10 research outputs found


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    e-Commerceの急速な発展を背景に,Web検索結果への検索連動型広告(スポンサーリンクなど)が広告配信手段として注目されている.しかし,ユーザの検索意図と異なる広告の配信は,長期的に見てユーザの不快感を招き,逆効果となるリスクがある.そこで,ユーザの検索行動から検索の目的を推測し,適切な情報を提供することが重要となってきている.これまでも検索結果に対するユーザのブラウザ側の操作(インタラクション)に注目した研究は行われているが,一連のインタラクションの前後関係を考慮した研究は行われていない.そこで,本研究では商品検索結果に対するユーザのインタラクションシーケンスに着目し,検索の目的を購入目的か,情報収集目的かに分類するエージェントを提案する.実験により,先行手法と提案手法を組み合わせることにより,商品検索目的の抽出精度を10%以上向上できることを確認した.Search advertising like sponsor link on a search engine result page is now attracting attention as a new advertising solution according to the rapid growth of e-Commerce. However, if the advertising product does not match with a user\u27s search intension, it would cause uncomfortable feeling to the user, and an opposite effect for the advertising near future. Therefore, it\u27s increasingly important to extract the user\u27s search intension from his/her behavior, and fit the advertising to it. Although several studies have been done on extraction of the user\u27s search intention by checking the interactions with a browser, most of them lack of consideration of sequences of the interactions. Therefore, we focus on the user\u27s interaction sequences to the product search result, then try to classify the intentions to "buy" or "survey". Our experiment shows that combination of our method with a previous work raises more than 10% accuracy than the previous work alone


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    e-Commerceの急速な発展を背景に,Web検索結果への検索連動型広告(スポンサーリンクなど)が広告配信手段として注目されている.しかし,ユーザの検索意図と異なる広告の配信は,長期的に見てユーザの不快感を招き,逆効果となるリスクがある.そこで,ユーザの検索行動から検索の目的を推測し,適切な情報を提供することが重要となってきている.これまでも検索結果に対するユーザのブラウザ側の操作(インタラクション)に注目した研究は行われているが,一連のインタラクションの前後関係を考慮した研究は行われていない.そこで,本研究では商品検索結果に対するユーザのインタラクションシーケンスに着目し,検索の目的を購入目的か,情報収集目的かに分類するエージェントを提案する.実験により,先行手法と提案手法を組み合わせることにより,商品検索目的の抽出精度を10%以上向上できることを確認した.Search advertising like sponsor link on a search engine result page is now attracting attention as a new advertising solution according to the rapid growth of e-Commerce. However, if the advertising product does not match with a user's search intension, it would cause uncomfortable feeling to the user, and an opposite effect for the advertising near future. Therefore, it's increasingly important to extract the user's search intension from his/her behavior, and fit the advertising to it. Although several studies have been done on extraction of the user's search intention by checking the interactions with a browser, most of them lack of consideration of sequences of the interactions. Therefore, we focus on the user's interaction sequences to the product search result, then try to classify the intentions to "buy" or "survey". Our experiment shows that combination of our method with a previous work raises more than 10% accuracy than the previous work alone

    Türkiye'de Bipolar I Bozukluğu Hastalarının, Sosyodemografik ve Klinik Özellikleri-HOME Çalışması

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    Sociodemographic and clinical features of patients with bipolar I disorder in Turkey-HOME study Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and compare the interregional differences in bipolar patients, who presented with manic episodes and were admitted to various psychiatry centers in 7 different regions of Turkey. Method: This observational study was conducted on 584 patients with manic episodes at 53 centers in 7 regions in Turkey during 2 years. Sociodemographic and clinical findings of patients with DSM-IV diagnosis of bipolar I disorder were collected to investigate the interregional differences. Results: The mean age, age at first hospital admission, and duration of bipolar disorder of 584 patients were 33.9 +/- 11.2, 26.1 +/- 8.6, and 8.6 +/- 8.2 years, respectively. In the psychiatric history the most frequently encountered episode was manic type and among manic episodes the most common type was mania with psychotic features. At baseline, the mean Clinical Global Impression and Young Mania Rating Scale scores were 4.87 +/- 0.9 and 33.2 +/- 9.3, respectively. While age at first hospital admission, the ratios of typical antipsychotic, lithium, anticonvulsant, and anticholinergic/antihistaminic uses at treatment history, duration and the dose of drugs used in the treatment of current episode demonstrated interregional differences, no significant difference was found among the patients in terms of sociodemographic features. Conclusion: The present study is the first and only large scale study up to date performed within this context in Turkey. We think that knowing regional variations will help to understand treatment needs of bipolar patients.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin farklı coğrafi bölgelerindeki çeşitli psikiyatri kliniklerine “manik atak” ile başvuranbipolar bozukluğu (BB) olan hastaların, başvuru sırasındakisosyodemografik ve klinik özelliklerinin araştırılması vebölgeler arası farklılıkların karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem: Bu gözlemsel çalışmaya 2 sene boyuncaTürkiye’nin 7 coğrafi bölgesindeki 53 merkezdeki 584manik atak hastası alınmış ve Mental Bozuklukların Tanısalve Sayımsal El Kitabı, Dördüncü Baskı ölçütlerine göre bipolar I bozukluk tanısı almış bu hastaların sosyodemografikve klinik bulguları bölgesel farklılıkları araştıracak şekildederlenmiştir.Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 33.9±11.2 olan 584 hastanın doktora ilk başvuru yaşı ortalama 26.1±8.6 yıl ve BB ortalamasüresi 8.6±8.2 yıl idi. Hastaların psikiyatrik özgeçmişlerinde,en fazla manik tip atakların görüldüğü ve manik ataklarınçoğunun psikotik özellikli olduğu saptandı. BaşlangıçtakiKlinik Global İzlem ve Young Mani Değerlendirme Ölçekskorları sırasıyla 4.87±0.9 ve 33.2±9.3 idi. Doktora ilk başvuru yaşı, tedavi geçmişinde tipik antipsikotik, lityum,antikonvülzan ve antikolinerjik/antihistaminik kullanım sıklıkları, şimdiki atağın süresi ve tedavisinde kullanılan ilaçların dozları bölgeler arasında farklılık gösterirken, hastalarınsosyodemografik özellikleri açısından bölgeler arasındaistatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.Sonuç: Çalışmamızın Türkiye’de bu çapta yapılan ilk ve tekçalışma olması ve bölgesel farklılıklara işaret etmesi nedeniyle ülkemiz özelinde bipolar hastaların tedavi ihtiyaçlarınıanlamaya yardımcı olacağı kanaatindeyiz

    Phytosynthesized nanoparticle-directed catalytic reduction of synthetic dyes: beast to beauty

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