16 research outputs found

    Hydroponic Production Systems in Greenhouses

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    Hydroponic production means the growing of vegetables, herbs and ornamental plants and fruits in a nutrient solution (a solution of water and macro- and micronutrients) with or without the use of a substrate that gives the mechanical support to plant. The most important advantages of hydroponics are as follows: continuous cultivation of one crop, better control and supply of plants with water and plant nutrients, reduced occurrence of plant pests and minimized environmental impact and increased water use efficiency. The main hydroponic cultivation technique of fruit vegetables is cultivation on substrates, often called soilless system. Growing substrate (organic, inorganic or synthetic) provides an aseptic environment, good oxygenation and an adequate nutrient solution flow, so the most important substrate properties are biological and chemical inert, porosity and capillarity. Its choice depends on climatic conditions, the type of equipment in the greenhouse and the plant requirements. Hydroponics is also suitable for growing crops with a shorter growing period such as leafy vegetables and herbs. Plants are grown by different growing techniques in a nutrient solution without a substrate (nutrient film technique, floating hydroponics, ebb and flow and aeroponics). These are closed hydroponic systems, which means that drainage nutrient solution is collected, sterilized and reused

    Organic protection of vegetables based on medicinal plants

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    Ljekovite i aromatične vrste tradicijski i generacijski nezaobilazni su dio svakog ekološkog povrtnjaka, a njihova višestruka funkcija sve je češći predmet znanstvenih istraživanja. Osim što svojim intenzivnim mirisom i raskošnim izgledom obogaćuju povrtnjak, privlače korisne kukce i oprašivače čime se održava prirodna ravnoteža i potiče bioraznolikost. Posijane ili posađene u blizini povrtnih vrsta kroz združivanje usjeva ili konsocijacije, mogu poticajno djelovati na njihov rast i razvoj, što se očituje kroz pozitivne alelopatske odnose i repelenciju štetnih organizama tla, štetnika na biljkama i uzročnika bolesti (gljivice i bakterije). Premda, zbog alelokemikalija koje aromatične vrste izlučuju mogu djelovati i inhibirajuće na rast i razvoj drugih vrsta u blizini. Zbog toga je prilikom združivanja potrebno poznavati karakter susjedskih odnosa aromatičnih i povrtnih vrsta. Od nekih ljekovitih i aromatičnih biljaka mogu se pripremati botanički pripravci, koji stimulativno djeluju na rast i razvoj biljaka te jačanje njihove otpornosti (bio-gnojiva) ili se koriste u svrhu suzbijanja bolesti i štetnika (bio-insekticidi).Medicinal and aromatic plants of traditional and generational types are part of every organic vegetable garden, and their multiple functions are increasingly the subject of scientific research. Not only do they enrich the vegetable garden with their intense fragrances and luxurious appearance, but they also attract beneficial insects and pollinators, which maintains the natural balance and promotes biodiversity. When sown or planted near vegetable gardens (association of plants or associations), they can stimulate their growth and development, which is manifested by positive allelopathic relationships and repellency of soil pests, then insects on plants and pathogenic microorganisms (fungi and bacteria). However, allelochemicals secreted by aromatic plants can also affect the growth of other species growing nearby. Therefore, when combining, it is necessary to know the neighborly relations of aromatic and plant species. Some medicinal and aromatic plants can be used to produce botanical preparations that stimulate the growth and development of plants and strengthen their resistance (biofertilizers) or for control of diseases and pests (bioinsecticides)

