9 research outputs found


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    The study was conducted to determine the use of EM-4 (Effective Microorganism-4) probiotics on the fermentation of chicken manure as fertilizer on the population growth of Moina sp. This study used the RAL (Completely Randomized Design) method with 4 treatments 3 replicates. This research was conducted for one month from December 01- 31, 2022 at UPT Laboratorium Lahan Gambut Cooperation In Sustainable Managemant Of Tropical Peatland (LLG-CIMTROP), Jalan Hendrik Timang UPR Tanjung Nyaho Campus Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. Four treatments were treatment A with 100 g dry chicken manure without the probiotics, treatment B with 100 g dry chicken manure and 6 ml the probiotics solution, treatment C with 100 g dry chicken manure and 12 ml the probiotics solution, and treatment D with 100 g dry chicken manure and 18 ml the probiotics solution. The results obtained that the use of chicken manure fermented by 18 ml EM-4 probiotic solution provided the highest density of Moina sp. about 800 ind/l with 75.0%/day of the population specific growth rate. However, water quality during the study was still in the normal range for the cultivation of Moina sp


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    There is still a conflict of interest in land use, causing land used by farmers for food development to be included as HGU PT. SMART. The research aims to (1) find out the food development practices carried out by PT. SMART, (2) knowing the advantages and weaknesses of food development, (3) knowing the response of stakeholders to food development, (4) analyzing the formulation of CSR models for oil palm plantations based on food agribusiness. The results showed that agribusiness-based PET practices since planning, implementation, and marketing are entirely carried out by farmers. Farmers also individually and in groups conduct monitoring and evaluation, both on farming technicalities, group management, and the implementation of PET as a whole. The advantages and disadvantages of PET are the advantages of implementing PET PT. SMART mainly comes from the direct involvement of farmers in all work and management of farms, weaknesses in the implementation of PET PT. SMART consists of basic work of PET participants, difficulties in procuring saprodi after the crop starts to produce, the inability of farmers because while doing other work, productivity is quite low compared to pilot companies, management of farmer groups, and related government agencies have not been involved sustainably. Stakeholder response to PET practices has generally been good, but it is recognized that increasing the income of PET farmers is not accompanied by the ability of communities to manage their incomes. The formulation of the CSR model of PT. SMART based agribusiness food is (1) CSR of PT. SMART based on food agribusiness uses a model of partnering with other parties, namely partnering with farmers, government and universities, (2) empowering farmers in the CSR model of PT. SMART based on food agribusiness uses a collective farming group approach, while farming uses an integrated farming system.&nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk melihat pengaruh penambahan enzim protease dengan dosis yang berbeda dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gabus (Channa striata), penelitian dilakukan selama 42 hari di Lab. Jurusan Perikanan dengan pengambilan sampling sebanyak 4 kali, sekali dalam dua minggu dengan mengukur berat bobot, panjang ikan, kualitas air dan survival rate ikan gabus (Channa Striata).  Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gabus tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B, yaitu pemberian enzim protease 3% dengan rata-rata 93% dan terendah pada perlakuan C dan kontrol (0%) dengan rata-rata 84%. Pertumbuhan panjang mutlak dan berat mutlak tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B, yaitu pemberian enzim protease 3% dengan rata-rata panjang 1,66 cm dan berat 1,44 gram dan terendah pada kontrol (0%) dengan rata-rata panjang 1,09 cm dan berat 1,01 gram. Hasil dari laju pertumbuhan spesifik benih ikan nila tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B, yaitu pemberian enzim protease 3% dengan rata- rata 1,52% dan terendah pada kontrol (0%) dengan rata-rata 0,85%. Tingkat efisiensi pakan terbaik pada pemberian enzim protease 3% yaitu 51,10% dan terendah pada kontrol yaitu 47,3%. Tingkat konversi pakan (FCR) terbaik pada pemberian enzim protease 3% yaitu 6,1


