95 research outputs found

    Deviation from standard QED at large distances: influence of transverse dimensions of colliding beams on bremsstrahlung

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    The radiation at collision of high-energy particles is formed over a rather long distances and therefore is sensitive to an environment. In particular the smallness of the transverse dimensions of the colliding beams leads to suppression of bremsstrahlung cross section for soft photons. This beam-size effect was discovered and investigated at INP, Novosibirsk around 1980. At that time an incomplete expression for the bremsstrahlung spectrum was calculated and used because a subtraction associated with the extraction of pure fluctuation process was not performed. Here this procedure is done. The complete expression for the spectral-angular distribution of incoherent bremsstrahlung probability is obtained. The case of Gaussian colliding beams is investigated in details. In the case of flat beams the expressions for the bremsstrahlung spectrum are simplified essentially. Comparison of theory with VEPP4 and HERA data is performed. Possible application of the effect to linear e+e−e^+e^- collider tuning is discussed.Comment: 23 pagers,5 figure

    Spectrum and polarization of coherent and incoherent radiation and the LPM effect in oriented single crystal

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    The spectrum and the circular polarization of radiation from longitudinally polarized high-energy electrons in oriented single crystal are considered using the method which permits inseparable consideration of both the coherent and the incoherent mechanisms of photon emission. The spectral and polarization properties of radiation are obtained and analyzed. It is found that in some part of spectral distribution the influence of multiple scattering (the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect) attains the order of 7 percent. The same is true for the influence of multiple scattering on the polarization part of the radiation intensity. The degree of circular polarization of total intensity of radiation is found. It is shown that the influence of multiple scattering on the photon polarization is similar to the influence of the LPM effect on the total intensity of radiation: it appears only for relatively low energies of radiating electron and has the order of 1 percent, while at higher energies the crystal field action excludes the LPM effect.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Emission of polarized photons from unpolarized electrons moving in crystals

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    Radiation emitted by unpolarized high-energy electrons penetrating crystals may be linearly polarized. This occurs when the particle velocity makes an angle, with respect to some major crystal axis, being sufficiently larger than the axial-channelling angle. For such orientation, a complete description of spectral and polarization characteristics of the radiation is derived. At planar channelling, a non-perturbative contribution to the probability of the process appears caused by the plane field, and we must solve exactly a one~-~dimensional mechanical problem. For that, the approximate form of the actual plane potential is suggested which provides a precise fit for any crystal plane and an analytical solution to the motion problem. In a practical case, we must consider electron-photon showers developing in sufficiently thick crystals. For the first time, this development is described taking into account the polarization of photons. We discuss qualitative features of the phenomenon, present results of numerical calculations for thin and thick crystals, and evaluate the possibility of the use of differently oriented crystals in a polarized hard photon source.Comment: 16 pages, 7 PostScript figure

    On propagation of high-energy photon in a medium in presence of an external field

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    The polarization tensor is calculated which originates from interaction of a photon with the electron-positron field. The effects of multiple scattering of electrons and positrons in a medium side by side with an external field are included. The corresponding general representation of polarization tensor is found in the form of two-dimentional integral. The both effects may be essential for propagation of high-energy photons in oriented single crystals.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Polarization effects for pair creation by photon in oriented crystals at high energy

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    Pair creation by a photon in an oriented crystal is considered in a frame of the quasiclassical operator method, which includes processes with polarized particles. Under some quite generic assumptions the general expression is derived for the probability of pair creation of longitudinally polarized electron (positron) by circularly polarized photon in oriented crystal. In particular cases ϑ0â‰ȘV0/m\vartheta_0 \ll V_0/m and ϑ0≫V0/m\vartheta_0 \gg V_0/m (ϑ0\vartheta_0 is the angle of incidence, angle between the momentum of initial photon and axis (plane) of crystal, V0V_0 is the scale of a potential of axis or a plane relative to which the angle ϑ0\vartheta_0 is defined) one has constant field approximation and the coherent pair production theory correspondingly. Side by side with coherent process the probability of incoherent pair creation is calculated, which differs essentially from amorphous one. At high energy the pair creation in oriented crystals is strongly enhanced comparing with amorphous medium. In appendixes the integral polarization of positron is found in external field and for coherent and incoherent mechanisms.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent and incoherent pair creation by a photon in oriented single crystal

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    The new approach is developed for study of electron-positron pair production by a photon in oriented single crystal. It permits indivisible consideration of both coherent and incoherent mechanisms of pair creation and includes the action of field of axis (or plane) as well as the multiple scattering of particles of the created pair (the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect). From obtained integral probability of pair creation, it follows that multiple scattering appears only for relatively low energy of photon, while at higher photon energy the field action excludes the LPM effect. The found results agree quite satisfactory with recent CERN experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Pair creation by a photon in an electric field

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    The process of pair creation by a photon in a constant and homogeneous electric field is investigated basing on the polarization operator in the field. The total probability of the process is found in a relatively simple form. At high energy the quasiclassical approximation is valid. The corrections to the standard quasiclassical approximation (SQA) are calculated. In the region relatively low photon energies, where SQA is unapplicable, the new approximation is used. It is shown that in this energy interval the probability of pair creation by a photon in electric field exceeds essentially the corresponding probability in a magnetic field. This approach is valid at the photon energy much larger than "vacuum" energy in electric field: ω≫eE/m\omega\gg eE/m. For smaller photon energies the low energy approximation is developed. At ωâ‰ȘeE/m\omega\ll eE/m the found probability describes the absorption of soft photon by the particles created by an electric field.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum theory of transition radiation and transition pair creation

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    Theory of the transition radiation and the transition pair creation is developed in the frame of QED. The spectral-angular distributions of probability of the transition radiation and of the transition pair creation are found. The total energy losses of and the total probability of pair creation are calculated and analyzed. Features of radiation and pair creation processes in a superdence medium (typical for white dwarfs) are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 3 eps figure

    Electroproduction of electron-positron pair in oriented crystal at high energy

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    The process of electroproduction of the electron-positron pair by high energy electron in an oriented single crystal is investigated. Two contributions are considered: the direct (one-step) process via the virtual intermediate photon and the cascade(two-step) process when the electron emits the real photon moving in the field of axis and afterwards the photon converts into the pair. The spectrum of created positron(electron) is found. It is shown that the probability of the process is strongly enhanced comparing with the corresponding amorphous medium.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Transition radiation as a source of quasi-monochromatic X-rays

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    Transition radiation (TR) from ultrarelativistic particles is considered. It is shown that performing collimation of the TR from the periodic N-foil stack (parameters of which are selected in a appropriate manner) one obtains the spectrum of the TR which has a form of a peak position of which ω1\omega_1 depends on the plasma frequency and the thickness of the radiator foils. The height and width of the peak depend on the collimation angle ϑc\vartheta_c. The height of the peak for given ϑc\vartheta_c is proportional to N. Selecting parameters one can have the source of X-rays of desired frequency with rather good monochromaticity.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 12 pages, 3 eps figure
