15 research outputs found

    Causation between energy consumption and climate change in the countries with the highest global climate risk

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    The study aims to examine if there is causation between "energy consumption" and "climate change" through the data of ten countries with the highest Climate Risk Index (CRI) scores. The ten highest CRI score countries include Puerto Rico, Myanmar, Haiti, Philippines, Mozambique, The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, and Nepal. The annual data for the years 2005-2019 was used because of the data constraints. CRI is selected as the dependent variable. As for the independent variables, the ratios of the energy consumption of the key sectors indicated by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to the total energy consumption are chosen. These key sectors in energy consumption are industry (IND), transportation (TRA), trade and public services (TPS), and housing (HOU). Economic growth (EG), which is one of the main factors affecting climate change in the literature, is included in the model as the control variable. According to the results of the Dumitrescu-Hurlin causality test, there is one-way causality from transportation towards CRI, but not any causality between others. It is evaluated that since the transportation sector is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, it has a strong effect on the amount of CO2 emissions and a significant determining role on climate change

    Does country-level governance matter for national development? An analysis on the founding states of Turkic council

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    This study aims to examine if there is a long-term relationship between the participation of 'country-level governance' and 'national development' through the data of founding countries of the Cooperation Council of Turkish Speaking States (Turkic Council)? The hypothesis of there is a significant long-term relationship between country-level governance and national development was tested via the panel data analysis of four Turkic countries: Azerbaijan, Kirgizstan, Kazakhstan, and Turkey. The compounds of the 'Worldwide Governance Indicators' were used as the independent variable, and 'Human Development Index' as the dependent variable. A Panel Causation Test was conducted to investigate if there are long-term co-integration and causation between country-level governance and national development. Our results found that there is significant causation between the country-level governance indicators of 'Voice and Accountability' and 'Government Effectiveness' with the 'national development' process. Thus, our findings will contribute to both academics who study the effects of governance on development and to policymakers who utilize these sources for improved political and social development with the aim to prevent poverty and improve access to basic human needs

    The relationship between tax revenue and economic development in Turkey: Frequency domain causality analysis

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    Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de 1975-2013 dönemine ait yıllık verilerle vergi gelirleri ile kalkınma arasındaki ilişkinin varlığını araştırmakla beraber söz konusu ilişkinin yönünü farklı ekonometrik testlerle analiz etmektir. Hacker ve Hatemi nedensellik testi bulgularına göre, dolaylı vergi gelirlerinden kalkınmaya doğru tek yönlü; Breitung ve Caldelon frekans alanı nedensellik testi ise toplam vergi gelirlerinden kalkınmaya, dolaysız vergi gelirlerinden kalkınmaya ve kalkınmadan dolaylı vergi gelirlerine doğru tek yönlü ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir.The aim of the study is to investigate the existence of the relationship between tax revenues and development in Turkey for the period 1975-2013 and analyze the direction of the relationship with different econometric tests. According to Hacker and Hatemi causality test findings, unilateal relationship were observed towars development from indirect tax revenues, The Breitung and Caldelon frequency domain causality test, however, it was ascertained unilateal relationships towards development from total tax revenues; and towards development from direct tax revenues; and there also is unilateal relationship towards indirect tax revenues from development

    Türkiye’de Vergi Gelirleri ile Ekonomik Kalkınma Arasındaki İlişki: Frekans Alanı Nedensellik Analizi

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the existence of the relationship between tax revenues and development in Turkey for the period 1975-2013 and analyze the direction of the relationship with different econometric tests. According to the analysis results, there was a cointegration relation between the variables. The existence of the cointegration relationship brings with it the expectation that causality relations must also exist. According to Toda-Yamamoto Granger, Hacker and Hatemi causality test findings, unilateal relationship were observed towars development from indirect tax revenues, The Breitung and Caldelon frequency domain causality test, however, it was ascertained unilateal relationships towards development from total tax revenues; and towards development from direct tax revenues; and there also is unilateal relationship towards indirect tax revenues from development.Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de 1975-2013 dönemine ait yıllık verilerle vergi gelirleri ile kalkınma arasındaki ilişkinin varlığını araştırmakla beraber söz konusu ilişkinin yönünü farklı ekonometrik testlerle analiz etmektir. Hacker ve Hatemi nedensellik testi bulgularına göre, dolaylı vergi gelirlerinden kalkınmaya doğru tek yönlü; Breitung ve Caldelon frekans alanı nedensellik testi ise toplam vergi gelirlerinden kalkınmaya, dolaysız vergi gelirlerinden kalkınmaya ve kalkınmadan dolaylı vergi gelirlerine doğru tek yönlü ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir

    How does terrorism hollow out the sustainable economic growth in big ten countries?

