15 research outputs found

    Critical dialogical approach: A methodological direction for occupation-based social transformative work

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    Background: Calls for embracing the potential and responsibility of occupational therapy to address socio-political conditions that perpetuate occupational injustices have materialized in the literature. However, to reach beyond traditional frameworks informing practices, this social agenda requires the incorporation of diverse epistemological and methodological approaches to support action commensurate with social transformative goals. Aim: Our intent is to present a methodological approach that can help extend the ways of thinking or frameworks used in occupational therapy and science to support the ongoing development of practices with and for individuals and collectives affected by marginaliz- ing conditions. Method: We describe the epistemological and theoretical underpinnings of a methodological approach drawing on Freire and Bakhtin ’ s work. Results: Integrating our shared experience taking part in an example study, we discuss the unique advantages of co-generating data using two methods aligned with this approach; dialogical interviews and critical reflexivity. Discussion: Key considerations when employing this approach are presented, based on its proposed epistemological and theoretical stance and our shared experiences engaging in it. Significance: A critical dialogical approach offers one way forward in expanding occupational therapy and science scholarship by promoting collaborative knowledge generation and examin- ation of taken-for-granted understandings that shape individuals assumptions and actions

    Case studies for Social Transformation through Occupation

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    Sarah Kantartzis - ORCID 0000-0001-5191-015X https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5191-015XWith the financial support of the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE) as part of the work of the project group Social Transformation through Occupation

    Reflexiones sobre la importancia de celebrar el decimoquinto encuentro de la enothe en España, A Coruña, en el 2009

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    Abordando las desigualdades de la terapia ocupacional: contribuciones al corazón al programa del próximo MDG 2015 y el futuro que queremos para todos

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    When contributing to social reformor addressing socio-economic and health inequalities, occupational therapists must have a commitment to occupational justice. Appropriate occupational-therapy practice can and should operate at the community and population level (1). This is particularly evident in the transitional countries of Europe, such as Romania, Bulgaria and Georgia, where an absolute majority holds social injustice as the main driver of social exclusion processes (2). In these countries issues of poverty and unemployment of disadvantaged groups like disabled people cannot be resolved by individual solutions. However since the economic crises vulnerable groups in the whole of Europe are experiencing occupational deprivation and injustice. These issues can be more effectively addressed through the use of a community-development approach.The development of occupation based collective approaches in which all individuals find their place is an essential step towards combating poverty, occupational deprivation and developing the concepts and practices necessary for an inclusive, occupational just community(3). The focus is then on addressing the occupational needs, occupational rights and obligations of all citizens.In this article community based programmes and strategies which are under development and/or have been used by occupational therapists will be discussed.Al contribuir a la reforma social o abordar las desigualdades socio-económicas y de salud, los terapeutas ocupacionales deben tener un compromiso con la justicia laboral. La buena praxis de la terapia ocupacional puede y debe operar a nivel de la comunidad y de la población (1)Esto es evidente en los países en transición de Europa, como Rumania, Bulgaria y Georgia, donde la mayoría absoluta mantiene la injusticia social como el principal impulsor de los procesos de exclusión social (2). En estos países los problemas de la pobreza y el desempleo de los grupos desfavorecidos como las personas con discapacidad no pueden ser resueltos con soluciones individuales. Sin embargo, desde la crisis económica de grupos vulnerables en el conjunto de Europa están experimentando la privación y la injusticia ocupacional. Estas cuestiones se pueden abordar de manera más efectiva a través de la utilización de un enfoque de desarrollo comunitario. El desarrollo de enfoques colectivos de ocupación basado en que todas las personas encuentran su lugar, es un paso esencial para la lucha contra la pobreza, la privación del trabajo y el desarrollo de los conceptos y prácticas necesarias para una comunidad justa incluyente. La atención se centra entonces en hacer frente a las necesidades del trabajo, derechos laborales y obligaciones de todos los ciudadanos. En este artículo se discutirá en base a programas comunitarios y estrategias que están en fase de desarrollo y / o han sido utilizados por los terapeutas ocupacionales

    Reflexiones sobre la importancia de la celebración de la 15ª reunión ENOTHE en España, A Coruña en 2009 = Reflections on the importance of celebrating the 15th ENOTHE meeting in Spain, A Coruña, in 2009

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    SUMMARY In this paper the European policies with respect to higher education and social affairs will be discussed in relation with the development of occupational therapy in Europe and in particularly Spain.Due to the quite drastic changes in the social reality in Europe based on demographic trends, it is expected that occupational therapy will play a bigger role in the social arena and in health prevention and promotion.2009 will be the European year of linking education, culture and creativity. A better theme for occupational therapist could hardly be found. We expect to find Galician culture and creativity linked to European occupational therapy education in la Coruna. RESUMENEn este informe se hablará de las políticas europeas en lo que conciernen a la enseñanza superior y asuntos sociales en relación con el desarrollo de la terapia ocupacional en Europa y en particular en España.Debido a los cambios bastante drásticos de la realidad social en Europa basada en tendencias demográficas, se espera que la terapia ocupacional juegue un papel más grande en la arena social y en la prevención y la promoción de la salud.2009 será el año europeo de unir la educación, la cultura y la creatividad. Sería difícil encontrar un mejor tema para el terapeuta ocupacional.Esperamos encontrar en A Coruña, un vinculo entre la cultura y creatividad gallega y la educación de la Terapia Ocupacional a nivel europeo

    Imagining occupational therapy

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    ‘Imagining occupational therapy’ expresses the opinions of four occupational therapists from Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand whose combined experience spans 152 years, an average of 38 years. Meeting serendipitously in March 2011, they reflected on the question: Why do we continue to practise and call ourselves occupational therapists when many colleagues have left the profession well before retirement? Igniting conversations were questions and vignettes about their professional lives and their profession. The aim of this opinion piece is to kindle other occupational therapists in imagining a future world for themselves and their profession, just as kindling grass and sticks may fuel a fire

    Master of occupational therapy. Hanneke van Bruggen

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    Maestras de la terapia ocupacional. Hanneke van Bruggen

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