168 research outputs found

    Ecological Assessment of differrent raw materials for biogas

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    ABSTRACT: A comparative ecologic valuation of different raw materials for biogas production has been made. The valuation is based on the qualities of the different substrates: from energy cultures (sugar, fodder and red beet, leaves mass from the Paulovnia spring and autumn leaves). Three type of fertilizer (cattle from non-litter breeding, swine and non-removable bird fertilizer litter) as well as substrates from waste water of the WTP- Waster water treatment plan (mixed sediment, primary and secondary sediment). The examined raw material has been analyzed according to the following parameters: Dry matter (DM), Organic matter (OM), Organic Carbon (OC), Nitrogen Kjeldahl (N), Nitrogen Ammonium (N - ammonium), Nitrogen nitrate ( N- nitrate), Patassium (K), P (Phosphorus), pH ( H2O) and heavy metals – arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pd), Zinc (Zn). The results of the examined substrates received from different raw materials (vegetal, organic fertilizers and waste water) give us ground to make the following conclusions: the examined substrates respond in the physical-chemical parameters to all technological requirements of raw material for biogas production (DM,C and proportion C:N). The established differences in the content of nitrogen / within the borders of 1,8% (substrate-leaves mass Paulovnia- spring) to 7,75% of substrate 7 (organic fertilizer)/ allow the combination of the substrates in order to adhere the Nitrate directive of the EU. The established differences in the active forms of nitrogen allow exploitation of programs for fertilizers with the participation of raw materials for biogas production. Our examination of substrates and show a content of heavy elements under the critical admissible limits. РЕЗЮМЕ: Направена е сравнителна екологична оценка на различни суровини за производство на биогаз. Оценката е на база качествата на различни субстрати: от енергийни култури (захарно, кръмно и червено цвекло, листна маса от Пауловния- пролетни и есенни листа, царевичен силаж и силаж Пауловния), три вида тор (говежда от безпостелно отглеждане, свинска и несменяема птича торова постеля), както и субстрати от отпадни води на ПС (първична,вторична и смесена утайка). Изследваните суровини бяха анализирани по следните показатели: Dry matter (DM) ,Organic matter (OM), Organic Carbon (OC), Nitrogen Kjeldahl (N), Nitrogen Ammonium (N -ammonium), Nitrogen nitrate (N- nitrate), Patassium (K), P (Phosphorus), pH ( H2O) and heavy metals – arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium ( Cr), Copper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pd), Zinc (Zn). Резултатите от изследваните субстрати получени от различни суровини ( растителни, органични торове и отпадни води) ни дават основание да направим следните заключения: Изследваните субстрати по физикохимични показатели отговарят на всички технологични изисквания на суровини за производство на биогаз (СВ, С и съотношение С:N). Установените различия в съдържанието на азот е границите на 1,8% (субсрат - листна маса Пауловния –пролет) до 7,75% (при субстрат 7 - органична тор) позволяват комбиниране на субстратите с оглед спазване на Нитратната директива на ЕС. Съществуващите различия в подвижните форми на азота дават възможност за разработване на програми за торете с участие на различни суровини за производство на биогаз. Проучените от нас субстрати показват съдържание на тежки елементи под критично допустимите граници


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    The paper analyzes stages of interrelations between theRepublicofBelarusand European Union. Strategic directions of Belarusian foreign economic policy are determined for coming years. A number of measures for creation of economic cooperation model are proposed in the paper.Проанализированы этапы взаимоотношений Республики Беларусь с Евросоюзом. Выделены стратегические направления внешнеэкономической политики Беларуси на ближайшие годы. Предложен ряд мер по созданию новой модели экономического сотрудничества.

