70 research outputs found


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    Dengue is still a serious problem in Indonesia and it has been reported from Bantul DIY since 1969. Ovitraps were placed at 35 houses at Dongkelan and 48 houses at Ngeblak, Bantul. The ovitraps were placed in and outside the houses six a week to ditermine the population densities of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. The results indicated that the population densities ofAedes in Ngeblak were higher than in Dongkelan. The house index of Aedes in Dongkelan and Ngeblak were 65.71% and 91.66% respectively. It has been known that the population densities of Ae. albopictus were higher than Ae. aegypti in both areas. The ovitrap index of Ae. albopictus in and outside the house in Dongkelan were 17.14% and 51.43% respectively, whereas the ovitrap index of Ae. aegypti in and outside the house were 2.86% and 11.43% respectively. Meanwhile the ovitrap index of As. albopictus in and outside the house in Ngeblak were 41.66% and 72.91% respectively, but the ovitrap index of As. aegypti in and outside the house were 18.75% and 14.58% respectively. Key Words: Dengue, house index, ovitrap index, Aede


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    Transovarial transmission is a phenomenon as a supporting factor for the maintenance the presence of dengue virus in an area. Vector surveillance is an effort to control dengue disease. In addition to larvae surveillance, viral surveillance carried out on adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes can actually be used for early warning systems for dengue outbreaks. DEN 3 virus antigen detection using streptavidin biotin peroxidase complex (SPBC) immunocytochemical technique is an alternative method for vector surveillance. The study aimed to prove the existence of transovarial transmission by detecting DEN 3 virus antigen in F1 generation mosquitoes from Ae. aegypti which has been infected orally. The study design was experimental. Adult Ae. aegypti female is infected with DEN 3 virus orally then mosquitoes are allowed to run their gonotrophic cycle. The resulting egg was colonized until becoming adult mosquitoes and DEN 3 virus antigen was detected. Antigen detection using SPBC immunocytochemical technique with DSSE10 monoclonal antibody on mosquito head squash  preparation in 4 and 16 days old mosquitoes. The results were analyzed descriptively. Streptavidin biotin peroxidase complex (SBPC) immunocytochemical technique can detect DEN 3 virus antigens indicated by the presence of brown color in the head squash preparation. The presence of the DEN 3 virus antigen also proves the presence of transovarial transmission in infected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes which has been infected orally

    The Effects of Curcumin Against Dengue-2 Virus Based on Immunocytochemistry Technique

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    ABSTRACT           Introduction: Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne flavivirus disease. The number of Dengue cases in Indonesia in 2010 range from 150,000 cases with the deaths of around 1,317 people. Huge number of cases have made Indonesia was the first ranked as the state with the highest Dengue cases in the ASEAN region and the world's second ranking after Brazil. The drugs  or antibiotics that can be administered effectively to cure this disease has not been found yet. Many study have been done and some that have been reported include viral RNA synthesis inhibitors, protein inhibitors of NS3 helicase and protease and inhibitors that inhibit Dengue virus maturation. Curcumin have preventive activity against several viruses: vasicular stomatis ( VSV ), HSV 1 and 2, parainfluenza - 3, reovirus - 1, feline corona virus, feline herpes virus . Curcumin also known have ubiquitin proteasome inhibition system was able to decrease the production of Japanese ensefalitis virus.Objectives: This study aims to determine safe concentrations of curcumin against vero cells (cytotoxic test results) and know the Dengue-2 antiviral potency of curcumin.Methods: Including quasi-experimental study. The anti viral potency of curcumin seen from the result of immunocytochemistry Streptavidin Biotin Peroxidase Complex (SBPC).  Data were analyzed by ANOVA.Results: The results showed that secure concentrations from cytotoxic of curcumin against vero cells is 6.25 ppm. The calculation of positive rate from immunocytochemistry in vero cells infected by Dengue - 2 incubation 1 and 3 days were the result is significantly different than the control.Conclusion: The secure concentration of curcumin against vero cells was 6.25 ppm and curcumin was able to lower the positive rate due to Dengue-2 infection.Key Words : Dengue virus, Curcumin, Immunocytochemistry

    Variations in Dilution of DSSE 10 Antibody in Immunocytochemistry Technique to Detect Dengue-3 Virus in Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes

