41 research outputs found

    Teaching of the northern region about social and professional problems

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    The report summarizes the results of the sociological survey conducted by specialists of the Laboratory of Regional Researchers (SSPU) on teaching problems in Ugra region. The main conclusions are compared with the allRussian problems of social and professional community of Teachers.В сообщении обобщаются результаты социологического исследования, проведенного специалистами лабораторией региональных исследований СурГПУ по проблемам учительства северного региона. Основные выводы сопоставляются с общероссийскими проблемами социально-профессиональной общности — учительства

    Is the Life of the Students of the Northern Region Wealthy, or What the Sociological Survey Data Suggest?

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    The article presents the early results of the sociological research devoted to the wellbeing of the students of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. The research was held by the staff of Regional researches’ laboratory of Surgut State Pedagogical University in the regional higher educational institutions since February to April of 2022. The assessment of students’ well-being was based upon the analysis of their evaluation, opinions and ideas of it. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that this category is observed in the limelight of presence/absence of the capitals as objective factors and their estimation based upon subjective criteria. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the problems of social well-being of students of KhMAO-Yugra based on the study of their assessments, opinions and ideas about it. The objective aspect of students’ well-being is studied through the combination of social, economic, cultural, and symbolic capitals. The subjective aspect is presented as a cognitive and emotional reflection and estimation of objective indicators through the prism of student youth’s opinions. Dissatisfaction with certain aspects of education they get, the desire to drop university, non-priority position of the material factor while choosing a career in favor of an opportunity for self-realization and building a career, etc. was revealed during the process of investigation. The results of the investigation prove the fact of the existence of a number of problems related not only to professional self-identification and professional orientation in students’ environment, revealed in the analysis of the data presented in the article

    The effect of hydrogenation on the fracture of Ti₂AlNb-based alloy during ball milling

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    In this work we have studied the effect of phase composition and microstructure of a rapidly solidified Ti₂AlNb-based alloy containing hydrogen on deformation of the alloy during ball milling and production of a fine-dispersed powder. Hydrogen is introduced into the alloy up to a concentration of 2.0 wt

    Migrants’ and their children educational practices as sociocultural adaptation’s potential in northern region: sociological analysis

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    В статье подводятся итоги крупномасштабного в пределах Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа социологического исследования проблем социокультурной адаптации мигрантов и их детей, которое проводилось на протяжении 2011–2014 гг. коллективом социологов Сургутского государственного педагогического университета и кафедры социологии и социальных технологий управления Уральского федерального университета им. Первого Президента Б.Н. Ельцина. На основе исследованных проблем и выявленных тенденций авторами сформулированы конкретные рекомендации для принятия управленческих решений в этой сфере.Totals of large-scale sociological research devoted to the problems of Migrants’ and their children Sociocultural Adaptation organized on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk’s Autonomous Region are summarized in the article. The research was organized over a period of 2011–2014 by Surgut State Pedagogical University’s Regional Research Laboratory’s team and the department of sociology and social management technologies of Ural Federal University named after the fi rst President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. Definite recommendations based upon investigated problems and revealed tendencies for management decisions of that sphere are stated by the authors.Работа подготовлена при поддержке Департамента образования и молодёжной политики Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры в рамках конкурса научно-исследовательских работ, имеющих фундаментальное и прикладное значение (г. Ханты-Мансийск, октябрь 2014 г., Приказ № 1282)

    Radial Diffusion and Penetration of Gas Molecules and Aerosol Particles through Laminar Flow Reactors, Denuders, and Sampling Tubes

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    Flow reactors, denuders, and sampling tubes are essential tools for many applications in analytical and physical chemistry and engineering. We derive a new method for determining radial diffusion effects and the penetration or transmission of gas molecules and aerosol particles through cylindrical tubes under laminar flow conditions using explicit analytical equations. In contrast to the traditional Brown method [Brown, R. L. J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U. S.) 1978, 83, 1-8] and CKD method (Cooney, D. O.; Kim, S. S.; Davis, E. J. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1974, 29, 1731-1738), the new approximation developed in this study (known as the KPS method) does not require interpolation or numerical techniques. The KPS method agrees well with the CKD method under all experimental conditions and also with the Brown method at low Sherwood numbers. At high Sherwood numbers corresponding to high uptake on the wall, flow entry effects become relevant and are considered in the KPS and CKD methods but not in the Brown method. The practical applicability of the KPS method is demonstrated by analysis of measurement data from experimental studies of rapid OH, intermediate NO3, and slow O3 uptake on various organic substrates. The KPS method also allows determination of the penetration of aerosol particles through a tube, using a single equation to cover both the limiting cases of high and low deposition described by Gormley and Kennedy ( Proc. R. Ir. Acad., Sect. A. 1949, 52A, 163-169). We demonstrate that the treatment of gas and particle diffusion converges in the KPS method, thus facilitating prediction of diffusional loss and penetration of gases and particles, analysis of chemical kinetics data, and design of fluid reactors, denuders, and sampling lines

