616 research outputs found

    O papel do Enfermeiro Veterinário no acondicionamento e envio de amostras para o laboratório

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    In the present work, the main situations in which recourse to the laboratory is fundamental, are listed, as well as the main methods of taking samples from live animal and its execution. The main risks which compromise the quality and reliability of laboratory diagnosis, are related with incorrect methods of sampling, little information on their respective request records or its incorrect filled, also with failures in packing and sending samples to the laboratory, as well as the absence of indications to the correct orientation of the surgical specimens. Also, the main rules of conduct and best practices, which the Veterinary Nurse could help to implement in clinical practice, will be identified, with the goal to contribute to the minimization of laboratory error.à Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e Tecnologia, ao Centro de Estudos em Educação, Tecnologias e Saúde e ao projeto estratégico PEst-OE/CED/UI4016/201

    Application of strategies to minimize the error in Pathological Anatomy

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    The design of multi-professional teams, in the veterinary field allows, as in other sectors, the introduction and implementation of dynamics which don´t exhaust in the company itself. The main risks which compromise the quality and reliability of laboratory diagnosis, are related with incorrect methods of sampling, little information on the respective analysis request form or its incorrect fulfillment, failures in packing and sending samples to the laboratory, as well as the absence of indications to the correct orientation of the surgical specimens. In order to minimize the most detected errors, strategies are listed throughout the paper and, related to the correct orientation and identification of the sample, a proposal of identification is presented in this paper, which will be an important strategy for the minimization of analytical and post-analytical errors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neoplasias cutâneas mais comuns

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    A pele é o principal local de aparecimento de neoplasias no cão, e o segundo no gato (Scott et al., 2001). Sendo o maior órgão do corpo e sendo também facilmente observado, é natural que quaisquer alterações que aí surjam sejam mais facilmente detectadas, aumentando as possibilidades de um diagnóstico precoce e um melhor prognóstico Pretende-se alertar o Enfermeiro Veterinário para as principais neoplasias cutâneas em animais de companhia, abordando as suas principais características e eventuais predisposições, de modo a habilitar este profissional com conhecimentos que lhe permitam contribuir para a melhoria dos cuidados de saúde em oncologia veterinária. Os tumores da pele e dos tecidos subcutâneos representam aproximadamente um terço dos tumores em cães, e cerca de um quarto dos tumores em gatos. Em cães, estas neoplasias são na sua maioria de carácter benigno (70-80%), mas em gatos, cerca de 50-65% destas neoplasias são de carácter maligno (Blackwood, 2011). Trabalhar numa equipa de oncologia veterinária, implica estar correctamente informado sobre as neoplasias (cutâneas), para melhor informar. É função do Enfermeiro Veterinário estar alerta para qualquer alteração que surja, e esclarecer proprietários para que procurem ajuda da equipa de saúde veterinária sempre que necessário. Desta forma, e em conjunto com médicos veterinários e proprietários de animais de companhia, estarão a contribuir para um diagnóstico precoce e um melhor prognóstico

    How Experience Can Be Useful in Veterinary Pathological Anatomy

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    Veterinary anatomical pathology is a medical specialty very similar to human anatomical pathology. This specialty consists in diagnosing diseases, based mostly on the gross and microscopic examination of organs and tissues, obtained by surgical procedure or necropsy It consists in the application of criteria based in the knowledge of the gross and histological lesions to obtain a final pathological diagnosis. The aim of this specific diagnosis is, generally, to find which disease affects the animal, if it is alive, or what caused its death. The main difficulties in veterinary pathological diagnosis are related to the various animal species a pathologist has to deal with, the use of exhaustive classifications of different types, the costs, the subjectivity, including disagreement between the clinical and pathologic diagnoses, and the urgency in issuing the report. So the urgent need to compile all available information to obtain a diagnosis, in a short period of time, is the constant challenge placed to the professional experts in the area concerned. This chapter proposes a framework and a software system that can be useful for making diagnosis of disease. We developed the framework based on the analysis of the bibliography of the domain. Both proposals can be useful for making better diagnosis.This work was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Center for Studies in Education, Technologies and by Health and by strategic project PEst-OE/CED/UI4016/201

    Canine mastocytosis

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    Mastocytosis is a mast cell disorder in which its exaggerated proliferation can occur in two forms: systemic and cutaneous (Davis et al., 1992). Because canine mastocytosis is a rare situation of controversial and difficult diagnosis, the goal of this study consists in a current revision of this subject, in order to sensitize the veterinary staff to its severity, with particular focus on the information the veterinary nurse must hold to better apply a specialized nursing care with the high professionalismFCT/CI&DETS (PEst-OE/CED/UI4016/2011

    Thymic Squamous Cell Carcinoma? Do you confirm this diagnosis?