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    Introduction: Dengue viruses, globally the most prevalent arboviruses, are transmitted to humans by persistently infected Aedes mosquitoes. The most important vector of Dengue virus is the mosquito Ae. aegypti, which should be the main target of surveillance and control activities. Virologic surveillance for Dengue viruses in its vector has been used as an early warning system to predict outbreaks. Detection of Dengue virus antigen in mosquito head squash using immunocytochemical streptavidin biotin peroxidase complex (SBPC) assay is an alternative method for Dengue vector surveillance.Objectives: The study was aimed to compare several variations of MAb DDSE10 dilutions used in immunocytochemical SBPC assay to detect Dengue virus infection in head squash of Ae. aegypti.Methods: The study design was experimental. Artifi cially-infected adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes of DENV 3 were used as infectious samples and uninfected adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were used as normal ones. The immunocytochemical SBPC assay using monoclonal antibody DSSE10 with 4 variations of dilution (1:5, 1:10, 1:20, and 1:50) was applied on mosquito head squash to detect Dengue virus antigen. The results were analyzed descriptively.Results: All variants of MAb DSSE10 dilutions in immunocytochemical SBPC assay showed positive imunoreaction in infected mosquito head squash. All variants of MAb DSSE10 dilutions in immunocytochemicalSBPC assay showed negative immunoreaction in uninfected mosquito head squash.Conclusion: Monoclonal antibody DSSE10 could be used in immunochemistry technique to detect Dengue-3 virus antigen in Aedes aegypti infected intrathoracally, with 1:50 dilution.Keywords: Aedes aegypti, Dengue virus, Immunocytochemical, SPBC, Monoclonal Antibody DSSE-1

    Uji serologi pada penderita alergi debu rumah dengan phadezym rast(r) kit

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    ABSTRAK House dust allergy is causal factor for allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Dermatophagoides ptenmyssinus is the most frequent mite in the house dust. This mite produces allergic substance. A serological test by Elisa using Phadezym RAST411) kit for IgE detection on house dust allergic patients has been carried out. Twelve out of 15 cases with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma showed positive for house dust mite Dermatophagoides isteronyssinus. The score of IgE titre ranged 1-4. Key Words : house dust mite, allergic, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthm

    The Differences of the Prevalences and Serotypes of Dengue Virus on Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes from Pagutan and Pagutan Timur in the Sub District of Mataram

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    oai:jurnal.ugm.ac.id:article/4290Introduction: Sub district of Mataram is one of endemic area of Dengue Haemoraghagic Fever in the West of Nusa Tenggara province, the number of dengue cases are reported increasing every years. Pagutan is a village that has been reported as higth case incidance area and Pagutan Timur as low case insidance area.Objectives: The aims of this study is to determine the density of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and to know the prevalence and dominant serotypes of dengue virus in the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from the village of Pagutan and Pagutan Timur Mataram sub district.Methods: The Collection of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were conducted by ovitrap provided indoor and outdoor of randomly selected houses. The mosquitoes density was determined by calculating the average number of mosquitoes emerged from eggs collected each houses. The prevalence of dengue virus were calculated by the percentage of mosquitoes that containing of dengue virus as examined by immunocytochemistry method, using the monoclonal antibody anti-dengue DSSE10, while dengue virus serotypes determined by Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction using Lanciotti specific primers.Results: The density of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from Pagutan is significantly higher than Pagutan Timur Village (p<0.05). The confirmed statistical analysis with Paired t test were obtained. The prevalence of dengue virus in Pagutan and Pagutan Timur are 18.4% and respectively 14.3%. The serotypes of dengue virus in Pagutan areas is dengue 1, dengue 2 and dengue 3, whereas in Pagutan Timur areas is dengue 1.Conclusion: There is diffences of mosquitoes density, prevalence and the serotypes of dengue virus found in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from Pagutan and Pagutan Timur in the sub district of Mataram.Keywords: Mosquito density, Aedes aegypti, dengue virus, prevalence and serotyp

    The Effect of Anticoagulant in Blood Meal Source on the Aedes aegypti Reproductive Ability in Laboratory

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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Aedes aegypti is one of the major vectors of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) that can be reared in laboratory. Artificial membrane feeding (AMF) assay is used as a simulated host to blood feeding mosquitoes in laboratory.Objectives: The purpose of this study are to investigate the effect of heater and the most widely used anticoagulant of K3EDTA, heparin and sodium citrate on blood feeding sucsses, feeding rate, fecundity, hatchability, preadult development and survival rate of Aedes Aegypti colonies maintained by AMF system compared to direct human feeding.Methods: The system consisted of AMF with parafilm membrane which are warmed and not warmed by a waterbath. Human blood samples were used to feed Aedes aegypti using AMF. The number of eggs were counted seven days after feeding after mosquitoes laid the eggs. Every eggs were hatched in a 500 mL of rearing glass to evaluate the hatchability and preadult development. Survival rate is evaluated after blood feeding until 30 days. Data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and paired t-tests and a p value <0.05 considered as significantly difference.Results: Blood feeding success of Aedes aegypti was not significantly differ when offered blood meal using anticoagulant heparin with heater (82.22%) compare to that of control groups (81.67%) (p=0.917). There was a significant difference in feeding rate (p=0.000), fecundity (p=0.000), hatchability (p=0.000) between groups. All results were higher in heparin than K3EDTA and sodium citrate, but in pre adult development and survival rate K3EDTA showed better result than that of control, heparin and sodium citrate groups. So this anticoagulant was acceptable for maintenance of laboratory colonies of Aedes aegypti.Conclusion: We conclude that heater can increase the blood feeding sucsses. The K3EDTA, heparin and sodium citrate can affect the feeding rate, fecundity, hatchability, and preadult development, but do not affect survival rate. Heparin can be used for routine colonization of laboratory strain of Aedes aegypti with  AMF assay.Keywords: Anticoagulants, artificial membrane feeding, reproductive ability, survival rat

