12 research outputs found

    Especies herbáceas nativas : aportes para su cultivo como coberturas vegetales en viñedos bajo riego en Mendoza : estudios de intercambio gaseoso, eficiencia hídrica y potencial alelopático de lixiviados

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias)--UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2013.Los cultivos de cobertura son utilizados dentro del manejo de suelo en viñedos como una herramienta ambientalmente sostenible con diversos objetivos. Mientras que las coberturas verdes contribuyen al secuestro y almacenamiento de carbono edáfico, una de sus mayores limitantes consiste en el consumo extra de agua. Las coberturas vegetales con especies herbáceas nativas, adaptadas a condiciones de baja disponibilidad hídrica, pueden ser una alternativa factible de establecer en cultivos perennes bajo riego localizado. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los atributos más relevantes de gramíneas nativas propuestas como cultivos de cobertura en viñedos, entre ellos la utilización eficiente del agua, la fijación de dióxido de carbono y sus potenciales efectos alelopáticos. Se identificaron seis especies nativas predominantes en tres zonas vitivinícolas de Mendoza. Las especies autóctonas Digitaria californica, Leptochloa dubia, Setaria mendocina, Pappophorum caespitosum, Sporobolus cryptandrus y Nassella tenuis fueron comparadas con especies exóticas cultivadas (Trifolium repens, Festuca arundinacea y Secale cereale) y malezas (Sorghum halepense y Cynodon dactylon). Los estudios de intercambio gaseoso mediante cámara abierta para canopia diferenciaron el comportamiento de distintas especies y alternativas de labranza. En Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, con clima caluroso, de sequía moderada y noches frías, se estableció un ensayo en macetas con diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado con 12 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones. Se determinó consumo hídrico por el método gravimétrico e intercambio gaseoso a nivel de planta entera. Se evaluó el potencial alelopático de los lixiviados de diferentes coberturas vegetales. La comparación de medias se efectuó mediante ANAVA y prueba de Tukey (α=0,05). Las especies tipo C4 presentaron menor consumo hídrico y mayor eficiencia en el uso del agua en condiciones de restricción hídrica y temperatura elevada. A pesar de reducir su fijación de dióxido de carbono, ésta disminuyó comparativamente menos que su evapotranspiración. Durante una jornada estival en condiciones de experimentación en macetas, una especie nativa tipo C4 (D. californica) asimiló hasta 4 g CO2 m-2 día-1, en comparación con una emisión de 2 a 5 g CO2 generada por el suelo descubierto y una especie perenne tipo C3 (F. arundinacea), respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos pueden servir de base para efectuar una estimación más precisa de las huellas de carbono e hídrica en frutales. El agua de lixiviado de los diferentes cultivos de cobertura no afectó el crecimiento de plantas jóvenes de vid creciendo en macetas. Sin embargo, se encontró una interacción entre las especies y el suelo, mediante la cual el balance de nutrientes fue alterado de manera positiva o negativa, dependiendo del tipo de cultivo de cobertura. Dentro del contexto de elevada temperatura y escasez de agua, según lo predicho para la zona Centro-Oeste de la Argentina, las especies herbáceas nativas tipo C4 surgen con mayores probabilidades de éxito como cultivos de cobertura en viñedos con riego localizado. En comparación con cultivos introducidos, las especies C4 hacen un uso más eficiente del agua en condiciones naturales de sequía durante los meses de verano. Por el contrario, especies nativas tipo C3 con ciclo de crecimiento invernal (ej.: N. tenuis) emergen como una opción en situaciones donde es deseable una mínima competencia con la vid durante los meses de primavera.Cover crops have been largely used in the soil mana gement of vineyards as an environmentally sustainable tool for diverse purpos es. While cover crops contribute to soil carbon sequestration and storage, one of their majo r limitations is the extra amount of water that they use. Cover crops with native grass species adapted to low water availability conditions may be a feasible alternative in perenni al crops under drip irrigation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the most relevant traits of native grasses proposed as cover crops in vineyards, including water use efficiency, carbo n dioxide fixation and potential allelopathic effects. Six predominant native specie s were identified in three wine regions of Mendoza, Argentina. Indigenous species of Digitaria californica Leptochloa dubia , Setaria mendocina , Pappophorum caespitosum , Sporobolus cryptandrus and Nassella tenuis were compared with introduced crop species ( Trifolium repens , Festuca arundinacea and Secale cereale ) and weeds ( Sorghum halepense and Cynodon dactylon ). Gas exchange studies using an open canopy chamber d ifferentiated the behavior of the different species and tillage alternatives. In Lujá n de Cuyo, Mendoza, with a warm climate, moderate drought and cold nights, a pot trial was e stablished with completely randomized design including 12 treatments and 5 replicates. Wa ter consumption by the gravimetric method and gas exchange at the level of whole plant were measured. The allelopathic potential of leachate from the different cover crop s was also assessed. Comparison of means was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test ( α =0.05). C 4 species had lower water consumption and higher water use efficiency under e levated temperature and water restriction, because its evapotranspiration decreas ed proportionally more than the carbon dioxide fixation. During a summer day in experiment al conditions in pots, a native C 4 species ( D. californica ) assimilate up to 4 g CO 2 m -2 day -1 , compared with an emission of 2-5 g CO 2 generated by bare soil and a perennial C 3 type ( F. arundinacea ), respectively. The results could be used as a baseline to perform a more accurate estimation of carbon and water footprints in orchards. Water leaching of different cover crops did not affect the growth of young vines growing in pots. However, an interaction between the species and soil was found whereby the balance of nutrients in the soil was altered by the type of cover crop. Within the context of elevated temperature an d water scarcity, as predicted for the Central-West of Argentina, native herbaceous C 4 type species emerge most likely to succeed as cover crops in drip-irrigated vineyards. Compared with introduced crops, C 4 species make a more efficient use of water under na tural dry conditions during summer months. On the contrary, native C 3 type species with winter growing cycle (e.g.: N. tenuis ) emerge as an option in situations where minimum com petition is desirable with the vine during the spring months