    Kako povećati nutritivnu kakvoću koprive kontroliranom ishranom

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    Research background. As food production faces major challenges, modern agricultural practices are increasingly focused on conserving resources, reducing negative environmental impacts and sustainably producing food with a high content of health-promoting phytochemicals. During production, many factors can affect the quality and chemical composition of a final food product. Proper selection of cultivating conditions, especially a balanced nutrition, can significantly increase nutritional value and result in foods with strong biological and functional properties. Stinging nettle is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, pigments, phenols and other bioactive compounds and can be consumed as a green leafy vegetable with beneficial effects on human health. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity of stinging nettle leaves under the influence of different nutrient solution (NS) treatments and three harvest cycles. Experimental approach. The experiment was conducted in a floating hydroponic system in which treatments with different nutrient solutions were applied and three harvest cycles were carried out. After each harvest, the following treatments were applied: treatment 1 – depletion of nutrient solution by adding water, treatment 2 – supplementation of nutrient solution by adding initial nutrient solution and treatment 3 – correction of nutrient solution by adding nutrients. Among the bioactive compounds, minerals, ascorbic acid, phenols and photosynthetic pigments content, as well as antioxidant capacity were analysed spectrophotometrically, while individual phenols were determined by liquid chromatography. Results and conclusions. Different nutrition solution treatments and the number of harvest cycles had a significant effect on the content of the analysed bioactive compounds. The highest mass fraction (on fresh mass basis) of total phenols expressed as gallic acid equivalents (377.04 mg/100 g), total flavonoids expressed as catechol equivalents (279.54 mg/100 g), ascorbic acid (112.37 mg/100 g) and pigments (total chlorophylls 1.84, and total carotenoids 0.36 mg/g) as well as the highest antioxidant capacity expressed as Trolox equivalents (35.47 µmol/g) were recorded in the samples supplemented with nutrient solution (treatment NS2) and analysed after the third harvest. Novelty and scientific contribution. This is the first time that stinging nettle leaves have been produced in a floating hydroponic system by controlled plant nutrition. We have set this type of nutritional manipulation with multiple harvest cycles as an innovative technique for the production of novel food with improved nutritional value that can be consumed as green leafy vegetables.Pozadina istraživanja. Budući da se proizvodnja hrane suočava s velikim izazovima, suvremene poljoprivredne prakse sve su više usmjerene na očuvanje resursa, smanjenje negativnog učinka na okoliš i održivu proizvodnju hrane s velikim udjelom fitokemikalija koje pozitivno utječu na ljudsko zdravlje. Tijekom uzgoja, brojni čimbenici mogu utjecati na kakvoću i kemijski sastav konačnog proizvoda. Pravilnim odabirom uvjeta uzgoja, posebice uravnoteženom ishranom (gnojidbom), može se znatno povećati nutritivna kakvoća sirovine te pozitivno utjecati na njezina biološka i funkcionalna svojstva. Kopriva je bogat izvor mineralnih tvari, vitamina, pigmenata, fenola i drugih bioaktivnih spojeva, a može se konzumirati kao zeleno lisnato povrće blagotvornog učinka na zdravlje ljudi. Stoga je svrha ovog istraživanja bila odrediti nutritivnu kakvoću i antioksidacijski kapacitet lista koprive tretirane različitim hranjivim otopinama tijekom tri ciklusa berbe. Eksperimentalni pristup. Pokus je proveden u plutajućem hidroponskom sustavu u kojem su biljke tretirane različitim hranjivim otopinama tijekom tri ciklusa berbe. Korišteni su sljedeći postupci: tretman 1 – iscrpljivanje hranjive otopine vodom, tretman 2 – prihrana standardnom hranjivom otopinom i tretman 3 – korekcija sastava hranjive otopine dodatkom nutrijenata. Od bioaktivnih spojeva ispitani su maseni udjeli mineralnih tvari, askorbinske kiseline, ukupnih fenola i fotosintetskih pigmenata, te je utvrđen antioksidacijski kapacitet pomoću spektrofotometrije, dok su udjeli pojedinih fenola određeni tekućinskom kromatografijom. Rezultati i zaključci. Različiti tretmani hranjivim otopinama i broj ciklusa berbe bitno su utjecali na udjele ispitanih bioaktivnih spojeva u listu koprive. Najveći udjel (u svježoj masi lista) ukupnih fenola izražen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline (377,04 mg/100 g), ukupnih flavonoida izražen kao ekvivalent katehola (279,54 mg/100 g), askorbinske kiseline (112,37 mg/100 g) i pigmenata (ukupni klorofili 1,84, ukupni karotenoidi 0,36 mg/g), te najveći antioksidacijski kapacitet izražen kao ekvivalent Troloxa (35,47 µmol/g) zabilježeni su u uzorcima prihranjenim standardnom hranjivom otopinom, ispitanim nakon treće berbe. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Kopriva je prvi put uzgojena u plutajućem hidroponskom sustavu s kontroliranom ishranom biljaka. Ovaj način uzgoja uz višestruke cikluse berbe je postavljen kao inovativna tehnika proizvodnje nove hrane, poboljšane nutritivne vrijednosti, koja se može konzumirati kao zeleno lisnato povrće