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    Introduction In dogs thymic carcinoma is considered rare and distinguishes itself from thymoma by its cytologically malignant features, extensive local invasion, and a substantial potential for metastasis. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for most thymic tumours, with the exception of lymphoma. Medical History A 9 years old cross-breed male dog was presented due to cough and respiratory distress with duration of 4 weeks. The animal presented with inspiratory dyspnea and cyanosis. A mass, dorsal to the pharynx, was diagnosed after clinical and radiographical examination, suspected of thyroid neoplasia. Cytology was performed and revealed cells consistent with malignancy, apparently carcinoma with high parameters of aggressiveness. As a form of treatment and to obtain a definitive diagnosis, was decided to surgical removed the mass which measured 7.8x3.7x3.5cm. Material and Methods The sample was fixed in 10 % buffered formalin solution for histological evaluation and sent to the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory of the Agrarian Superior School of Viseu, in Portugal, for histological evaluation. Results Microscopic examination revealed that we were in presence of a lymphoid organ, with peculiar features, namely a small to intermediate-sized lymphoid cells, "starry-sky" pattern and rounded eosinophilic perivascular arrangements resembling Hassall's corpuscles. Concomitantly, typical features of squamous cell carcinoma were evident. Discussion and Conclusion In conclusion, based on its histological features, the authors suggested the diagnosis of Thymic Squamous Cell Carcinoma with an unusual location. Thymic tumours in dogs are predominantly located in the anterior mediastinum but they may extend from the neck to the posterior mediastinum.This work was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Center for Studies in Education, Technologies and by Health and by strategic project PEst-OE/CED/UI4016/201

    Lombar Tranverse Process Osteosarcoma

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    Introduction Osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common primary bone tumor in dogs. Between 20 and 25% of canine OSA arise from bones of the axial skeleton and are also the most common extradural spinal neoplasm (46%). Radiographic appearance is nonspecific and inconsistent. Pain without neurological signs is the predominant initial finding with vertebral OSA. Materials and Methods A 8 years cross-bred male dog was presented for consultation complaining of progressive weight loss, apathy and nonspecific pain. A paralumbar mass on the left side was diagnosed after clinical and radiographical examination. Cytology of the mass was performed and the animal was hospitalized for pain control and nutritional support until definitive diagnosis. During hospitalization, the clinical status of the animal deteriorated emerging neurological abnormalities. The cytology revealed the presence of cells characteristic of a neoplastic process of mesenchymal origin, apparently sarcoma. It was decided to perform a myelogram wich revealed spinal cord compression at L4, caused by the mass. Due to the deterioration of clinical status and the diagnosis owners decided for euthanasia. Results At necropsy was observedthe thickening of the transverse process of L4 vertebra by a mass with 6.3 x 7.0 x 4.5 cm. The histopathological diagnosis revealed an OSA with different histologic aspects. Discussion and Conclusion An unsucessful outcome OSA was diagnosed. Aadequately treatinglocal disease ofvertebral OSA is very difficult. Surgery is an attempt to decompress dogs with neurologic deficits or intractable pain. Present recommendations are to perform surgery for decompression and institute radiation and chemotherapy.This work was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Center for Studies in Education, Technologies and by Health and by strategic project PEst-OE/CED/UI4016/201

