328 research outputs found

    Ulteriore contributo alla conoscenza della composizione del latte di pecora di razza sarda

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    By researches excuted into the composition of Sardinian raced sheep milk's carning from pasturing flock in the northern Sardinia. We can say that the genuine milk carning from such a zone, contains a total extract included btween 17 and 20%, it contains fat between 5 and 9 %, a resulting lean extract between II,5 and 15 %, and at the end a cryoscopic index carning from -0,57 -0,61°C., and a density between the limit values of 1,037 and 1,040. We can suppose that the champions of milk haring different parameters are not genuine

    Le Varietà di olive sarde suscettibili di trasformazione per olive da mensa: nota 2.: caratteristiche e attitudini della cv. « Sivigliana »

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    A research has been carried in the 1975 and 1977 on the « Sivigliana » cv. olives from Sassari, by control the technological and marketing characteristic and behaviour during the preparation of table olives by emploing the lacting fermentation. The results obtained have revealed the excellent charactcristics of size and the favorable ratio of pulpe/stone. Some reserve is expressed in relation to their sugar content. The processing test have confirmed that is possible to destine the « Sivigliana» cv. olives from Sassari at the trasformation for the table

    Studio di alcune caratteristiche compositive di oli extra vergini di oliva sardi in relazione all'origine geografica

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    Percent trygliceride composition, total carotenoids and chlorophylles and the main quality parameters of 110 extra-virgin oils of the five most important Sardinian production places have been inspected. Statistical analysis of data revealed that some of the above cited components- can serve as discriminant factors to exactly define the origin of the oil, while others do not. Moreover, the POO/PPO rate can help to characterize the oils of the island. Su 110 oli extra vergini di oliva provenienti dalle cinque principali zone di produzione della Sardegna sono stati determinati la composizione percentuale in trigliceridi, il contenuto di caroteni e clorofille totali e alcuni parametri primari della qualitĂ . L'elaborazione statistica dei risultati ottenuti ha permesso di individuare la presenza di alcuni componenti, che fungono da discriminanti in funzione della zona di provenienza degli oli. Altri componenti, invece, si mostrano comuni all'intera produzione sarda. Inoltre, il valore del rapporto POO/PPO, per la sua costanza, puo aiutare a caratterizzare gli oli prodotti nell'isola

    α<sub>S1</sub>-casein genetic variants in Sarda goat breed

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    Sardinia plays an important role in Italian goat breeding; this is due not only to the high extent of its patrimony and production, but also to the fact that the main breed, the Sarda goat, represents an interesting biodiversity source. As regards the morphologic variability, marked differences between subjects reared in the coast and mountain areas were found (Macciotta et al., 2002). These differences are due to the genetic selection on the autochthonous patrimony, set up by breeders and based on coat colour, horn presence and/or on functional criteria (udder shape). The need to improve milk yields also induced various breeders, mainly in those areas with better pasture conditions, to crossbreed the Sarda goats with more productive breeds. The present situation (Pazzola et al., 2002) shows how in the East coastal region (Sarrabus, Ogliastra and Baronia) and in the central mountain areas of Sardinia (Barbagia), subjects with more rural traits are reared (smaller size, small ears, presence of horns, etc.); while in the South and West areas (Sulcis and Guspinese) the influence of the Maltese breed is more evident. Both the productive traits variability (Brandano et al., 1978), and the morphologic aspect, is of great interest. Genetic variability can influence the survival of a sector hindered by the opening of the markets and by the strong competitiveness of zootechnical areas technologically more advanced. According to this point of view, considering that casein fractions are closely related to milk technological characteristics (Grosclaude et al., 1994), and to its possible productive differentiation (Remeuf, 1993), a study on αS1-casein allelic frequency was carried out, related also to the breeding region. The aim of the study is to acquire useful information in order to suggest an appropriate utilization of milk, to detect possible new alleles and to test the correlation between casein phenotype and morphology of the animals

    Valorizzazione tecnologica di specie da frutto tipiche dell'ambiente mediterraneo

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    Technological exploitation of Sardinian tree fruit biodiversity could be a valid mean to relaunch a strategic division, which is now in a weak position. The present work deals with two studies, which are included in a more detailed Interreg II research project aimed to maximise storage and processing technologies of tree fruits of local cultivars. La valorizzazione tecnologica della biodiversitĂ  frutticola della Sardegna potrebbe costituire un sicuro mezzo di rilancio di un comparto strategico, ma al momento privo di vigore. Nel presente lavoro sono riportati due esempi di sperimentazione, nell'ambito di un piĂą ampio ventaglio di ricerche, relative ad un progetto Interreg II, riguardanti l'ottimizzazione delle tecnologie di conservazione e trasformazione di frutti di varietĂ  locali

    Effetto dei sistemi di estrazione e della denocciolatura sulla conservabilitĂ  di un olio extravergine di oliva (cv. Bosana)

