38 research outputs found

    Työkyvyn hallinta, seuranta ja varhainen tuki : Tutkimus sairausvakuutuslain vuoden 2011 muutoksen vaikutuksista työpaikkojen toimintaan

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vuoden 2011 sairausvakuutuslain muutoksen vaikutuksia työkyvyn hallintaan, seurantaan ja varhaiseen tukeen. Sairausvakuutuslakimuutos (L 1056/2010) edellyttää, että ”työpaikalla on yhteistyössä työterveyshuollon kanssa sovitut käytännöt siitä, miten työkyvyn hallintaa, seurantaa ja varhaista tukea toteutetaan työpaikan ja työterveyshuollon yhteisenä toimintana”, jotta työterveyshuollon korvausluokkaan 1 kuuluvista palveluista aiheutuvista kustannuksista korvattaisiin 50 %:n sijaan 60 %. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tehtiin laaja, sähköinen kyselytutkimus, johon osallistui yli 1 000 työnantajaa. Toisessa vaiheessa kartoitettiin syvemmin työnantajien hyviksi kokemia työkyvyn hallinnan käytäntöjä sekä kehitysehdotuksia case-tutkimuksen menetelmin suppeammasta 22 työnantajan otoksesta. Tämän lisäksi haastateltiin viittä eri työterveyshuollon palveluntuottajaa. Yli 85 % kyselytutkimukseen osallistuneista ilmoitti sopineensa toimintakäytännöistä tai laatineensa toimenpideohjelman yhteistyössä työterveyshuollon kanssa, mikä on noin 10 prosenttiyksikköä enemmän kuin ennen vuotta 2011. Erilaisille toimintamalleille on laadittu suunnitelmia melko kattavasti, mutta suunnitelmien seuranta ei ole vielä systemaattista: suunnitelmiin ei ole kytketty tavoitteita, ja seurattavat mittarit puolestaan eivät välttämättä kytkeydy suunnitelmiin. Suurin osa tutkimuksen toiseen vaiheeseen osallistuneista organisaatioista koki lakimuutoksen onnistuneeksi tavaksi edistää työkyvyn hallintaa. Osallistuneissa organisaatioissa työkyvyn hallinta ja varhainen tuki on tullut viime vuosina keskimäärin systemaattisemmaksi ja tavoitteellisemmaksi. Haastateltavat kuitenkin korostivat organisaation omaa toimintaa ja valmiutta tärkeämmäksi työkyvyn hallinnassa. Haastateltavat pitivät suunnitelmien tekoa melko hyödyllisenä työkyvyn hallinnan kannalta ja osasivat mainita esimerkkejä hyvistä työkykykäytännöistä. Tavoitteiden seuranta ja mittaaminen ei kuitenkaan ole niin systemaattista kuin laajat suunnitelmat antaisivat olettaa. Tavoitteet on suunnitelmissa ilmaistu tyypillisesti yleisellä tasolla, jolloin niitä on vaikea mitata tai asettaa tavoitetasoja. Työpaikoilla seurataankin tyypillisesti helposti mitattavia asioita, kuten työtapaturmia, sairauspoissaoloja ja ennenaikaisia eläköitymisiä. Nämä kuvastavat myöhäisen vaiheen ongelmia. Varhaisen vaiheen tunnistamista tai ennaltaehkäisyn toteutumista ei seurata, oletettavasti niiden vaikean mitattavuuden vuoksi, vaikka tavoitteista nämä teemat löytyvät. Työkyvyn hallinnan kehittäminen on monivaiheinen prosessi, joka lähteäkseen käyntiin edellyttää yleistä tietoisuutta työkyvyn hallinnasta sekä henkilöstöasioista vastaavien tahojen kykyä kommunikoida muun johdon kanssa työkyvyn hallinnan kustannusvaikuttavuudesta. Onnistunut työkyvyn hallinta edellyttää lisäksi, että johto on sitoutunut siihen, sisäinen viestintä esimiehille ja työntekijöille toimii ja että henkilöstö osallistuu prosessiin

    Healthcare-associated viral and bacterial infections in dentistry

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    Infection prevention in dentistry is an important topic that has gained more interest in recent years and guidelines for the prevention of cross-transmission are common practice in many countries. However, little is known about the real risks of cross-transmission, specifically in the dental healthcare setting. This paper evaluated the literature to determine the risk of cross-transmission and infection of viruses and bacteria that are of particular relevance in the dental practice environment. Facts from the literature on HSV, VZV, HIV, Hepatitis B, C and D viruses, Mycobacterium spp., Pseudomonas spp., Legionella spp. and multi-resistant bacteria are presented. There is evidence that Hepatitis B virus is a real threat for cross-infection in dentistry. Data for the transmission of, and infection with, other viruses or bacteria in dental practice are scarce. However, a number of cases are probably not acknowledged by patients, healthcare workers and authorities. Furthermore, cross-transmission in dentistry is under-reported in the literature. For the above reasons, the real risks of cross-transmission are likely to be higher. There is therefore a need for prospective longitudinal research in this area, to determine the real risks of cross-infection in dentistry. This will assist the adoption of effective hygiene procedures in dental practice

