205 research outputs found

    Multi-dimensionnalité, modalité et activité(s): le cas "simple" de l'offre à boire

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    JĂ©rome Jacquin & Xavier Gradoux (Eds)International audienceIn this paper we deal with the activity of "offering a drink" as an exemplary case of complex activity that cannot be fully described as an expanded adjacency pair. Relying on a corpus of naturally occurring conversations among friends, we focus our attention on the sequential and multimodal organization of this activity. First, we focus on how the activity is launched through various resources. Then, we turn to subsequent trajectories of the interaction. We consider cases of negociations of the offer, and then recurrent cases in which the activity is locally suspended. This leads to discuss whether the moments of suspension should be considered as stopping the activity or as being a part of it. On the basis of a multidimensional approach, and specifically with a focus on gestural cues, we argue for the existence of a "meso-interactional whole" (cf. Psathas 1991) to which participants keep oriented

    « Et c’est qui le chef ? »

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    Dans cette contribution, nous nous intéressons à l’émergence et au traitement de désaccords pendant une activité pratique collective : faire la cuisine. Nous avons pu identifier deux configurations pour l’émergence d’un désaccord au cours de la préparation d’un repas, et différentes formes pour le déroulement des séquences de négociation :(1) un participant utilise un format syntaxique spécifique pour introduire une alternative par rapport à une étape de la recette, qui est en cours de réalisation ;(2) deux participants initient des longues séquences d’opposition qui portent sur la recette que l’un des deux a proposée, avant sa réalisation.Nous envisageons plusieurs dimensions analytiques. À partir de l’étude des productions verbales (notamment les marques de négation et les constructions syntaxiques) et des ressources multimodales mobilisées par les participants (gestes, regards, postures, manipulations d’objets), nous analysons la construction argumentative et séquentielle du désaccord émergeant, ainsi que les positionnements des participants, en termes épistémiques, par rapport à leur compétence dans le domaine culinaire.Ce travail s’inscrit dans la tradition de l’analyse conversationnelle et dans les travaux en linguistique interactionnelle plus récents. Il propose des analyses séquentielles et multimodales d’enregistrements audiovisuels d’interactions naturelles.This article focuses on the emergence and the sequential development of disagreements during a collective activity : cooking together. We have identified two configurations for the emergence of disagreement, as well as specific resources for expressing opposition in sequential environments :(1) a participant mobilizes a syntactic construction in order to proposea variation of the recipe during its preparation ; (2) two participants initiate long sequences of negotiation regarding the dish recipe they are about to prepare.This paper explores several dimensions. We take into account verbal productions - namely negative forms and syntactic constructions - as well as multimodal resources that are mobilized by participants (gestures, gazes, body postures, object manipulations). In so doing, we aim to analyze theargumentative and sequential construction of disagreements. We are also interested in studying the participants’ epistemic positioning in relation to their cooking abilities.Our study is based on the sequential and multimodal analysis of video-recorded naturally occurring interactions. It is grounded in conversation analysis and relies on recent contributionsin interactional linguistics

    Candidate answers and rejections: managing referents as discourse objects in garden visits

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    L'analisi multimodale di turni sintatticamente incompiuti: una prospettiva interazionale

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    In Biagio Ursi & Vanessa Piccoli (Eds)International audienceUnfinished turns can be considered problematic instances according to traditional syntactic frameworks. The multimodal interactional approach makes it possible to study these realizations and, in particular, their "non-canonical" completions, i.e. when they are accomplished in an embodied way by the same speaker. In this paper, relying on the video analysis of naturally occurring interactions, I propose a sequential and syntactic account of three main configurations of multimodal completions in Italian. The analysis of three types of syntactically unfinished turns and the embodied resources that complete these realizations lead me to discuss the multimodal organization of talk-in-interaction, namely the sequential status of iconic and pointing gestures integrating syntactic structures, as a primordial feature for the definition of interactional units across situational specificities. Extracts are issued from an eight-hours corpus documenting different settings, such as interactions in fair trades, ordinary interactions, and guided visits with native Italian speakers

    Esperienza e spiegazione. Analisi multimodale delle tracce di narrazione durante una visita tattile al museo

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    Hands on Painting. A multimodal study of tactile visits in a contemporary art museum

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    Online conferenceInternational audienc

    À la recherche du refus : les indices linguistiques et multimodaux de la négation dans l’interaction

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    Cycle d'ateliers/data sessions animés par Chloé Mondémé, Anna Claudia Ticca et Biagio UrsiIntervention dans le cadre des ateliers "DocINT – Doctorants et chercheurs interactionnistes" au laboratoire ICA

    "Et c’est qui le chef ?" : négociations et manifestations du désaccord pendant la préparation de repas

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    National audienceThis article focuses on the emergence and the sequential development of disagreements during a collective activity : cooking together. We have identified two configurations for the emergence of disagreement, as well as specific resources for expressing opposition in sequential environments :(1) a participant mobilizes a syntactic construction in order to proposea variation of the recipe during its preparation ; (2) two participants initiate long sequences of negotiation regarding the dish recipe they are about to prepare.This paper explores several dimensions. We take into account verbal productions - namely negative forms and syntactic constructions - as well as multimodal resources that are mobilized by participants (gestures, gazes, body postures, object manipulations). In so doing, we aim to analyze theargumentative and sequential construction of disagreements. We are also interested in studying the participants’ epistemic positioning in relation to their cooking abilities.Our study is based on the sequential and multimodal analysis of video-recorded naturally occurring interactions. It is grounded in conversation analysis and relies on recent contributionsin interactional linguistics.Dans cette contribution, nous nous intéressons à l’émergence et au traitement de désaccords pendant une activité pratique collective : faire la cuisine. Nous avons pu identifier deux configurations pour l’émergence d’un désaccord au cours de la préparation d’un repas, et différentes formes pour le déroulement des séquences de négociation :(1) un participant utilise un format syntaxique spécifique pour introduire une alternative par rapport à une étape de la recette, qui est en cours de réalisation ;(2) deux participants initient des longues séquences d’opposition qui portent sur la recette que l’un des deux a proposée, avant sa réalisation.Nous envisageons plusieurs dimensions analytiques. À partir de l’étude des productions verbales (notamment les marques de négation et les constructions syntaxiques) et des ressources multimodales mobilisées par les participants (gestes, regards, postures, manipulations d’objets), nous analysons la construction argumentative et séquentielle du désaccord émergeant, ainsi que les positionnements des participants, en termes épistémiques, par rapport à leur compétence dans le domaine culinaire.Ce travail s’inscrit dans la tradition de l’analyse conversationnelle et dans les travaux en linguistique interactionnelle plus récents. Il propose des analyses séquentielles et multimodales d’enregistrements audiovisuels d’interactions naturelles

    Painting Hands: recycled visitors’ gestures in a museum guided tour

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    Paper delivered at the panel "Recycling and reshaping previous turns in multimodal interactions" (chaired by Vanessa Piccoli and Biagio Ursi)International audienc
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