7 research outputs found
Phenotypic measurements of Timema cristinae
File contains all the raw phenotypic measurements for all individuals included in the genome-wide association mapping analyses ("individual" begins with "FHA") and the same measurements for individuals collected from two additional populations ("individual" begins with "VPC" or "HVA")
File contains variant counts (snp calling) for each individual. This file was used to estimate genotype probabilities that were ultimately used to generate the composite genotypes (see "Tcris_pimass_composite_genotypes.txt" file for these) use in GWAS analyses carried out in piMASS
Input genotype file for piMASS. Contains composite genotypic values for each individual
contains population codes, geographical distance between them, whether they are found on the same host or different hosts, and estimates of Fst for the locus controlling color. Also included is the mean genome-wide Fst (from Nosil et al. 2012 Proc B.) and the difference between Fst at the color locus minus mean genomic Fst