21 research outputs found

    Model of Intention: A concept to support models building in a complex system design project

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    International audienceA hybrid propulsion system for aircraft application represents a new paradigm for propulsionsystems designers. Several new problems appear, and classical design methods must be challenged.Indeed, addition of new systems and new components inside the aircraft architecture imply the need for amultidisciplinary study, in order to support design and integration. For example, addition of a batterypack to a propulsion system requires functional analysis, performances estimation, energy managementand operational strategies. More than these aspects, related to design, integration is also challenged:where to locate the battery pack, how to manage thermal effects, how to manage electromagnetic effects...To address these two parts, design and integration, early in the design, we propose to build a model ofintention. This article is dedicated to the concept of model of intention in a complex system design project.This concept will be explained, justified, developed and tested in order to allow reader to have clear visionof what represents the model of intention

    The 2010 Interferometric Imaging Beauty Contest

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    We present the results of the fourth Optical/IR Interferometry Imaging Beauty Contest. The contest consists of blind imaging of test data sets derived from model sources and distributed in the OI-FITS format. The test data consists of spectral data sets on an object "observed" in the infrared with spectral resolution. There were 4 different algorithms competing this time: BSMEM the Bispectrum Maximum Entropy Method by Young, Baron & Buscher; RPR the Recursive Phase Reconstruction by Rengaswamy; SQUEEZE a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm by Baron, Monnier & Kloppenborg; and, WISARD the Weak-phase Interferometric Sample Alternating Reconstruction Device by Vannier & Mugnier. The contest model image, the data delivered to the contestants and the rules are described as well as the results of the image reconstruction obtained by each method. These results are discussed as well as the strengths and limitations of each algorithm.Comment: To be published in SPIE 2010 "Optical and infrared interferometry II

    Synergistic influence of topomimetic and chondroitin sulfate-based treatments on osteogenic potential of Ti-6Al-4V

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    International audienceWe combined topographical and chemical surface modifications of Ti-6Al-4V (TA6V) to improve its osteogenic potential. By acid-etching, we first generated topomimetic surface features resembling, in size and roughness, bone cavities left by osteoclasts. Next, we coated these surfaces with biomimetic Layer-by-Layer films (LbL), composed of chon-droitin sulfate A and poly-L-lysine that were mechanically tuned after a post-treatment with genipin. The structural impact of each surface processing step was thoroughly inspected. The desired nano/microrough topographies of TA6V were maintained upon LbL deposition. Whereas no significant promotion of adhesion and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 preosteoblasts were detected after independent or combined modifications of the topography and the chemical composition of the substrates, osteogenic maturation was promoted when both surface treatments were combined, as was evi-denced by significant long-term matrix mineralization. The results open promising route toward improved osseointegra-tion of titanium-based implants. V C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 00B:000-000, 2016

    The 2012 Interferometric Imaging Beauty Contest

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    We present the results of the fifth Interferometric Imaging Beauty Contest. The contest consists in blind imaging of test data sets derived from model sources and distributed in the OIFITS format. Two scenarios of imaging with CHARA/MIRC-6T were offered for reconstruction: imaging a T Tauri disc and imaging a spotted red supergiant. There were eight different teams competing this time: Monnier with the software package MACIM; Hofmann, Schertl and Weigelt with IRS; Thi\'ebaut and Soulez with MiRA ; Young with BSMEM; Mary and Vannier with MIROIRS; Millour and Vannier with independent BSMEM and MiRA entries; Rengaswamy with an original method; and Elias with the radio-astronomy package CASA. The contest model images, the data delivered to the contestants and the rules are described as well as the results of the image reconstruction obtained by each method. These results are discussed as well as the strengths and limitations of each algorithm

    Quels impacts chez le médecin généraliste du décès de ses patients et quelles pistes d'amélioration? Une étude qualitative sur 10 médecins généralistes de Seine-Maritime et de l'Eure