    Manejo de suelo mediante coberturas vegetales establecidas

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos de las coberturas vegetales en el microclima de la planta de vid. Se compararon cinco coberturas de diferente ciclo vegetativo con respecto al manejo de suelo sin labranza mediante aplicación de herbicidas. El estudio se desarrolló en un viñedo cv. Malbec conducido en espaldera alta, situado en Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Se determinaron parámetros microclimáticos, temperatura, humedad relativa y radiación a nivel de racimos, temperatura del suelo, cantidad y calidad de la radiación reflejada por la cobertura. También se midió la expresión vegetativa y de uvas y el potencial enológico. Se verificó una significativa disminución de la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (RFA) reflejada por las coberturas con una menor relación “Rojo/Rojo lejano" comparada con el suelo descubierto. Sin embargo, el efecto no se percibió dentro de la canopia debido a que las coberturas permanentes de trébol rojo (Trifolium pratensis) y agropiro alargado (Agropyron elongatum) restringieron el vigor de las cepas, disminuyendo el crecimiento de brotes y el tamaño de hojas, lo cual se tradujo en una mayor recepción directa de la RFA a nivel de racimos. No hubo una significativa variación en cuanto a temperatura máxima, mínima y amplitud térmica a nivel de racimos. No obstante ello, los tratamientos con mayor cobertura de suelo tendieron a reducir levemente la temperatura mínima a nivel de racimos. La humedad relativa en la canopia no fue significativamente afectada. El trébol rojo, el agropiro alargado, la mezcla centeno-cebadilla (Secale cereale-Bromus catharticus) y el sorgo del Sudán (Sorghum sudanensis) redujeron notablemente la amplitud térmica del suelo. El efecto fue determinado principalmente por la disminución de la temperatura máxima. Las coberturas vegetales con alguna dificultad para desarrollarse durante su ciclo vegetativo tuvieron un comportamiento intermedio o uno muy similar al de un suelo descubierto. La introducción de una cobertura permanente con buena invasión del sitio interfilar permitió modificar indirectamente las características microclimáticas de la canopia, a través del control del crecimiento vegetativo y de los rendimientos de la planta de vid, modificando el equilibrio vigor / producción del viñedo, y por lo tanto la composición de las uvas y del vino elaborado.L'objectif de cette recherche a été de déterminer les effets de l'enherbement dans le microclimat de la vigne. On a comparé cinq couvertures de cycle végétatif différent en ce qui concerne l’entretien du sol sans culture par applications d’herbicides. L'étude a été développée dans un vignoble cv. Malbec conduite en haute espalier, situé en Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentine. On a déterminé des paramètres microclimatiques, température, humidité relative et radiation au niveau des grappes, de température du sol, quantité et qualité de la radiation réfléchie par la couverture. On a aussi mesuré l’expression végétative et de raisins et le potentiel oenologique. On a vérifié une diminution significative de la RPA réfléchie par l’enherbement avec une plus petite relation "Rouge/Rouge éloigné" comparée avec le sol découvert. Toutefois, l’effet n’a pas été perçu dans l'intérieur du couvert végétal du au fait que l’enherbement permanentes de trèfle rouge (Trifolium pratensis) et agropyre élevé (Agropyron elongatum) ont restreint la vigueur des souches, en diminuant la croissance des rameaux et la