8 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Buah Karika memiliki persebaran habitat yang sempit, hanya mampu tumbuh di daerah pegunungan dengan suhu rendah. Buah ini mampu tumbuh dengan baik di Tengger, sehingga sangat sesuai untuk dibudidayakan di Tosari. Keinginan warga untuk bisa mengolah Karika menjadi produk olahan pangan bernilai ekonomi sangat tinggi, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan value added. Salah satunya adalah Komunitas Baladaun Mertasari yaitu kelompok masyarakat yang melakukan pengolahan buah karikadan merupakan mitra dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini. Baladaun biasanya mengolah buah karika menjadi manisan karika dalam sirup. Banyak kendala yang dihadapi Baladaun dalam mengolah karika, yaitu, dalam proses produksi, ijin produksi, pemasaran, pendidikan, lingkungan, pertanian, dan sosial. PKM ini dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan produk olahan buah karika baik berupa olahan pangan maupun non pangan. Tujuan dari PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam melakukan diversifikasi produk olahan buah karika, sehingga jenis produk olahan mitra semakin bertambah dan kualitasnya menjadi lebih baik. Metode yang digunakan meliputi observasi, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), Pelatihan, Seminar, Workshop, dan Pendampingan. Produk olahan berupa sirup, selai, permen jelly, dodol buah, dan sabun karika. Untuk menunjang keberlanjutan poduk, dalam kegiatan PKM ini ditunjang dengan kegiatan seminar bertema keamanan pangan, workshop pemasaran online, dan pendampingan pengurusan ijin produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT). Pelaksanaan pengabdian menggunakan pendekatan partisipasi kelompok. Hasil PKM yang telah dilaksanakan berupa peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kualitas produk mitra yang diukur berdasarkan pengisian kuisioner oleh mitra, serta peningkatan jenis produk yang tadinya hanya satu produk menjadi 6 produk. Abstract: Karika fruit has a narrow distribution habitat, only able to grow in mountainous areas with low temperatures. This fruit is able to grow well in Tengger, so it is very suitable for cultivation in Tosari. Citizens are able to process Karika into processed food products with very high economic value, with the aim of increasing added value. One of them is the Baladaun Mertasari Community, a community group that processes karika fruit, and is a partner in this Community Partnership Program Baladauns usually process karika fruit into karika sweets in syrup. Many ngehap related to Baladaun in cultivating karika, namely in the production process, production permits, marketing, education, environment, agriculture, and social. This PKM is carried out in the context of developing karika fruit processed products in the form of processed food and non-food products. The purpose of this PKM is to increase the knowledge and skills of partners in diversifying karika fruit processed products, so that the types of processed products of partners are increasing and the quality is better. The methods used include observation, FGD, training, seminars, workshops, and mentoring. Processed products are syrup, jam, jelly candy, fruit lunkhead, and karika soap. To support the sustainability of products, this PKM activity is supported by seminars on the theme of food safety, online marketing workshops, and assistance in obtaining a Home Industry Food production permit (PIRT). The implementation of the service uses a group participation approach. The results of the PKM that have been implemented are in the form of increased knowledge, skills and product quality as measured by filling out questionnaires by partners, as well as increasing types of products from only one product to 6 products


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    Tape merupakan salah satu makanan fermentasi tradisional di Indonesia. Pisang kepok dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan dasar membuat tape karena memiliki kelebihan pati yang resisten dan serat tinggi. Kandungan pati yang ada pada pisang kepok sekitar 22-25%. Kualitas tape pisang ditentukan berdasarkan karakteristik kimia selama proses fermentasi. Dalam fermentasi tape sendiri selalu melibatkan tiga senyawa sebagai produknya yakni gula, alkohol, dan asam organik sehingga karakteristik kimia yang diukur sebagai kontrol kualitas adalah pH, kadar gula dan kadar alkohol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu fermentasi tape pisang kepok terhadap karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat tape pisang kepok dengan variasi waktu fermentasi selama 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6 hari. Hasil fermentasi diuji pH, kadar gula, kadar alkohol dan organoleptik. Seluruh data dianalisa menggunakan analisis varian (ANOVA) satu arah yang dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan waktu fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik. Tape pisang kepok terbaik dihasilkan pada hari ketiga dengan karakteristik kimia: pH 4,76; kadar gula 11,97%; kadar alkohol 4,45% dan nilai organoleptik terhadap rasa, warna, tekstur, dan aroma berturut-turut sebesar 5,34; 5,56 ; 4,43; dan 5,26 (4= sedikit suka, 5= suka). Berdasarkan hasil uji karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik tape pisang kepok dengan waktu fermentasi 3- 4 hari layak untuk dikonsumsi