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh kombinasi pakan buatan dan ikan rucah terhadap perkembangan gonad ikan gabus betina berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap gonado somatik indeks (GSI), diameter telur, dan tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG) yang dipelihara didalam hapa. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan berdasarkan sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian kombinasi pakan buatan 50% dan ikan rucah 50% dapat meningkatkan perkembangan gonado somatik indeks, diameter telur, dan dapat meningkatkan tingkat kematangan gonad induk ikan gabus betin


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    Enzim papain yang terdapat pada ekstrak daun pepaya dapat mengurai protein pada lapisan lendir telur ikan dan berfungsi mencegah tumbuhnya suatu penyakit atau jamur yang dapat menyebabkan rendahnya daya tetas telur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas lama perendaman telur ikan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) yang terbuahi pada ekstrak daun pepaya terhadap daya tetas telur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar (BPBAT) Mandiangin Kalimantan Selatan pada tanggal 14-21 Februari 2023. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan A (Lama perendaman selama 5 menit/ 4000 ppm), Perlakuan B (Lama perendaman selama 10 menit/ 4000 ppm), Perlakuan C (Lama perendaman selama 15 menit/ 4000 ppm), dan Perlakuan D (Kontrol atau tanpa dilakukan perendaman dengan larutan daun pepaya). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan C memperoleh hasil terbaik dengan rata-rata waktu perkembangan embriogenesis pada fase blastula yaitu 0,7 jam, pada fase gastrula yaitu 1,5 jam, persentase daya tetas telur mencapai 86,3%, persentase abnormalitas pro-larva sebesar 0%, persentase kelangsungan hidup sebesar 92,3%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa lama perendaman telur ikan Lele Sangkuriang yang terbuahi berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya tetas telur


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    Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Ibu Kota Kabupaten ini terletak di Sampit. Kabupaten ini memiliki luas wilayah 16.496 km2 dan berpenduduk kurang lebih sebanyak 373.842 jiwa pada tahun 2010 dan bertambah menjadi 428.895 jiwa pada tahun 2021. Desa Karang Tunggal merupakan desa yang ditopang oleh sebagian besar (hampir 90%) masyarakatnya dengan budidaya tanaman kelapa sawit. Pada masa sebelumnya, umumnya tanaman perkebunan yang diusahakan adalah tanaman karet, dan pada sebagian lahan masyarakat masih mengusahakannya. Selain itu turut diusahakan beragam tanaman pertanian semusim yang umumnya berupa jagung, kacang tanah, dan aneka ragam sayuran. Berdasarkan Buku Profil Desa Karang Tunggal, tercantum beberapa kesenjangan yang terjadi di Desa Karang Tunggal, yaitu meliputi masalah kesehatan, pendidikan, jaringan infrastruktur jalan, jaringan infrastruktur pertanian, dan sanitasi lingkungan. Beberapa waktu lalu akibat adanya pandemi Covid-19 harga kelapa sawit sempat terjun bebas menjadi sekitar Rp 750/kg, hal ini tentu membuat masyarakat Desa Karang Tunggal yang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani mengalami keresahan karena sumber pendapatan utama mereka terganggu akibat adanya pandemi covid-19. Dampak negatif pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang tidak berkelanjutan telah digunakan sebagai bahan kampanye menentang pembangunan industri kelapa sawit di dalam dan di luar negeri. Kampanye ini mengakibatkan pembeli minyak kelapa sawit di negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat mulai menuntut agar setiap barang yang mengandung minyak kelapa sawit harus minyak sawit yang berasal dari perkebunan kelapa sawit yang lestari. Metode yang kami gunakan untuk mereduksi masalah saat KKN di Desa Karang Tunggal ialah metode Participatory Action Research (PAR). Demi menjaga kualitas dan komuditi yang ada di Desa Karang Tunggal yaitu kelapa sawit, kelompok kami dan pemerintah Desa Karang Tunggal bersinergi untuk melakukan percepatan sertifikasi RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat menambah skor kredit sertifikasi dan pemenuhan berkas administrasi secara tepat dan cerma

    Osmo and ionic regulation of black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) juveniles exposed to K+ deficient inland saline water at different salinities