taille des feuilles, ce qui a été traduit dans une plus grande réception directe de la radiation photosynthétiquement active (RPA) au niveau des grappes. Il n'y a pas eu une variation significative quant à température maximale, minimale et à amplitude thermique au niveau des grappes. Cependant, les traitements avec une plus grande couverture du sol ont tendu à réduire légèrement la température minimale au niveau des grappes. L'humidité relative dans le couvert végétal n'a pas été significativement affectée. Le trèfle rouge, l’agropyre élevé, la mélange seigle et brome (Secale cereale-Bromus catharticus) et le millet du Sudán (Sorghum sudanensis) ont notamment réduit l’amplitude thermique du sol. L’effet a été déterminé principalement par la diminution de la température maximale. L’enherbement avec une certaine difficulté pour être développé pendant leur cycle végétatif ont eu un comportement intermédiaire ou un très semblable à celui d’un sol découvert. L'introduction d'un enherbement permanente avec une bonne invasion de l’inter rang a permis de modifier indirectement les caractéristiques microclimatiques de la couvert végétal, à travers le contrôle de la croissance végétative et des rendements de la vigne, en modifiant l'équilibre vigueur / production du vignoble, et par conséquent la composition des raisins et le vin élaboré.The objective of this research was to determine the effects of cover crops in grapevine microclimate. Five different species with diverse vegetative cycle against no tillage soil management through herbicides applications were compared. The study was developed in a vineyard of cv. Malbec trellised in vertically positioned shoots (VPS), located in Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Measures of microclimatic parameters, temperature, relative humidity and radiation at bunch level, soil temperature, quantity and quality of cover reflected radiation were taken. Measures of vegetative and grapes expression and enological potential were taken into account. A significant decrease of cover crop reflected photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) with a significantly poorer “Red/Far red ratio" than a bare soil was verified. However, this had no effects inside the canopy because permanent cover crops of red clover (Trifolium pratensis) and tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) resulted in a restriction in vine vigor, diminishing shoot growth and leaf size, which translated in a greater direct PAR reception at bunches level. There was not a significant variation of maximum and minimum temperatures or thermic amplitude at bunches level. Nevertheless, the treatments with a greater ground cover tended to lightly reduce the minimum temperature at bunch level. Relative humidity in the canopy was not significantly affected. Red clover, tall wheatgrass, cereal rye-chess mix (Secale cereale-Bromus catharticus) and sudangrass (Sorghum sudanensis) notably decreased soil thermic amplitude. This effect was mainly due to a decrease in the maximum temperature. Cover crops species with difficulty to develop during their cycle had an intermediate behavior or one very similar to that of a bare soil. The introduction of a permanent cover crop with a good invasion of inter row spacing allowed to indirectly modify the canopy microclimatic characteristics, through control in vegetative growth and vine yield, modifying the balance vigor / yield of the vineyard, and consequently, grape composition and elaborated wine.Fil: Uliarte, Ernesto Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

