11 research outputs found

    Deployment of creative actors and varieties of their impact on the quaternary sector and regional growth: a case study of NUTS2 regions of the Czech Republic

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    The current era acknowledges the immense impact of creativity on economic growth and regional development. There is an ongoing debate about the position of creativity and its sources and implications in regional economies when thorougly examining regional disparities. We contribute to the debate by piloting an investigation of five groups of creative actors whose links and consequences for regional growth and the quaternary sector were explored. As a case study, the NUTS2 regions of the Czech Republic were selected for analysis (2015-2017). Given the nature of selected indicators, the causality results and the substantive importance of our investigation, the selected time period is not a limiting factor for our analyses. The empirical conclusions of the conducted study clearly confirmed the theoretically and logically defined thesis on the diverse importance of creative actors in regional economies.European Commission, EC, (SK-FR-19-0009); Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV, VEGAEuropean Union [CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008452]; APVV [SK-FR-19-0009]; VEGA [1/0380/20

    Nostalgic sentiment and cultural and creative industries in regional development: a Slovak case study

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    In Slovakia, there are three unique, historical mining towns, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica, that have been successfully turned into creative cultural centres. The historical and cultural values of those towns have stood the test of time and become a magnet for a new and creative class of people looking to escape the brutality of high modernity (modern urban centres) and find a source of inspiration based on historical nostalgic sentimentalism — the basis for a new creative and cultural industry for rural areas. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the cultural and creative industries of these three unique historical mining centres with an eye to replicating their knowledge in other communities in economic stress. The paper will first explore concepts relating to cultural and creative industries with an eye towards nostalgic sentimentalism that is an important antithesis to high modernity, and even post-modernity. The second part will analyse the cultural and creative industries of the three centres based on primary data collected from several research projects in this area. The final part will provide some recommendations for the facilitation of creative and cultural enterprises in regional redevelopment. It also contains policy recommendations for the self-government of the region for a more effective and rational exploitation of the existing potential hiding in plain view

    Importance of Partnership and Cooperation for Territorial Development

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    Partnership of public and private sector should contribute by solving problems in local or regional self-governments. By using methods and tools of places marketing and relationships marketing it is possible to increase synergy effect of activities. Through marketing methods and tools, especially marketing research, market segmentation and marketing promotion is possible to find out, analyze and publish opinions, needs and imagines of local public-citizens, entrepreneurs, investors, organizations and local self-government. Then it is advisable to find optimal way of partnership realization of impletion public needs and self-government duties in the interest of providing local development. According to importance of partnership and cooperation between various sectors by territorial development, authorities of Slovak and Czech public and non-profit marketing association settle on common project. The keystone and plans are presented in the text

    Importance of Partnership and Cooperation for Territorial Development

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    Partnership of public and private sector should contribute by solving problems in local or regional self-governments. By using methods and tools of places marketing and relationships marketing it is possible to increase synergy effect of activities. Through marketing methods and tools, especially marketing research, market segmentation and marketing promotion is possible to find out, analyze and publish opinions, needs and imagines of local public-citizens, entrepreneurs, investors, organizations and local self-government. Then it is advisable to find optimal way of partnership realization of impletion public needs and self-government duties in the interest of providing local development. According to importance of partnership and cooperation between various sectors by territorial development, authorities of Slovak and Czech public and non-profit marketing association settle on common project. The keystone and plans are presented in the text

    Importance of Partnership and Cooperation for Territory Development

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    Partnership of public and private sector should contribute by solving problems on local or regional self-governments. By using methods and tools of places marketing and relationships marketing is possible to increase synergy effect of activities. Through marketing methods and tools, especially marketing research, market segmentation and marketing promotion is possible to find out, analyze and publish opinions, needs and imagines of local public - citizens, entrepreneurs, investors, organizations and local self-government. Then it is advisable to find optimal way partnership realization of impletion public needs and self-government duties in the interest of providing local development. According to importance of partnership and cooperation between various sectors by territory development, authorities of Slovak and Czech public and non-profit marketing association settle on common project. Keystone and plans presented this text.Partnership, local development, marketing research, promotion, relationship marketing

    Promotion of biosphere reserves: How to build awareness of their importance for sustainable development?

