615 research outputs found

    Teatro Ă©pico y nuevo teatro

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    Teatre èpic i nou teatre

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    La vocaciĂł teatral de Pier Paolo Pasolini

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    Article complementari a la peça "Manifest per a un nou teatre" de Pier Paolo Pasolini, editada en paper en Estudis Escènics Nº 33-34

    MĂ©s enllĂ  de la tradiciĂł del nou teatre

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    La laicitĂ  dello Stato e le nuove interrelazioni tra etica e diritto

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Il principio di laicità dello Stato. Cenni storico-comparatistici - 2. Segue: dallo Stato liberale allo Stato laico sociale - 3. La laicità dello Stato e l’indipendenza delle Chiese - 4. Le istituzioni democratiche e la pluralità delle scelte etiche - 5. Il ruolo della riflessione etica nel diritto - 6. Laicità e biodiritto - 7.Le questioni bioetiche ed il principio di laicità

    Gene-specific methylation profiles in BRCA-mutation positive and BRCA-mutation negative male breast cancers

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    Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease. Due to its rarity, MBC research and clinical approach are mostly based upon data derived from female breast cancer (FBC). Increasing evidence indicate that on molecular level MBC may be an heterogeneous disease different from FBC. In order to investigate whether epigenetic signatures could define molecular subgroups of MBCs, we performed promoter methylation analysis of genes involved in signal transduction and hormone signalling in BRCA1/2 mutation-positive and -negative MBCs. We examined 69 MBCs, paired blood samples, and 15 normal tissues for promoter methylation of hTERT, ESR1, RASSF1, AR, MYC and WNT1 genes. MBCs showed higher gene promoter methylation levels compared to paired blood and normal breast samples. Significantly higher RASSF1 methylation levels were observed in association with BRCA1/2 mutations, HER2 expression and high tumor grade. Significantly higher AR methylation levels were observed in BRCA1/2 wild-type cases and higher WNT1 methylation levels in PR negative cases. Overall, our results indicate that alterations in gene methylation profiles are common in MBC and that methylation pattern of tumor-associated genes may allow for the identification of MBC molecular subgroups, that could have implications in clinical management of MBC patients

    Sviluppo dell’intelligenza corporeo-cinestetica nel gestire e canalizzare le paure in età prescolare

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    Nel seguente studio sperimentale si è proposta in ambiente scolastico un’attività motoria finalizzata a sviluppare l’intelligenza cinestetica presente in ciascun bambino per il miglioramento, la gestione e la canalizzazione delle paure. Attraverso motori di ricerca quali Google Scholar e EBSCO sono stati selezionati 8 studi che indagavano l’influenza positiva dell’attività grosso/fino-motoria sulla sfera emotiva. La ricerca è avvenuta utilizzando alcune parole chiave: “physical activity”, “physical education”, “psychomotricity”, “children”, “kinesthetic intelligence”, “fear in preschool children”. La sperimentazione è stata condotta presso una Scuola dell’Infanzia di Rimini, con bambini di 4 e 5 anni (ad eccezione di una bambina di 3 anni); ha avutoinizio nel dicembre 2019 e si sarebbe dovuta concludere a giugno 2020. Individuati due gruppi, uno di lavoro e uno di controllo, ad entrambi sono stati effettuati due pre-test: TGM (Test di valutazione delle abilità grosso-motorie) e KFQ (Koala Fear Questionnaire). Con il gruppo di lavoro si sono proposte attività motorie che coinvolgessero in toto la corporeità e ne stimolassero l’intelligenza cinestetica, finalizzata al tema delle paure. A causa della pandemia da Covid-19 la sperimentazione si è dovuta interrompere nel febbraio 2020. Nonostante l’impossibilità di continuare in presenza, anche grazie alla collaborazione di genitori ed insegnanti, si è voluto inventariare il lavoro svolto.The purpose of this experimental investigation was to examine whether the promotion in the school environment of a motor activity aimed at developing each child’s kinesthetic intelligence could result in an improvement in the management and channeling of their fears. Through search engines such as Google Scholar and EBSCO, eight studies that investigated the positive influence of gross/fine motor activity on the emotional sphere of the child were selected. The research was carried out using some key words: “physical activity”, “physical education”, “psychomotricity”, “children”, “kinesthetic intelligence”, “fear in preschool children”. The experimentation was conducted in a primary school in Rimini, with 4- and 5-years old children (except for a 3-years old girl); it started in December 2019 and was due to end in June 2020. A working group and a control group were identified, and two pre-tests were given to both: TGM (Gross Motor Skills Assessment Test) and KFQ (Koala Fear Questionnaire). Motor activities that would fully involve the pupils’ bodies and stimulate their kinesthetic intelligence to address the issue of fear were proposed to the workgroup. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the experimentation had to be stopped in February 2020. Despite the impossibility of continuing in presence, also thanks to the collaboration of parents and teachers, a new twist was given to the educational research

    Embodied Energy and Operational Energy Assessment in the Framework of Nearly Zero Energy Building and Building Energy Rating

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    The latest energy standards pertaining to buildings mainly focus on the reduction of Operational Energy (OE). The adoption of highly efficient energy production systems as well as of high performance materials is being encouraged more and more in order to achieve the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings target. Several studies have pointed-out that an increasing amount of materials are required in building construction. Their Embodied Energy (EE) can be assumed significant from a life-cycle perspective and in a NZEB approach. The present paper focuses on the assessment of the mutual impact of OE and EE on two residential buildings assumed as case studies

    design and evaluation of electric solutions for public transport

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    Abstract This study deals with the design and the evaluation of technological solutions for the electrification of public transport in urban areas. A Decision Support System (DSS) developed by ENEA † within the Research program on Electric System (RSE) has been adopted in order to verify the technical feasibility of several electric architectures of single bus lines and compare the investment and management costs, as well as the external costs due to vehicle emissions and noises, of the feasible solutions with respect to the conventional alternatives (Compressed Natural Gas, CNG, and diesel). The DSS has been applied to several bus lines located in the south-west area of the city of Rome, Italy, and covering different types of service: peripheral lines, main lines connecting suburbs with the city center and secondary lines going to the main metro stations. Input data for the DSS derived both by simulation and by open database available from the public transport operator in Rome (ATAC). Results show that a suitable electric architecture can be found for each of these lines with lower or comparable total costs with respect to the traditional alternatives. Finally, a sensitivity analysis has been performed considering several scenarios in terms of discount rate of recharge stations and batteries, battery's duration, price of conventional fuels
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