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    Ces dernières années, de nombreuses études ont conclu au fait que la santé mentale des médecins français était préoccupante. Notre objectif premier était de déterminer le retentissement de la mort d'un patient sur l'état psychologique de son médecin traitant. Puis de définir secondairement les causes de ces impacts, leurs conséquences et les possibles pistes d'amélioration. MéthodeIl s'agit d'une étude qualitative portant sur dix médecins généralistes de Seine-Maritime et de l'Eure. Un questionnaire a été utilisé pour réaliser dix entretiens semi-dirigés. Il comportait cinq parties : profil socio-démographique, ressenti face au deuil, solutions existantes, leurs connaissances, et burn-out. Les résultats ont été extraits par analyse horizontale thématique. RésultatsLes médecins étaient peu impactés durablement par le décès de leurs patients. Les deuils les plus marquants étaient liés à un décès brutal d'un patient jeune, chez un médecin inexpérimenté, ou celui avec un fort sentiment de transfert, indépendamment de l'expérience du médecin. Face au deuil, les médecins se remettent en cause quant à leurs convictions, croyances et capacités médicales. Il était observé un effet psychologique positif de fierté et de soulagement lorsque le médecin ressentait le sentiment du devoir accompli. La gestion des familles endeuillées a toujours un impact psycho-professionnel important sur le médecin, parfois positif, parfois négatif, selon les cas. En cas de difficulté, ils s'adressaient en premier lieu à la famille ou auprès de collègues de travail. La majorité des médecins interrogés ne connaissent pas de structures de soutien mais peu d'entre eux en exprimaient le besoin. Le mode de soutien privilégié était par entretien physique individuel, ou à défaut. par une consultation téléphonique.La charge émotionnelle représentée par le décès d'un patient n'a pas été retrouvée comme facteur de risque de burn-out. Cependant, les soins palliatifs et l'accompagnement du patient et de sa famille apportent une surcharge de travail importante, ce qui est reconnu comme facteur de risque majeur d'entrée en burn-out. DiscussionFace au deuil, peu de médecins ont besoin d'aide dépassant leur cercle de proches. Toutefois, il est important d'accentuer la prévention de ce risque psycho-social, notamment chez les jeunes médecins et de mieux faire connaitre les structures d'aides en place, qu'elles soient physiques ou numériques

    Evaluation des pratiques des médecins généralistes du Maine et Loire concernant l hypertrophie bénigne de prostate

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    ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modeling Alternative Approaches to the Biodiversity Offsetting of Urban Expansion in the Grenoble Area (France): What Is the Role of Spatial Scales in ‘No Net Loss’ of Wetland Area and Function?

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    International audienceIt is increasingly common for developers to be asked to manage the impacts of their projects on biodiversity by restoring other degraded habitats that are ecologically equivalent to those that are impacted. These measures, called biodiversity offsets, generally aim to achieve ‘no net loss’ (NNL) of biodiversity. Using spatially-explicit modeling, different options were compared in terms of their performance in offsetting the impacts on wetlands of the planned urban expansion around Grenoble (France). Two implementation models for offsetting were tested: (a) the widespread bespoke permittee-led restoration project model, resulting in a patchwork of restored wetlands, and (b) recently-established aggregated and anticipated “banking” approaches whereby larger sets of adjacent parcels offset the impacts of several projects. Two ecological equivalence methods for sizing offsets were simulated: (a) the historically-prevalent area-based approach and (b) recently introduced approaches whereby offsets are sized to ensure NNL of wetland functions. Simulations showed that a mix of functional methods with minimum area requirements was more likely to achieve NNL of wetland area and function across the study area and within each subwatershed. Our methodology can be used to test the carrying capacity of a landscape to support urban expansion and its associated offsetting in order to formulate more sustainable development plans

    Mechano-chemical control of cell behaviour by elastomer templates coated with biomimetic Layer-by-Layer nanofilms

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    International audienceWithin the field of biomaterials, the control of cell-surface interactions is generally addressed through surface chemistry modification. In this respect, Layer-by-Layer (LbL) coatings constitute promising versatile tools. Most cells are mechanosensitive, therefore the stiffness of their microenvironment should also be considered as a crucial parameter when designing polymer-based biomaterials. Here, we report on the combination of mechanics and surface chemistry of LbL-treated polydimethylsiloxane substrates of tunable stiffness to control cell behaviour. Biomimetic LbL films consist of poly-L-lysine (PLL) and chondroitin-4-sulfate (CSA). Stiffness, surface chemistry, wettability and topography of bare and LbL-treated polydimethylsiloxane were analysed. We demonstrated that cells adhered and grew up on all the substrates with significant promotive effects of PLL-terminated films and stiffer substrates. Pre-osteoblasts differentiation was enhanced onto PLL-terminated films irrespective of stiffness and onto CSA-terminated films in a mechanical dependent manner. These results open outlooks within the field of bone tissue engineering, as they demonstrate that osteoconductive surfaces can be obtained by combining uncrosslinked biomimetic LbL films and the intrinsic mechanical properties of the substrates, that is, without any commonly used, potentially cytotoxic chemical crosslinking