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    PurposeThe main objective of this research is to investigate if there is a long-term relationship between "terrorism" and sustainable "economic growth" in Big Ten Countries.Design/methodology/approachThe data was tested via Panel ARDL Analysis. The growth rate (GR) is the dependent variable, and the "Global Terror Index (GTI)" is the independent variable as the terror indicator. The ratio of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the ratio of External Balance (EB) to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are included in the model as the control variables due to their effect on the growth rate. A Panel ARDL analysis is conducted to examine the existence of long-term co-integration between terror and the economy. The planning of the study, the formation of its theoretical and conceptual framework, and the literature research were carried out in 2 months, and the collection of data, the creation of the methodology and the analysis of the analyzes were carried out in 2 months, the interpretation of the findings and the development of policy recommendations were carried out within a period of 1 month. The entire study was completed in a total of 5 months.FindingsResults showed that "Terror" has a negative impact on "Growth Rate" in the long term while "External Balance" and "Foreign Direct Investment" positively affect the Growth Rate. The coefficients for the short term are not statistically significant.Research limitations/implicationsThe sample is only limited to Big Ten including China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Poland and South Africa. The period for annual data collection covers the years between 2002 and 2019 and due to the unavailability of data.Practical implicationsConsidering the risks and the mutual negative effect that turns into a vicious circle between terrorism and the economy, it is necessary to eliminate the problems that cause terrorism in the mentioned countries, on the one hand, and to develop policies that will improve economic performance on the other.Social implicationsTrustful law enforcement bodies have to be established and supported by all technological means to prevent terror. The conditions causing terror have to be investigated carefully and the problems causing terror or internal conflict have to be solved. International cooperation against terrorism has to be strengthened and partnerships, information, experience sharing have to be supported at the maximum levels.Originality/valueIt is certain that terror might have a negative influence on the performance of economies. But the limited number of studies within this vein and the small size of their sample groups mostly including single-country case studies require conducting a study by using a larger sample group of countries. Big Ten here represents at least half of the population of the world and different regions of the Globe

    2008 global economic crisis in the context of post autistic economics and Turkey

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    Post Otistik İktisat Hareketi, 2000 yılının başlarında Fransa'da önde gelen kurumların birinde öğrenim gören bir grup iktisat öğrencilerinin yayımladığı bir bildiriyle başlamıştır. Harekete göre, egemen öğreti ekonomide ortaya çıkan sorunları çözememekte hatta daha da derinleştirmektedir. Ayrıca iktisat eğitimindeki sorunlar ve kurgusal ekonomik modellerde kullanılan aşırı matematiksel ifadeler, iktisadın gerçek dünyayı algılayamamasına yol açmaktadır.Mevcut iktisat sisteminin toplumun beklentilerini, isteklerini, gereksinmelerini karşılamakta yetersiz kaldığı zamanlarda yöntem ve sistem tartışmaları artmaktadır. Sorgulamanın başlaması yeni bir iktisadi akımın oluşması için zemin hazırlamaktadır. Özellikle son yıllarda egemen iktisat görüşü olan Neo-klasik iktisat kuramına getirilen eleştiriler bu bağlamda önem kazanmaktadır. Son dönemde eleştiriler yoğunlaşarak yaşanan küresel ekonomik krize yol açan temel sebebin Neo-klasik sistemin olduğu yönünde gelişmiştir.2008 global ekonomik krizinin 1929 Büyük Buhran'dan sonra yaşanan en büyük ekonomik kriz olduğu çoğu iktisatçı tarafından dile getirilmektedir. Yaşanan kriz sadece finans krizi değil, finans ve reel sektörü içine alan tam bir ekonomik krizdir. Başta ABD olmak üzere gelişmiş ülkeler büyük zarar görmüşlerdir. Türkiye ise bankacılık sisteminin 2000 ve 2001 krizlerinden aldığı derslerle güçlendirilmesiyle diğer ülkelere oranla daha az etkilenmiştir.Çalışmanın amacı, son yaşanan 2008 global ekonomik krizini Post Otistik İktisat bakış açısıyla Türkiye değerlendirmesini tartışmaya açmaktır.In early 2000 in France, Post Autistic Economics Movement began with a declaration issued by a group of economics students studying in one of the leading institutions. According to movement, the dominant doctrine couldn?t solve the problems occurring in the economy even further deepens the content of the difficulty. In addition, problems in education of economics and extreme mathematical expressions used in fictional economic models led to the economics could not comprehend the real world.In the course of time, the current economic system remains incapable to meet society?s expectations, demands, and requirements, the system and method debate has been increasing. The start of the questioning is to prepare the ground work for the formation of a new economic trend. Especially in recent years, the dominant view of economic theory, criticism of the neo-classical economics is gaining importance in this context. Recently, the basic reason that led to criticism by focusing the global economic crisis has developed in the direction of the neo-classical system.2008 global economic crisis was by far the biggest one since the great depression in 1929 and this has been mentioned so by many economists. The crisis was not only the financial one, it was a full economic crisis which covered finance and corporate sector. Developed countries especially the United States of America has exposed to the great harm. In contrast, Turkey?s banking system has less affected compared to other countries since Turkey has its own lesson-learned from respectively 2000 and 2001 crises.The aim of this study is to open discussion of last 2008 global crisis to Turkey?s assessment from the view point of Post Autistic Economics

