43 research outputs found

    Technical design and performance of the NEMO3 detector

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    The development of the NEMO3 detector, which is now running in the Frejus Underground Laboratory (L.S.M. Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane), was begun more than ten years ago. The NEMO3 detector uses a tracking-calorimeter technique in order to investigate double beta decay processes for several isotopes. The technical description of the detector is followed by the presentation of its performance.Comment: Preprint submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods A Corresponding author: Corinne Augier ([email protected]

    Measurement of the 2νββ decay half-life of 150Nd and a search for 0νββ decay processes with the full exposure from the NEMO-3 detector

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    We present results from a search for neutrinoless double-β (0νββ) decay using 36.6 g of the isotope 150Nd with data corresponding to a live time of 5.25 y recorded with the NEMO-3 detector. We construct a complete background model for this isotope, including a measurement of the two-neutrino double-β decay half-life of T2ν 1=2 ¼ ½9.34 0.22ðstatÞ þ0.62 −0.60 ðsystÞ × 1018 y for the ground state transition, which represents the most precise result to date for this isotope. We perform a multivariate analysis to search for 0νββ decays in order to improve the sensitivity and, in the case of observation, disentangle the possible underlying decay mechanisms. As no evidence for 0νββ decay is observed, we derive lower limits on half-lives for several mechanisms involving physics beyond the standard model. The observed lower limit, assuming light Majorana neutrino exchange mediates the decay, is T0ν 1=2 > 2.0 × 1022 y at the 90% C.L., corresponding to an upper limit on the effective neutrino mass of hmνi < 1.6–5.3 eV

    Search for Neutrinoless Quadruple-beta Decay of Nd-150 with the NEMO-3 Detector

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    We report the results of a first experimental search for lepton number violation by four units in the neutrinoless quadruple-β decay of 150Nd using a total exposure of 0.19 kg·y recorded with the NEMO-3 detector at the Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM). We find no evidence of this decay and set lower limits on the half-life in the range T1/2 > (1.1–3.2) × 1021 y at the 90% CL, depending on the model used for the kinematic distributions of the emitted electrons

    Measurement of the 2 nu beta beta decay half-life and search for the 0 nu beta beta decay of Cd-116 with the NEMO-3 detector

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    The NEMO-3 experiment measured the half-life of the 2 ν β β decay and searched for the 0 ν β β decay of 116 Cd . Using 410 g of 116 Cd installed in the detector with an exposure of 5.26 y, ( 4968 ± 74 ) events corresponding to the 2 ν β β decay of 116 Cd to the ground state of 116 Sn have been observed with a signal to background ratio of about 12. The half-life of the 2 ν β β decay has been measured to be T 2 ν 1 / 2 = [ 2.74 ± 0.04 ( stat ) ± 0.18 ( syst ) ] × 1 0 19     y . No events have been observed above the expected background while searching for 0 ν β β decay. The corresponding limit on the half-life is determined to be T 0 ν 1 / 2 ≥ 1.0 × 1 0 23     y at the 90% C.L. which corresponds to an upper limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass of ⟨ m ν ⟩ ≤ 1.4 – 2.5     eV depending on the nuclear matrix elements considered. Limits on other mechanisms generating 0 ν β β decay such as the exchange of R-parity violating supersymmetric particles, right-handed currents and majoron emission are also obtained

    Final results on ⁸²Se double beta decay to the ground state of ⁸²Kr from the NEMO-3 experiment

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    Using data from the NEMO-3 experiment, we have measured the two-neutrino double beta decay ( 2\nu \beta \beta) half-life of ^{82}Se as T_{\smash {1/2}}^{2\nu } \!=\! \left[ 9.39 \pm 0.17\left( \text{ stat }\right) \pm 0.58\left( \text{ syst }\right) \right] \times 10^{19} y under the single-state dominance hypothesis for this nuclear transition. The corresponding nuclear matrix element is \left| M^{2\nu }\right| = 0.0498 \pm 0.0016. In addition, a search for neutrinoless double beta decay ( 0\nu \beta \beta) using 0.93 kg of ^{82}Se observed for a total of 5.25 y has been conducted and no evidence for a signal has been found. The resulting half-life limit of T_{1/2}^{0\nu } > 2.5 \times 10^{23} \,\text{ y } \,(90\%\,\text{ C.L. }) for the light neutrino exchange mechanism leads to a constraint on the effective Majorana neutrino mass of \langle m_{\nu } \rangle < \left( 1.2{-}3.0\right) \,\text{ eV }, where the range reflects 0\nu \beta \beta nuclear matrix element values from different calculations. Furthermore, constraints on lepton number violating parameters for other 0\nu \beta \beta mechanisms, such as right-handed currents, majoron emission and R-parity violating supersymmetry modes have been set

    Search for the double-beta decay of 82Se to the excited states of 82Kr with NEMO-3

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    The double-beta decay of 82Se to the 01+ excited state of 82Kr has been studied with the NEMO-3 detector using 0.93 kg of enriched 82Se measured for 4.75 y, corresponding to an exposure of 4.42 kg⋅y. A dedicated analysis to reconstruct the γ-rays has been performed to search for events in the 2e2γ channel. No evidence of a 2νββ decay to the 01+ state has been observed and a limit of T1/22ν(Se82,0gs+→01+)&gt;1.3×1021y at 90% CL has been set. Concerning the 0νββ decay to the 01+ state, a limit for this decay has been obtained with T1/20ν(Se82,0gs+→01+)&gt;2.3×1022y at 90% CL, independently from the 2νββ decay process. These results are obtained for the first time with a tracko-calo detector, reconstructing every particle in the final state