    Microgreens as a functional food

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    Među funkcionalnim namirnicama posljednjih godina često se ističu microgreens različitog povrća, aromatičnog bilja i žitarica kao izvor polifenola, vitamina i minerala, koji pokazuju pozitivan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Microgreens se konzumiraju u fazi kotiledona i nepotpuno razvijenih prvih pravih listova u svježem stanju pa ne dolazi do gubitka hranjivih tvari tijekom obrade. Nutricionisti preporučuju konzumaciju microgreensa zbog veće količine vitamina i minerala, odnosno, manje količine nitrata u odnosu na potpuno razvijene biljke. U radu je, na temelju pregleda literature, prikazan izbor vrsta, nutritivna vrijednost, tehnologija uzgoja i upotreba microgreensa.Among functional foods, microgreens of different vegetables, aromatic herbs and grains are highlighted as a source of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Their consummation has a positive effect on human health. Microgreens are consumed raw, in the cotyledon phase with not fully developed first real leaves, therefore there is no nutrient loss during thermal processing. Nutritionists recommend the microgreens due to a higher content of vitamins and minerals, i.e. lower content of nitrates, compared to mature plants. This paper provides an overview about the selection of species, nutritional value, production technology and use of microgreens according to the recent studies

    Carrot root magnesium content on market of City of Zagreb

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    Mrkva predstavlja jednu od deset najvažnijih povrtnih kultura u svijetu. Korijen mrkve izrazito je hranjiv i bogat mineralima, pozitivno utječe na vid jer je bogat vitaminom A i beta karotenom. Magnezij je mineral koji pripada skupini makroelemenata i važan je za biljku jer je sastavni dio molekule klorofila. Nedostatak u biljci uzrokuje intervenoznu klorozu lista i žutu pjegavost. U ljudskom organizmu ima najvažniju ulogu kao regulator metabolizma kalcija i fosfora u kostima i za pravilan rad srca. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi količinu magnezija u narančasto obojenom korijenu mrkve te usporediti rezultate analiziranih uzoraka obzirom na mjesto kupnje. Uzorkovanje narančastog korijena mrkve provedeno je u gradu Zagrebu u 5 poslovnica trgovačkih lanaca, 5 tržnica i u 5 trgovina ekološkim proizvodima. Magnezij je nakon digestije koncentriranom HNO3 i HClO4 u mikrovalnoj peći određen atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom. Količine magnezija narančasto obojenog korijena mrkve iznosile su od 0,07 do 0,21% Mg ST, odnosno od 5,73 do 24,33 mg Mg 100 g-1 svježe tvari. Prosječno je najviše Mg utvrđeno u mrkvi iz trgovačkih lanaca.Carrot represents one of ten most important vegetable species. Carrot root is very nutritious and rich in minerals. It positively affects on vision because it is rich with vitamin A and beta caroten. Magnesium is a mineral which belongs to a group of macroelements and is important for the plant as it is the component part of the chlorophyll molecule. Lack of magnesium causes interveinal leaf chlorosis and yellow sprinkles. In human organism it has important role as calcium and phosporus regulator in bones and for proper heart functioning. Aim of this research was to determine magnesium content in orange-colored carrot root and to compare the results from the analyzed samples regards to the place of purchase. Sampling of orange carrot root in city of Zagreb was performed in 5 market chain branches, 5 market places and in 5 stores with ecological products. Magnesium was determined by atomic apsortpion spectrofotometry (AAS) after digestion with HNO3 and HClO4 in microwave oven. Magnesium content of orange colored carrot roots ranged from 0.07 to 0.21% Mg DM or from 5.73 to 24.33 mg Mg 100 g-1 fresh matter. Average the highest Mg content was determined in carrots from chain stores

