922 research outputs found

    Universal behavior of internal friction in glasses below T : anharmonicity vs relaxation

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    Comparison of the internal friction at hypersonic frequencies between a few K and the glass transition temperature Tg for various glasses brings out general features. At low temperature, internal friction is only weakly dependent on the material. At high temperature but still below Tg the internal friction for strong glasses shows a T-independent plateau in a very wide domain of temperature; in contrast, for fragile glass, a nearly linear variation of internal friction with T is observed. Anharmonicity appears dominant over thermally activated relaxational processes at high temperature.Comment: accepted in Physical Review

    Astrophysical and local constraints on string theory: runaway dilaton models

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    One of the clear predictions of string theory is the presence of a dynamical scalar partner of the spin-2 graviton, known as the dilaton. This will violate the Einstein Equivalence Principle, leading to a plethora of possibly observable consequences which is a cosmological context include dynamical dark energy and spacetime variations of nature's fundamental constants. The runaway dilaton scenario of Damour, Piazza and Veneziano is a particularly interesting class of string theory inspired models which can in principle reconcile a massless dilaton with experimental data. Here we use the latest background cosmology observations, astrophysical and laboratory tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant and local tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle to provide updated constraints on this scenario, under various simplifying assumptions. Overall we find consistency with the standard Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm, and we improve the existing constraints on the coupling of the dilaton to baryonic matter by a factor of six, and to the dark sector by a factor of two. At the one sigma level the current data already excludes dark sector couplings of order unity, which would be their natural value.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; Phys. Rev. D (in press

    Avoid, attack or do both? Behavioral and physiological adaptations in natural enemies faced with novel hosts

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    BACKGROUND: Confronted with well-defended, novel hosts, should an enemy invest in avoidance of these hosts (behavioral adaptation), neutralization of the defensive innovation (physiological adaptation) or both? Although simultaneous investment in both adaptations may first appear to be redundant, several empirical studies have suggested a reinforcement of physiological resistance to host defenses with additional avoidance behaviors. To explain this paradox, we develop a mathematical model describing the joint evolution of behavioral and physiological adaptations on the part of natural enemies to their host defenses. Our specific goals are (i) to derive the conditions that may favor the simultaneous investment in avoidance and physiological resistance and (ii) to study the factors that govern the relative investment in each adaptation mode. RESULTS: Our results show that (i) a simultaneous investment may be optimal if the fitness costs of the adaptive traits are accelerating and the probability of encountering defended hosts is low. When (i) holds, we find that (ii) the more that defended hosts are rare and/or spatially aggregated, the more behavioral adaptation is favored. CONCLUSION: Despite their interference, physiological resistance to host defensive innovations and avoidance of these same defenses are two strategies in which it may be optimal for an enemy to invest in simultaneously. The relative allocation to each strategy greatly depends on host spatial structure. We discuss the implications of our findings for the management of invasive plant species and the management of pest resistance to new crop protectants or varieties

    Small Angle Scattering by Fractal Aggregates: A Numerical Investigation of the Crossover Between the Fractal Regime and the Porod Regime

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    Fractal aggregates are built on a computer using off-lattice cluster-cluster aggregation models. The aggregates are made of spherical particles of different sizes distributed according to a Gaussian-like distribution characterised by a mean a0a_0 and a standard deviation σ\sigma. The wave vector dependent scattered intensity I(q)I(q) is computed in order to study the influence of the particle polydispersity on the crossover between the fractal regime and the Porod regime. It is shown that, given a0a_0, the location qcq_c of the crossover decreases as σ\sigma increases. The dependence of qcq_c on σ\sigma can be understood from the evolution of the shape of the center-to-center interparticle-distance distribution function.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages + 6 postscript figures, compressed using "uufiles", published in Phys. Rev. B 50, 1305 (1994

    Hyper-Raman scattering analysis of the vibrations in vitreous boron oxide

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    Hyper-Raman scattering has been measured on vitreous boron oxide, vv-B2_2O3_3. This spectroscopy, complemented with Raman scattering and infrared absorption, reveals the full set of vibrations that can be observed with light. A mode analysis is performed based on the local D3h_{3h} symmetry of BO3_3 triangles and B3_3O3_3 boroxol rings. The results show that in vv-B2_2O3_3 the main spectral components can be succesfully assigned using this relatively simple model. In particular, it can be shown that the hyper-Raman boson peak arises from external modes that correspond mainly to librational motions of rigid boroxol rings.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Cancer and renal insufficiency results of the BIRMA study

