimental stage. Recent research on patients with SC proved that antibodies against the group A streptococcus cross-react with epitopes of neurons in the basal ganglia, namely, intracellular tubulin and extracellular lysoganglioside. Therefore, immune modulating therapy by means of prednisone, plasma exchange and IVIG are mentioned in the literature as possible effective treatment. Beneficial effect of IVIG has been shown in several diseases with molecular mimicry as the underlying pathophysiology. In this paper, we describe two girls aged 11 and 13 years, respectively, who presented with SC having severe disabilities in their daily live. We treated both patients with IVIG 400 mg/kg/day for 5 days. Treatment was tolerated well and had a pronounced positive effect. Shortly after the drug was administered, all signs and symptoms disappeared in both patients. Based upon these patients, we highlight IVIG as a serious treatment option for SC
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