    Iron content in celeriac on the Zagreb market

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    Celer je povrće s malom kalorijskom vrijednosti i razmjerno malo vitamina no s brojnim zdravstvenim vrijednostima. Željezo je esencijalni element za biljke i za čovjeka zbog čega je nužno zadovoljiti potrebe njegovog dnevnog unosa oko 8-20 mg/dan. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi količine željeza u korijenu celera korjenaša s obzirom na konvencionalni ili ekološki način poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Uzorci su prikupljeni u gradu Zagrebu u trgovačkim lancima, trgovinama ekološkim proizvodima i tržnici. Nakon razgradnje s koncentriranom HNO3 i HClO4 željezo je određeno pomoću AAS (atomskog apsorpcijskog spektrofotometra). Statistička obrada podataka provedena je prema metodi analize varijance (ANOVA). Količina željeza u suhoj tvari korijena celera korjenaša kretala se od 39,68 do 68,11 mg Fe/kg ST, odnosno od 0,44 do 0,71 mg Fe/100 g svježe tvari.Celery is a vegetable with low calories and low content of vitamins, but has many good benefits on health. Iron is an essential microelement for plants and for humans too. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) uptake of 8-20 mg/day. The goal of present research was to determine the celeriac iron content regarding conventional and ecological agricultural production. Samples were taken in city of Zagreb in chain stores, stores with organic products and markets. After digestion with concentrated HNO3 and HClO4, iron was determined by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy). Statistical data analysis was performed using Analysis of variance method (ANOVA). Iron celeriac content ranged from 39.68 to 68.11 mg Fe/kg DW, and from 0.44 to 0.71 mg Fe/100 g fresh weight


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    Mrkva je povrtna kultura iz porodice štitarki i izrazito je bitna u ljudskoj prehrani zbog nutritivnog sastava njezinog korijena. Minerali zastupljeni u korijenu su kalij, kalcij, željezo, fosfor i jod. Kalcij je makroelement koji u biljkama ima brojne fiziološke uloge i nalazi se u brojnim staničnim organelama: mitohondriju, kloroplastima i ribosomima. Važnost kalcija u tlu odražava se kroz utjecaj na pH tla, utječe na raspoloživost pojedinih elemenata i ima ulogu u održavanju strukture tla. Kalcij se u ljudskom organizmu najvećim dijelom nalazi u strukturi kostiju i zuba. Sudjeluje u raznim fiziološkim procesima: u kontrakciji mišićnih vlakana, prijenosu živčanih impulsa, kontroli krvnog tlaka, sprječava razvoj osteoporoze u starijoj dobi i razvoj rahitisa kod djece zajedno s vitaminom D. Potrošači nemaju mogućnost uvida u stvarni mineralni sastav povrća prilikom kupnje te je provedeno istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja količine kalcija u narančasto obojenom korijenu mrkve kao i usporedba rezultata s obzirom na mjesto kupnje. Uzorkovanje mrkve provodilo se na 15 prodajnih mjesta u gradu Zagrebu: 5 trgovačkih lanaca, 5 tržnica i 5 trgovina ekološkim proizvodima. Kalcij je nakon digestije koncentriranom HNO3 i HClO4 u mikrovalnoj peći određen atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom. Količina kalcija kretala se u rasponu od 0,25% do 0,57% Ca u suhoj tvari, odnosno od 22,02 do 63,35 mg Ca 100 g-1 svježe tvari. Općenito, najveće vrijednosti kalcija utvrđene su u uzorcima korijena mrkve iz trgovačkih lanaca (0,41% Ca u suhoj tvari, odnosno 41,31 mg Ca 100 g-1 svježe tvari).Carrot is a vegetable from the Apiaceae family. Carrot is of high importance in human diet because of its root\u27s nutritive composition. Potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine are minerals that can be found in carrot. Calcium is a widely spread element and has many physiological roles in plants and is also found in cellular organelles: mitochondria, chloroplasts and ribosomes. Calcium is an important soil constituent because it affects its pH value, availability of some elements and has an important role in maintaining the soil structure. In human organism, calcium is mainly found in structure of bones and teeth. It participates in several physiological processes: muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulse, blood pressure control and it also prevents osteoporosis in elderly people and rickets in children along with vitamin D. Often, consumers do not know what they are buying, and research has been carried out to determine the amount of calcium in the orange colored carrot root and compare the results with regard to the place of purchase. Carrot sampling was conducted on 15 selling spots in Zagreb: 5 market chain branches, 5 market places and in 5 stores with ecological products. After digestion of concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 in a microwave oven, calcium was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The amount of calcium ranged from 0.25% to 0.57% Ca in dry matter, ie 22.02 to 63.35 mg Ca 100 g-1 in fresh matter. In general, the highest calcium values were found in carrot root samples (0,41% Ca in dry matter and 41,31 mg Ca 100 g-1 in fresh matter)