    Energy of the future: Hydrogen economy and Turkey

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    Hidrojen enerjisine “21. yüzyılın enerjisi” gözüyle bakılmaktadır. Dünya?da enerji ihtiyacının artması ve kaynakların azalması ve bir gün biteceği gerçeği insanları alternatif enerji kaynaklarına yöneltmiştir. Gelişmiş bazı ülkelerde teknolojinin de verdiği nimetlerden yararlanarak hidrojen enerjisinde ciddi ilerleme kaydetmiştir. Türkiye?nin de enerji konusunda dışa bağımlı bir ülke olmasından dolayı hidrojen enerjisine önem vermesi ülkemizin lehine olacaktır. Türkiye hidrojen bakımından enerji ihtiyacını karşılayabilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada hidrojen kavramı ve ekonomisi hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra hidrojen ekonomisinin SWOT analizi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca bazı ülkelerin hidrojen enerjisinde geldikleri noktaya değinilmiştir. Son olarak Türkiye?de yapılan hidrojen ile ilgili çalışmalara yer verilmiştir.Hydrogen energy is considered to be the energy of the 21st century. The fact that world energy resource are decreasing and the need for energy is increasing has made people turn to alternative energy sources. Some developed countries have made stride in hydrogen energy by benefiting from the blessings of the hydrogen technology. Turkey is dependent on foreign sources regarding energy, therefore the promotion of hydrogen energy will be in favor of our country. Turkey has potential to meet energy needs with hydrogen energy. In this context, the study provides information about hydrogen economy and relevant concepts and then SWOT Analysis of hydrogen economy is done. The study also includes some countries in terms of the progress they have made in hydrogen energy. Finally, the study explores the researches on hydrogen energy conducted in Turkey

    Geleceğin enerjisi: hidrojen ekonomisi ve Türkiye

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    Hidrojen enerjisine “21. yüzyılın enerjisi” gözüyle bakılmaktadır. Dünya‟da enerji ihtiyacının artması ve kaynakların azalması ve bir gün biteceği gerçeği insanları alternatif enerji kaynaklarına yöneltmiĢtir. GeliĢmiĢ bazı ülkelerde teknolojinin de verdiği nimetlerden yararlanarak hidrojen enerjisinde ciddi ilerleme kaydetmiĢtir. Türkiye‟nin de enerji konusunda dıĢa bağımlı bir ülke olmasından dolayı hidrojen enerjisine önem vermesi ülkemizin lehine olacaktır. Türkiye hidrojen bakımından enerji ihtiyacını karĢılayabilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu bağlamda, çalıĢmada hidrojen kavramı ve ekonomisi hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra hidrojen ekonomisinin SWOT analizi yapılmıĢtır. Ayrıca bazı ülkelerin hidrojen enerjisinde geldikleri noktaya değinilmiĢtir. Son olarak Türkiye‟de yapılan hidrojen ile ilgili çalıĢmalara yer verilmiĢtir

    data set for terror and economics.csv

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    Big Ten Countries include Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, and Turkey. The annual data for the years 2002-2019 was used. Growth Rate (GR), the literature’s basic economic variable, is selected as the dependent variable. As for the independent variable, the “Global Terror Index (GTI)” was used to represent the terror indicator. Besides, due to their effect on the growth rate, the ratio of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the ratio of External Balance (EB) to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are included in the model as the control variables.  </p