11 research outputs found

    Conversation in service encounters : Verbal interaction between shop assistants and customers

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    The subject of this study is language use in a special type of social activity: the exchange of goods, services and information in a commercial setting. The main aim is to gain an understanding of the work that shop assistants perform using language. In the analysis, the focus is on verbal routine work. One part of the analysis thus entails mapping the typical utterances and conversational sequences related to such activities. Another part involves investigating how much non-task-oriented interaction the various activities require or “tolerate”, for instance, in the form of “small talk”. A central theme in the study is the interactants’ conversational rights and obligations, from the perspective of politeness theory, especially Fraser’s theory of the conversational contract. The service encounters are categorised as activity types, according to Levinson’s activity theory. In the comparative parts of the study, the concept of pragmeme is used as a tool to examine different realisations of prototypical situated communicative acts. The empirical material consists of authentic conversations, analysed by methods borrowed from conversation analysis. The conversations were recorded at a supermarket checkout till, a deli counter with manual service and an information desk in a bookshop. It turned out that only a few of the customer conversations were without complications. At the supermarket till, for instance, only one out of four conversations was completely routine and unproblematic. Also presented is a diachronic investigation of the norms relating to service encounters that have been taking place in shops since the 1940s. The main sources here are manuals and study materials for shop employees, together with interviews and material gathered from role playing. In this part of the study, a number of features in the historical change process are described, for instance in the manner of addressing people and the use of politeness expressions

    Att ge eller inte ge Ă„terkoppling : moldavisk callcenterpersonal i dialog med svenska uppringare

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    En följd av globaliseringen Ă€r att allt fler mĂ€nniskor kommunicerar pĂ„ ett annat sprĂ„k Ă€n de normalt anvĂ€nder i sin vardag. Med exempel frĂ„n telefonsamtal mottagna vid ett utlokaliserat callcenter i Moldavien vill vi belysa en sĂ€rskild utmaning för operatörerna, som har ett frĂ€mmande sprĂ„k – svenska – som sitt arbetssprĂ„k. Med samtalsanalys av frĂ„ga-svarssekvenser analyseras i denna studie hur operatörerna ger Ă„terkoppling pĂ„ den information de begĂ€r frĂ„n uppringarna i sĂ„ kallade tredjedrag. Uppringarna Ă€r personer i Sverige som beviljats fĂ€rdtjĂ€nst pĂ„ grund av funktionsnedsĂ€ttning. Att Ă„terkoppling Ă€r minimal eller utelĂ€mnas helt Ă€r ett vanligt mönster i fĂ€rdtjĂ€nstsamtal, men att en kvittering uteblir leder i vissa fall till att den tillfrĂ„gade blir osĂ€ker och tror att svaret behöver upprepas eller förtydligas. En förklaring till att tredjedrag utelĂ€mnas Ă€r strĂ€van efter effektivitet. I denna artikel diskuteras otillrĂ€cklig interaktionell kompetens hos operatörerna, och skillnader i lokala samtalskulturer, som nĂ„gra andra tĂ€nkbara förklaringar.A consequence of globalization is that more and more people communicate in a language other than the one they normally use in their everyday lives. By focusing on examples of phone calls received at an outsourced call centre in Moldova, we want to highlight a particular challenge for the telephone operators, who have a foreign language – Swedish – as their working language. The question-answer sequences analysed in this study show how the operators provide feedback on the information requested by callers in a so-called third turn. The callers are people in Sweden who have been granted transportation service on account of disability. Feedback being minimal or completely omitted is a common pattern in transportation service calls, but in some cases the lack of feedback leads to that the respondent feels insecure, thinking the answer needs to be repeated or clarified. One explanation for the omitted third turn is the drive for efficiency.  Some other possible explanations discussed in this article are insufficient communication skills among operators and differences in local conversation cultures.

    Att ge eller inte ge Ă„terkoppling : moldavisk callcenterpersonal i dialog med svenska uppringare