    Inverted papilloma in Russian Hamster

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    Introduction: Cutaneous papilloma is a benign epithelial neoplasm arising in epidermal keratinocytes. Papillomaviruses belong to papovavirus family, causing single or multiple verrucous projections, variable in size, well circumscribed and keratinized. This type of tumour is common in horses, cattle and humans; less frequent in dogs and goats and rare in sheep, pigs, cats, guinea pigs and hamsters. Medical History: A 1-and a half year old entire Russian hamster was presented with a right lateral axilar subcutaneous ulcerated nodule. No other abnormalities were detected on clinical examination. The approach taken was total surgical excision. Material and Methods: The samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin solution for histological evaluation and were sent to the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory of the Agrarian Superior School of Viseu, in Portugal. Results: Macroscopically, the cut section revealed whitish tissues with radiated aspect, converging on the ulcerated area. Microscopic examination revealed a cystic cavity, lined by hiperplasic squamous epithelium, apparently inverted, with ortho and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, presenting peniforme pattern. The epithelium showed acanthosis, hypergranulosis, with very large keratohyalin granules. Koilocytosis was also observed, as well as sparse eosinophilic intracytoplasmic bodies, in the cells with ballooning degeneration. Discussion and Conclusion: The histopathological features observed were compatible with the diagnosis of papilloma. However, the uncharacteristic inverted image of the epithelium, producing keratin convergent to the cystic cavity, which acquired a peniforme appearance, would fit the descriptions of inverted papilloma, although, apparently, this type of tumor, especially of such large dimensions, never been described in the hamster.This work was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Center for Studies in Education, Technologies and by Health and by strategic project PEst-OE/CED/UI4016/201

    Inspecção do sistema nervoso central em pequenos ruminantes

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    O Scrapie é uma doença neurodegenerativa fatal que afecta ovinos e caprinos e é a forma mais comum das Encefalopatias Espongiformes Transmissíveis (EET's), que incluem a doença de Creutzfeldt – Jakob (CJD), em humanos, e a Encefalopatia Espongiforme Bovina (BSE). O Plano de Vigilância Activa do Scrapie, em aplicação na União Europeia desde 2002, permitiu determinar uma prevalência de Scrapie superior ao esperado. De forma a efectuar uma avaliação preliminar da incidência desta patologia em Portugal, foram recolhidos os troncos cerebrais e cerebelos de 4822 pequenos ruminantes abatidos num matadouro no centro de Portugal e, posteriormente, enviados para pesquisa laboratorial de EETs. Após análise laboratorial, detectaram-se 8 casos de Scrapie atípico em ovinos. A percentagem de casos positivos (0,17%) detectados em pequenos ruminantes com mais de 18 meses, durante o período de realização deste estudo, foi baixa e, segundo os resultados laboratoriais, enquadram-se no perfil de Scrapie atípico.Centro de Estudos em Educação, Tecnologias e Saúde

    Caracterização das explorações de ovinos Serra da Estrela

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    A raça ovina serra da estrela tem o seu solar ao largo da nascente da bacia hidrográfica do rio Mondego. Com um efectivo actual de cerca de 90000 cabeças e encabeçamento de 35,8, esta raça autóctone de vocação predominantemente leiteira, apresenta na rusticidade, uma característica fundamental para a sua adaptação ao sistema semi-extensivo em que é explorada. A alimentação é feita à base de pastagens naturais e melhoradas, forragens e concentrados apenas durante o alavão. Nos ovis predominam as construções próprias para o efeito, utilizando tanto o sistema de camas de mato ou palha, como o ripado. As condições higiosanitárias da maioria das explorações são ainda muito deficitárias quer ao nível da qualidade das estruturas quer ao nível do maneio dos animais. Aquando da selecção das explorações foram tomados em conta, entre outros, critérios como a dimensão do efectivo, a indemnidade em relação à Brucelose, o tipo de maneio, bem como a existência de suspeita clínica O sobredimensionamento das explorações, a não existência de maternidades e parques de recria, comedouros e bebedouros mal dimensionados, a ausência de instalações para isolamento de animais doentes ou suspeitos, foram também identificados como factores predisponentes ao aparecimento e manutenção nas explorações de doenças com características epidemiológicas semelhantes à paratuberculose. O exame clínico de alguns animais destas explorações revelou a existência de animais com acentuadas quebras de produção, emagrecimento progressivo, diarreia terminal e edema intermandibular, compatíveis com um quadro sintomático de Paratuberculose ovina.Agradecimentos: Ao Projecto Agro 786, Medida 8. Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Demonstração. Acção 8.1-Desenvolvimento Experimental e Demonstração, bem como a todas as entidades nele interveniente
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