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    Background: Half of anticancer drugs are predominantly excreted in urine. Dosage adjustment in renal insufficiency (RI) is, therefore, a crucial issue. Moreover, patients with abnormal renal function are at high risk for drug-induced nephrotoxicity. The Belgian Renal Insufficiency and Anticancer Medications (BIRMA) study investigated the prevalence of RI in cancer patients, and the profile/dosing of anticancer drugs prescribed. Methods:Primary end point: to estimate the prevalence of abnormal glomerular filtration rate (GFR; estimated with the abbreviated Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula) and RI in cancer patient. Secondary end point: to describe the profile of anticancer drugs prescribed (dose reduction/nephrotoxicity). Data were collected for patients presenting at one of the seven Belgian BIRMA centres in March 2006. Results: A total of 1218 patients were included. The prevalence of elevated SCR (1.2 mg per 100 ml) was 14.9%, but 64.0% had a GFR90 ml min 1 per 1.73 m 2. In all, 78.6% of treated patients (n1087) were receiving at least one drug needing dosage adjustment and 78.1% received at least one nephrotoxic drug. In all, 56.5% of RI patients receiving chemotherapy requiring dose reduction in case of RI did not receive dose adjustment. Conclusions: The RI is highly frequent in cancer patients. In all, 80% of the patients receive potentially nephrotoxic drugs and/or for which dosage must be adjusted in RI. Oncologists should check the appropriate dose of chemotherapeutic drugs in relation to renal function before prescribing. © 2010 Cancer Research UK.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Fluctuating Bond Aggregation: a Model for Chemical Gel Formation

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    The Diffusion-Limited Cluster-Cluster Aggregation (DLCA) model is modified by including cluster deformations using the {\it bond fluctuation} algorithm. From 3dd computer simulations, it is shown that, below a given threshold value cgc_g of the volumic fraction cc, the realization of all intra-aggregate bonding possibilities prevents the formation of a gelling network. For c>cgc>c_g, the sol-gel transition occurs at a time tgt_g which, in contrast to DLCA, doesnot diverge with the box size. Several results are reported including small angle scattering curves and possible applications are discussed.Comment: RevTex, 9 pages + 3 postscript figures appended using "uufiles". To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Survival of FUngi Associated with Grapevine Decline in Pruned Wood after Composting

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    Recycling vine wood pruned in winter in the vineyard, after grinding and composting, might pose a risk of recontamination with fungi associated with grapevine decline. The survival of four ascomycete fungi (Botryosphaeria obtusa, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Eutypa lata) in composted material was investigated in a 3-year study conducted in the Bordeaux area. Naturally and artificially infested material was examined before and after composting using classical isolation procedures. Results clearly showed that a composting process can eradicate the four target fungi efficiently

    Runaway dilaton models: improved constraints from the full cosmological evolution

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    One of the few firm predictions of string theory is the existence of a massless scalar field coupled to gravity, the dilaton. In its presence, the value of the fundamental constants of the universe, such as the fine-structure constant, will vary with the time-dependent vacuum expectation value of this field, in direct violation of the Einstein Equivalence Principle. The \emph{runaway dilaton} proposed by Damour, Piazza, and Veneziano provides a physically motivated cosmological scenario which reconciles the existence of a massless dilaton with observations, while still providing non-standard and testable predictions. Furthermore, the field can provide a natural candidate for dynamical dark energy. While this model has been previously constrained from local laboratory experiments and low-redshift observations, we provide here the first full self-consistent constraints, also including high redshift data, in particular from the cosmic microwave background. We consider various possible scenarios in which the field could act as quintessence. Despite the wider parameter space, we make use of recent observational progress to significantly improve constraints on the model's coupling parameters, showing that order unity couplings (which would be natural in string theory) are ruled out.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev.

    VKCDB: voltage-gated K+ channel database updated and upgraded

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    The Voltage-gated K+ Channel DataBase (VKCDB) (http://vkcdb.biology.ualberta.ca) makes a comprehensive set of sequence data readily available for phylogenetic and comparative analysis. The current update contains 2063 entries for full-length or nearly full-length unique channel sequences from Bacteria (477), Archaea (18) and Eukaryotes (1568), an increase from 346 solely eukaryotic entries in the original release. In addition to protein sequences for channels, corresponding nucleotide sequences of the open reading frames corresponding to the amino acid sequences are now available and can be extracted in parallel with sets of protein sequences. Channels are categorized into subfamilies by phylogenetic analysis and by using hidden Markov model analyses. Although the raw database contains a number of fragmentary, duplicated, obsolete and non-channel sequences that were collected in early steps of data collection, the web interface will only return entries that have been validated as likely K+ channels. The retrieval function of the web interface allows retrieval of entries that contain a substantial fraction of the core structural elements of VKCs, fragmentary entries, or both. The full database can be downloaded as either a MySQL dump or as an XML dump from the web site. We have now implemented automated updates at quarterly intervals