    Gas exchange and water use efficiency of native cover crops (Mendoza, Argentina), introduced crop species and weeds

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    Los cultivos de cobertura son utilizados como una herramienta ambientalmentesostenible con diversos propósitos. Una de las mayores limitantes para el usode una cobertura vegetal es el consumo adicional de agua. Las especiesherbáceas nativas adaptadas a baja disponibilidad hídrica pueden ser unaalternativa factible en cultivos bajo riego localizado. El objetivo del estudiofue evaluar la eficiencia en el uso de agua y la fijación de dióxido de C detres especies exóticas cultivadas, dos malezas y seis gramíneas nativasseleccionadas en tres regiones vitivinícolas de Mendoza, Argentina. Laexperimentación se efectuó en Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, con unidadesexperimentales (macetas) distribuidas en diseño completamente aleatorizadocon 12 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones. Se determinó consumo hídrico por elmétodo gravimétrico e intercambio gaseoso en la planta entera. Las especiesnativas tipo C4 presentaron el menor consumo hídrico anual y elevada eficienciaen el uso del agua en condiciones de restricción hídrica y temperatura elevada,debido a que su evapotranspiración se redujo proporcionalmente más que lafijación de dióxido de C. Los resultados obtenidos bajo condiciones controladassugieren que estas gramíneas nativas pueden tener éxito como cultivos decobertura en el sitio interfilar de viñedos bajo riego por goteo.Cover crops have been largely used in the soil management of vineyards as an environmentally sustainable tool for diverse purposes. A major limitation for cover crop use is the additional water consumption. Native grasses adapted to low water availability may be a feasible alternative under drip irrigation. The aim of the study was to evaluate water use efficiency and carbon dioxide fixation of three introduced cover crops, two weeds and six native grasses selected from three viticultural regions of Mendoza, Argentina. The experiment was conducted in Lujan de Cuyo, Mendoza, with experimental units (pots) distributed in a completely randomized design with 12 treatments and five replicates. Water consumption following the gravimetric method and gas exchange in whole plant were measured. Native C4 grasses presented the lowest annual water consumption and high water use efficiency under elevated temperature and limited water availability, since evapotranspiration decreased proportionally more than the carbon dioxide fixation. Results obtained under controlled conditions suggest that these native grasses can succeed as interrow cover crops in vineyards under drip irrigation.Fil: Uliarte, Ernesto Martín. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Parera, Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan; ArgentinaFil: Alessandria, Esteban Emilio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Dalmasso, Antonio Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; Argentin

    Effect of bioslurries on tomato Solanum lycopersicum L and lettuce Lactuca sativa development