    Aktivitas Enzim Monooksigenase pada Larva Culex Quinquefasciatus di Kabupaten Brebes

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    Nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan salah satu vektor penular penyakit filariasis bancrofti. Kabupaten Brebes adalah salah satu daerah endemik filariasis di Jawa Tengah. Upaya untuk mengurangi angka kejadian filariasis adalah dengan mengendalikan vektor penularnya. Salah satu jenis insektisida yang sering digunakan di kalangan masyarakat adalah dari golongan permetrin. Penggunaan insektisida dalam waktu lama dapat memicu timbulnya resistensi pada serangga. Resistensi dari golongan sintetik piretroid dapat diketahui melalui aktivitas enzim monooksigenase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas enzim monooksigenase pada populasi nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus di Kabupaten Brebes. Nyamuk sampel berasal dari pemasangan ovitrap di daerah endemik dan nonendemik filariasis bancrofti di Kabupaten Brebes. Nyamuk dikembangbiakkan di Laboratorium Parasitologi Universitas Gadjah Mada sampai generasi ke dua. Uji aktivitas enzim monooksigenase dilakukan dengan metode yang dilakukan oleh Lee. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan aktivitas enzim monooksigenase pada daerah nonendemik sehingga statusnya menjadi toleran. Toleran terhadap insektisida sintetik piretroid pada populasi Culex quinquefasciatus di daerah nonendemik filariasis di Kabuaten Brebes disebabkan karena penggunaan insektisida piretroid yang juga digunakan sebagai insektisida pertanian di wilayah penelitian

    Gambaran Leukosit dan Histologi Hepar, Ren, dan Lien Mencit BALB/c (Mus musculus) yang Terinfeksi Virus Dengue 3 (DEN-3) dengan Imunohistokimia

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    Pengamatan efek infeksi virus dengue 3 (DEN-3) terhadap leukosit dan histologi dari organ dalam (hepar, ren dan lien) dilakukan untuk mendukung pengembangan vaksin dan antiviral virus DEN 3. Penelitian dilakukan pada mencit BALB/c dengan pertimbangan mencit merupakan hewan coba yang secara anatomi dan fisiologi mirip dengan manusia dan hewan ini relatif mudah ditangani dan mudah berkembang biak. Untuk serotipe virusnya dipakai serotipe DEN-3, karena serotipe ini merupakan serotipe yang dominan (50 % kasus DBD di Indonesia disebabkan oleh serotipe ini) dan banyak berhubungan dengan kasus berat. Design penelitian ini adalah eksperimental. Pengamatan yang dilakukan antara lain : keberadaan antigen dengue pada darah (leukosit) dan organ (hepar, ren dan lien) beserta perhitungan infection rate-nya, dan histopatologi organ (hepar, ren dan lien). Infeksi dilakukan secara intra vena. Keberadaan antigen dengue diamati dengan metode Imunohistokimia (IHC). Pengamatan histopatologi dilakukan dengan pewarnaan Hemotoxylin Eosin. Penelitian untuk keberadaan antigen dengue, membuktikan bahwa virus DEN-3 dapat ditemukan pada darah (leukosit) dan organ-organ mencit (hepar, ren dan lien). One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test digunakan untuk melihat data terdistribusi normal atau tidak. Hasilnya menunjukkan nilai p=0,289, ini menunjukkan data rerata infection rate terdistribusi normal (p&gt;0,05), sehingga analisis dilanjutkan dengan uji Oneway anova untuk melihat ada tidaknya perbedaan yang signifikan diantara data. Hasil Anova menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada rerata infection rate leukosit (p=0,045; p&lt;0,05). Perhitungan infection rate pada darah mencit yang dianalisa menggunakan Multiple Comparisons Post Hoc, diperoleh hasil perbedaan paling signifikan terlihat pada rerata infection rate hari ke 10 p.i. (pasca infeksi) dengan rerata infection rate hari ke 13 p.i. (p=0,007), ini menunjukkan rerata infection ratepaling tinggi terlihat pada hari ke 10 p.i. dan paling rendah pada hari ke 13 p.i. Pada pengamatan histopatologi hepar mencit perlakuan menunjukkan adanya keadaan patologis berupa nekrosis, degenerasi melemak pada hepatosit, infiltrasi limfosit disertai perdarahan dan banyak sel binukleat. Pada ren mencit perlakuan terdapat infiltrasi limfosit, degenerasi melemak dan perdarahan. Pada lien mencit perlakuan menunjukkan pulpa merah yang lebih luas dan eritrosit dengan jumlah lebih banyak dibanding lien mencit kontrol. Pada organ-organ mencit kontrol tidak ditemukan keadaan patologis seperti mencit perlakuan. Virus dengue 3 (DEN-3) dapat ditemukan pada darah (leukosit) dan organ-organ mencit (hepar, ren dan lien). Pada pengamatan histopatologi hepar, ren dan lien mencit perlakuan menunjukkan adanya keadaan patologis diantaranya berupa nekrosis, degenerasi melemak, infiltrasi limfosit dan perdarahan