    Agroecologic valuation of organic waste in different technologies of storage

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    A study has been conducted, based on three types of fertilizers / cow, pig and bird manure/ and bioshlam /received from clearing station/ that have been storage in different technologies in order to make an agroecologic valuation. The different types of fertilizers and wastewater in different technologies of storage have been analyzed according to the following parameters: Dry matter (DM) ,Organic matter (OM), Organic Carbon (OC), Nitrogen Kjeldahl (N), Nitrogen Ammonium (N -ammonium), Nitrogen nitrate (N- nitrate), Sulfates (SO4) , Calcium Oxide (CaO), Magnesium Oxide (MgO), Patassium (K), P (Phosphorus), pH (H2O) and heavy metals – arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pd), Zinc (Zn). The received results show: variation of the percentage of dry material /from 92,12% to 4,03%/ according to the technology of storage. The way of storage has no essential influence on the content of carbon in the various stable fertilizers, where pig manure has the highest value of nitrogen in all technologies of storage. Near to the recommendable optimal values of C:N is stayed/dry/ and fresh/hard/ in all three fertilizer types. The technology of storage by the different manure types has no influence on the content of heavy metal. Exception can be observed as far as the zinc content in stale /fluid/ pig manure is concerned. High content of dry material can be observed in bioshlam received from clearing station. In both ways of production of variation in the content of dry material the ratio between the biogenic macro elements C:N remains. The free nitrogen forms (N-ammonium and Nnitrate) in bioshlam are higher to other organic waste in both technologies of storage. No values over the critically admissible in bioshlam are observed in both technologies of production

    Reduction of sanitary indicator microorganisms in anaerobic digestion of poultry litter in combination with silages

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    ABSTRACT: In connection with experiments aimed at optimizing anaerobic digestion of organic fertilizers, microbiological tests were performed to assess the epizootiological safety of resulting finished product to fertilize the soil by quantities of sanitary indicator microorganisms. Mixtures of substrates were composed and tested in technological parameters established for other experiments: mesophilic temperature regime 33oC, dry matter content of 7%, residence time in the digester 15 days. The substrates tested were beetroot, sugar and salad beets, corn silage and leaves of Paulownia elongata, and silage combinations of these feeds in ratio 60:40 with mulch litter from broiler chickens. It was found that significant reduction of microorganisms was realized in the final products, which were assessed as safe for soil application. The ensiling of poultry litter in combinations of these feeds had the effect of reducing the amount of microorganisms in almost all examined groups therein. The most significant was the reduction in the quantity of sanitary revealing bacteria in the manure after its ensilage with autumn leaves of P. elongata and beetroot, and the least - with the participation of sugar beet. Microbial reduction was to the greatest extent in bioslime produced by anaerobic digestion of poultry litter ensiled with corn. Of the silages from different types of beets with poultry manure, during anaerobic digestion highest decontamination was achieved in this with sugar beets. After anaerobic degradation of the studied feed without poultry litter, at least microorganisms were found in bioslimes from the three types of beet, as well from the silage from P. elongata. РЕЗЮМЕ: Във връзка с експерименти, насочени към оптимизиране на анаеробното разграждане на органични торове, са извършени микробиологични изследвания за преценка на епизоотологичната безопасност на получените крайни продукти за наторяване на почви според количествата на санитарно индикаторните микроорганизми. Съставени са смеси от субстрати при установени при други експерименти технологични параметри: мезофилен температурен режим 33оС, съдържание на сухо вещество 7%, време на престой в биореактора 15 денонощия. Изпитани са захарно, кръмно и салатно цвекло, царевичен силаж и листа от Paulownia elongata, както и силажи от комбинации на тези фуражи в съотношение 60:40 с торова постеля от пилета-бройлери. Установено е, че се осъществява значително редуциране на микроорганизмите в крайните продукти, които се преценяват като безопасни за внасяне в почвите. В най-голяма степен микробната редукция е при биошлама, получен при анаеробното разграждане на комбинацията от торова постеля с царевичен силаж. От трите вида цвекло, силажирани с птичи тор, при анаеробно разграждане се постига най-висока деконтаминация с участие на захарното цвекло. При анаеробно разграждане на изследваните фуражи без птичи тор най-малко микроорганизми се установяват в биошламовете от трите вида цвекло, както и в силажа от P. elongata

    Volcano–Plutonic Complex of the Tumrok Range (Eastern Kamchatka): An Example of the Ural-Alaskan Type Intrusion and Related Volcanic Series