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    Bioslurries, obtained by anaerobic digestion of fresh organic matter, are emerging as a cheaper and low-impact alternative for synthetic products in agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate bioslurry obtained from biogas digestion (Biog), bioslurry for plant nutrition by FAO (Bfao), and lactic fermentation (Blac) as biostimulant in tomato and lettuce plants. Based on a toxicity test, a 10% dilution was finally applied to the plants. In lettuce, Bfao and Blac significantly increased aerial biomass (2.17 ±0.54 and 2.33 ±1.13 g respectively), regarding water control (1.16 ±0.60 g), while root biomass was only increased by Bfao (1.60 ±0.44 g) compared to control (0.66 ±0.34 g). All digestates increased chlorophyll content index (CCI), while yield (Fv/Fm) and performance index (Plabs) did not show differences with water control. In tomato, only aerial biomass was significantly increased by Bfao. All digestates significantly increased CCI, while Fv/Fm was only significantly higher in Bfao and Blac, related to water control. PIabs showed no differences. In both plant species, commercial fertilizer showed significantly higher values for all parameters. In conclusion, all digestates stimulated plant growth, Bfao showed the highest effect on tomatoes and lettuce biomass followed by Blac and Biog, being a cheaper, safer and lower-impact alternative for traditional products for crop growing. Highlights Digestates are valuable by-products, with different characteristics and effects on plant biomass, suggesting complex interactions. All digestates stimulated tomatoes and lettuce growth. The digestate designed by FAO showed the highest effect on plant biomass, constituting an adequate alternative for a cheaper, safer and low-impact strategy for crop growth.Bioslurries, obtained by anaerobic digestion of fresh organic matter, are emerging as a cheaper and low-impact alternative for synthetic products in agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate bioslurry obtained from biogas digestion (Biog), bioslurry for plant nutrition by FAO (Bfao), and lactic fermentation (Blac) as biostimulant in tomato and lettuce plants. Based on a toxicity test, a 10% dilution was finally applied to the plants. In lettuce, Bfao and Blac significantly increased aerial biomass (2.17 ±0.54 and 2.33 ±1.13 g respectively), regarding water control (1.16 ±0.60 g), while root biomass was only increased by Bfao (1.60 ±0.44 g) compared to control (0.66 ±0.34 g). All digestates increased chlorophyll content index (CCI), while yield (Fv/Fm) and performance index (Plabs) did not show differences with water control. In tomato, only aerial biomass was significantly increased by Bfao. All digestates significantly increased CCI, while Fv/Fm was only significantly higher in Bfao and Blac, related to water control. PIabs showed no differences. In both plant species, commercial fertilizer showed significantly higher values for all parameters. In conclusion, all digestates stimulated plant growth, Bfao showed the highest effect on tomatoes and lettuce biomass followed by Blac and Biog, being a cheaper, safer and lower-impact alternative for traditional products for crop growing. Highlights Digestates are valuable by-products, with different characteristics and effects on plant biomass, suggesting complex interactions. All digestates stimulated tomatoes and lettuce growth. The digestate designed by FAO showed the highest effect on plant biomass, constituting an adequate alternative for a cheaper, safer and low-impact strategy for crop growth

    Meta-Analysis of Yields of Crops Fertilized with Compost Tea and Anaerobic Digestate

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    Organic inputs constitute an alternative way to replace or reduce the use of agrochemicals in order to increase sustainability and reduce negative impacts of agriculture on the environment. A consistent determination of average yields obtained with organic fertilizers in comparison to synthetic fertilizers is necessary to assess their potential in both commercial and organic agriculture. To achieve this goal, a meta-analysis of existing scientific data of yields obtained with digestate or compost tea fertilization was performed. After a systematic bibliographic search of scientific publications, 35 final papers remained from >1000 initial results. Data of crop yield with digestate or compost tea fertilization, as well as control and synthetic fertilizer treatments, were extracted from the selected articles and used to calculate response ratios (ratios of means), obtaining 106 observations. The meta-analysis showed that digestate fertilization produced yields 80% higher than the control. Yields were statistically similar to those obtained with conventional treatments with chemical fertilization (only 2% lower in average). The results for digestate are considered robust as the significance did not change after conducting publication bias analyses. However, the high heterogeneity observed suggests the existence of explanatory variables accounting for part of the observed dispersion. Subgroup analyses were conducted to determine the variation of the results of digestate across crop species and field or greenhouse experiments, while compost teas did not present adequate data quantity to obtain reliable results. According to this meta-analysis, anaerobic digestate had an acceptable performance as fertilizer for several crops at a reported application rate ranging from 100 to 480 kg N ha−1. Regarding compost tea, yields were 92% higher than the control and 10% lower than synthetic fertilization treatments, although more information is required to draw a conclusive result due to the low number of observations of this fertilizer. Further investigation is necessary to understand yield variations under different scenarios to study the influence of secondary variables and to propose management measures for producers.Fil: Curadelli, Franco. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Alberto, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Uliarte, Ernesto Martín. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Combina, Mariana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Funes Pinter, Mariano Iván. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentin