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    Salak merupakan buah asli Indonesia yang keberadaanya melimpah. Salak mengandung sukrosa, fruktosa, dan glukosa yang dimanfaatkan bakteri asam laktat (BAL) selama proses fermentasi sehingga dapat dibuat sebagai bahan dasar minuman probiotik. Pemanfaatan salak sebagai bahan dasar minuman probiotik dapat meningkatkan nilai jual salak. Pembuatan minuman probiotik salak melibatkan bakteri Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota sebagai agen probiotik yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan susu dan waktu fermentasi terhadap karakteristik minuman probiotik fermentasi L.casei dari sari buah salak serta kombinasi terbaik penambahan susu dan waktu fermentasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah penambahan susu dengan variasi 5% dan 10% (v/v) dengan waktu fermentasi 2, 4, 6, 8 dan 10 jam. Hasil fermentasi diuji viskositas, pH, kadar gula total dan organoleptik. Seluruh data dianalisa menggunakan analisis varian (ANOVA) yang dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Pemilihan terbaik dengan metode De Garmo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan susu dan waktu fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik minuman probiotik salak. Kombinasi perlakuan persentase penambahan susu sebesar 10% (v/v) dengan waktu fermentasi 8 jam (T2L4) merupakan hasil terbaik dengan karakteristik: viskositas 12,90 cps; pH 4,82; kadar gula 7,43% dan nilai organoleptik terhadap rasa, warna, tekstur, dan aroma berturut-turut sebesar 5,49 (sangat suka); 3,57(suka) ; 3,65(suka); dan 3,66(suka).

    Formulasi sabun karika (Carica pubescens) sebagai sabun kecantikan dan kesehatan

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    Soap is a mixture of sodium compounds with fatty acids that are used as a body cleansing agent, in the form of solid, foam, with or without other additives and does not cause irritation to the skin. To improve quality, bath soap can be given additional ingredients that contain vitamins and various nutrients needed by the skin such as the addition of extracts of karika fruit (Carica pubescens). The purpose of this research is to find out the right formulation in making karika soap. This research used an experimental method with randomized block design (RCBD), consisting of two factorial variations in the concentration of karika juice (0%, 100%, 80%, 60%) and variations in the concentration of NaOH (30%, 35%, and 40% ) so that 12 treatments were obtained each with 3 replications. The process of making soap uses the hot process method. Soap quality analysis is carried out by comparing the results of chemical tests for karika soap with SNI 06-3532-1994 (SNI for solid bath soap), foam stability test, soap hardness, and organoleptic test. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA with a confidence interval of 5%. If an effect is found on one of the variebel, a further Tukey test is performed. The results showed that the water content, pH, and free alkali did not meet SNI, while the amount of fatty acids and mineral oil was in accordance with SNI, the significant difference between treatments was only in the water content. Karika soap has abundant and stable foam. The higher concentration of karika juice make the lower hardness of the soap. Organoleptic test results showed a low level of preference for panelists on karika soap products. The suggestion from this research is that karika juice can be tried to applied it in the liquid bath

    Formulasi mie ikan patin dengan rasio tepung terigu dan pasta ubi jalar ungu berbeda sebagai pangan fungsional

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    One of the most popular processed foods is noodles. Making noodles with high protein ingredients can be from catfish.  As an alternative to noodles as a  functional food, catfish  noodles  made with wheat flour and sweet potato paste are prepared. The goal of this research is to analyze the results of adding sweet potato and wheat flour proportions on the chemical and organoleptic properties of catfish noodles and to establish the optimum ratio formula for doing so. The study's methodology was a CRD (Completely Randomized Design), with four  treatments : F1 (1000g wheat flour), F2 (750g wheat flour: 250g  sweet potato pasta),  F3 (500g wheat flour: 500g sweet potato pasta), and F4 (250g wheat flour: 750g sweet potato pasta). Each treatment was carried out 3     times in a row, so 12 trials were obtained. The analysis of sweet potato catfish noodles products includes levels of antioxidant, water, and carbohydrate content, The organoleptic analysis observed color, taste, aroma, and texture. The best formulation on research results was found in the F2 treatment (750g of wheat flour:250g of sweet potato paste) with characteristics: water content of 5.4%, carbohydrate content of 65.6%, antioxidant AEAC content: 61 mg/g, and organoleptic evaluations of color 3.53 (like), taste 3.47 (somewhat  like ), scent 3.93 (like), and texture 3.70 (like)

    Karakteristik tepung nanas varietas queen (Ananas comosus L.Merr) termodifikasi metode foam mat drying

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    Ananas comosus L. Merr in Indonesia has a very large production rate but the shelf life is relatively short. Alternatives increase the shelf life of pineapple fruit made in the form of flour. The quality of pineapple flour is determined by the drying method so that modifications to the method using foam mat drying with variations in the addition of maltodextrin and tween 80. This study aims to find out the effect of increasing the concentration of maltodextrin and tween 80 on the physicochemicals of pineapple flour so that pineapple flour is obtained that has good characteristics. The research method using faktorial RAK consists of 2 factors. The first factor of maltodextrin concentration (10%,15%,25%) and the second factor of tween 80 percentage (0.1%, 0.3%) repeated 3 times resulted in 18 attempts. Analysis of physicochemical data is analyzed using ANOVA statistics. If it's a real difference in the Tukey test. Organoleptic testing uses friedman's method. The best treatment of physicochemical and organoleptic analysis uses the Effectiveness Index method. The best research results of pineapple flour on physicochemical and organoleptic content are found in N3T2 treatment (maltodextrin 25% and tween 80 0.3%) with characteristics: antioxidant activity 45.57 mg/ml, vitamin C levels 92.45 mg/100g, water content 5.98%, ash content 0.61%, color intensity L 58.49, color a* 29.30 and color b* 26.90 and organoleptic color 4.33 (likes), texture 2.83 (sufficient)


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    Synthesis of Co-doped TiO2 (Co-TiO2) was carried out using sol-gel method. Preparation of the sol-gel method was done by mixing titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) with ethanol and CoCl2.6H2O with various concentrations of 0.