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    En följd av globaliseringen Ă€r att allt fler mĂ€nniskor kommunicerar pĂ„ ett annat sprĂ„k Ă€n de normalt anvĂ€nder i sin vardag. Med exempel frĂ„n telefonsamtal mottagna vid ett utlokaliserat callcenter i Moldavien vill vi belysa en sĂ€rskild utmaning för operatörerna, som har ett frĂ€mmande sprĂ„k – svenska – som sitt arbetssprĂ„k. Med samtalsanalys av frĂ„ga-svarssekvenser analyseras i denna studie hur operatörerna ger Ă„terkoppling pĂ„ den information de begĂ€r frĂ„n uppringarna i sĂ„ kallade tredjedrag. Uppringarna Ă€r personer i Sverige som beviljats fĂ€rdtjĂ€nst pĂ„ grund av funktionsnedsĂ€ttning. Att Ă„terkoppling Ă€r minimal eller utelĂ€mnas helt Ă€r ett vanligt mönster i fĂ€rdtjĂ€nstsamtal, men att en kvittering uteblir leder i vissa fall till att den tillfrĂ„gade blir osĂ€ker och tror att svaret behöver upprepas eller förtydligas. En förklaring till att tredjedrag utelĂ€mnas Ă€r strĂ€van efter effektivitet. I denna artikel diskuteras otillrĂ€cklig interaktionell kompetens hos operatörerna, och skillnader i lokala samtalskulturer, som nĂ„gra andra tĂ€nkbara förklaringar.A consequence of globalization is that more and more people communicate in a language other than the one they normally use in their everyday lives. By focusing on examples of phone calls received at an outsourced call centre in Moldova, we want to highlight a particular challenge for the telephone operators, who have a foreign language – Swedish – as their working language. The question-answer sequences analysed in this study show how the operators provide feedback on the information requested by callers in a so-called third turn. The callers are people in Sweden who have been granted transportation service on account of disability. Feedback being minimal or completely omitted is a common pattern in transportation service calls, but in some cases the lack of feedback leads to that the respondent feels insecure, thinking the answer needs to be repeated or clarified. One explanation for the omitted third turn is the drive for efficiency.  Some other possible explanations discussed in this article are insufficient communication skills among operators and differences in local conversation cultures.

    ”Va du pratar bra svenska” : vĂ€rderingar i fĂ€rdtjĂ€nstsamtal till Moldavien

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    Reviderad upplaga av proceeding 2014.</p

    Samma arbete, nytt sprÄk : byte av arbetssprÄk för lÀkare med utlÀndsk bakgrund

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    De flesta svenska landsting rekryterar aktivt lĂ€kare, framför allt specialister, i andra lĂ€nder. Hela 58 procent av de lĂ€kare som fick sin svenska lĂ€karlegitimation 2014 var utbildade i ett annat land. VĂ„rt forskningsprojekt berör lĂ€kare som rekryterats frĂ„n Öst-och Sydeuropa och som fĂ„r intensivutbildning i svenska i Polen, innan de börjar sina anstĂ€llningar i Sverige.  Det övergripande syftet med projektet Ă€r att undersöka hur en yrkesrelaterad sprĂ„kutbildning som Ă€ger rum utanför mĂ„lsprĂ„ksmiljön förbereder deltagarna för mötet med svenskt arbetsliv. Inledningsvis har vi undersökt utbildningen pĂ„ plats i Polen vid tre tillfĂ€llen för att fĂ„ svar pĂ„ frĂ„gor som hur sprĂ„kutbildningen förbereder för arbetet pĂ„ ett nytt arbetssprĂ„k och vilka kommunikativa fĂ€rdigheter som trĂ€nas. Senare, efter att lĂ€karna pĂ„börjat sina anstĂ€llningar i Sverige, kommer vi att undersöka hur vĂ€l förberedda de Ă€r inför de kommunikativa utmaningar de stĂ€lls inför i mötet med den svenska sjukvĂ„rden.   I denna delstudie fokuserar vi pĂ„ lĂ€karnas förvĂ€ntningar om sitt arbetsliv i Sverige och deras förestĂ€llningar om vad bytet av arbetssprĂ„k kan innebĂ€ra. Vi intresserar oss för hur deras tidigare erfarenheter frĂ„n arbete som lĂ€kare kan överföras till den nya kontexten och hur deras erfarenheter kan tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ ett nytt sprĂ„k. Materialet bestĂ„r av intervjuer och fokusgruppssamtal som genomförts med lĂ€karna i slutet av deras sprĂ„kutbildning, dĂ€r de utbyter tankar om lĂ€karens samtalskompetens (interaktionskompetens) och hur sĂ„dan utvecklas. Visst material frĂ„n intervjuer med lĂ€kare som hunnit pĂ„börja sitt arbete i Sverige ingĂ„r ocksĂ„

    Methods for studying migrant doctors’ transition to a new language

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    Based on a three-year long research project, with a focus on medical doctors’ second language acquisition, the aim of the article is to problematise methodological issues in the process of collecting data. The model for data collection is a combination of participant observation and staged activities that provide opportunities for doctors to speak Swedish in a professional role and reflect on their language learning process. Data has been collected during visits to a medical Swedish language course in Poland and consists of role plays, interviews and focus group discussions. A second part of the data collection consists of recordings of some of the doctor’s real occurring interaction at work in the Swedish context