    Evaluation of a drift recovery panel for phytosanitary treatments in vineyards

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    Se construyó un panel con deshumidificadores acoplable a máquinas atomizadoras convencionales, capaz de retener el líquido de pulverización que se pierde por deriva. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: a) verificar su capacidad de recuperación, b) estudiar su influencia en las características del pulverizado y c) comprobar la variación de la deriva en el suelo y las hileras aledañas. El prototipo se ensayó en un viñedo cv. Malbec conducido en espaldera alta. La aplicación de oxicloruro de cobre con equipo hidroneumático convencional se definió como tratamiento testigo. Se evaluó la calidad de la pulverización usando papeles hidrosensibles y receptores ubicados en la hilera tratada, dos hileras adyacentes y el suelo. En ensayos a campo, el panel recuperó el 37% del volumen aplicado para inicios del desarrollo vegetativo y el 11% con máxima vegetación. El recuperador no influyó en la cantidad de producto depositado, ni en la calidad de distribución del pulverizado sobre la canopia tratada. En el tratamiento convencional se comprobó que gran parte de la deriva se pierde principalmente en el suelo aledaño a las hileras pulverizadas. El panel redujo significativamente la deriva en el suelo, tanto en depósito de pesticida como en cantidad de impactos por superficie.A panel with dehumidifiers attachable to conventional sprayers was designed, capable of retaining the spray liquid that is lost by drift. The objectives of this study were: a) verify the recovery capacity of the panel, b) to study their influence on the characteristics of spraying, c) check the drift modification in soil and the surrounding rows. The prototype was tested in a vertical shoot positioned (VSP) trellised vineyard cv. Malbec. The application of copper oxychloride with conventional hydropneumatic equipment was defined as a control treatment. Spray quality was assessed using water sensitive papers and receptors on the treated row, in two adjacent rows and soil. In field trials, the panel recovers 37% of the volume applied for early vegetative development and 11% with maximum vegetation. The panel did not influence the amount of product deposited, nor the quality of the spray distribution on the treated canopy. In the conventional treatment it was found that drift is lost mainly in the soil adjacent to the treated rows. The panel significantly reduced drift to the soil, both the deposit of pesticide applied as the quantity of surface impacts.Fil: Ambrogetti, Alejandro Omar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza.Fil: Uliarte, Ernesto Martín. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza.Fil: Montoya, Marcos Adrian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza.Fil: Haist, Walter.Fil: Del Monte, Raúl Feliciano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza

    Performance of grape marc and organic residues compost as substrate in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seedlings

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    Composting is an aerobic process used to treat organic residues, which results in a high quality product, able to be adopted as plant substrate or soil amendment. In the present study, the performance of compost on the germination and biomass of Lactuca sativa var Grand rapids seedlings, with and without fertilization, was evaluated. The two types of composts used were prepared from two different raw materials: grape marc and a mixture of grape marc, goat manure, leaves and alfalfa. The experiment was carried out in seedling trays, in a split plot design with two factors (fertilization and substrate) and four repetitions. Sand were used as control and a commercial substrate as traditional treatment. Results indicated that fertilization had not significant effect on germination, but increased seedling biomass. Both compost also increased lettuce biomass, with the highest values obtained in mixture compost treatments. Only sand produced the lowest germination values, while no differences were detected among the other substrates. Compost mixture showed the highest seedling biomass, suggesting a higher quality as a plant substrate. It is necessary to perform further analyses and studies with different organic residues in order to determine physico-chemical and biological properties to evaluate the quality of the product obtained.Composting is an aerobic process used to treat organic residues, which results in a high quality product, able to be adopted as plant substrate or soil amendment. In the present study, the performance of compost on the germination and biomass of Lactuca sativa var Grand rapids seedlings, with and without fertilization, was evaluated. The two types of composts used were prepared from two different raw materials: grape marc and a mixture of grape marc, goat manure, leaves and alfalfa. The experiment was carried out in seedling trays, in a split plot design with two factors (fertilization and substrate) and four repetitions. Sand were used as control and a commercial substrate as traditional treatment. Results indicated that fertilization had not significant effect on germination, but increased seedling biomass. Both compost also increased lettuce biomass, with the highest values obtained in mixture compost treatments. Only sand produced the lowest germination values, while no differences were detected among the other substrates. Compost mixture showed the highest seedling biomass, suggesting a higher quality as a plant substrate. It is necessary to perform further analyses and studies with different organic residues in order to determine physico-chemical and biological properties to evaluate the quality of the product obtained

