1,571 research outputs found

    Fibers on a graph with local load sharing

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    We study a random fiber bundle model with tips of the fibers placed on a graph having co-ordination number 3. These fibers follow local load sharing with uniformly distributed threshold strengths of the fibers. We have studied the critical behaviour of the model numerically using a finite size scaling method and the mean field critical behaviour is established. The avalanche size distribution is also found to exhibit a mean field nature in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Global logistics indicators, supply chain metrics, and bilateral trade patterns

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    Past research into the determinants of international trade highlighted the importance of the basic spatial gravity model augmented by additional variables representing sources of friction. Studies modeled many sources of friction using various proxies, including indices based on expert judgment in some cases. This paper focuses on logistics friction and draws on a data set recently compiled by the World Bank with specific quantitative metrics of logistics performance interms of time, cost, and variability in time. It finds that the new variables that relate directly to logistics performance have a statistically significant relationship with the level of bilateral trade. It also finds that a single logistics index can capture virtually all of the explanatory power of multiple logistics indicators. The findings should spur public and private agencies that have direct or indirect power over logistics performance to focus attention on reducing sources of friction so as to improve their country's ability to compete in today's global economy. Moreover, since the logistics metrics are directly related to operational performance, countries can use these metrics to target actions to improve logistics and monitor their progress.Common Carriers Industry,Transport and Trade Logistics,Economic Theory&Research,Free Trade,Trade Policy


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    Understanding the science of Ayurveda is based on proper concept of Tridosha – the Vata, Pitta and Kapha, as these form the physiological control factors. Prakruti, the biological or genetic constitution to a great extent influences each individual, in the way he is, the way he behaves, the way he reacts to certain things there by making a person unique and distinct from one-another. Acharya Sushruta the pioneer in the field of Shareera has gone through evaluating the anatomical structures under the name of Sroto-Shareera, which includes Srotas of Ahara, Dhatu, Mala and Upadhatu like Arthavavaha Srotas. Arthavavahasrotas gets originated from Garbashaya and Arthavavaha Dhamani injury to Arthavavahasrotas results in Vandhyathva, Nastarthava and Maitunaasahisnutha. In his purview it is the local injury to organs of reproductive system which may be due to excessive coitus, repeated curettage, LSCS and thereby, which may result in pelvic adhesions, local infections, tubal block, etc. ultimately leading to Maithunaasahishnutha (dyspareunia). In this study 20 women who were diagnosed as Maitunaasahisnutha selected for assessment of predominant Prakruti based on physiological and anatomical triats. From the statistical analysis it is evident that Kaphaprakruti were more prone for Maithunaashasinutha

    Work group inclusion : test of a scale and model

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    We develop a theoretically based 10-item measure of work group inclusion comprised of two components (belongingness and uniqueness) and use this measure to empirically test the nomological network of work group inclusion developed by Shore et al. In Phase 1, we use two samples of full-time employees to develop and refine items as well as establish content validity. In Phase 2, we demonstrate convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity with both conceptually related and unrelated constructs. In Phase 3, we use data from an additional sample of employees and supervisors to test criterion-related validity and mediation by examining the multilevel relationships between inclusion and important antecedents and outcomes. Across the three phases of our study, the results demonstrate support not only for the factor structure, reliability, and validity of our work group inclusion measure but also for a theoretical model in which the construct of inclusion has important implications for individuals and organizations

    A random fiber bundle with many discontinuities in the threshold distribution

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    We study the breakdown of a random fiber bundle model (RFBM) with nn-discontinuities in the threshold distribution using the global load sharing scheme. In other words, n+1n+1 different classes of fibers identified on the basis of their threshold strengths are mixed such that the strengths of the fibers in the ithi-th class are uniformly distributed between the values σ2i2\sigma_{2i-2} and σ2i1\sigma_{2i-1} where 1in+11 \leq i \leq n+1. Moreover, there is a gap in the threshold distribution between ithi-th and i+1thi+1-th class. We show that although the critical stress depends on the parameter values of the system, the critical exponents are identical to that obtained in the recursive dynamics of a RFBM with a uniform distribution and global load sharing. The avalanche size distribution (ASD), on the other hand, shows a non-universal, non-power law behavior for smaller values of avalanche sizes which becomes prominent only when a critical distribution is approached. We establish that the behavior of the avalanche size distribution for an arbitrary nn is qualitatively similar to a RFBM with a single discontinuity in the threshold distribution (n=1n=1), especially when the density and the range of threshold values of fibers belonging to strongest (n+1n+1)-th class is kept identical in all the cases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of discontinuity in threshold distribution on the critical behaviour of a random fiber bundle

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    The critical behaviour of a Random Fiber Bundle Model with mixed uniform distribution of threshold strengths and global load sharing rule is studied with a special emphasis on the nature of distribution of avalanches for different parameters of the distribution. The discontinuity in the threshold strength distribution of fibers non-trivially modifies the critical stress as well as puts a restriction on the allowed values of parameters for which the recursive dynamics approach holds good. The discontinuity leads to a non-universal behaviour in the avalanche size distribution for smaller values of avalanche size. We observe that apart from the mean field behaviour for larger avalanches, a new behaviour for smaller avalanche size is observed as a critical threshold distribution is approached. The phenomenological understanding of the above result is provided using the exact analytical result for the avalanche size distribution. Most interestingly,the prominence of non-universal behaviour in avalanche size distribution depends on the system parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, text and figures modifie

    Vertical and longitudinal electron density structures of equatorial E- and F-regions

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    From global soundings of ionospheric electron density made with FORMOSAT 3/COSMIC satellites for September 2006–August 2009, day-night variations in vertical and longitudinal structures of the electron densities in equatorial E- and F-regions for different seasons are investigated for the first time. The results reveal that the wavenumber-3 and wavenumber-4 patterns dominated the nighttime (22:00–04:00 LT) F-region longitudinal structures in solstice and in equinox seasons, respectively. In daytime (08:00–18:00 LT) F-region, the wavenumber-4 patterns governed the longitudinal structures in the September equinox and December solstice, and wavenumber-3 in March equinox and June solstice respectively. A comparison of the daytime and nighttime longitudinal electron density structures indicates that they are approximately 180° out of phase with each other. It is believed that this out of phase relation is very likely the result of the opposite phase relation between daytime and nighttime nonmigrating diurnal tidal winds that modulate background E-region dynamo electric field at different places, leading to the day-night change in the locations of the equatorial plasma fountains that are responsible for the formation of the F-region longitudinal structures. Further, a good consistency between the locations of the density structures in the same seasons of the different years for both daytime and nighttime epochs has been noticed indicating that the source mechanism for these structures could be the same

    Exploited seerfish fishery resources of India - A review

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    Seerfishes forming 1.7 % of the total marine Jish catch of the country are considered as one of the high value resources Andhra Pradesh (14.3%) and Tami Nadu (11.5%) on the east coast and Gujarat (22.8%). Maharashtra (16.9%) and Kerala (16.1%) on the west coast are the principal contributors of seerfish. They are caught mainly in gillnet (65.12%) and hook & line (6.96%) from 25-50 m depth zone and. in trawl (11.47%) operated from beyond 50 m depth. Of the five species available in Indian waters, the fishery is sustained by the king seer Scomberomorus commerson and the spotted seer S.guttatus. The stock assessment studies on the king seer revealed that the present yield in different regions of the country are closer to MSY. However there is scope for stepping up production by extending fishing operations to the deeper waters beyond 50 m depth. The paper reviews their fishery, biology and stock characteristics in Indian waters