    Phosphorus content in celeriac on the market of Zagreb

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    Celer je povrće koje se odlikuje visokom nutritivnom i zdravstvenom vrijednosti. Fosfor je u ljudskom organizmu od iznimne važnosti za žuč, bubrege i probavu. Dnevna potreba u ljudskoj ishrani za fosforom kod odraslog čovjeka iznosi 700 mg. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi količine fosfora u korijenu celera korjenaša prikupljenom na tržištu grada Zagreba. Uzorkovanje je provedeno 2016. na dvije tržnice, u dva trgovačka lanca i u dvije trgovine ekološkim proizvodima. Uzorci su sušeni na 105 °C do konstantne mase nakon čega su mljeveni i homogenizirani. Nakon razgradnje s HNO3 i HClO4 fosfor je određen spektrofotometrijski. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su znatno variranje u količini fosfora u korijenu celera, u suhoj tvari od 0,50 do 0,93% P, a u svježoj tvari od 67 do 90 mg P/100 g svježe tvari, ovisno o prodajnom kanalu. Konzumacijom 100 g celera iz ovog istraživanja može se podmiriti od 9,8 do čak 12,8%. dnevnih potreba za fosforom.Celeriac is a vegetable of high nutrititve and health value. In human body, phosphorus is very imoprtant for bile, kidneys and digestion. The daily requirement in human nutrition for an adult is 700 mg of phosphorus. The aim of this research was to determine the phosphorus content of celeriac sampled on the market of Zagreb. Celeriac sampling was carried out in 2016 on 2 markets, in 2 market chains and in 2 stores with organic products. The samples were dried at 105 °C to a constant mass, after which were ground and homogenized. After digestion with HNO3 and HClO4 phosphorus was determined spectrophotometrically. The results of the research showed a significant variation in celeriac phosphorous content, in the dry weight from 0.50 to 0.93% P, and in the fresh weight from 67 to 90 mg P/100 g. By consuming 100 g of celeriac from this study 9.8 to 12.8% daily phosphorus needs can be satisfied

    Release of Trichoderma viride Spores from Microcapsules Simultaneously Loaded with Chemical and Biological Agents

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    Recent studies of bioactive agents, simultaneous encapsulation in chitosan/alginate microcapsules revealed that encapsulation in the same compartment does not inhibit activity either of Trichoderma viride spores nor copper cations. The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of formulation variables (concentration of copper cations, chitosan layer and microcapsule size) on T. viride spores release. Results showed that the increase in copper cation concentration promoted, but the increase in microcapsule size and presence of the chitosan layer on microcapsule surface reduced T. viride spores release. Fitting to simple Korsmeyer–Peppas empirical model elucidated the underlying mechanism of release. Fickian diffusion controlled release from microcapsules without chitosan layer and smaller microcapsules with chitosan layer, whereas anomalous diffusion mechanism (a combination of the diffusion and erosion mechanisms) was found to be the rate-controlling mechanism from larger microcapsules with chitosan layer. The investigation showed that proper selection of formulation variables helps in designing microcapsules with the desirable release of T. viride for plant protection and nutrition

    Sadržaj bioaktivnih spojeva i nutritivni potencijal različitih dijelova peršina (Petroselinum crispum Mill.)