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    Zoned plutons, composed of dunites, pyroxenites, and gabbroic rocks, have been referred to as the Ural-Alaskan type complexes (UA-complexes) and occur in numerous paleo-arc settings worldwide. Many of these complexes are source rocks for economic placers of platinum-group metals. Thus, it is important to understand how UA-complexes form and the origin and behavior of platinum-group elements (PGEs). It is widely assumed that the UA-complexes result from differentiation of supra-subduction high-Ca high-Mg sub-alkaline magmas. However, there is a lack of direct evidence for the existence and differentiation of such magmas, mainly because cases of UA-complexes being spatially and temporally linked to co-genetic volcanics are unknown. We studied an UA-complex from the Tumrok range (Eastern Kamchatka) where a dunite-clinopyroxenite-gabbro assemblage is spatially and temporary related to high-Ca volcanics (i.e., picrites and basalts). Based on the mineral and chemical composition of the rocks, mineral chemistry, and composition of melt inclusions hosted within rock-forming minerals, we conclude that the intrusive assemblage and the volcanics are co-genetic and share the same parental magma of ankaramitic composition. Furthermore, the compositions of the plutonic rocks are typical of UA-complexes worldwide. Finally, the rocks studied exhibit a full differentiation sequence from olivine-only liquidus in picrites and dunites to eutectic crystallization of diopside or hornblende, plagioclase, and K-Na feldspar in plagio-wehrlites and gabbroic rocks. All these results make the considered volcano–plutonic complex a promising case for petrological studies and modelling of UA-complex formation


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    An ICP-ETAAS analyze of unwashed and washed sheep- wool for establishing of Pb and Cd have been conducted. A signifi cant difference in the contents of Pb (15.3- unwashed versus 8.15 mg/kg DM– washed wool) were established. The Cd – content were mean 0.69 (unwashed) versus 0.53 mg/kg DM– washed wool. No statistical differences were established. The authors conclude, that the environment infl uence signifi cant on the Pb- content of sheep- wool.Проведен е ICP-ETAAS анализ на прана и непрана овча вълна за установяване на Pb и Cd. Установени са достоверни разлики в съдържанията на Pb (15.3- непрана срещу 8.15 mg/kg АСВ- прана вълна). Средното съдържание на Cd е 0.69 (непрана) срещу 0.53 mg/kg АСВ (прана вълна). Разликите са статистически достоверни. Авторите заключват, че околното среда влияе достоверно върху съдържанието на Pb в овчата вълна

    Неоднозначные результаты баллонной ангиопластики при стенозах центральных вен у пациентов на гемодиализе с нативной артериовенозной фистулой

