14 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present paper is to compare the morphology of Eustachian Tube (ET) in guinea pigs, domestic birds and frogs, with the purpose of analyzing the morphological differences among mammals, birds and batrachians. For the study 30 heads were used (10 for species) of the animals before mentioned. It was found that in these three species the TE is adapted to the habitat, in the case of the guinea pigs the torus tubarios is in the nasopharynx, in the birds is a torus tubarios (to bifurcate in toward the half hearing) in the roof of the oral cavity and in the frogs this in the lateral portion of the oropharynx and this permanently open one. The ET differs in size and it forms in the different species.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar las diferencias morfológicas entre mamíferos, aves y batracios, por lo que se realizó una comparación de la trompa de Eustaquio (TE) en tres especies animales diferentes: cobayo, gallo doméstico y rana. Para el estudio se utilizaron 30 cabezas (10 por especie) de los animales antes mencionados. Se determinó que en estas tres especies la TE está adaptada al hábitat, en el caso de los cobayos los torus tubarios se encuentran en la rinofaringe, en las aves se encuentra un torus tubario (que se bifurca hacia el oído medio) en el techo de la cavidad oral y en las ranas está en la porción lateral de la orofaringe y está permanentemente abierto. La trompa difiere en tamaño y forma en las diferentes especies

    Descripción anatómica de la vasculatura arterial carotidea-cerebral en el gallo domestico Gallus Gallus Linnaeus (aves: galliformes: phasianidae)

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    We describe the carotid-cerebral arterial vasculature of the domestic rooster (Gallus gallus Linnaeus). Ten cocks race Rhode Island of 2.5 kg of weight were used, which were subjected to vascular replesion conservation technique. It was concluded that anastomosis intercarotidea, the formation of the basilar artery and the absence of the vertebral arteries are the most significant components of the cephalic vasculature. It is proposed to standardize the nomenclature of the arteries of the brain-stem carotid arterial because of the confusing terminology used by various authorsSe describe la vasculatura arterial carotídea-cerebral del gallo doméstico (Gallus gallus Linnaeus). Se utilizaron 10 gallos de 2.5 kg de peso, estirpe Rhode Island, los cuales fueron sometidos a la técnica de conservación replesión vascular. Se concluyó que la anastomosis intercarotídea, la formación de la arteria basilar y la ausencia de las arterias vertebrales son los componentes más sobresalientes de la vasculatura cefálica. Se propone estandarizar la nomenclatura de las diversas estructuras anatómicas y vasculares ligadas a la vasculatura arterial carotídea-cerebral ya que son confusas en las diversas publicacione

    The Role of Brown Adipose Tissue and Energy Metabolism in Mammalian Thermoregulation during the Perinatal Period

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    Simple Summary Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a thermogenic tissue that greatly contributes to preventing neonatal hypothermia by activating biochemical and endocrine processes because of cold stress. The presence of uncoupling proteins and adrenergic receptors in the brown adipocyte initiates the metabolic pathway for heat production. However, the presence and absence of BAT, as well as its activation, location, and the degree of thermogenic response, are traits that depend on intrinsic and extrinsic factors of mammals. The present review aims to discuss the neuromodulation mechanisms of thermoregulation and the importance of BAT, emphasizing the analysis of the biochemical, physiological, and genetic factors that determine the distribution, amount, and efficiency of this energy resource in newborns of different species. Hypothermia is one of the most common causes of mortality in neonates, and it could be developed after birth because the uterus temperature is more elevated than the extrauterine temperature. Neonates use diverse mechanisms to thermoregulate, such as shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis. These strategies can be more efficient in some species, but not in others, i.e., altricials, which have the greatest difficulty with achieving thermoneutrality. In addition, there are anatomical and neurological differences in mammals, which may present different distributions and amounts of brown fat. This article aims to discuss the neuromodulation mechanisms of thermoregulation and the importance of brown fat in the thermogenesis of newborn mammals, emphasizing the analysis of the biochemical, physiological, and genetic factors that determine the distribution, amount, and efficiency of this energy resource in newborns of different species. It has been concluded that is vital to understand and minimize hypothermia causes in newborns, which is one of the main causes of mortality in neonates. This would be beneficial for both animals and producers

    Casos de estudio en México y Latinoamérica

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    Ante la presencia de conflictos sociales y territoriales, las comunidades organizadas buscan estrategias de solución y confrontación. Es el estudio de dichos movimientos, lo que motiva a la publicación de éste libro: Respuestas comunitarias ante conflictos ambientales. Casos de estudio en México y Latinoamérica, reúne catorce textos que analizan las respuestas sociales y documentan la acción colectiva de comunidades que se han organizado para autogestionar soluciones ante conflictos territoriales, económicos y ambientales, en su propio entorno. Las aportaciones de investigadores y activistas, desde enfoques teóricos y metodológicos particulares, exponen casos de estudio sobre organizaciones formales e informales que se han conformado para afrontar los retos que representan proyectos productivos como fábricas cementeras, mineras, puertos, productores de energía, entre otros. Los enfoques analíticos tocan también temas nodales en el estudio de la acción colectiva como la ética, el despojo, los derechos humanos y las estrategias de comunicación y visibilización. Este material, que reúne estudios hechos en distintos lugares de México y Latinoamérica, es un compendio de métodos de investigación y un acercamiento al estudio de los movimientos sociales.UAEMEX, CONACyT, SE

    Pirexia y cambios en la liberación de GABA y glutamato estriatales durante el déficit y la recuperación funcional motora en un modelo de lesión cerebral traumática grave