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    The biosphere reserves are hybrid territories united protected and non-protected areas with the soft economic and social activities. They bring unique opportunities for local people, businesses and other relevant stakeholders. However, because of low public awareness the potential of some biosphere reserves, is not adequately utilized. This article addresses the research gap related to the identification of the importance of promoting the sustainable development of biosphere reserves and the possibilities of exploiting and enhancing their spatial development. The aim of the research was to clarify the role and importance of promotion for the sustainable development of biosphere reserves. It was focused on investigating the importance of promotion tools in terms of creating awareness of biosphere reserves. The research took place in two Slovak biosphere reserves – Poľana and the Tatras. This article identifies and analyzes the use of promotional tools in these two selected biosphere reserves through secondary sources (websites, profiles on social networks) and in-depth interviews with the managers of these biosphere reserves. The awareness of biosphere reserves was researched with the use of a questionnaire survey in both biosphere reserves. This article defines the problem areas and opportunities, which may contribute to the development of awareness about biosphere reserves which is inevitable for their further sustainable development. The research results confirmed that their promotion influenced the sustainable development of the biosphere reserves. Thanks to their accurate promotion, entrepreneurs and residents can better evaluate the impact of their activities on the sustainability of a biosphere reserve. This contributes to reducing the conflicts that arise between nature protection and economic and social profit

    Managerial Skills As An Important Factor In Sustainable Development Of Regions

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    The deepening crisis of morality, which takes the global dimensions and causes the whole chain of problems in the field of economic, social and environmental, profoundly affects the quality of citizen´s life in the Slovak Republic. We are seeing often the non-professional, but also selfish decisions of elected representatives of municipal authorities. managers of municipal organizations or firms owners. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of the capacity of elected representatives of local government to carry out the function entrusted to the desired level of expertise, practical skills, but especially responsibly, in accordance with the law, ethics and morals, for the benefit of citizens, municipality and society

    Places Marketing as a Tool of Territorial Development

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    The main idea of the paper is to characterize the concept of places marketing in Slovakia. At first, we define the basic terms of places marketing, marketing mix, and the role of marketing in the territorial development. Then we present one of the best practices in Slovakia - the use of tools of places marketing in the region Liptov. The second part of the work is aimed at the partnership and participation as a base principle of the marketing strategic planning based on the findings of our investigation in the local municipalities in Slovak republic in 2009.Places marketing, marketing mix, strategic marketing planning, partner ship

    Nostalgic sentiment and cultural and creative industries in regional development: a Slovak case study

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    In Slovakia, there are three unique, historical mining towns, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica, that have been successfully turned into creative cultural centres. The historical and cultural values of those towns have stood the test of time and become a magnet for a new and creative class of people looking to escape the brutality of high modernity (modern urban centres) and find a source of inspiration based on historical nostalgic sentimentalism — the basis for a new creative and cultural industry for rural areas. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the cultural and creative industries of these three unique historical mining centres with an eye to replicating their knowledge in other communities in economic stress. The paper will first explore concepts relating to cultural and creative industries with an eye towards nostalgic sentimentalism that is an important antithesis to high modernity, and even post-modernity. The second part will analyse the cultural and creative industries of the three centres based on primary data collected from several research projects in this area. The final part will provide some recommendations for the facilitation of creative and cultural enterprises in regional redevelopment. It also contains policy recommendations for the self-government of the region for a more effective and rational exploitation of the existing potential hiding in plain view

    Nostalgic Sentiment And Cultural And Creative Industries In Regional Development: A Slovak Case Study

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    In Slovakia, there are three unique, historical mining towns, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica, that have been successfully turned into creative cultural centres. The historical and cultural values of those towns have stood the test of time and become a magnet for a new and creative class of people looking to escape the brutality of high modernity (modern urban centres) and find a source of inspiration based on historical nostalgic sentimentalism — the basis for a new creative and cultural industry for rural areas. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the cultural and creative industries of these three unique historical mining centres with an eye to replicating their knowledge in other communities in economic stress. The paper will first explore concepts relating to cultural and creative industries with an eye towards nostalgic sentimentalism that is an important antithesis to high modernity, and even post-modernity. The second part will analyse the cultural and creative industries of the three centres based on primary data collected from several research projects in this area. The final part will provide some recommendations for the facilitation of creative and cultural enterprises in regional redevelopment. It also contains policy recommendations for the self-government of the region for a more effective and rational exploitation of the existing potential hiding in plain view