    Efecto de bioles en el desarrollo de tomate Solanum lycopersicum L y lechuga Lactuca sativa

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    Bioslurries, obtained by anaerobic digestion of fresh organic matter, are emerging as a cheaper and low-impact alternative for synthetic products in agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate bioslurry obtained from biogas digestion (Biog), bioslurry for plant nutrition by FAO (Bfao), and lactic fermentation (Blac) as biostimulant in tomato and lettuce plants. Based on a toxicity test, a 10% dilution was finally applied to the plants. In lettuce, Bfao and Blac significantly increased aerial biomass (2.17 ±0.54 and 2.33 ±1.13 g respectively), regarding water control (1.16 ±0.60 g), while root biomass was only increased by Bfao (1.60 ±0.44 g) compared to control (0.66 ±0.34 g). All digestates increased chlorophyll content index (CCI), while yield (Fv/Fm) and performance index (Plabs) did not show differences with water control. In tomato, only aerial biomass was significantly increased by Bfao. All digestates significantly increased CCI, while Fv/Fm was only significantly higher in Bfao and Blac, related to water control. PIabs showed no differences. In both plant species, commercial fertilizer showed significantly higher values for all parameters. In conclusion, all digestates stimulated plant growth, Bfao showed the highest effect on tomatoes and lettuce biomass followed by Blac and Biog, being a cheaper, safer and lower-impact alternative for traditional products for crop growing.Los bioles son bioinsumos obtenidos de la digestión anaeróbica de materia orgánica, que surgen como una alternativa económica y de bajo impacto para la agricultura. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los bioles obtenidos de: la producción de biogás (Biog), elaborado para la nutrición vegetal con base en la FAO (Bfao), y de una fermentación láctica (Blac),para utilizarse como bioestimulantes enlechuga y tomate. Sobre la basedel análisisde toxicidad, la dilución al 10% fue seleccionada para aplicarse en las plantas. En lechuga, Bfao y Blac incrementaron significativamente la biomasa aérea (2,17 ±0,54 y 2,33 ±1,13 g respectivamente), referente al control (1,16 ±0,60 g), mientras que la biomasa radical presentó mayores valores solo en Bfao (1,60 ±0,44 g), comparado al control (0,66 ±0,34 g). Los bioles incrementaron el contenido de clorofila (CCI), mientras que los índices de rendimiento (Fv/Fm) y de desempeño (Plabs) no se diferenciaron del control. En tomate, solo la biomasa aérea fue significativamente mayor en Bfao, todos los bioinsumos incrementaron significativamente CCI, mientras que Fv/Fm solo por Bfao y Blac, y PIabs no mostró diferencias respecto al control. En ambos, lechuga y tomate el fertilizante comercial fue el tratamiento con mayores valores, sin embargo, todos los bioinsumos estimularon el crecimiento vegetal. El mayor efecto fue producido por Bfao, seguido de Blac y Biog, siendo una alternativa adecuada para una producción vegetal económica, segura y con menor impacto.Fil: Funes Pinter, Mariano Iván. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Salomon, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Martín, José Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Uliarte, Ernesto Martín. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Hidalgo, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Evaluación de un panel para recuperación de deriva en aplicaciones fitosanitarias en viñedos