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    Comparison between oils two-phase and three-phase extracted pointed out a better stability to oxidation and higher antioxidant activity for the two-phase oils. Destoned oils showed a higher antioxidant activity, stability to oxidation and α-tocopherol content, with respect to the whole oil. Exposure to the dark is better for all oils analyzed, as expected. Il raffronto tra i campioni di olio della cv Bosana ottenuti dal separatore a due e tre fasi evidenziano per i primi una maggiore stabilità all’ossidazione e una più alta attività antiossidante, maggior conservazione del patrimonio fenolico ma decrementi più intensi dei pigmenti. Gli oli ottenuti da olive denocciolate evidenziano, dopo 16 mesi di conservazione, una maggiore stabilità all’ossidazione, maggiore attività antiossidante e più alti valori di α-tocoferolo. Nelle quattro tesi l’esposizione al buio ha fornito gli attesi migliori risultati

    Influenza del periodo e dei metodi di conservazione sulla shelf-life di un olio monovarietale ottenuto con tecnologie differenti

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    Stability of olive oil during shelf-life depends on several factors, such as cultivar, technology, and storage conditions. In this research the influence of different processing parameters and of packaging and storage conditions on some quality parameters was studied, in order to evaluate the shelf-life of a mono-varietal oil. The oil samples have been extracted with a two-phase decanter from whole or destoned olives, and with a three-phase decanter from whole olives (Bosana cv.). The oils have been hermetically packaged in glass bottles, half of them with a 3 mL headspace, and the other half filled up. Containers have been stored at ambient temperature and under diffused light or in the dark. Data show that oil degradation is not always affected by storage conditions. Moreover, due to the very high original content in antioxidants, the oil keeps its high quality characteristics. La stabilità degli oli extra vergini di oliva durante la shelf-life dipende da fattori primari di tipo varieta1e, colturale e tecnologico e dai parametri di conservazione. In questo lavoro si è voluta studiare l'influenza di differenti condizioni di processo e di confezionamento/stoccaggio su alcuni parametri di qualità, al fmine di valutare la shelf-life di un olio monovarietale. L'olio, ottenuto da olive della varietà "Bosana", è stato estratto con il sistema a due fasi, utilizzando olive intere o denocciolate, e con il sistema a tre fasi con olive intere. E' stato confezionato ermeticamente in contenitori di vetro trasparente, la metà con uno spazio di testa di 3 mL, l'altra metà colmi, e poi esposto a luce diffusa o al buio a temperatura ambiente. I dati mostrano che non sempre le condizioni di conservazione hanno influito significativamente sulla degradazione dell'olio. Inoltre, dato l'alto contenuto iniziale in antiossidanti, l'olio mantiene le sue caratteristiche di alta qualità

    Influence of body weight on reproductive activity in Sarda female lambs

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    One way to improve reproductive performance of ewes is through extending its lifetime productivity. Breeding ewe lambs is one method of improving the reproductive performance in the sheep. In order to produce an offspring when the ewe lamb is approximately 1 yr of age, the autumn-born ewe must obtain puberty before the autumn breeding season begins. Onset of puberty is determined by integration of both internal and external factors, which then enable the neuroendocrine or hormonal event occur (Shirley et al., 2001). Age, photoperiod and body weight are the principal factors influencing puberty. The age at onset of the reproductive activity in the sheep is different among the various breeds. In the Sarda lambs the age of the onset of puberty is about 7-8 months. However the animals that have this age don’t reach the puberty if photoperiod and body weight are not suitable. Both the female lambs born in October-November and in February reach puberty in the same subsequent autumn breeding season. This reproductive behaviour evidences that photoperiod plays an important role in the onset of puberty (Papachristoforou et al., 2000).The female lambs born in later spring uneasily reach puberty within the subsequent breeding season, although photoperiod is favourable. This retard in the onset of reproductive activity is due to the attainment of the body maturity only during subsequent long day period but they reach reproductive activity only during the autumn of the subsequent year (Foster et al., 1985). In fact, some authors suggested that besides photoperiod and age, attainment of the 60% of adult weight is essential for onset of puberty (Abecia et al., 2001). Indeed the undernourished animals delay puberty, in comparison to well nourished subjects (I’Anson et al., 1997). This behaviour is linked to the different LH pulse frequency: restricted diet lambs show one pulse per 4 hours, instead fed ad libitum subjects manifest four or five pulse per 4 hours (Ebling et al., 1990). The purpose of this investigation is to determine the onset of puberty and to research its linkage with body weight in Sarda female lambs during breeding season under natural condition

    Response of three Sardinian olive cultivars to greek-style processing

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    The response of three Sardinian olive cultivars to processing as table olives with the Greek-style was evaluated. “Bosana”, “Manna” and “Sivigliana sarda” olives were characterised from the marketing, technological and chemical-physical point of view and brined with 8% NaCl. Fermentation was carried out according to the anaerobic method for 150 days. At fixed intervals main brine and flesh parameters were monitored. Evolution of brine chemical parameters showed yeast fermentation. Oleuropein decreased greatly in the flesh after 20 days and totally disappeared in “Bosana” after 90 days. Sensory determinations resulted in good taste and texture for the three cultivars, with “Bosana” being preferred. Gassy alterations were negligible, while shrivelling was not detected

    I Componenti azotati del latte della capra sarda

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    The Authors, in a study on the Sardinian goat milk, have found the following milk percentual composition: fats 5.02, nitrogen compounds 4.03, proteins 3.61, casein 2.86, soluble proteins 0.75, coagulable proteins 2.65, non coagulable proteins 0.96, non proteic compounds 0,42, urea 386 mg/kg, uric acid 35 mg/kg, creatinine 39 mg/kg
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