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    Objective: to conduct comprehensive comparative analysis of the patency rate of native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for central vein stenosis (CVS) after endovascular balloon angioplasty and palliative surgery. Materials and methods. The retrospective study included 80 patients with confirmed central vein stenosis: subclavian, brachiocephalic veins, inferior vena cava, or multiple lesions. The experimental group included 39 patients who underwent percutaneous balloon angioplasty. The control group included 41 patients who, for various reasons, did not do balloon angioplasty, but underwent palliative interventions: thrombectomy, proximalization of arteriovenous anastomosis, AVF blood flow-reducing surgical procedures. Results. Primary patency (time interval between the first intervention for CVS and the second intervention) in the experimental group was 61.5% [95% CI 44.5; 74.7] and 15.4% [95% CI 6.2; 28.3] at 6 and 12 months, respectively. In the control group, it was 39% [95% CI 24.3; 53.4] and 0% respectively. Hazard ratio (HR) 0.5337 [95% CI 0.3381; 0.8427], log-rank test p = 0.0011. No differences in functional primary patency (time interval between the start of using AVF and the first intervention for CVS) were found: 89.7% [95% CI 74.9; 96] and 30.8% [95% CI 17.3; 45.4] at 1 year and 3 years, respectively, in the experimental group, and 80.5% [95% CI 64.8; 89.7] and 24.4% [95% CI 12.7; 38.2] in the control group. There were no differences between the groups HR 0.7695 [95% CI 0.4952; 1.196], log-rank p = 0.2259. In the experimental group, strong negative correlation between primary patency and functional primary patency was detected: r = –0.627 [95% CI –0.787; –0.388], p < 0.0001. In the control group, no such correlation was found: r = 0.049 [95% CI –0.262; –0.351], p = 0.7599. Thus, the later CVS developed, the less effective balloon angioplasty was. Balloon angioplasty significantly increased duration of AVF use after first intervention for CVS (secondary patency): 84.6% [95% CI 68.9; 92.8], 66.7% [95% CI 49.6; 79.1] and 17.9% [95% CI 7.9; 31.3] at 6, 12 and 24 months, respectively in the experimental group. In the control group, it was 56.1% [95% CI 39.7; 69.6], 19.5% [95% CI 9.2; 32.7] and 0%. HR 0.4009 [95% CI 0.2481; 0.6477], log-rank p < 0.0001. Functional secondary patency (total duration of AVF use) was: 100%, 74.4% [95% CI 57.6; 85.3] and 12.8% [95% CI 4.7; 25.2] at 1, 3 and 5 years in the experimental group, and 95.1% [95% CI 81.9; 98.8], 36.6% [95% CI 22.3; 51] and 4.9% [95% CI 0.9; 14.5] in the control group. HR 0.5661 [95% CI 0.3598; 0.8906], log-rank p = 0.0067. Conclusions. 1. Central vein stenosis inevitably cuts vascular access from the ipsilateral side. 2. Balloon angioplasty allows to slightly prolong AVF use but it cannot radically change the long-term results of CVS treatment. 3. The outcome of balloon angioplasty greatly depends on the length of the period from the time the use of AVF started to the time CVS developed. 4. Multiple repeated balloon angioplasties are apparently justified in patients for whom creating a new vascular access might not be possible. 4. AVF volumetric blood flow velocity is an important factor determining the severity of CVS clinical manifestations and whether repeated surgical interventions are needed.Цель: провести комплексный сравнительный анализ показателей проходимости нативной артериовенозной фистулы (АВФ) при стенозе центральных вен (СЦВ) после эндоваскулярной баллонной ангиопластики и паллиативных оперативных вмешательств. Материалы и методы. В ретроспективное исследование включены 80 пациентов с подтвержденным стенозом центральных вен: подключичных, брахиоцефальных вен, нижней полой вены или множественным поражением. К основной группе были отнесены 39 пациентов, у которых выполнена чрескожная баллонная ангиопластика. К группе сравнения были отнесены 41 пациент, у которых по различным причинам баллонная ангиопластика не выполнялась, а проводились паллиативные вмешательства: тромбэктомия, проксимализация артериовенозного анастомоза, редукция кровотока по АВФ. Результаты. Первичная проходимость (интервал времени между первым вмешательством по поводу СЦВ и повторным вмешательством) составила 61,5% [95%ДИ 44,5; 74,7] и 15,4% [95%ДИ 6,2; 28,3] через 6 и 12 месяцев соответственно в основной группе, 39% [95%ДИ 24,3; 53,4] и 0% – в группе сравнения, HR 0,5337 [95%ДИ 0,3381; 0,8427], log-rank p = 0,0011. Мы не отметили различий в функциональной первичной проходимости (интервал времени между началом использования АВФ и первым вмешательством по поводу СЦВ): 89,7% [95%ДИ 74,9; 96] и 30,8% [95%ДИ 17,3; 45,4] через год и три года соответственно в основной группе, 80,5% [95%ДИ 64,8; 89,7] и 24,4% [95%ДИ 12,7; 38,2] – в группе сравнения. Различий между группами не было, HR 0,7695 [95%ДИ 0,4952; 1,196], log-rank p = 0,2259. В основной группе между первичной проходимостью и функциональной первичной проходимостью выявлена сильная отрицательная связь: r = –0,627 [95%ДИ –0,787; –0,388], p < 0,0001. В группе сравнения такой зависимости не выявлено: r = 0,049 [95%ДИ –0,262; –0,351], p = 0,7599. Таким образом, чем позднее развился СЦВ, тем меньше была эффективность баллонной ангиопластики. Баллонная ангиопластика позволила значительно увеличить продолжительность использования АВФ после первой операции по поводу СЦВ (вторичная проходимость): 84,6% [95%ДИ 68,9; 92,8], 66,7% [95%ДИ 49,6; 79,1] и 17,9% [95%ДИ 7,9; 31,3] через 6 и 12 и 24 месяца соответственно в основной группе, 56,1% [95%ДИ 39,7; 69,6], 19,5% [95%ДИ 9,2; 32,7] и 0% – в группе сравнения, HR 0,4009 [95%ДИ 0,2481; 0,6477], log-rank p < 0,0001. Функциональная вторичная проходимость составила (общая продолжительность использования АВФ): 100%, 74,4% [95%ДИ 57,6; 85,3] и 12,8% [95%ДИ 4,7; 25,2] через один, три и пять лет в основной группе, 95,1% [95%ДИ 81,9; 98,8], 36,6% [95%ДИ 22,3; 51] и 4,9% [95%ДИ 0,9; 14,5] – в группе сравнения, HR 0,5661 [95%ДИ 0,3598; 0,8906], log-rank p = 0,0067. Выводы. 1. Стеноз центральных вен неизбежно приводит к утрате сосудистого доступа с ипсилатеральной стороны. 2. Баллонная ангиопластика позволяет несколько продлить период использования АВФ, не способна радикально изменить долгосрочные результаты течения СЦВ. 3. На результаты баллонной ангиопластики значительное влияние оказывает продолжительность периода от момента начала использования АВФ до развития СЦВ. 4. Многократные повторные баллонные ангиопластики, по-видимому, оправданы у пациентов, возможность создания нового устойчивого сосудистого доступа у которых сомнительна. 4. Объемная скорость кровотока по АВФ является важным фактором, определяющим выраженность клинических проявлений СЦВ и потребность в повторных оперативных вмешательствах