    Vol. 7, n° 1

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    C’est à différents aspects de la phonologie que ce nouveau numéro de CORELA est en grande partie consacré : l’article de Sylvester Osu et Nick Clemens traite de la question des nasales en ikwéré, celui de Riitta Välimaa-Blum présente la question des contraintes phonotactiques envisagées d’un point de vue cognitif, et enfin celui de Véronique Abasq étudie deux préfixes anglais (pre- et post-) dans une perspective morpho-phonologique. Les deux autres articles de ce numéro sont consacrés à la presse sous l’angle de la modélisation de la dynamique énonciative (Marie Chagnoux) et de la dénomination événementielle et du nom propre (Laura Calabrese Steimberg)

    Early vocabulary development in children with bilateral cochlear implants

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    Abstract Background: Children with unilateral cochlear implants (CIs) may have delayed vocabulary development for an extended period after implantation. Bilateral cochlear implantation is reported to be associated with improved sound localization and enhanced speech perception in noise. This study proposed that bilateral implantation might also promote early vocabulary development. Knowledge regarding vocabulary growth and composition in children with bilateral CIs and factors associated with it may lead to improvements in the content of early speech and language intervention and family counselling. Aims: To analyse the growth of early vocabulary and its composition during the first year after CI activation and to investigate factors associated with vocabulary growth. Methods & Procedures: The participants were 20 children with bilateral CIs (12 boys; eight girls; mean age at CI activation = 12.9 months). Vocabulary size was assessed with the Finnish version of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (CDI) Infant Form and compared with normative data. Vocabulary composition was analysed in relation to vocabulary size. Growth curve modelling was implemented using a linear mixed model to analyse the effects of the following variables on early vocabulary growth: time, gender, maternal education, residual hearing with hearing aids, age at first hearing aid fitting and age at CI activation. Outcomes & Results: Despite clear vocabulary growth over time, children with bilateral CIs lagged behind their age norms in receptive vocabulary during the first 12 months after CI activation. In expressive vocabulary, 35% of the children were able to catch up with their age norms, but 55% of the children lagged behind them. In receptive and expressive vocabularies of 1–20 words, analysis of different semantic categories indicated that social terms constituted the highest proportion. Nouns constituted the highest proportion in vocabularies of 101–400 words. The proportion of verbs remained below 20% and the proportion of function words and adjectives remained below 10% in the vocabularies of 1–400 words. There was a significant main effect of time, gender, maternal education and residual hearing with hearing aids before implantation on early receptive vocabulary growth. Time and residual hearing with hearing aids had a significant main effect also on expressive vocabulary growth. Conclusions & Implications: Vocabulary development of children with bilateral CIs may be delayed. Thus, early vocabulary development needs to be assessed carefully in order to provide children and families with timely and targeted early intervention for vocabulary acquisition

    An international comparative perspective on Higher Education institutions’ governance and management: Portugal, Finland, and Brazil

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    The increasing internationalization and globalization of higher education, as well as the influence of neo-liberal ideas, as the New PublicManagement (NPM) practice, strongly disseminated by international organizations, such as the OECD, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the EU provide a framework for analyzing similarities in different national contexts. In turn, national and cultural specifics and traditions might be considered powerful factors explaining differences in the Portuguese, Brazilian, and Finnish HE systems, more specifically with respect to policy design, policy implementation, and national outcomes. By comparing different cultures, systems, and institutional practices, through the same methods of data collection and analysis for each country, this chapter provides an overview of the main policies and practices in terms of HE governance and management in these countries. Portugal and Finland are examples of European countries that have embarked on changes eased up by an international context that supported reform, e.g., assessments from international organizations such as the OECD and the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and the EU modernization agendas for European HE. Moreover, both HE systems are similar enough to allow comparisons as both have a binary organization. Nevertheless, and when comparing with Brazil, a still developing nation, the economic status and international positioning of these three countries, differs. Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America, with over 207 million people in 2017(Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE 2017).publishe

    Das deutsche Ausbildungsmodell im Umbruch: zwischen dualem Berufsbildungssystem und Hochschulstudium

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    The German system of skill formation, in particular the dual system of vocational education and training (VET), is considered in the political economic debate to be a pillar of the German model, mainly for two reasons: On the one hand, training of skilled workers was supported by the specific path of development of diversified quality production from its beginning. On the other hand, the dual VET system represents one of the most important fields for the German corporatist governance system. The article develops the following ideas: the conditions of the German VET system fundamentally changed during the second half of the twentieth century: Cognitive preconditions for VET continuously increased, and since the mid-1960s educational reform and expansion in Germany (old Länder) gradually resulted in increasing higher levels of education and in a differentiation of the educational landscape as well as in a shift in young peoples' educational careers towards higher education. The driving forces behind these developments will be analysed and discussed with respect to their impact on the relation between the dual VET system and higher education. The argumentation results in the following conclusion: Firstly, the broad trend toward upskilling the German labour force will continue and the integration of low-qualified youth into VET and the labour market will become more precarious than in the past. Secondly, corporatist governance of the dual VET-System will come more and more under pressure and become less important in the German educational system as a whole