11 research outputs found

    COVID-19 i processos de pau : impactes de la pandèmia en la negociació de conflictes

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    El següent informe analitza alguns dels principals impactes de la pandèmia de la COVID-19 en els processos de pau, com el retard, l'alentiment o la paràlisi d'algunes negociacions de pau; la transició a processos de diàleg a distància, que comporta la virtualització de la comunicació, un protagonisme més gran de l'anomenada "mediació interna" i una major agència dels actors locals; l'impacte en els processos de pau de la crida del secretari general de les Nacions Unides a un alto el foc global; i la influència de la resolució 2532 (2020) del Consell de Seguretat de l'ONU sobre la reconfiguració i ampliació del concepte de seguretat internacional i de les funcions i competències del Consell de Seguretat per preservar la pau i la seguretat internacionals.El siguiente informe analiza algunos de los principales impactos de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en los procesos de paz, como el retraso, ralentización o parálisis de algunas negociones de paz; la transición a procesos de diálogo a distancia, que conlleva la virtualización de la comunicación, un mayor protagonismo de la llamada "mediación interna" y una mayor agencia de los actores locales; el impacto en los procesos de paz del llamamiento del secretario general de Naciones Unidas a un alto el fuego global; y la influencia de la resolución 2532 (2020) del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU sobre la reconfiguración y ampliación del concepto de seguridad internacional y de las funciones y competencias del Consejo de Seguridad para preservar la paz y seguridad internacionales

    Empirical analysis of the incidence of accidents in the workplace on firms' financial performance

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    This paper performs an empirical analysis on the incidence of labor accidents on firm financial performance. With data on financial statements and labor accidents of 299 Spanish firms for 6 different years we perform panel data estimations and find a negative influence of accident rate on return on assets, as well as on abnormal return on assets. The incidence of accident rate is not shown up immediately in the profit and loss statements. It is mainly realized in the future. We find a significant negative influence in one year ahead financial performance. This finding suggests that labor accidents are disruptors of business operations, affecting mostly to value-added activities related with long term coordination and planning. Results are robust across different estimations methods and with estimations with different control variables

    (Human) Security in Central America: A Return to the Past?

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    After having become one of the principal scenarios of the Cold War, the pacification and democratisation of Central America in the 1990s were forged under the protection of the Esquipulas Process and the birth of the concept of human security. The resulting model of security was founded on the Framework Treaty on Democratic Security, which incorporated some of the basic postulates of human security and became one of its first institutional implementations. Nevertheless, the performance of this model has been eclipsed and questioned by the evolution of events in Central America (such as the impact of 9-11 on security agendas or the emergence of new forms of violence in the region), which open the door to a new security instrument (the Rapid Reaction Force), generate fears about an eventual regression of Central America in the area of security and raise doubts about the habitual assumptions of human security

    Key factors to understanding the conflictive situation in North-East India

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    This article aims to help expand our understanding of the armed conflicts and social tensions that exist in the Northeast of India, by examining the different levels at which conflict takes place, as well as by analysing some of the causes and factors involved in these contexts. To this end, the article is structured into three parts. In the first, the authors describe briefly the antecedents of the different conflicts and tensions, in order to establish a map of same and to contextualise them historically and socially. In the second part, five issues are analysed: armed conflicts as multifactorial realities that require examination in both regional and individual terms; the issue of demography as the constitutive factor of many discourses and accounts of the causes of disputes in the region; the Indian government’s responses to the conflicts; the role played by international regional actors and, finally, the dimension of gender in the conflicts. The third and final part includes some closing reflections, by way of a conclusion