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    A panel with dehumidifiers attachable to conventional sprayers was designed, capable of retaining the spray liquid that is lost by drift. The objectives of this study were: a) verify the recovery capacity of the panel, b) to study their influence on the characteristics of spraying, c) check the drift modification in soil and the surrounding rows. The prototype was tested in a vertical shoot positioned (VSP) trellised vineyard cv. Malbec. The application of copper oxychloride with conventional hydropneumatic equipment was defined as a control treatment. Spray quality was assessed using water sensitive papers and receptors on the treated row, in two adjacent rows and soil. In field trials, the panel recovers 37% of the volume applied for early vegetative development and 11% with maximum vegetation. The panel did not influence the amount of product deposited, nor the quality of the spray distribution on the treated canopy. In the conventional treatment it was found that drift is lost mainly in the soil adjacent to the treated rows. The panel significantly reduced drift to the soil, both the deposit of pesticide applied as the quantity of surface impacts.Se construyó un panel con deshumidificadores acoplable a máquinas atomizadoras convencionales, capaz de retener el líquido de pulverización que se pierde por deriva. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: a) verificar su capacidad de recuperación, b) estudiar su influencia en las características del pulverizado y c) comprobar la variación de la deriva en el suelo y las hileras aledañas. El prototipo se ensayó en un viñedo cv. Malbec conducido en espaldera alta. La aplicación de oxicloruro de cobre con equipo hidroneumático convencional se definió como tratamiento testigo. Se evaluó la calidad de la pulverización usando papeles hidrosensibles y receptores ubicados en la hilera tratada, dos hileras adyacentes y el suelo. En ensayos a campo, el panel recuperó el 37% del volumen aplicado para inicios del desarrollo vegetativo y el 11% con máxima vegetación. El recuperador no influyó en la cantidad de producto depositado, ni en la calidad de distribución del pulverizado sobre la canopia tratada. En el tratamiento convencional se comprobó que gran parte de la deriva se pierde principalmente en el suelo aledaño a las hileras pulverizadas. El panel redujo significativamente la deriva en el suelo, tanto en depósito de pesticida como en cantidad de impactos por superficie

    Compost tea and bioslurry as plant biostimulants. Part 2: biofertilizer test in ornamental flowers

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    The present study tested the effect of aerated (AM), non-aerated (NAM), a 1:1 combination of both compost teas (A-NAM), and bioslurry (B) as bio-fertilizers in two ornamental plants growing in different substrates. The present study aimed to evaluate the products as biostimulants in ornamental plants. Compost teas were brewed from a composted mixture of residues, while bioslurry was prepared, with fresh material and no aeration. Two ornamental plant species were used: Petunia hybrida and Impatiens walleriana. Experimental presented a completely randomized factorial design, with two factors: Biostimulants with 6 levels: AM, NAM, A-NAM, B, F (traditional fertilizer), and H2O (control); and Substrate, with 3 levels: sand, commercial, and compost. Bio-inputs presented variable properties and effects on plant growth, with significant interaction between factors. In sand, no effect of bioproducts on plant biomass, SPAD index and pigments content were observed. In compost, B significantly increased I. walleriana and P. hybrida dry biomass (1.75 ± 0.42 g and 1.54 ± 0.28 g, respect to 1.33 ± 0.18 g for H2O), while in the commercial substrate, only in P. hybrida (1.35 ± 0.44 g, regarding 0.42 ± 0.11 g for H2O). All bio-inputs increased pigments content of both plant species in all substrates. To our knowledge, this is the first record that B was tested, which increased plant biomass at similar values to traditional fertilizer. We demonstrated that the biostimulants brewed from organic residues might present the same performance as commercial fertilizers.Fil: Funes Pinter, Mariano Iván. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pisi, Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Aroca, Matias. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Uliarte, Ernesto Martín. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; Argentin