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    Antecedentes: El traumatismo craneoencefálico es una de las principales causas de discapacidad en todo el mundo. Las afecciones después del traumatismo son tanto físicas como neurales, ocasionando respuestas como pirexia y alteración en la neurotransmisión. Objetivo: Evaluar los cambios de temperatura y en la neurotransmisión GABAérgica y glutamatérgica estriatal durante el déficit y la recuperación motora en un modelo de lesión cerebral traumática. Método: En ratas Wistar, se registraron la conducta motora y la temperatura durante 20 días tras una lesión, y con la técnica de microdiálisis cerebral se midieron los niveles de glutamato y de GABA estriatales. Resultados: El traumatismo produce un mayor déficit las primeras 24 horas (p 0.5). Produce un incremento en la temperatura mayormente los primeros 4 días (p 0.05) posterior a la lesión. Se presenta una reducción en los niveles de GABA y de glutamato al día 3, seguida de un restablecimiento durante el tiempo de la recuperación motora. Conclusiones: Los análisis de correlación sugieren que los cambios en la neurotransmisión GABAérgica y glutamatérgica estriatal, y el incremento de la temperatura, después de una lesión cerebral no están asociados con el déficit motor ni con la recuperación funcional motora

    Experimental Applications and Factors Involved in Validating Thermal Windows Using Infrared Thermography to Assess the Health and Thermostability of Laboratory Animals

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    Evaluating laboratory animals’ health and thermostability are fundamental components of all experimental designs. Alterations in either one of these parameters have been shown to trigger physiological changes that can compromise the welfare of the species and the replicability and robustness of the results obtained. Due to the nature and complexity of evaluating and managing the species involved in research protocols, non-invasive tools such as infrared thermography (IRT) have been adopted to quantify these parameters without altering them or inducing stress responses in the animals. IRT technology makes it possible to quantify changes in surface temperatures that are derived from alterations in blood flow that can result from inflammatory, stressful, or pathological processes; changes can be measured in diverse regions, called thermal windows, according to their specific characteristics. The principal body regions that were employed for this purpose in laboratory animals were the orbital zone (regio orbitalis), auricular pavilion (regio auricularis), tail (cauda), and the interscapular area (regio scapularis). However, depending on the species and certain external factors, the sensitivity and specificity of these windows are still subject to controversy due to contradictory results published in the available literature. For these reasons, the objectives of the present review are to discuss the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in vasomotor responses and thermogenesis via BAT in laboratory animals and to evaluate the scientific usefulness of IRT and the thermal windows that are currently used in research involving laboratory animals

    Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésSe presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo fue determinar la utilidad de los potenciales evocados visuales con patrón invertido (PEVp) en el diagnóstico de la dislexia. Se estudiaron 16 niños disléxicos del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación en México D.F. Se realizaron estudios de agudeza visual, la prueba WISC-R y PEVp. Los disléxicos ingresaron en un programa de terapia de aprendizaje durante 6 meses, así se obtuvieron y compararon mediciones neuropsicológicas y neurofisiológicas al inicio y al concluir el programa terapéutico. Se concluye que las amplitudes en los PEVp se deben tener en cuenta para poder entender los mecanismos de procesamiento visual y de compensación cerebral en pacientes con dislexia. Se recomienda una terapia específica para los problemas de lectoescritura de acuerdo con el sujeto disléxicoES

    Thermal Response of Laboratory Rats (<i>Rattus norvegicus</i>) during the Application of Six Methods of Euthanasia Assessed by Infrared Thermography

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    Refinement is one of the principles aiming to promote welfare in research animals. The techniques used during an experimental protocol, including euthanasia selection, must prevent and minimize suffering. Although the current euthanasia methods applied to laboratory rodents are accepted, the controversial findings regarding the potential stress/distress they can cause is a field of research. The objective was to assess the thermal response of Wistar rats during various euthanasia methods using infrared thermography (IRT) to determine the method that prevents or diminishes the stress response and prolonged suffering. Pentobarbital (G1), CO2 (G2), decapitation (G3), isoflurane (G4), ketamine + xylazine (G5), and ketamine + CO2 (G6) were evaluated at five evaluation times with IRT to identify changes in the surface temperature of four anatomical regions: ocular (T°ocu), auricular (T°ear), interscapular (T°dor), and caudal (T°tai). Significant differences (p 2 and G4, registering temperature increases from the administration of the drug to the cessation of respiratory rate and heart rate. Particularly, isoflurane showed a marked thermal response in T°ocu, T°ear, T°dor, and T°tai, suggesting that, in general, inhalant euthanasia methods induce stress in rats and that isoflurane might potentially cause distress, an effect that must be considered when deciding humane euthanasia methods in laboratory rodents

    The Importance of Animal Models in Biomedical Research: Current Insights and Applications

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    Animal research is considered a key element in advance of biomedical science. Although its use is controversial and raises ethical challenges, the contribution of animal models in medicine is essential for understanding the physiopathology and novel treatment alternatives for several animal and human diseases. Current pandemics’ pathology, such as the 2019 Coronavirus disease, has been studied in primate, rodent, and porcine models to recognize infection routes and develop therapeutic protocols. Worldwide issues such as diabetes, obesity, neurological disorders, pain, rehabilitation medicine, and surgical techniques require studying the process in different animal species before testing them on humans. Due to their relevance, this article aims to discuss the importance of animal models in diverse lines of biomedical research by analyzing the contributions of the various species utilized in science over the past five years about key topics concerning human and animal health