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    An 11-day trial was conducted to investigate the osmoregulatory capacity (OC) and regulation of K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ of Penaeus monodon juveniles when exposed to K+ deficient inland saline water (ISW) of four different salinities (5, 15, 25 and 35 ppt). The survival of juveniles showed a positive linear relationship (R2 ranging from 0.72 to 0.98) with salinity. At the end of the trial, juveniles were able to survive only in 5 ppt of ISW and showed no changes in OC when transferred from ocean water (OW) to ISW. Further, the OC of juveniles in 5 ppt of ISW was significantly different (P < 0.05) from the OC of juveniles exposed to 15, 25 and 35 ppt and exhibited strong serum K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ regulation monitored over 16 h. In contrast, at 35 ppt, significant decrease (P < 0.05) in serum K+ and Mg2+ concentrations and accumulation of serum Na+ concentration occurred after 16 h of exposure to ISW. At higher salinity, an increase in serum Na+ concentration leads to an increase in the serum osmolality of the juveniles, which in turn causes decrease in the OC of the juveniles. The results of this study suggest that K+ deficiency in ISW has a negative effect on survival, OC and the ability of P. monodon juveniles to regulate serum Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations. These effects are compounded as salinity increases

    Physiological performance and serum Na+, K+ Ca2 + and Mg2 + regulation of black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) reared in varying Na+/K+ ratios of inland saline water

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    A 28-day trial was conducted to investigate the serum ionic regulation of juvenile black tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) of 1.2 ± 0.1 g mean initial weight, reared in varying Na+/K+ ratios of inland saline water (ISW). The serum Na+, K+, Ca2 + and Mg2 + regulation, osmoregulatory capacity (OC), isosmotic points, survival, growth and condition indices of P. monodon were measured when P. monodon were reared in four different ISW types having Na+ and K+ ratios of 119.4 (represented by raw ISW control having higher Na+/K+ ratio), 6.5, 12,0 and 16.2. The first water type of ISW (control) was at 5 ppt (ISW5) and the other 3 were at the salinities of 5 ppt (ISWK5), 10 ppt (ISWK10) and 15 ppt (ISWK15) which were fortified with K+ equivalent to [K+] in the ocean water of 25 ppt. P. monodon juveniles reared in ISW5 and ISWK15 regulated their serum Na+ and K+ stronger than juveniles reared in ISWK5 and ISWK10 and brought the serum Na+/K+ ratios closer to the normal Na+/K+ ratio of OW. Serum Ca2 + and Mg2 + of the juveniles reared in ISWK10, were regulated strongly over the trial period. However, the juveniles reared in ISW5 and ISWK15 had increased serum Ca2 + at day 28. After 14 days of rearing, the serum osmolality of juveniles decreased significantly from 640.2 and 649.6 mOsm to 550.1 and 562.2 mOsm in ISWK5 and ISWK10 respectively. In contrast, the serum osmolality and OC of juveniles reared in ISW5 (control) remained constant over the 14 day period but then increased significantly toward the end of the trial. During the initial 14 days of rearing, 20.8 and 20.5% of the juveniles survived in ISWK5 and ISWK10 respectively. However, 100% of juveniles died at the end of the trial. In contrast, the juveniles reared in ISW5 and ISWK15 were able to survive until the end of the trial with a survival rate of 37.5 and 62%, respectively. At the end of the trial, the SGR and condition indices of juveniles reared at ISW5 and ISWK15 showed no significant difference (P &lt; 0.05). At day 14, the amount of food ingested by the juveniles reared in ISWK5 and ISWK10 were significantly lower than the juveniles reared in ISW5 and ISWK15. The exoskeleton moisture content (EM %) and dry exoskeleton index (Ebd) of juveniles reared in ISW5 were significantly higher and lower respectively, than the EM % and Ebd of juveniles reared in ISWK15. This trial suggested that P. monodon juveniles faced unfavourable medium Na+ and K+ ratio in ISW through strong regulation of [Na+] and [K+] which enabled the prawns to establish normal ratios of Na+ and K+ in their haemolymph ranging from 21.42 to 25.97 mg/L which were similar to the normal haemolymph ratio of Na+ and K+ of prawns reared in OW ranging from 22.3 to 29.9