289 research outputs found

    Topological Excitations near the Local Critical Point in the Dissipative 2D XY model

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    The dissipative XY model in two spatial dimensions belongs to a new universality class of quantum critical phenomena with the remarkable property of the decoupling of the critical fluctuations in space and time. We have shown earlier that the quantum critical point is driven by proliferation in time of topological configurations that we termed warps. We show here that a warp may be regarded as a configuration of a monopoles surrounded symmetrically by anti-monopoles so that the total charge of the configuration is zero. Therefore the interaction with other warps is local in space. They however interact with other warps at the same spatial point logarithmically in time. As a function of dissipation warps unbind leading to a quantum phase transition. The critical fluctuations are momentum independent but have power law correlations in time

    Linearity and Scaling of a Statistical Model for the Species Abundance Distribution

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    We derive a linear recursion relation for the species abundance distribution in a statistical model of ecology and demonstrate the existence of a scaling solution

    Pengaruh Fraud Diamond dan Kepemilikan Institusional Terhadap Pendeteksian Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan dengan Nature of Industry dan Financial Leverage sebagai Variabel Kontrol

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pendeteksian kecurangan laporan keuangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausalitas karena menjelaskan pengaruh antar variabel melalui pengujian hipotesis. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan dan laporan tahunan dengan populasi penelitian yaitu perusahaan jasa perbankan yang terdaftar dalam BEI periode 2016-2020. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 25 selama periode tahun 2016 sampai 2020. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan program SPSS V25 untuk pengolahand data dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tekanan dan kemampuan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pendeteksian kecurangan laporan keuangan. Sementara itu peluang dan Kepemilikan Institusional tidak berpengaruh terhadap pendeteksian kecurangan laporan keuangan

    Sistem Pre Kompilasi Data Tracer Studi Online Ditjen Belmawa Ristekdikti (Studi Kasus: Politeknik Harapan Bersama)

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    Tracer studi merupakan salah satu upaya yang diharapkan dapat menyediakan informasi untuk mengevaluasi hasil pendidikan di Politeknik Harapan Bersama dari kuisioner yang diberikan kepada alumni. Kegiatan tracer studi ini sudah dilaksanakan secara online, namun masih terdapat kendala pada bagian sistem yang digunakan saat ini, hal tersebut menyebabkan Politeknik Harapan Bersama tidak dapat melaporkan / mengunggah hasil tracer studi kepada Ditjen Belmawa Ristekdikti, dimana form kuisioner dan data export tracer studi yang dihasilkan berbeda dengan kebutuhan seperti yang tercantum pada surat edaran No. 313/B/SE/2016 tentang pelaksanaan tracer studi di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Mengingat pentingnya tracer studi sebagai umpan Balik bagi Politeknik Harapan Bersama, maka perlu solusi untuk mengatasi kekurangan sistem ini. Dengan merubah sistem yang ada dengan sistem tracer studi yang baru merupakan solusi yang tepat dalam permasalahan ini. Sistem tracer studi yang baru mampu menghasilkan data tracer studi alumni dan pengisian form kuisioner sesuai dengan standar Ditjen Belmawa Ristekdikti yang dapat diunggah sistem tracer studi ristekdikti

    Functionality of xanthan and almond gum in colloidal shellac nanoparticles containing cinnamon

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    Instability of shellac nanoparticles at acidic pH is the main challenge of its use as an oral delivery system. This study aims to investigate the functionality of xanthan and almond gum in shellac nanoparticles containing cinnamon prepared by anti-solvent precipitation. The gums were added into the anti-solvent phase while the cinnamon extract was incorporated into the solvent phase. The results show that the minimum concentration of xanthan and almond gum to prevent shellac aggregation at simulated gastric pH (1.2) was 0.3% and 0.6%, respectively. Higher concentration of gums resulted in a bigger particle size and more negative zeta-potential, regardless the type of the gums. Cinnamon loading in the shellac-xanthan gum complex resulted in nanoscale sized particles, while the complex system consisted of shellac, almond gum 0.6% and cinnamon extract created a network entrapping the individual particle. In conclusion, xanthan gum incorporation was better than almond gum to stabilise shellac nanoparticle containing cinnamon in simulated gastric pH. This study confirms that shellac-xanthan gum complex can be potentially used for an oral delivery system of bioactive compounds

    Comment on "Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems"

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    This is a Comment on "Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems".Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Perencanaan Eko-drainase Kawasan Perumahan Tembalang Pesona Asri – Semarang

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    As the construction rapidly growing in Indonesia, it causes the land decreasing that can be used to absorb water. This phenomenon will cause an often flood in rainy season and drought in dry season. On the other side, the degradation of land infiltrations as the effect of the changing of environment. Before the development of the area, the studied area contributes of flow by 0,167 m3/s and volume of run-off equal to 601,2 m3. After theconstruction of Tembalang Pesona Asri regency , the post-development peak of flow and run-off volume increase to 0,573 m3/s and 2061,8 m3. Eco-drainage is defined as efforts to manage the excess of rainfall water by infiltrating into the ground as much as possible or flowing naturally into the river without exceeding the capacity of the river before. Eco-drainage facilities that offeredin this final task included infiltration wells, and bioretention cell. To restore the flow and volume of runoff around the pre-construction condition, the minimum eco-drainage facilities need 177 units of infiltration wellswith diameter size dimension of 1,5m depth of 3m, 1300 m2 of bioretention cell which 560 m2 located in Blok R and 740 m2 in Blok A. The construction of this Eco-drainage facility in the Tembalang Pesona Asri regency area can decrease runoff of 1220,419 m3 or 83,5 % from the runoff water cause by the regency construction. This construction of the Eco-drainage facility need approximately 3 months of time with total cost Rp.,- (one billion two hundred and nine million one hundred twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-three rupias). The houses total in Tembalang Pesona Asri Regency are 287 units, so each house's contribution is equal to Rp. 4.212.983,- (four million two hundred twelve thousand nine hundred eighty three

    Quantum-Criticality in Dissipative Quantum Two-Dimensional XY and Ashkin-Teller Models: Application to the Cuprates

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    In a recent paper [V. Aji and C.M. Varma, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 99}, 167003 (2007) \cite{aji1}] we have shown that the dissipation driven quantum phase transition of the 2D xy model represents a universality class where the correlations at criticality is local in space and power law in time. Here we provide a detailed analysis of the model. The local criticality is brought about by the decoupling of infrared singularities in space and time. The former leads to a Kosterlitz Thouless transition whereby the excitations of the transverse component of the velocity field (vortices) unbind in space. The latter on the other hand leads to a transition among excitations (warps) in the longitudinal component of the velocity field, which unbind in time. The quantum Ashkin-Teller model, with which the observed loop order in the Cuprates is described maps in the critical regime to the quantum xy model. We also discuss other models which are expected to have similar properties
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