    Co-digestion of waste activated sludge and silaged mix of chicken litter and fodder beet

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    In order to determine the yield of methane in a Co-degradation study with different substrates. The study involved the following substrates : WAS only; WAS+silage 2:1; WAS+silage 1:1; WAS+silage 1:2. Studieed is the contents of the macro and micronutrient in the tested substrates and biogas yield after methane fermentation. It was found that major disadvantage of the BMP test is the fact that it does not provide short-term results because of it s duration, methane yield during a shorter period could be predicted by evaluating the reaction rate provided by the rate constant

    Development of a stable eukaryotic strain producing fully human monoclonal antibody on the basis of the human antibody against ectromelia virus

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    Fully­human antibodies have a great therapeutic importance; however, the development of stable strains providing a high level of production of full­size antibodies is a challenging task, as antibody molecules contain two types of polypeptide chains. To develop the producing strain, random integration of the plasmid containing the gene encoding the target protein into the genome of the host cells is commonly used. The aim of this study was the development of an original expression system, using gene targeting to integrate the gene encoding the fully­human antibody into the transcriptionally active region of the genome of eukaryotic suspension cells CHO­S. To develop a stable strain, the cassette vector plasmid pCDNA5/FRTDHFR­CH­CL containing the site of homologous recombination and the genes encoding heavy and light chains of the fully human antibody of the IgG1/kappa class was constructed at the first step. Notably, DNA of the plasmid pCDNA5/FRT­DHFR­CH­CL was organized in such a way that the restriction sites for rapid cloning of DNA fragments encoding the variable domains of heavy and light chains were inserted upstream of the sequences encoding constant domains of the heavy and light chains of the antibody. Secondly, DNA fragments encoding the variable domains of the heavy and light chains of antibody against orthopoxvirus protein p35 were inserted into the pCDNA5/FRT­DHFRCH­CL cassette plasmid. Then, CHO­S/FRT cells, which contain the FRT­site for homologous recombination and are able to produce green fluorescence protein GFP, were transfected with the constructed plasmid. After the insertion of the target genes into the FRT­site, GFP production was supposed to stop. Using this selection system, a stable clone producing target antibody fh8E was selected with the level of production of about 100 μg/ml. The binding affinity of purified antibody fh8E with the targeted protein, measured by surface plasmon resonance, was 12 nM. In addition, antibody fh8E demonstrated anti­vaccinia virus activity in the plaque reduction neutralization test in vitro