    Faktor lingkungan dan malaria yang memengaruhi kasus malaria di daerah endemis tertinggi di Jawa Tengah: analisis sistem informasi geografis

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    Latar Belakang : Malaria merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Plasmodium spp dan ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Anopheles spp betina. Di Purworejo malaria masih menjadi masalah penyakit menular yang utama, pada tahun 2013-2015 kasus malaria mengalami peningkatan dari 728 kasus (API 0,98‰) pada tahun 2013 menjadi 1.411 kasus (API 1,98‰) tahun 2015.Tahun 2016 jumlah kasus sebanyak 423 kasus.Tujuan :  Menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko dengan kasus malaria, memetakan distribusi  spasial kasus malaria kaitannya dengan jarak habitat perkembangbiakan terhadap kasus dan  mengetahui habitat larva nyamuk Anopheles spp di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Winong Kabupaten Purworejo.Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasi analitik dengan rancangan penelitian case control atau retrospektive study.Variabel bebas adalah faktor cuaca, faktor lingkungan rumah dan faktor sosial budaya, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah kejadian (kasus) malaria. Distribusi kasus malaria disajikan dalam buffer zone dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hubungan variabel bebas dan terikat dianalisis dengan pendekatan analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson dan Chi square, analisis multivariat dengan uji  regresi logistik dan analisis spasial.Hasil : Analisis bivariat dengan uji korelasi Pearson menunjukan variabel suhu, kelembaban dan curah hujan tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian malaria. Uji Chi square menunjukan ada hubungan kejadian malaria dengan keberadaan breeding site (p=0,02;OR 2,5 ), kondisi dinding rumah (p=0,004; OR 0,29) dan kebiasaan keluar malam hari (p=0,01;OR 3,6 ),sedangkan keberadaan hewan ternak, jarak breeding site, kebiasaan memakai kelambu, penggunaan kawat kasa, pemakaian anti nyamuk dan kebiasaan mengunjungi daerah endemis tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian malaria. Berdasarkan uji regresi logistik kebiasaan keluar malam hari merupakan faktor risiko yang paling tinggi berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria. Pada analisis spasial terbentuk 3 cluster kejadian malaria dan hasil buffering menunjukan bahwa kebanyakan kasus berada di dalam area buffer zone pada radius 1000 m dari habitat larva nyamuk  Anopheles spp berupa kolam, selokan, genangan air, sawah dan sungai.Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan faktor cuaca dengan kejadian malaria. Ada hubungan antara keberadaan habitat perkembangbiakan larva, kondisi dinding rumah dan kebiasaan keluar malam hari dengan kejadian malaria. Terdapat 3 cluster di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Winong dan kebanyakan kasus berada di area buffer zone pada radius 1000 meter.Environmental and behavioral factors affecting malaria cases in high endemic area of Central Java: a geographic information system analysisPurposeThis research aimed to analyze risk factors involved in malaria cases, to map the spatial distribution of malaria cases related to breeding habit to location spacing and to know the habitat of Anopheles sp.  mosquito larvae near the  the public health center of Winong, district of Purworejo.MethodThis research was a case control study using data through the geographic information system.ResultsTemperature, humidity and rainfall variables had no correlation with malaria incidence. There were correlations between malaria incidence with the existence of breeding habitat, house wall condition and nighttime habit, whereas the presence of livestock, breeding site distance, the habit of wearing mosquito nets, the use of wire mesh, the use of mosquito repellent and the habit of visiting endemic areas had no correlation with malaria incidence. Night-outside habits were the highest risk factors associated with malaria incidence.ConclusionThere was no correlation between weather factors and malaria incidence. There was a correlation between the presence of larval breeding habitat, the condition of the wall of the house and the habit of going out at night with the incidence of malaria. There are 3 clusters in the work area of public health center in Winong and most cases are in the buffer zone area 1000 m distance