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    Parsley highlights among other vegetables for high vitamin C content. It also contains minerals, essential oils, pigments, polyphenols and other compounds from the group of biologically active compounds characterized by high antioxidant activity. Parsley is cultivated and consumed for its leaves and roots with the three most common types: Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum (turnip-rooted) and Petroselinum crispum ssp. crispum (curly-leaf), Petroselinum crispum ssp. neapolitanum (plain-leaf). The aim of this research was to determine the chemical differences and content of bioactive compounds in 6 parsley cultivars: \u27Arat\u27, \u27Eagle\u27, \u27Halblange\u27, \u27Rialto\u27, \u27Mooskrause\u27 and \u27Petra\u27. Also, to determine the differences in nutritional composition between different parsley plant parts: leaf, stem and root. The highest vitamin C content in leaves (162.09 mg/100 g FW) was determined in cv. \u27Rialto\u27. Root cultivars of Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum (cv. \u27Halblange\u27) had higher vitamin C content. The highest total phenol content (425.76 mg GAE/100 g FW) was determined in leaves of cv. \u27Arat\u27. The highest total chlorophyll content was determined in leaves in cv. \u27Mooskrause\u27, while the lowest in cv. \u27Arat\u27. Average total chlorophyll content values in leaves of Petroselinum crispum ssp. neapolitanum and Petroselinum crispum ssp. crispum cultivars (0.69 mg/g) not differ from the average total chlorophyll content values of Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum cultivars (0.69 mg/g). All parsley cultivars show high antioxidant capacity due to significant amounts of bioactive compounds such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, phenols, flavonoids, non-flavonoids and vitamin C.Peršin se od ostalih povrtnih vrsta ističe visokim sadržajem vitamina C. Sadrži minerale, esencijalna ulja, pigmente, polifenole i ostale iz skupine biološki aktivnih spojeva karakterističnih po tome što ispoljavaju visoku antioksidacijsku aktivnost. Peršin se uzgaja i konzumira zbog lisnih plojki i korijena, a najčešća su tri tipa: Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum i Petroselinum crispum ssp. crispum (peršin kovrčavih liski), Petroselinum crispum ssp. neapolitanum (peršin glatkih liski). Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi razlike u kemijskom sastavu i sadržaju bioaktivnih spojeva 6 kultivara peršina: \u27Arat\u27, \u27Eagle\u27, \u27Halblange\u27, \u27Rialto\u27, \u27Mooskrause\u27 i \u27Petra\u27. Također, utvrditi razlike u nutritivnom sastavu različitih dijelova biljke: lisna plojka, stabljika, korijen. Najveći sadržaj vitamina C u listu (162,09 mg/100 g FW) utvrđen je za kultivar \u27Rialto\u27. U korijenu, kultivari Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum (\u27Halblange\u27) imali su veće vrijednosti vitamina C. Najveći sadržaj ukupnih fenola (425,76 mg GAE/100 g FW) utvrđen je u listu kultivara \u27Arat\u27. Najviši sadržaj ukupnih klorofila utvršen je u listu kultivara \u27Mooskrause\u27, dok je najniži utvrđen kod kultivara \u27Arat\u27. Prosječne vrijednosti ukupnih klorofila u listu Petroselinum crispum ssp. neapolitanum i Petroselinum crispum ssp. crispum cultivars (0,69 mg/g) ne razlikuju se od proječne vrijednosti Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum kultivara (0,69 mg/g). Svi istraživani kultivari peršina pokazali su visok antioksidacijski kapacitet uslijed značajnog sadržaja bioaktivnih spojeva poput klorofila, karotenoida, fenola, flavonoida, neflavonoida i vitamina C