    Regional Universities in the Context of the Problem of Trust

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    The article considers the role and place of regional universities KHMAO-Ugra in the unified educational space of the macro-region from the standpoint of views and Express trust them graduates of the schools of the district of today's students.В статье рассмотрены роль и место региональных вузов ХМАО-Югры в едином образовательном пространстве макрорегиона с позиций мнения и выражаемого доверия им выпускников школ округа, сегодняшних студентов

    New Challenges to Pedagogical Education in the Context of the Reforms of Pre-Professional and Professional Education

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    The article presents an author’s view point of the main challenges to Russian pedagogical education in the situation of intensive educational reforms. It is emphasized that the success of all educational reforms depends on the readiness for changes in pedagogical educational system itself as a basic reproduction factor of pre-professional and professional education.В сообщении представлен авторский взгляд на ключевые вызовы, которые стоят перед российским педагогическим образованием в ситуации интенсивного реформирования общей и высшей школы. Подчеркивается, что успех всех образовательных реформ зависит от готовности к изменениям самого педагогического образования как базового фактора воспроизводства допрофессионального и профессионального образования

    Language conflict in the migrant-capacious region: problem statement

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 25 сентября 2015 г.Анализируется понятие языкового конфликта применительно к языковой ситуации в мигрантоемком регионе. Предложена авторская типология языкового конфликта, включающая языковые макро- и микроконфликты. Поставленная проблема рассмотрена в междисциплинарном аспекте с применением социологических и социолингвистических подходов на материалах социологического исследования в ХМАО - Югре.This paper deals with the term of linguistic conflict with reference to the language situation in migrant-capacious region. The author offers his own typology of language conflict, including language macro- and micro-conflicts. The interdisciplinary aspect of the problem is considered by means of sociological and sociolinguistic approaches and materials of sociological research conducted by the author in the Khanty-Mansiyskiy Autonomous Region Ugra (Russia).Исследование выполнено при поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (грант № 15-14-86005, а (р), Региональный конкурс «Урал: история, экономика, культура»-2015 — Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ — Югра)


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    Development of a single channel financing in the health system of the Russian Federation based on the standards of the compulsory health insurance (CHI) requires a single channel financing of the health system through the CHI as one of the main direction using payment of the medical services in the form of so-called «full» tariff [1-12].It is not a secret that for many years the medical services tariff in the CHI system contained from only five items of expenditures (salary, charges on payroll, soft goods and clothing, medicines, bandages, other medical expenses, and food). On one hand, such defective tariff was based on the parallel government financing of the medical institutions (MIs), on the other hand, because of this tariff, the manager was hoppled in the control of the financial flows.Взятый курс на выстраивание одноканального финансирования на основе стандартов оказания медицинской помощи через систему обязательного медицинского страхования (ОМС) в системе здравоохранения РФ подразумевает в качестве одного из основных направлений одноканальное финансирование здравоохранения через систему ОМС путем оплаты медицинских услуг в виде так называемого «полного» тарифа [1-12].Не является секретом, что долгие годы в системе ОМС в тариф на медицинские услуги включались только пять статей расходов (оплата труда, начисления на оплату труда, мягкий инвентарь и обмундирование, медикаменты, перевязочные средства, прочие лечебные расходы, продукты питания). Такой ущербный тариф, с одной стороны, объяснялся параллельным бюджетным финансированием медицинских организаций (МО), в другой стороны, объективно сдерживал руководителя МО в управлении поступающими к нему финансовыми потоками

    The Culture of the Counselor's Personality

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    В статье рассматривается проблема культуры личности, с точки зрения организации культунодосуговой деятельности подрастающего поколения вожатым в детских лагерях.The article deals with the problem of personal culture from the point of view of organizing cultural and leisure activities of the younger generation by counselors in children's camps